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Morning all.

It is rather sunny with clear blue sky here. There was some frost on the shed roof earlier. It was recycling morning but all our stuff was out last night on the edge of the lawn rather than blocking the pavement. There wasn’t anything to attract foxes or cats so it was quite safe to leave. 
Aditi is just about to watch a webinar from the Art  and Design society she belongs to. Today is something about the art collections of the London Livery Companies. She has decided to watch it in the lounge via her tablet rather than in her study on one of her computers.  
I am not particularly interested in the topic so I am on phone answering and doorbell responding duty. I expect MiL will ring. She isn’t too happy about proposed changes to her care provision and also she is very upset about her sister in Delhi having Covid and now her brother in law has tested positively too. Both have health conditions that would add complications. They have a house where 3 generations live along with staff but only the 2 older people have had positive tests or shown symptoms. 


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Morning (just).


A nice walk first thing after dropping my opinion for her bus, about three miles, best I can manage in one go before the hip and foot duet complain too loudly.  A sit down restores order so a little toddle to the shop later will add to the day's total of paces.  I never quite get to the mythical 10k steps target the NHS seems to like, but researching that brought the result hat nobody really understood where the figure came from!


Yes Baz and Simon, all this cake talk is a PIA really - especially for a cake and biscuit lover :cray_mini:



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Morning G'day all,


A beautiful clear blue sky outside and we had the obvious companion at this time of year of frost first thing.  Stocks of de-icer etc will be checked today as will the GD's car cover because her departure time for the day shift will now doubt be accompanied by frost in the upcoming lock down period and I doubt Halfords will be doing clickn'clect.


Fortunately I'm not often tempted by cake as herself doesn't make them very often but I do admit to a slight easing of self control when some appears, and there is a portion of apple cake left for this evening unless some other miserable git purloins it from the fridge (which unfortunately can't be locked against such outrageous behaviour by the offspring).


I must admit that words attributed today to the current incumbent President of the big place across the ocean have confirmed my suspicion that he lives in cloud cuckoo land.  Apparently he had said counting should be stopped once he had a majority.  Doesn't this halfwit realise that time wise the West Coast bit is a long way behind the East Coast bit so unless they all start the counts simultaneously some counting will take place after other results are in?   It seems to me a surprisingly unsophisticated country which isn't able to arrange for all counts to take place at the same time and not until after all ballots have been cast - weird.


Herself will be making a Waitrose visit this afternoon and it will be interesting to see if the idiot vultures have actually left anything on the shelves by then?  Quite why people need to panic buy when the shops will remain open is somewhat beyond my simple understanding.  Is the country at least partially populated by complete idiots?  On reflection apologies for asking a rhetorical question because there are clearly more than enough of them to not only spread disease by ignoring simple precautions but to stock up with goods and food they don't need and which in some foodstuff cases won't be any use after a week unless it has been frozen.  To be honest the most worrying thing for me about this pandemic is the attitude and behaviour of what seems like several million of our fellow citizens who if they had the brain cells in the first place have obviously given them away since birth.   Roll on this weekend's virtual exhibition and a nice diversion from thoughts about idiots.


But there is some bad news for a country pub near us which is desperately trying to de-stock c.500 pints of beer while they have a legal chance to do so.  Apparently they do have a stock of screwtop bottles so they might be lucky. 


Havea good day folks and stay safe.

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2 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

simply not cricket.



As far as the Americans are concerned, a cricket is something from Pinocchio 

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6 hours ago, roundhouse said:

It was 99p a pint for two rather nice ales in Spoons

They are attempting to sell as much beer as they sensibly can rather than waste it given there is no takeaway option this month.  'Spoons is usually cheaper than the rest but when did we last enjoy (a word I use in its broadest sense where 'Spoons is concerned) beer at less than £1 a pint?  One of the "good" things to emerge from the current fiasco.


Afternoon all.  It is a decent sunny day Upon the Hill of Strawberries which has induced a slightly better mood than of late.  True it was cold with not a single degree of Celsius showing on the thermometer as I left for the House of Fun but during the morning we achieved something better than the Figaro figure 0.


We even managed lunch outside on the Terrace which is uncommon so late in the year.  Roast pork and char-grilled vegetable wraps.  Muggercoffee.  


Until tomorrow arrives I have no idea whether or not I shall be able to obtain Muggercoffee No.1 upon arrival at the House of Fun.  The two outlets which reopened are takeaway-only so can trade but it's in the hands of their Person in an Expensive Suit.  We have received emails confirming that there are no anticipated train service changes and no staffing changes expected so it's business as normal-as-it-has-been-of-late with perhaps a few less people, perhaps not.  


