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17 hours ago, chrisf said:

Not so well is my mobile phone.  It has not been accepting the charge via the plug-in charger.  It will be with a sense of foreboding that I try this morning to get some sense out of Currys where I bought it.  The outcome is bound to be expensive, knowing my luck.




Sick phone, or sick charger?


9 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

I see NICE is recommending cutting back on paracetamol and ibuprofen use, and we should have physio and acupuncture instead according to a local GP.  I take it the persons saying so don't have arthritis.....  otherwise they might understand.


Obviously the Great All-Knowing Ones haven't a Scooby Doo just how long the waiting list is for such treatments.....


8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I would assume that part of the reason medications have “use by dates” is the realisation that most the time, outside of a pharmacy, medication isn’t adequately stored.


Bear puts his cynical hat on....

The other part of the reason being that Manufacturers can sell even more pills.....


5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

One thing I am sure we won’t see a resurgence of (happily? sadly?) are those Victorian OTC Proprietary Nostrums given to keep babies and, sometimes older, children, quiet. Given that these nostrums were various combinations of alcohol, opium and sugar syrup, it’s no wonder Victorian children were so quiet and well-behaved - they were probably stoned out of their skulls most of the time.


Sadly, definitely sadly.  I've encountered a fair few little bleeders kids who would really benefit from such medical assistance....

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Haven't been sitting outside but with as many windows as possible open I didn't realise just how noisy my neighbours are. Temperature is still 26:5 C. but its slowly going down. A few bits to do then its bedtime.

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Good evening everyone 


The weather has been warm but dull, we’ve never really seen the sun at all throughout the whole day. 


This morning’s shopping trips were both successful and everything that was on the shopping list was brought back home. Whilst I was queuing outside the butchers my cousin was also in the queue, so we had a short chat, before she headed off back home. 


After dinner I made some fruit compote with some berries that were getting just a bit too soft to eat. Some has been put in the fridge, the rest was frozen for future use. I then re-read the article I’ve written then submitted it to the MERG journal editor, I’ll just have to wait and see if it’s excepted or not. 


After tea we sat and watched a film, a 3 hour western, which passed the time pleasantly. Not our usual type of film, but we thought we’d give it a go, generally, if we’re not enjoying a film after about 20 minutes or so, we’ll usually press stop and delete, (if it’s been recorded) and watch something else, but we watched this one until the end!


Goodnight all 

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Mooring awl inner Temple Hare, 

Only 2 hours sleep so far, bedroom is is at 27C, windows open  and no AC.,  

I'm now lying on the sofa as its cooler down here.


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10 hours ago, Tony_S said:

 I know from covering an A level biology lesson at my last place of work that some fly maggots will only feed on the flesh they have hatched on and others will feed on anything they are put in/on. 

Is there an "I don't want to know that." button?

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This has been a long day.

We were trying to do something about the cat who has taken to walking along the railing over the stairs to the basement. SWMBO is afraid he will go over into the abyss.

We started by moving a string of bookcases to the side of the railing, but he went up on it anyways. Part of that project invlved buying and assembling another unit. (Packaging said Cinnamon Cherry but it is black.) Then I took the car in for 60 megameter servicing. I had a nice sit in my lawn chair for 90 minutes while they did that. Came back to a worried SWMBO -- cat still getting on railing.

We had priced 4-foot high plexiglass but that was going to be in the $400 range. Shortage due to CoVid?

But I have some pieces of hardboard. Used on the edge of a layout (3 back) and decorated with station totems. Removed from current location which meant moving 3 more bookcases to get at screws, then drilling holes so they could be fastened to the railing uprights with cable ties. Then a shopping trip as my supply of ties was not long enough. Eyelid inspection was foregone. A bunch of holes (more) in the boards and we now have about a foot of board on the abyss side of the railing.

Will see what tomorrow brings.


As part of this, books have been rearranged.


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Greetings one and all


Were it not for you know what, this morning I would have left the campsite above Sidmouth and headed for RailWells.  Many years of doing this have shown that from regaining consciousness in the tent to starting the car can be got down to an hour and a quarter, at the cost of just stuffing all the gear in the back with no attempt at tidiness.  Leaving the campsite at 07.45 has me in Wells at 09.15, eager for breakfast.  Three hours at the show, in that most humid of town halls, gets me back in the mood, whatever that is, and spares me the joys of the M5 on what is possibly the worst possible day for trying to get out of the West Country.  It is not an ideal way of doing it but for me it is the least unfavourable option – except, that is, for not attending the show.


