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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Low dark cloud here at present - looks just like snow clouds but according to the Met Office all we'll be getting today is 'low dark cloud', accurate forecast so far then.


Hole in the road mending commenced yesterday we a few very pleasant and chatty council chappies turning up to tackle the first one - which they dug out to approximately 6-7 feet square and nearly 5 feet deep before deciding that they couldn't find any more soft stuff around it or at the bottom and that it would be safe to backfill so the limestone scalpings were duly added and firmly tamped and the blacktop might go on today or next week. Hole No.2 is a 100% hand-dig job so won't be tackled until next week and hole No.3 turned out to be probably part of hole No.2.


And while the council blokes were here with their mini-digger BT's sub-contractors turned up with theirs but left in disgust because they couldn't get to the site because the housebuilders had piled all the surplus bricks and stuff on top of it. Anyway maybe the housebulders will soon be gone - they're down to 6 vehicles parked in the road today, a record low for March and this month so far. I'll be glad t see the back of them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning and wecome to another dull and damp day in Somerset , looks like

Charlie enjoys the mornings more than I do .


Another of those ' what shall I do today ' days for me , lots of small things need doing

but at the moment there is not much inclination to start any of them .


I'll have another coffee , that may give me the kick start I need .


Enjoy your's whatever you do .

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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  • RMweb Gold


It was dull (weather report!) here earlier and seems to be getting duller. Neighbours are making a delayed trip to Denbighshire today to collect their grandchildren for a holiday in sunny (not today though) Essex.

Matthew is going to get his hair cut, hints were dropped that I too should do so.

Everything hurts this morning so I can now add crawling round the loft to my list of extreme sports like railway modelling and attending exhibitions of railway modelling.

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Good morning. Been quite moby over the last few days - my head feels like it is going to explode. Got another good night's sleep last night. 10:00pm until 5:30am! That is unheard of for me so I hope it helps me feel better today.

Got to get back to Stubby re a soundtrack for one of his dioramas before he thinks I've disappeared..


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning. Been quite moby over the last few days -

Do hope you are feeling better by now. Re "Moby". I read an article that said rhyming slang is rapidly disappearing from the London area.

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Morning all. Late on parade as I've just suffered another snooker lesson from the Master. Little git! Shouldn't be allowed....


A wee bit fresh out there, so I can see the wood burner on this evening.


Charlie is a cracking little lad. Is he a Beagle?


OK. Who moved the VNC button? Is nothing sacred?....

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Managed to get the computer started a bit earlier today - like Pete, I seem to be having some quite uninterrupted sleep at present - went from about 10.00 last night to 7.00 this morning but since then have spent time just resting up as I'm still in a lot of pain - though the wound is starting to heal and has no signs of problem according to the nurse. I suspect that if I were to discontinue the Tramadol I'd probably have less extended sleep, but I'd probably be in a lot of pain!


It's cold this morning, and I'm home alone as 30747 went out first thing this morning, and announced that if there was anything I wanted in Richard's she was going to Morecambe and would pick up any modelling related stuff that I wanted - she didn't offer to pay for it, though.


To wean off boredom, I've rooted out some of my BBC audio tapes and am currently listening to what was, in its day, one of the finest radio Science Fiction stories - "Journey Into Space" from the 1950s. "Contact - door opening". Excellent.


Great to see the new puppy - he seems a little beauty - welcome to about ten years of canine nonsense. We're still suffering a dog sized hole in our lives.


Regards to All


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I read an article that said rhyming slang is rapidly disappearing from the London area.


That doesn't surprise me. However, I find myself using it fairly frequently - particularly when I am with my family, most of whom hail from the London Area (although not within earshot of Bow Bells).


A friend of mine is from North London - and we only need to be together for about five minutes before both of our accents turn decidedly "Lunnen".


Some new rhyming slang has also crept in in recent years. Such as, "he staggered out of the pub and wallaced in the gutter" From Wallace and Gromit - obviously.

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  • RMweb Gold

VNC is the most important button on the whole site....View New Content.....and it's now up at the top of the page.


I noticed it had moved but wondered if it might be a result of the latest Mac update (new Javascript stuff - presumably to tackle the alleged security hole, make sure you get yours other Mac users as it didn't get automatically offered but only appeared when I did a check for updates this morning).

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  • RMweb Premium

Charlie is a cracking little lad. Is he a Beagle?


Yes, he's a Beagle - in-laws got him about two weeks ago, though we did visit him at the breeder's during our last visit in late February, when he still was decidedly little! We just got in from a walk with him and quite a few other passers-by were quite taken by him as well. However, he was much too excited by just about everything in order to relieve himself, so I guess he'll be outside again later this evening.

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I noticed it had moved but wondered if it might be a result of the latest Mac update (new Javascript stuff - presumably to tackle the alleged security hole, make sure you get yours other Mac users as it didn't get automatically offered but only appeared when I did a check for updates this morning).

My machines tell me my software is already up-to-date...

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Oh I say, that's rather useful.


Especially as you can narrow it down to specific categories.

Where has that been all of my life.


Glad to have been of use. It's virtually the only thing I use. Each time I go on the site, one press and everything is there.


Just updated my software. Ta very much...

Edited by gordon s
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Updating Mac software - easy


Retuning digital tv - a pain in the proverbial. Why oh why when 'they' are switching off the analogue signal do we have to retune sets which are only receiving digital signals, seems daft to me.


Mike, I refer you back to post 23165! :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike, I refer you back to post 23165! :)

Thanks - mind you we lost all of ours, not just 'some' and have had to retune one set-top digi-box several times before we could get all stations, all very frustrating and I've an idea there might be more to come. The interesting bit will be to see if the ones which have had poor signals at certain times of day will now improve, especially ITV3 which used to get very poor around about 20h15 in the evening particularly on Saturdays.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've been to the vets this afternoon. As I have implied before, Robbie is a rather active dog. Last night he was a bit quiet but not obviously unwell. Today he was very slow and didn't want to go out or eat, not even a biscuit. I did persuade him to get in the car to see if a park visit would enliven him but he wouldn't get out until I helped him. My friend thought he looked rather ill and most un-Robbie like. So we had a trip to the vet. Just before we set off he started to improve and ate something (fish) and walked quite nicely. The vet did her best to examine him, but he became well enough to be uncooperative. He may have a testicle problem but not one that requires immediate surgery as if had been that (testicular torsion) he would be getting worse not better. So he has come home with steroids, and antibiotics to treat his condition and just hope that the other problem is co-incidental.


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  • RMweb Gold

Poor lad, it must be driving him nuts!


Fortunately he seems a bit better now. It is odd how when he is a bit quiet you miss his normal exuberance, that would generate a "for goodness sake, calm down!" when he is well!


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