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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, chrisf said:

I think you'll find that Ernie drove the fastest milk cart in the west,



Following on from previous posts, there are alternative lyrics for the "Ernie" song - most of which are far too unsuitable and likely to get me banned by AY (I've also long lost them anyway).  A flavour though:

"Now Ernie had a rival, an evil ****ing man - called one-b@ll Tex from Teddington and he drove the Durex van.  Poor Ernie also met his demise at the end of the song, just like in the original version.

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1 hour ago, jamie92208 said:

We are now back to slow burning well seasoned oak, it only needs a log per hour or so.  Perhaps I could try burning politicians very slowly, it would be more amusing.


Regards to all.



Trouble is they have no substance so the fire would go out in a minute. 

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Morning all.

It doesn’t seem to be raining though I am quite damp. I collected all the bird feeders and washed them. We haven’t been filling them this year as we couldn’t get bird food easily but Amazon have loads now without ridiculous postage charges.  When our neighbours are away we usually get lots of birds on our feeders but not this time due to lack of food. We had more birds nesting this year though. Our ivy was a multi species nursery. Anyway the seed is arriving today and I didn’t like the look of the feeders.

The Waitrose delivery came. Aditi rejected two items, swing bin liners (we don’t have a a swing bin (compostable caddy bags requested) and umami paste (she wanted tomato purée). That seems to be the excitement for the day. I have a parcel due sometime, and it is train related. I am not sure what method the train shop in Sheffield use for their free postage items but today would be the earliest I might expect. They don’t send tracking numbers. There should be a slot car arriving too. The collectors market must be strong as unboxed or damaged box items sell for considerably reduced prices. I will play with it anyway so I don’t care. 
As I am not planning to go anywhere until next year (or not without a woolly hat) I will cut my hair today. This is in case I make a mess of it and have to set the clippers to very short to sort it out. 


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G'day all,


Somewhat soggy outside and I expect it isn't particularly warm either but then it is December, I think.   Flavio's point about using different languages was interesting - I always used to find in discussions with French colleagues that 'non',  with more than a touch of gallic accent & emphasis, was far more effective at getting the message over  than simply saying 'no' (or even saying 'no' very loudly).    At one meeting one of our Belgian colleagues was busily explaining something to the French  (duly speaking French) and I queried, in English, something he had said and he replied in German - such are the linguistic abilities of many Belgians that they can readily slip from one language to another mid sentence.  It was rather good fun at times working for a company which officially worked in two languages for most things but used a third, on occasion,  in Belgium (and fourth one when in Germany).   But then I used to keep a copy of the timetable for the then Moscow - Berlin train on my office wall, in Russian - and our Deputy MD would come in and read the whole lot off in English without a pause while most of us could barely get past Moscow until we reached Poland.


All of which means there's little else to talk about as I'm about to get involved in shifting things about in the dining room ready for one of Mr Sparks (yes, really) electricians to do his stuff tomorrow.  And we're off to this place for lunch, out in the marquee -




Have a good day one and all and stay safe.

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Hello again from Estuary-Land. I'll have to check my weight as I think I'm loosing some, not that losing weight is a bad thing but I've done nothing to make me lose weight. It might be due to my being a bit 'loose' on Sunday, that lasted until yesterday. All I know is that I've had to adjust  things like braces (suspenders* to our American cousins) to the extent  of buying a smaller pair. BIN day today I can hear them outside. Basildon is one of the few places that is offering corvid tests for those who want them even if there is no contact with anyone with the disease but you have to telephone first but with only four numbers to call for an appointment all lines are busy.

*Another word with a different meaning either side of the Atlantic. When I was a nipper I thought that many American actors were cross dressers when they spoke of wearing suspenders.:jester:

Edited by PhilJ W
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