The problem with charging my phone turned out to be the charger lead, easily and swiftly replaced.  The new lead is the third that this charger has had and such a relief that it was nothing more serious or expensive.


I’m still not sure what to do with, to or about the unfortunate provider of e-mail services that is BT.  No doubt many of us sleep soundly at night in blissful ignorance of what may happen to the sent e-mails that they have generated over the years.  If my experience, twice in a fortnight, be a guide, they are vulnerable to being removed illicitly or even expunged, as the man employed as a manager described the act.  How widely is this known?  To how many of us had the possibility of loss, violation or theft of these e-mails even occurred?  Awareness needs to be raised – easier said than done, maybe.     


Best wishes to all



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6 hours ago, polybear said:

...Bear puts his cynical hat on....

The other part of the reason being that Manufacturers can sell even more pills.....

iD puts on his Captain Cynical spandex...
More likely to avoid any possible litigation by Ambulance Chasing Lawyers.


1 hour ago, BR60103 said:

Is there an "I don't want to know that." button?

Hmmm, not sure what to make of that comment (although a TMI [Too Much Information] button could come in handy). This reply was made in light of the posts on maggots, yet I find Nature endlessly fascinating and endlessly scary.

Practically every SciFi “monster” created for book, game or film is based on something found in Nature: for example, the xenomorph in Alien is based upon a type of parasitical wasp (Microgastrinae wasps) or the zombiefying fungus in The Last of Us video game which is based on a real fungus (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis). Earlier I had written “It would seem that Mother Nature, far from being an all embracing and a nurturing earth figure, is actually more akin to a vindictive ex partner who - at the best of times -  only barely tolerates you and would cheerfully see you dead given half-a-chance” to which I would add “and who is a really perverse and twisted psychopath


CoVID-19 is unpleasant enough, but there’s an awful lot out there in the world that would be totally terrifying were Mother Nature decide to “weaponise” them against us (i.e. H0mo Sapiens).


Off to walk the doggies and then back to the reassuring comfort of model railways.



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Mooring awl part 2,


Oddly I've just finished reading " The Forgotten Highlander by Alistair Urquhart https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alistair_Urquhart#:~:text=Alistair Urquhart (%2Fˈæl,during the Second World War.

In that he describes the use of maggots... 

He also points out instructions from Japanese authorities were that, should the main land of Japan be invaded, all POW slaves were to be killed,  he was very grateful for the bombing of Nagasaki even though he was close enough to feel the blast... 


Meanwhile after achieving a reasonable amount of sleep of the sofa,  it's still 26C down here at dawn,  windows open.. 

 Ben the I want out Collie,  demanded out,  he went charging down the garden looking for rabbits to chase, but for some reason there were none.   Lots of high cloud,  some patches of blue and quite warm out there. 


After that I've been reviewing the international Racing Rules of Sailing,  study version 



That bowl of lava aka porridge should have cooled, 


Time to eat. 



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Good moaning from a positively cool Charente,  only 23 degrees this am.  We will be video calling the girls as usual at 09.00. Thiscis now a regular Saturday morning routine. Emily now waves at us when she sees us. After that cleaning has been decreed as we are having friends iver for lunch tomorrow. Some shopping then pool time is also on the agenda.


Not a lot else to report except that the Covid sutuation in both France and now Leeds is causing concern. Fortunately it is mostly  in the big cities in France.


Regards to all.





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3 hours ago, BR60103 said:

This has been a long day.

We were trying to do something about the cat who has taken to walking along the railing over the stairs to the basement. SWMBO is afraid he will go over into the abyss.




Suicide nets? :lol:


1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

iD puts on his Captain Cynical spandex...
More likely to avoid any possible litigation by Ambulance Chasing Lawyers.




As if such a thing could ever happen.....



Me?  I'm still somewhat traumatised and suffering considerable financial loss and hardship after being (wrongly) described as a "keen gardener tending his tomatoes" in the local rag many moons ago (I'd dug up what later turned out to be a large portion of anti-aircraft shell, warranting further investigation which ultimately involved the local fire brigade calling in Bomb Disposal....).  Somehow a scrote reporter (with photographer in tow) got hold of the story and within a few hours were on my doorstep.  Photo's of me at the site?   F.off, matey; I did however explain I'd been digging new foundations for my shed extension at the time.  Did that matter - nope, they decided to slander my good name and drag me thru' the mud in full view of anyone who'd read their toilet paper of a newspaper.  But, not being in the good 'ol US of A somewhat limits my chances of a multi-million dollar payday in court.  Bvgger.

So much for British Justice.

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Ey up!