Recent posts have not been read, sorry, so I shall try to find time for that later.  Stay well.  

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1 minute ago, Gwiwer said:

They are attempting to sell as much beer as they sensibly can rather than waste it given there is no takeaway option this month.  'Spoons is usually cheaper than the rest but when did we last enjoy (a word I use in its broadest sense where 'Spoons is concerned) beer at less than £1 a pint?  One of the "good" things to emerge from the current fiasco.



The news on TV this morning said that there has been a change of mind regarding takeaway from pubs. Looks as though takeaway will be allowed but must be booked by in advance. 

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Bear just saw a clip of the funeral of Sgt Matiu Ratana on BBC News - the officer shot and killed in the custody suite of Croydon Police Station on 25th Sept.

(I assume it was) East Grinstead Rugby Club performed the Haka as the Hearse went past.  I defy anyone not to blub....:cry:


Edited by polybear
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25 minutes ago, Chris116 said:

The news on TV this morning said that there has been a change of mind regarding takeaway from pubs. Looks as though takeaway will be allowed but must be booked by in advance. 

I suspect there will be more changes of mind in the next few hours and days.  Some pubs were geared up for home delivery last time and are offering the same this time.  There has been no evidence that I am aware of offered to justify the wastage of so much beer caused by a short-notice lock-out and refusal to permit takeaways.  The entire brewing industry needs to maintain a rolling supply chain.


I would anticipate playing golf might be another change-of-mind as it was before.  Socially-distanced, can be played with faces covered and takes place outdoors ..... what's wrong with that, Mr. Johnson?  

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34 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I suspect there will be more changes of mind in the next few hours and days.  Some pubs were geared up for home delivery last time and are offering the same this time.  There has been no evidence that I am aware of offered to justify the wastage of so much beer caused by a short-notice lock-out and refusal to permit takeaways.  The entire brewing industry needs to maintain a rolling supply chain.


I would anticipate playing golf might be another change-of-mind as it was before.  Socially-distanced, can be played with faces covered and takes place outdoors ..... what's wrong with that, Mr. Johnson?  



it is not the playing its all the "social " activity that takes place.. from talking to a couple of Golfers they wouldn't want to play due to:

1  The weather - it is like playing in a bog on the fairways  and

2 The attitude of fellow players (the odd trip into the trees for a non social drink..


Doesn't affect me - stupid way to waste a good walk...


I enjoyed a walk in the sun earlier today BUT.. what bit of "Social Distancing" do the stupidsudents not get?


Bit like Junior kick ball.. Children are fine but the parents are dire at falling some basic rules..


The supply of ales from pubs/breweries was sorted yesterday. My source in the business said that the senior Industry Companies had explained how much duty would be lost... and hey presto! Sense prevails...


Time for a mugacoffee!



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The other thing with beer is that there is duty on it large quantities have to be disposed off under customs supervision. We had a customer in Sheffield who used to specialize in such affairs. One particularly heartbreaking job was collecting truck loads of Miller lager for destruction there was nothing wrong with it. It was just after 9/11 they had a contest on the tins to win flights to the States the artwork included a plane flying near the twin towers honestly grown men were crying. Customs men were too.

They used to take in all sorts of stuff for secure destruction from time expired aircraft parts old starbucks mugs various qc rejected foods such as weetabix.

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3 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

My Ex's baking was banned under UN weapons treaties. 


Greetings all. In a really fed up and p*ssed off mood this afternoon. 


This tiny segment of the boring borough is looking to secede from the rest of this forked up planet. Chr*st on a f*cking cracker people are so idiotic. Not just the US election but covidiots, brexiteers, conspiracy twits, and the idiot on the train this morning coughing like a 60 a day smoker with no mask. Maybe it is time for the human race to remove itself from the universe and let the cockroaches have a go. I won't even begin on le fustercluck extrem that is my current project. (brexit related. It is doooooooooomed)


In other news the builders next door managed to screw up again. It is like watching a bad slapstick comedy. They laid fake grass in the back. Along came the wind. Blew it all over the place. They tried to fix it. Now looks like a crumpled carpet. asshats. One poor was tasked with building a bike shed (mandated by council) in the front garden. It looks nice but crosses the path from their door to the pavement. D'oh. The developer popped by and all I could hear for an hour was him tearing the the little a fresh one. Well until I had enough and cranked the Sonos in the office to 92db. Hopefully that will also wake the developer up to the fact his builders also forked up the insulation and sound proofing between the houses. Tw@waffles. 


