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DLT's SR Locos - Beattie WT Westward Kit


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Current task is finishing Jack Benson's DJH 0395 class.  Then less said about the kit the better, but what has been done so far is a very nice joint effort by Jack and Captain Kernow.

My job is to finish the detailing and paint it as 30581.  Here it is with boiler-top injector pipework and handrails added:



Still various bits to add.

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The cab interior was started by Jack, with a brass sheet cab floor and splashers, and a cast brass backhead from Caley Models.  I have so far added various details from Brassmasters, and a home made Adams-style regulator and reverser.





The long brass rods stickingh into the cab are the handrails not cut to length yet, and the roof isn't fixed.

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A few front-end details added, lamp-irons in particular.




Apologies for slow progress with this one, getting back on track now.

Cheers, Dave.

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3 hours ago, RAY NORWOOD said:

I did the same on my M7 roof, but I used 1mm L shape brass and 1mm T. That was a bit fiddly because of the size.  

 Just looked at your M7 Ray, and your roof looks a lot finer than mine.  Are you sure yours was 1 x 1mm "L" ?  It looks smaller than that.

Just looked on  Eileens, and they sell .8 x .8 and .5 x .5 mm Angle.  I should have got some of the smaller stuff, rather than using what I had in my box.

Cheers, Dave.

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Guest Jack Benson


As the silent partner in this build, I must add my appreciation of Dave's work. The DJH kit is a bit of a curate's egg that has morphed into a rather lovely swan.  

It will be seen trundling around in some very good company on Beaminster Road.


Thanks to both Dave, Tim and everyone who contributed to both this and the D15.


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1 hour ago, Jack Benson said:


As the silent partner in this build, I must add my appreciation of Dave's work. The DJH kit is a bit of a curate's egg that has morphed into a rather lovely swan.  

It will be seen trundling around in some very good company on Beaminster Road.


Thanks to both Dave, Tim and everyone who contributed to both this and the D15.



But does the roof look ok?

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Guest Jack Benson

Hi Dave,


Even Linda thought it looked ‘nice’ when I shared the iPad this morning, she also added that it would be shame to cover all that lovely gold with paint.......


The little Adams does look superb and it will a credit to everyone, thank you.



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On 22/06/2011 at 17:45, DLT said:

I had hoped to be able to do the work without dismantling the body, but with handling it started coming apart anyway, so I decided the best thing to do was take it to bits and start again.

The Q has a footplate that steps inwards about halfway along. This is correctly represented in the footplate casting, but they are the full width again at the front end. So if assembled as they are, the footplate splays outwards towards the front.




I made up my usual cradle from plywood to support the loco and keep the footplate flat and true during assembly.

I filed a bit out of the middle of the footplate castings to bring them in to the correct width, you can see the overwided bufferbeam casting in the photos.






The chassis is an etched & compensated beauty, all I've done to it is fit my usual springy wired to the contacts, to support the rear of the motor.








Hi Dave, apologies for going back to an old topic but I've just got my Q class kit out and I always check out your loco builds as I always find them helpful and inspiring. With the Q a couple of questions come to mind. 

Is the etched chassis the generic one SEF produced to replace the Triang/Hornby chassis (FC106) or is it a new one with correct wheel spacing? (Is that FC202?)

Also I noticed you don't mention filling that gap in the bottom of the boiler or cab details so I was wondering what you did about them?

I hope you don't mind me asking, especially as it's so long ago.

Stay safe and best regards,

Phil B.

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Hi Phil, good to hear from you.


You've got me thinking now, the Q was quite a long time ago.  I can safely tell you that I didn't have any involvement in the chassis, as it came to me finished and running.  So I've no idea which one it is, and I certainly didn't check the wheelbase!

The boiler was a bit of a mess. with large holes drilled in it for splitpin handrail knobs.  I was also supplied with a pair of replacement boiler castings, and I used them instead.  One of the old boiler sides was then used to make the underside, cut and filed to fit the massive hole and soldered in.  I don't know why I missed that bit off the description.

I didn't do much to the cab apart from fixing the two sides together with a solid floor!  As it was intended to fit on a Hornby chassis, the cab would have been full of motor and chassis block, and the only thing holding the rear of the loco body together was the cab roof. 

The owner was going to detail the cab interior.  I was supplied with a generic backhead casting and all I did was fix this to a false floor, so that the whole thing could slide in and out.  This makes cab detailing a lot easier, making it up as a sub-assembly on the bench rather than trying to do it in situ.


That all sounds like it isn't a lot of help, but I hope it goes some way towards answering your questions.

All the best, Dave.


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On 18/01/2021 at 01:57, DLT said:

Here's a selection of hurriedly done photos.

The loco is pretty much finished, although looking at these pictures I have spotted a few areas that need remedial attention.






A general impression of cab interior and boiler backhead has been fabricated.  Nobody seems to produce a decent Drummond backhead as an accessory.










Fantastic resurrection of the D15, but the livery bothers me.

In the prototype photos 30466 clearly carries Bulleid style cabside numerals, yet you have used BR Gill Sans style. Did you not have any SR ones available?





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Guest Jack Benson
1 hour ago, mattingleycustom said:

Fantastic resurrection of the D15, but the livery bothers me.

In the prototype photos 30466 clearly carries Bulleid style cabside numerals, yet you have used BR Gill Sans style. Did you not have any SR ones available?







Can you upload these images?


Thank you

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6 hours ago, DLT said:

Hi Phil, good to hear from you.


