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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Very quiet yesterday, daughter had to visit boyfriend's parents this year so there were only 4 of us plus Monty (pup) and Jumble (elderly cat) who was asleep much of the time.


Watched too much telly, ate too much :icon_drool: but couldn't drink :icon_frustrated: 'cos I had to take Mum home late evening :icon_yawn: :icon_mutter: :icon_mutter:


Son Chris bought me a Tamiya Spitfire kit - should make a change.

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  • RMweb Gold



We had a very pleasant day yesterday and we are having a quiet day today. We are going to Enfield tomorrow to visit my sister in laws family. My wife and her sister have been discussing tomorrow's lunch. About 8 of the guests tomorrow are vegan. I have already been warned not to ask them what life on Vega is like. I've been instructed to research bread suitable for the vegans, so I'm off to Google for a while.


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi to all, hope it all went well for everyone.I had a very pleasant time at my daughter and Sil's. My elderly mum joined us, and my son bought my new(ish)grandson over, so it all worked well. Bback at home now, a couple of football matches on the telly, some beer, getting to grips with my new Playstation 3, then get everything ready for a day driving on the MHR tomorrow. It's 'Christmas Leave day' when all sorts of oddballs dress up and pretend it's 1944 or whatever and they're home on leave. It's quite good actually, the lengths some of them go to for realism is amazing.

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Afternoon all!


Hope you've all been having a fun time. Think I'll watch Hamlet tonight. The parents will be watching Harry Hill and YBF, so I mught show a bit of kultur. ;)


Debating going to buy a new tv in the sales. My tvs are still CRT ones, so I might see about replacing the lounge tv with a flat screen one...


Thaw seems to be in progress here in County Durham...

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  • RMweb Gold

Thaw? It's still like a ruddy skating rink out there.

The dog has just dragged me for a walk. I didn't have to move my feet at all - just stood still and kept shouting mush, mush.

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Good morning, all (but more as a late dropper than an early riser this time!)


Season's greetings from here in relatively sunny Switzerland.


Amongst other things, used the bus to get from Gstaadt to Les Diablerets yesterday; big climb out of G; big descent into Les Diab. on packed snow. Bus didn't even notice!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning :icon_yawn: ...


Still dark in Saxony and slightly below zero outside. Supposed to be fairly good weather today, though - but overcast and some snow over the next few days. The forecast is predicting very low temps for the first week of January... -6?° by day and -13 by night :O .


Albert's trying to dig through the floor of his cage, however futile this may be :icon_lol: . Think we'll need to prepare a sandbox for him when we return so he can actually burrow!



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Morning All,


Foggy, and chilly here this morning (-2?°C with a fairly heavy ground frost).


It's a bit of a change from the sun and blue sky we had yesterday.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Some sunshine in evidence this morning! I think it's time for a quiet day pottering in the workshop. Far too much food and drink consumed in the last two days.




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  • RMweb Gold

I'm taking the dog out soon and then we will be setting off to Enfield for lunch. It was sunny earlier but it is very cloudy now. I haven't done any railway modelling but I have spent some time reading bits of the railroad encyclopaedia I was given as a present.



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Good day after the day after Boxing Day to you all.

Pressie list - 11 coffee mugs (from 3 different sources), 3 bottles of brandy (all 3 special old export quality), 2 bottles table wine (good) 1 bot orange liquere, 2 sets of glasses,(glasses received over previous Christmasses still in original boxes, never unpacked - no where to put them), socks (Am pleased with) chocolate, more chocolates and still more chocolates.

Christmas day weather was perfect. 23, no wind, a couple of fluffy clouds passing over. Spent a lot of time on a lawn, under a tree with glass in hand.

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  • RMweb Premium



Just starting to light up here in Leipzig. Had a look a the weather forecast again and it's supposed to be frost all day for most of this week. On 4 January we're bound to have -8?° by day and -17 by night :O !


And for all who'd like to get an impression of how the city and its public transport look - images are in my blog on here and will be amended as I make additional excursions :) .


Tonight we'll be hitting a bar or other with a couple of friends ;) .

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Morning All,


Rather a mixed bag weather wise this morning. It started off pretty gloomy, but the sun has come out in the last half hour or so. I might head off for a bike ride.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Glad to hear you are having fun in the warm weather Don. Most jealous! Still, at least i'm getting some modelling done because of the weather.

Very cold and frosty this morning - we've got the inlaws round today but I'm sure i'll be able to sneak in some modelling time!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - up late today as recovering from a long day on 92212 at the MHR yesterday. Lots of niggling faults to contend with, but I suppose it made it interesting. Still managed some mighty chuffs up the hill even though the thing is somewhat overpowered for what we use it for. I'm hoping to get to grips with the Playstation 3 today, bought a couple of games from ebay. One is a sort of Indiana Jones style adventure, it's in HD so the graphics are pretty stunning on the big tv. People don't have very high opinions of couch potatoes, but, do you know what, to be one every now and then is really enjoyable.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright and rather frosty hereabouts this morning. Dog walked, coffee drunk panic now setting in as I realise I've booked my trainset out for a 2 day gig in just 2 weeks! Not a full-blown show but one of a small number of layouts attending the MidHants (Watercress line) Freight weekend on the 16th/17th of January. I better get me skates on and complete the scenic bits and pieces on the fiddleyard board in the next day or so otherwise there will be no time to sort out any operational challenges.




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