Enjoy what is left of the day. I'm off to get forking p*ssed before the pubs close again. 


And breathe. Here is a cat picture. 


Clicked 'like' for the picture.  


I don't know whether to laugh or cry about some of the text although statistically I believe we might actually be living in a land inhabited by a significant percentage of people of limited intelligence. 

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1 minute ago, simontaylor484 said:

The other thing with beer is that there is duty on it large quantities have to be disposed off under customs supervision. We had a customer in Sheffield who used to specialize in such affairs. One particularly heartbreaking job was collecting truck loads of Miller lager for destruction there was nothing wrong with it.

In my opinion that was a mercy killing. I won't even cook with that meerkat p*ss. 

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Mr Stationmaster had reasonable success in Waitrose this afternoon although there was no Yorkshire tea - AGAIN!!!!!!   I wonder if it's obtainable in Barnard Castle?


But what is very noticeable is the extent of moronic driving standards today.  Are they all having a last fling before lockdown gives them an excuse to stay off the roads; are they hoping that the onset of lockdown tomorrow means that it's ok to park on double yellow lines today; don't they know where they are going to the extent that they can drive for 100 yards in the wrong line before suddenly realising they are in the wrong  lane;  don't they know right from left when it comes to using their indicators (BMW drivers are obviously exempted from that particular affliction) ?


River has risen very slightly from a couple of days back but I notice that it has gone down slightly at the lock upstream of the town.  But still well within safe limits so no worries for anybody living down on the flood plain.  BTW next door neighbour is having a wash basin and wc installed in her garage - should we be worried?

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38 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

But what is very noticeable is the extent of moronic driving standards today.  


They'll be people from Reading trying to find a river crossing that isn't totally snarled up as a consequence of roadworks at the Tesco roundabout on the Vastern Road side of Reading Bridge. It was nearly me, until I thought of the lane by the Flowing Spring, cutting out over half of the queue to Sonning Bridge. (Don't tell everyone.)


Next time I need to travel between Reading and Caversham (tomorrow morning) I think I'll go round by Cirencester.

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50 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

Mr Stationmaster had reasonable success in Waitrose this afternoon although there was no Yorkshire tea - AGAIN!!!!!!   I wonder if it's obtainable in Barnard Castle?


Can we post you some tea.. good supplies around here!  Not sure about Barnie C - no moreasons there so possibly not!


I listen with incredulity to some of the things that are going on the world @AndrewCtime we let the aliens run the place..oh... hang about.. they do run the place! must be the real problem then..


In other news.. after having a stroll in the sun earlier it has got distinctly nippy around here .. I may have to resort to a alcoholic beverage to keep my internal temperature up!  Slainte





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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Decisions, decisions, what to have for dinner tonight, use by date bingo again.

3 hours ago, AndrewC said:

My Ex's baking was banned under UN weapons treaties. 



In other news the builders next door managed to screw up again. It is like watching a bad slapstick comedy. They laid fake grass in the back. Along came the wind. Blew it all over the place. They tried to fix it. Now looks like a crumpled carpet. asshats. One poor was tasked with building a bike shed (mandated by council) in the front garden. It looks nice but crosses the path from their door to the pavement. D'oh. The developer popped by and all I could hear for an hour was him tearing the the little a fresh one. Well until I had enough and cranked the Sonos in the office to 92db. Hopefully that will also wake the developer up to the fact his builders also forked up the insulation and sound proofing between the houses. Tw@waffles. 


Enjoy what is left of the day. I'm off to get forking p*ssed before the pubs close again. 




3 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:



I don't know whether to laugh or cry about some of the text although statistically I believe we might actually be living in a land inhabited by a significant percentage of people of limited intelligence. 

A prime case of if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

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4 minutes ago, polybear said:


Some would say that pretty much 50% of the population is a total and utter cockwomble.  Looking on the bright side it makes UK Politics look very professional.....


I have been involved in quite a few election counts here in the UK as an observer. They do seem to be making hard work of it in the USA.

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1 hour ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


I have been involved in quite a few election counts here in the UK as an observer. They do seem to be making hard work of it in the USA.

 You know who to blame for that, the next potus!  Four more years; Hope not!  Probable though as all the pollsters got it terribly wrong again.  There has to be a better way!:fie:


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1 minute ago, brianusa said:

 You know who to blame for that, the next potus!  Four more years; Hope not!  Probable though as all the pollsters got it terribly wrong again.  There has to be a better way!:fie:


Is it because people will just say what they think the pollsters want to hear,like you say its not the first time pollsters wrong 

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