You've got me thinking now, the Q was quite a long time ago.  I can safely tell you that I didn't have any involvement in the chassis, as it came to me finished and running.  So I've no idea which one it is, and I certainly didn't check the wheelbase!

The boiler was a bit of a mess. with large holes drilled in it for splitpin handrail knobs.  I was also supplied with a pair of replacement boiler castings, and I used them instead.  One of the old boiler sides was then used to make the underside, cut and filed to fit the massive hole and soldered in.  I don't know why I missed that bit off the description.

I didn't do much to the cab apart from fixing the two sides together with a solid floor!  As it was intended to fit on a Hornby chassis, the cab would have been full of motor and chassis block, and the only thing holding the rear of the loco body together was the cab roof. 

The owner was going to detail the cab interior.  I was supplied with a generic backhead casting and all I did was fix this to a false floor, so that the whole thing could slide in and out.  This makes cab detailing a lot easier, making it up as a sub-assembly on the bench rather than trying to do it in situ.


That all sounds like it isn't a lot of help, but I hope it goes some way towards answering your questions.

All the best, Dave.


Hi Dave,

Thanks, it is a help because you've stopped me wondering what you did. You come up with good ideas and ways of doing things - like the removable cab interior - and that inspires me find my own solutions. 

Keep it up.

All the best, Phil B.

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Dave, that 0395 is turning into a real work of art.


The more I look at the one i've got, the more I want to scratchbuild replacement parts for it. Brassmasters have a nice Finney tender that could go behind it - one day maybe!

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On 14/03/2021 at 12:19, mattingleycustom said:

Fantastic resurrection of the D15, but the livery bothers me.

In the prototype photos 30466 clearly carries Bulleid style cabside numerals, yet you have used BR Gill Sans style. Did you not have any SR ones available?

Regards, Glenn


Thanks Glenn, I've had another look and I think you've got as point!

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Finished tha cab roof now.  Filed the ribs down quite a long way, so they don't look so overscale.  Also added the rear supporting rib, that often gets missed on models.

I think it looks a lot better now.





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On 14/03/2021 at 09:57, Wilton 34041 said:

Hi Dave, apologies for going back to an old topic but I've just got my Q class kit out and I always check out your loco builds as I always find them helpful and inspiring. With the Q a couple of questions come to mind. 

Is the etched chassis the generic one SEF produced to replace the Triang/Hornby chassis (FC106) or is it a new one with correct wheel spacing? (Is that FC202?)

Also I noticed you don't mention filling that gap in the bottom of the boiler or cab details so I was wondering what you did about them?

I hope you don't mind me asking, especially as it's so long ago.

Stay safe and best regards,

Phil B.


Hi Phil

As the eventual owner of No.531 I have been able to measure it for you, and I'm pleased to say that it is correct at 32mm and 34mm, i.e. 8' and 8'6" respectively; as Dave has said, the chassis on this is compensated and it is a very smooth runner:




I have two further Q class locos each built from SEF kits; No. 533 which I acquired from the estate of a deceased modeller, also appears to have correct wheel spacing, however, it would be fair to say that the build is not to Dave's superb standards  - look at the lack of smokebox detail for example, and in addition it has an open frame motor, is not compensated, and is quite noisy:




I regret that No.543, which was built for me by Chris Phillips around 18 years ago, possibly from an older kit, was hiding when I visited the railway room - probably in a fiddle yard somewhere in amonst other things - and so I was unable to measure it, however I have an older image taken a little while ago, and whilst I thought that it might have the older chassis, or even the Triang one, it looks to me from the image that the wheel spacing may be correct on this one too:




Hope this helps!





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Hi Tony, yes that does help as I was under the impression that the kit was compromised in the wheel spacing to suit the RTR chassis. I've measured the loco kit body and compared it to the drawing in Russell's book and it measures well agains it. So I'm confident now that the etched chassis are correct - if I can get one!! Squires don't know much about the Finecast range they've taken on, relying on outdated lists. So I'll probably have to wait a while till they get to grips with it.

Best wishes 

Phil B.

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All these lovely images of the Q's really put me in a bind; I know PDK does an excellent kit for the Q, but for the past few years I've been holding out hope that one of the RTR guys will announce one - so I can focus my kitbuilding elsewhere.


Dave, 531 is truely one of the nicest 00 Q's i've ever seen. Tony is lucky to have such an engine in his collection!

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1 hour ago, Wilton 34041 said:

Tony, a further thought - is the chassis in 30531 a Finecast etch as I believe they can be built compensated?

Cheers, Phil.



I honestly don't know.

As Dave said, he was asked to build the body to a pre-built chassis, and so neither of us really knows its provenance.

What I will do is have a look tomorrow to see whether there are any visible markings on the chassis, but once they are made up, any markings tend not to show.

I'll get back to you if I find anything.


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1 hour ago, Jack P said:

All these lovely images of the Q's really put me in a bind; I know PDK does an excellent kit for the Q, but for the past few years I've been holding out hope that one of the RTR guys will announce one - so I can focus my kitbuilding elsewhere.


Dave, 531 is truely one of the nicest 00 Q's i've ever seen. Tony is lucky to have such an engine in his collection!



I agree, it is such an obvious loco for RTR - especially with a full size one preserved and available for scanning.




I suspect it will come along just AFTER you have started to build the kit!




(Actually, although I don't build much myself, it is one of the few kits that I have in stock for a build when and if the mood takes me).





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