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DLT's SR Locos - Beattie WT Westward Kit


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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Graham, the loco is going to be in Bullied black with sunshine lettering, so I guess should include the plates.

Thanks for all the comments Guys.



IIRC Bullied removed the number plates in faviour of painted numbers in the Sunshine style, Thus they should not be present with Sunshine lettering. Also being relativley new engines I imagine they would be quite a way down the queue for overhaul / repainting

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  • RMweb Gold



Yes the Groups are a new feature of the forum and helps to collate relevant content together. The Southern Railway Group can be found here





Phil-b259 above is correct that the plates were removed from locos when repainted into the Bulleid style as he prefered painted numbers on cabsides rather then on the tanks or tenders.

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  • RMweb Premium

Phil-b259 above is correct that the plates were removed from locos when repainted into the Bulleid style as he prefered painted numbers on cabsides rather then on the tanks or tenders.

Right thanks very much, the penny has dropped. I've not seen a photo of them in sunshine lettering; only in Maunsell or BR appearance.

So I won't need the numberplates. Good, thats one less thing to worry about!


Many thanks Guys,


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  • RMweb Premium

Attention has at last turned to the front end detail, the locomotive's signature.

The main job here was a rivited bufferbeam; the kit supplying only a blank lump of whitermetal with rather dodgy looking cast buffers.

With the loco came a set of Markits/Romford turned brass buffers, and they needed a decent beam. The more I use the GW Models riviting machine, the more I like it, and actual production of the rivited piece becomes very quick. You need to spend a bit more time thinking about it beforehand and working out relative distances and spacing, but its time well spent.


The other peice of brass fits between the frames below the smokebox door. Here the casting didnt fit very well and left gaps, so this bit was cut to fit, and the valve rod covers were solderd in using bis of 1.6mm brass rod with the ends rounded off. The sticky-out corners will be trimmed to length once its fitted.






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  • RMweb Premium

Starting to fit the various detail bits now, reshaped the frames, and the front end is looking a lot better. I had hoped to solder just about everything, but in the end I have had to use Araldite in certain areas.

Some of the detail on the castings, particularly the smokebox door hinges, were casualties during the reshaping of the smokebox; so they have been replaced in brass.

Lampirons are bits of leftover etch from previous kits. They are probably a bit overscale, but they look bertter than none at all!

Next job is the steam reverser; the kit includes the appropriate castings, but the pipework is left up to the builder.







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Some of the boiler pipework and handrails. All will be blackened before fitting.

The bits attached to the odd shaped bracket are the control apparatus for the steam reverser. The bracket fits behind the reversersing cylinders above the footplate. All the drawings I've seen have tended to gloss over the precise detail of this gadget, so I've had to work it out from some good largescale photographs in various books.




By the way, the whistle looks to be a complicated assembly on this loco, does anyone know if theres a casting available for it?

Many thanks,


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  • RMweb Premium

Has anyone yet said silk purse out of sow's ear? Not that the SEF Q is the latter of course and I quite like the chunky 'simplicity' of the SEF Kits.

Love the pipe work and bits.

Try the SEMG/SRG Forum Group for whistle guff.

P @ 36E

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If Bulleid lettering is the choice, why not use the Lemaitre as supplied with the kit? I am normally wrong but as the valve on the smokebox were removed, Lemaitre's were fitted to most Q's.



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  • RMweb Premium


If Bulleid lettering is the choice, why not use the Lemaitre as supplied with the kit? I am normally wrong but as the valve on the smokebox were removed, Lemaitre's were fitted to most Q's.


Thanks Tim,

The choice of chimney isnt fixed yet, it was just perched there for the photos.

Cheers, Dave.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Sorry for the recent lack of updates, but things are progressing.

The Q is painted and about to be lettered, following this will be weathering and final assembly of the pipework etc.

I've had to do a few little tweaks to the chassis, like adjusting the gearbox mesh and the pressure on the pickups, and it runs beautifully.

Trying to locate a new chimney; Three were supplied with the kit, the original Maunsell and the later stovepipe are fine, but the one we want to use, the Lamaitre, is much too big. The body should be about 7.5mm diameter, but this was nearly 10. It looked like a bathtub on topof the smokebox!

Hoping to get a PDK version, they do a very nice brass one for their Q kit.



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I havent added anything here for a while, but this does NOT mean that work on the Q has come to a grinding halt.

Still awaiting a chimney and looking a little peculiar therefore; the painting and lettering are done and weathering is up next, followed by final assembly and adding all the detail.


The front end might look a tad too long, but thats because the boiler barrel is a tad too short (theres nothing I can do about this). The boiler assembly isnt fixed in place yet, so I might add a spacer between the firebox and cab front. This would have he effect of moving the smokebox forward a little, improving the front end proportions.








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Apart from the fact that it still doesnt have a chimney, the Q is finished. Theres a very nice turned brass chimney on its way from PDK Models, and once its fitted I'll post some final photos.


As I mentioned earlier, I mounted the boiler about 1mm further forward, giving a definite improvement to the front end appearance.


The steam reverser gear looks most effective and I'm glad I persevered with reproducing it. Getting it all lined up was a bit of a task.




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  • RMweb Premium

With the eventual fitting of an excellent turned-brass chimney from PDK Models, the Q is finished at last (unless you can spot anything I've missed) So here are some photos of the completed beast.




















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HI Dave

That is a smashing bit of work you have done their ,the pipe work looks spot on !, the only thing i can see that look like it's not finished is the inside of the cab? or it could be my eyes playing me up from having to thread on 1000's of chairs! :O

I may ask you to do me a PDK Black motor 700!

All the best


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  • RMweb Premium

That is a smashing bit of work you have done their ,the pipe work looks spot on !, the only thing i can see that look like it's not finished is the inside of the cab? or it could be my eyes playing me up from having to thread on 1000's of chairs! :O

All the best Darren

Thanks Darren, you're quite right about the cab, its not your eyes! The kit originally had no cab detail as the cab would have been full of the Hornby/Wrenn motor. There was no floor, the only thing holding the two sides of the cab together was the roof! Its a bit more sturdy now as I've added a solid floor. The model came to me with a backhead which I've attached to a false floor so that the assembly can slide out for detailing/painting. The model's owner is going to finish the cab and fit a driver and fireman.



looks great, smahing job. Definately worth moving the boiler forwards as the front end now looks much better. Proper job!

Thanks very much, I'm not sure why I didnt notice this earlier. There was nothing I could do about lengthening the boiler barrel without a major rebuild



A fine collection of southern locomotives, expertly built and finished, well done..

Thanks very much, I wish they were mine!


All the best,


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  • RMweb Premium

Stunning work! Looks brilliant!

Excellent Dave! Nice subtle weathering!

What's next ? A 700 for Darren ?


Thanks Guys,

I would be very happy to supply a loco for the Torrington line at some stage, I doubt if I could finish one before Darren finishes the layout though....




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