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Morning all.


Been retuning TV's this morning as it seems the day has finally come. Why does switching off the analogue signals mean retuning the digital one? One of life's mysteries I guess.....


Scary shots of the ship that ran aground once we had got a picture.


Bright and sunny down here, although I suspect it is more than a little chilly out there.


Head of Waste Control personally delivered our blue bags last night. I suspect he'd had enough of me.... :D

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  • RMweb Premium

On closer inspection, there appears to have been some rain over night. Good for all the plants outside, I bet. I'm also noticing an ever-increasing amount of fresh buds and leaves on the trees and bushes, which is nice :) .

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Continuing our lovely spell of weather here in Gotham - just a little breezy. Close to 70f by Easter Sunday.


Arlington, Texas (about 4 hours by jet from us) had a weather report warning of "airborne trailers" yesterday.....(you can see the result on the Beeb website).


Debs - I actually went to bed at 9:45pm last night feeling rotten (I'm sure I've got a Man-Cold i.e. the worst Flu imaginable...). Woke up at 2:30 am feeling quite good, will go back to bed at 4:00am.


All the best everyone, Pete.

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On the subject of bins.

A new recyclables bin arrived yesterday (black with a blue lid since you asked). Everything that used to go in the box and bags we have now goes in here. We asked about the old bags/box.


"We don't want the back, chuck 'em. Grow potatoes in them, whatever"

"Aren't they recyclable?"


Due to the rough nature of our bin collection we seem go through a bin every few months. Whenever they crack or the handle breaks, the council simply drops off a replacement. Most times the binmen manage to lose the lids. If they are reasonably intact, SWMBO recycles them to grow carrots, spuds, etc.




This is a plastic and tin bin. They're colour coded. Green for paper, maroon for plastic & tin, black for glass. How exciting is that??? This will be our first crop of carrots. Beans & peas growing in the pots behind with blueberries to the right.


Tis a cool but sunny morning here in the boring borough. Still not walking properly thanks to the knee. It just needs time to heal properly. Work is quiet as everyone else decided to take this week off. Laters.

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  • RMweb Gold

It's not those Russian blokes again, is it?

On the subject of ringtones. I selected the bell sound for messages and emails. Sounds just like a block bell, which is why I picked it. I wish I could get an ambient soundtrack of signal box sounds; I find them strangely comforting!




Morning all,


And talking of ringtones my pal (who is ex TA) has one of the most alarming ringtones I've come across - a recording of a GPMG at fairly close quarters; it's great funny watching the reactions of folk who've never heard it before! Having a very unsophisticated 'phone I've only got its choice of ringtones - so I picked the one that sounds like a proper telephone ringing.


Meanwhile we've had a nice drop of rain which has laid the dust and left the ground damp, and some showers forecast for this evening. And later today I'm off to collect a Lawrence/Goddard 'Ocean Mails' brake I've bought sight unseen at auction - I know there is some sort of underframe damage on it but the body is described as VG-E - I shall see if it is (and I hope it is as Larry can no longer match the paint).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, the snow is here as predicted. No more than about 3 inches but wet and slushy enough to trip up artic drivers a number of roads are blocked. Plans for today now include tidying and cleaning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning one and all , grey and damp down in the SWAG area , certainly no signs of snow though it

feels a bit on the cool side compared to those sunny days we had .


No plans made for the day , just go with the flow as they say .


Have a good one all .

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Continuing our lovely spell of weather here in Gotham

I actually went to bed at 9:45pm last night feeling rotten (I'm sure I've got a Man-Cold i.e. the worst Flu imaginable...


"Holy Easter, Batman!" :laugh:


:O Invariably fatal......I`m so sorry! :blum:

.......Alas, poor-Pete, we knew him (un)well! :scenic:

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  • RMweb Premium

And talking of ringtones my pal (who is ex TA) has one of the most alarming ringtones I've come across - a recording of a GPMG at fairly close quarters; it's great funny watching the reactions of folk who've never heard it before!


May years ago, I configured our computer such that every kind of popup or other system message would be highlighted by machine gun fire. My dad sure was startled when he found out! :lol:

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Guest Max Stafford



May years ago, I configured our computer such that every kind of popup or other system message would be highlighted by machine gun fire. My dad sure was startled when he found out! :lol:


He probably thought the Baader-Meinhof gang had broken in! ;-)



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  • RMweb Gold


......anywhere it liked! :laugh:


I believe the same answer is given to "Where does it sleep?"

When I brought Robbie home he was an 8 week old puppy. Aditi said "Will he grow any bigger?" He did but not enough to get on the big dog video or the PDSA's fat pet video I saw recently. Fortunately working type cockers don't seem to have the tendency to plumpness that show cockers do.

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Jackie was watching a vet programme this morning just after breakfast and there was a rather tubby Border Collie who weighed in at 52kg's. The elderly owner had fed her on ham sandwiches, burgers and chips and anything else. Poor little love could just about walk. By the end of the programme and strict dieting she was down to 40kgs, but still way overweight.

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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie is about 17kg which would make him heavy if he were a show cocker but he is closer in size to a small springer spaniel. When he is wet and his coat is plastered to his body he looks thin and people ask if he is ill. Once he shakes himself to return to normal coat appearance he looks fine. Vet said he is "perfect". I assume she wasn't thinking about intelligence when she said that though.




The above link seems to work OK in IE but for some reason takes me to a registration page with my usual browser!



Edited by Tony_S
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