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1 hour ago, polybear said:

In other news (well the BBC actually):

I hear that PPE price rises have cost us £10bn.  I do hope that after all this bunfight is over the Gov will seek to identify any company guilty of blatant profiteering and cross them off their "approved suppliers" books?

They were mostly mates of Boris weren't they?

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Rick and the Q I had a bad night last night. When I went to bed last night the sore foot wasn't causing too much grief only for it to wake me up at gawd-knows-what-hour feeling like my foot was being stabbed by a red hot knife. I eventually went back to sleep but didn't wake up until nearly nine. 

2 hours ago, polybear said:

In other news (well the BBC actually):

I hear that PPE price rises have cost us £10bn.  I do hope that after all this bunfight is over the Gov will seek to identify any company guilty of blatant profiteering and cross them off their "approved suppliers" books?

As HH would say Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

51 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

They were mostly mates of Boris weren't they?

Not all of them, some were/are mates of cabinet ministers.

Just a thought. In the news this morning is that Meghan Markle has suffered a miscarriage and my sympathies go out to her as they would to any mother to be in those circumstances. The news set me thinking, if she has a healthy child that child will most likely be born in the US and have dual citizenship. What if that child grows up and becomes US president and during that presidency a disaster befalls the British royal family and he/she becomes next in line to the throne. Better not think about it too much, King Donald anyone?

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1 hour ago, jonny777 said:



Someone mentioned Union Blues jeansbut I had problems with too low waistbands, jamming zips and splits appearing in the fabric (well away from seams) around my bum area, or down the back of the legs. I may have just been unlucky, and had some from a bad batch, though. 

Too low waistbands seems to be a common theme in all menswear.  The other thing is this idea of going up in 2" categories for size.  This means that the 'lower' size is just too tight and the 'next size up' needs a tight belt to stop them falling down.  That in itself is uncomfortable. Just when will the trade come to the idea that 1" , computer design etc can do this easily for cutting, is needed because 2" is one great jump up.

Edited by PeterBB
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As I said I've had no problems with Union Blues jeans and they even offer a high waistband pair. One drawback as with many other jeans is they are not colour fast, not a problem as I wash my jeans separately from other items. No trouble with belts either as I wear braces.

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6 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Talking of belts, at the weekend I drilled 3 more holes, 1.5 inches apart in my main leather belt..


on the shortening side..


one I need,

one it's heading that way,

The third being hopeful..


Reducing carbs helps..


I lost so much waist I had to cut the belt short as the flappy end was getting annoying - almost on its second turn around!  Just by reducing carbs, yes.

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3 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

I bet these companies disappear as quickly as they appeared. Wham, bam thank you mam.



The press seem to be taking semi snide comments that the government didn't have sufficient stocks of PPE to deal with the virus.  They fail to understand that such items have a use-by date, so big stocks would most likely end up costing money to be stored then thrown into landfill unused....


2 hours ago, jonny777 said:

Surprisingly maybe, I can eat pizzas when they are made with proper mozzarella from buffalos. When M&S took over Ocado at the end of August, I decided to give their ham and pineapple pizza a try and was amazed to find I had no problems. Therefore M&S ham & pineapple pizza became a regular treat through September and October. I also braved the pepperoni version once, but it was too hot and spicy for my liking.


Sounds to Bear like the answer could well be DIY Pizzas - your creativity knows no bounds...


1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

Then, just as I was about to slope off to the workshop a friend of hers rang to see how we were getting on so (and here comes the first error) while she was chatting I put some bowls and things into the freezer to contain the meltwater. "Ah," said herself as she came off the 'phone just as I was arranging things, "If you're taking over I can get on with..........." Bu**er! That was the next hour or so taken care of. After I finished that Jill was doing something in the front garden to do with plants and stuff (is it apparent that my knowledge of gardening is somewhat shallow?) so just before exiting stage left to the workshop I misguidedly uttered the fatal words, "Anything else I can do Dear?", in full expectation that the response would be, "No, thanks, you get on with what you have to do." Schoolboy error number 2.



Beware the Hun out of the sun.  And never, ever flight straight and level for more than a few seconds - and for Chrissake's keep one eye glued on that rear view mirror....


I hear that a teenager has admitted to doing 180mph on a motorcycle during a police chase.  Where was this misdemeanor carried out?  The M1? Nope.  M25? Nope.  Some remote road out in the sticks? Nope.

How's about North London....  Jeez


I've just had a leaflet thru' the door from some bunch you've never heard of, offering various Gardening, Brickwork etc. services and with just a couple of mobile numbers as contact details.  Among tasks listed are:

Drive Waise


If their work is a good as their spelling I thing I'll give them a wide berth.


I had an email from Freecycle/Freegle yesterday, which reads as follows:

WANTED: Garage equipment (Standon SG11)

Garage equipment

I want all garage equipment, jacks, stands, tools, compressor,

Not so much as a please, b0lloxs or thank you.  Seems good manners have sailed past this individual, though he has more than his fair share of wishful thinking. Tw@t


And on a final note, I see Mr Biden is sticking his nebby on over Ireland, saying he doesn't want to see Guards at the Border following Brexit.  Are we swapping Brussels for D.C. perhaps?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Having had a look at the official version of the Christmas unlocking (a lock up ???, sorry - more like a cock up). I was puzzled to see there was no date given for Lockdown 3 which will no doubt inevitably result from mid January onwards because every halfwit in Britain (which alas equates to a very substantial proportion of the population) will regard it as a free for all and will ignore even its limited strictures.  Overall it appears to imply that you can be in Tier 3 in England, or Tier 4 in Scotland, on 22 December, then ignore many of those restrictions until they restart on 28 December.  I was left wondering if it's me or them but then of course I remembered that they are politicians and have therefore undergone brain cell transplants in order to take the reins of Govt in their own patch of Britain.  I wonder if there will be anybody left to vote for any of them, whatever their politics, when they come up for re-election?


Somewhat amusingly the implied Christmas travel arrangements of the 5 day 'window' take me back to the good old days of Christmas travel peaks when  25 December fell on a Friday and of course the vast majority of people didn't have umpteen weeks off over the Christmas/New Year period.  It was always something of a toss up to work out if the outward peak would be on the 23rd or 24th although over the years it increasingly moved forwards to the 23rd when Christmas fell on a weekend.  The return day was also something of a guessing game when the  25th fell on a Friday but even with the 28th being the substitute Bank Holiday Sunday return travel was always heavy and the 28th tended to be light.    The real problem was trying to predict what would happen if Boxing Day was on the Sunday and would people head home on the Monday Bank Holiday or would they wait until the Tuesday?  In some respects it got a lot easier when more and more people tended to have leave for the whole week between Christmas and New Year but the guessing, sorry 'forecasting',  game then moved to what would happen after New Year's Eve.  


If they still have the old details I wonder how many train operators will be looking back through old traffic notices or calling on retired planners to ask how to deal with this one?   All of which of course has to assume that NR is not following the more recently established idea of digging up important chunks of railway over an extended Christmas period.  I bet (and hope) there are some interesting conversations going on in the rail industry since all this lot has become public knowledge because somehow replacement 'buses aren't exactly the remedy in social distancing times.


Back to today and the rain has stopped and I think herself is planning to visit the town as we have a cheque to pay in plus, so I'm told, some more shopping is needed.


Have a good day one and all and stay safe.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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