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  • RMweb Premium

i have problems with my jaw Jam something to do with my frequent placing of foot in mouth....... seriously I find moving my lower jaw from side to side can produce a click which restores its place. Recent dental work is another possible cause of problems if the dentist has too tight a grip or strains your jaw pulling it about or open wider.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hmm, I'll give that a go, thanks Mick. I really can't work out the cause as I haven't had recent dental work, I just noticed it started happening a couple days ago. It's weird because it only happens on one side of the jaw. I've had minor clicking for years, but this is definitely different, and more noticeable!


Here's my (incomplete) final render for my coursework (sorry for the low quality):



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Jam, Ask your folks whether you've been grinding your teeth when you sleep?

My brother used to do this - it is a horrible sound but, of course, he never once heard it himself!

When my Wife started doing it I threatened to kick her out of bed unless she went to dentist. He gave her a gizmo to hold between her teeth (soft plastic) adjusting her "bite" and it cured it after a couple of weeks...


Tony, I've got Sophos checking my system as I write. I did have a problem with the install but I don't know how I fixed it!!!!


Best, Pete.

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Morning Pete, fraid I'm back on the early morning shift again. My back has been playing up again and one of the side effects of the pain killers is to wake me up in the middle of the night as though I've been drinking double expresso's. The label on the box says they will make you drowsy....Fat chance!


So every night for the past week or so, I've been sitting down here for a couple of hours or so, trying to work my way through it. Just as well I'm no longer working or I'd be dozing off in meetings...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Weather forecast predicts unstable conditions for today and tomorrow, but Friday should then see us around 23°C, and Saturday at 28° :O . I wonder if the headache I had last night may have been my meteorological sensing device once again...


I was asked whether I could attend a parent-teacher conference for the 6th class where I'm currently doing geography, which will be tonight. I was kind of surprised that I had been invited, actually, but I'm sure this'll be an interesting thing to attend.


Anyway, have a good one everyone...!

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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning here - hopefully it will stay like that because yesterday afternoon was dismal!


I have a rather long meeting to look forward to today.


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, dry and 5c again sunshine, showers and thunderstorms. I still believe in the one hour rule for meetings if it isn't sorted by then either you are trying to cover too many points at one time or there is too much talking and insufficient listening.

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Good morning all. On the motor accident scene I have just one anecdote. My first name is Donal (no 'D' at the end) As a result of a bus rear ending me the case actually went to court. When I was called the clerk of the Court called Donald Naude Bradley (Naude is a common Afrikaans name)

Cloudy today with a 30% chance of rain. The same for tomorrow but the max temp 10 cooler..

I hope the tooth is better today Debs, and Gordon, preserve your back!.

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I hope the tooth is better today Debs


Thank you, Don.....


Sadly, it`s not!.......after a few days (and nights) of ever-worsening odontalgia: the quest has begun; to find a dentist whom will accept a 'new patient' and remove/repair the two :O teeth (for a fee that I can afford!). :blush:

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Guest Max Stafford

Liked your rendering Jam. That's a very natty little machine - it should be called 'The Kiwi'!


" I still believe in the one hour rule for meetings if it isn't sorted by then either you are trying to cover too many points at one time or there is too much talking and insufficient listening"


In that situation Mick, I generally try to introduce a sufficient counterbalance of sleeping.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Windy and probably going to be wet later.


Hope Debs finds a dentist quickly. I've moved several times and when I did, one of the first things that I did was to start to research a dentist. If you're in pain and don't have a regular dentist most NHS trusts operate an emergency dental service. However, the state of dental services in the UK as far as the NHS is concerned is lamentable now.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

A friend just told me he'd been down with migraine last night, so what I had yesterday may well have been one as well. I'm glad we're not living in the Alps, as I'm sure foehn winds would screw me up completely.

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Morning all.


Mick, my new Division Head seems to believe that too - but to the extreme. He powered through a one hour meeting in 25 minutes like a bulldozer on speed.


Debs, hope the teeth are fixed soon.


Slightly weary this morning after a 7k run last night then an hour awake from just before 4am caused by my lounge smoke alarm announcing the impending demise of its batteries. Why do they always - without fail - begin that beeping between 2am and 5am?!

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  • RMweb Premium

Why do they always - without fail - begin that beeping between 2am and 5am?!


Some kind of test alarm mode, perhaps to make sure you know what to do when it's not a drill?

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  • RMweb Gold


Still raining here, I can't recall this much rain here in April. There were floods in Billericay yesterday, our newspaper has a picture of a Mercedes stuck in a ford.

I was out for long enough to leave the bin bags in the front garden. My daft spaniel of course wanted to stay out and play.

Our dentist has has surgery at the end of our road. If you have a tooth pain problem he will see you very quickly. He was the only NHS dentist for a long time here but a few more have started recently.



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  • RMweb Premium

I remember that well Mike the kids would be happily sleeping and at 3am the alarm would decide to emit its dying cry bip bip bip bip leap out of bed across the landing and pull the battery hopefully before the kids woke up.

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Shh, don't mention drills. Debs has a toothache.


Hahahaha! :lol:


.....a measure of the pain`s severity: for, now ANY assistance from a drill would be welcomed! :O


Good news.......I`ve identified a dental practice whom accepts new patients, and have an appointment for tomorrow at high-noon!......Although private: their fees seem 'tolerable' for emergency-remediation. :danced:

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  • RMweb Gold

I wonder if my brother still has his DIY dentistry repair kit? When he was a telecommunications engineer working in Nigeria he was often in remote areas and did his own temporary tooth repairs.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Absolutely chucking it down (with rain but hail is promised for later) but the window cleaners have just arrived so at least we'll have clean wet windows. I'm supposed to be in 'the room' working on the module before long but I do wonder how I'm going to get two large structures made of corrugated cardboard from here to there?


As for meetings I used to loathe those that went on too long. In my last big railway job but one my boss had similar feelings and although we had monthly team meetings they were always finished within 3-4 hours (including tea break) and we tended to move the venue round the country. My Director in my final big railway job went to the opposite extreme - with weekly meetings which seemed to last forever and I found the best course of action was to try to be out of the country on Mondays (team meeting day); didn't always do much for my Sundays and had to be kept under control to avoid being too obvious but it worked well and even a Sunday night in Brussels was preferable to an interminable meeting in London.

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