Slept in.. doesn't happen very often these days. Road noise in the North West Leeds Highlands  is increasing..pah!

Yes @jamie92208 Kirkstall is seeing a rise in covids..possibly due to some of the nunkties who live there. Testing station is now in place..threats of local lockdown in place. Closing the pubs and clubs would help as would closing the grounds at the Abbey. Hey ho!


Off  to Calverley today. Shouldn't need my umpire coat today. Tuesday may be somewhat different..storm warnings issued...

Have a great and productive day everyone!


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Morning, all this talk of maggots makes me miss my coarse fishing, we don't have any up here in NE Scotland, on a medical note, a neighbour who is diabetic had a leg amputation that went wrong a couple years back, the infection was dealt with by using maggots to remove the manky flesh.............................Time for breakfast..........................................:D

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Morning all.

 It is a very pleasant morning here. Only forecast to be 30C here today.

I haven’t had any suggestions about what to do today. I may sit on the front lawn and dig out some weeds. Nothing too strenuous though. 

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Of late when something hasn't reached this 'post' page when I next attempt to add a comment it reappears so all I have to do is comment on it and then add.


Today that is not the case but I have read all- something to do from an early rise.  Hope the cat stays safe; maggots properly bred have had a use for at least 40 years from my own observations; lost emails and 'posts' do seem lost but perhaps, as sometimes happens, the mouse is not responding adequately even when the 'save' is working.


John - not nice to know that someone who you have worked with and younger has the big C and the pain and distress it causes.


Bournmouth and Brighton trains being standing only and extra sets set on does not bode well for Covid in the not too distant future.  Pharmaceuticals  and everything first aid have maximum use times listed these days even bandages in first aid kits have to be replaced after 5 years.  Ambulance chasers are a menace and the US system is rediculous - suing for everything - and worse some really terrible awards for absolute nonsense claims.  Just shows that if people have the money then 'chasing' lawyers will make a mint .


Mind now gone blank but hope everybody has a good day.  


Wonders will never cease - I had been 'thrown off' but this actually saved.



Edited by PeterBB
Spelling corrections the post actually did so!
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Many years ago I was on a night cross-channel ferry to Rotterdam and got to chatting to a chap in the bar. After a while he said that he had to go down to the lorry deck to check the refrigeration unit on his truck. I asked him what he was carrying and he replied that it was tons (can't remember the amount) of maggots. I was surprised at this to say the least and he told me that there were only a handful of firms that were licensed to breed and export maggots, his being one of them. Apparently in Europe there were virtually none so most of the maggots used there were exported from the U.K. Whether this is still the case I don't know. He said that if the refrigeration unit wasn't working properly he would end up with a lorry load of bluebottles rather than maggots. At first I was sceptical, thinking that his story was a wind-up but he assured me that it was true.



Edited by Dave Hunt
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11 minutes ago, PeterBB said:

Bournmouth and Brighton trains being standing only and extra sets set on does not bode well for Covid in the not too distant future.

The BBC midday news yesterday had a report from Southend. The method of transport of the day trippers wasn’t mentioned but travelling to Southend for the day by train has always been busy on sunny days. The reporter and crew had to leave later for their own safety as they were being threatened verbally and jostled. 
There is a paddling pool filled by the tide on Canvey Beach. The signage states no dogs but people have been bringing their horses down for a paddle. 
When I first moved to Southend it was skinheads  coming down to cause “bovver” on the beach. They used to come down on the train. The police used to confiscate their boots if they wanted to leave the station, otherwise it was back on the train. 
I am not at all likely to head down to the coast at present. I suspect even a trip to Frinton would be too risky for me. 

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43 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

He said that if the refrigeration unit wasn't working properly he would end up with a lorry load of bluebottles rather than maggots

No wonder some of the truckers look worried when Operation Stack on the M20 is implemented. I have seen tubs of maggots in the sports goods section of French supermarkets, but I think they were meant to be there unlike the egg display that was covered in maggots  Aditi found in a (now long closed) Benfleet supermarket. Medical maggots are usually not bluebottle larvae but from the green blowfly. 


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Good morning everyone 


A sunny start to the weekend, makes a pleasant change. 


After a late night we both slept in so we're late having breakfast. So I've just got to the workshop and I'll start working on the turntable control panel soon. 


Not a lot else to report, so stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much sleep last night, the eczema was itching madly due to the heat and I forgot to apply the Voltarol last night, thats why I'm a bit late this morning. As Tony said it was heaving at Southend, with the windows open I could hear the traffic on the A13, it was very heavy even at 11 last night.

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