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41 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Fireworks in this area during the day means "another consignment of drugs is ready come and buy it" apparently..



We were told the same around Swad.:angry:


Lots are imported Fireworks, and probably illegal in this country anyway.


RANT 2 over.:good:

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5 hours ago, TheQ said:

Mathematics I can cope with slowly,  you need it in my job,  but,  it's so long since calculus came into it the tracks are very rusty.  Our everyday calculations use calculus and other mathematical functions,  however once it's all programmed into the spreadsheets you never "see" it again unless changes to the spreadsheet are needed. 

My great niece  at secondary school absolutely hates maths and regularly complains about it on facebook,  I keep meaning meaning to find the most complicated formula we use a post it on her thread.. 



Try her on some of these:


Edited by Northroader
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Good morning everyone 


Another dull start to the day, we appear to have had some overnight rain, but as the patio is almost dry, it must have stopped some time ago. Not a great deal planned for today, once my deliveries have arrived, so weather permitting, I’m hoping to get a couple of hours done in the garden, we shall see. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Mathematics was my best subject at school, I was always at the top of the class in that subject, pity most of the other subjects did not follow suit. I found my old school report book a couple of months ago, it made interesting reading. I had forgotten that in my first term at secondary school I came top of the class. I was then moved up to the next stream where I spent the next five years bobbing along mid stream. I've only just realised in the last few years the reason for this ability, I'm mildly autistic! A feature of autism is a need to have everything in order which in my case manifested itself in a talent for making rapid mental calculations. It also showed up in the other subject I was good at, technical drawing. I am in good company, it is now thought that Isaac Newton was autistic. Apparently with autism the brain is 'wired' differently but in mild cases such as mine people can go through life without they or anyone else realising that they have autism. I only realised that I was autistic when a mother explained that her young sons actions were due to autism. The lad wasn't misbehaving in any way at all but was playing in a little world of his own, much the same way that I did when I was the same age. 

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3 hours ago, Andrew P said:

My Wife and our Greyhounds were always petrified of the over excessively loud BANGS from todays Fireworks, I would imagine they are more like real live Ammunition's than just a pretty scene in the sky.



All those BANGS could just be the perfect cover for shooting one (or even better, several...) of the little b'stards.....




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1 hour ago, Northroader said:

That's a bit simpler than some in my books..


Mooring Awl, inner Temple hare,

Very busy morning at work so, the general report is a bit late, not that there is much to report. 

Lots of small current shunts measured this morning, they don't have much warm up time , But now I've a couple of 20 ampers to do they have 15 minutes warm up time each.


I shall venture to our little Tes and co on the way home it will be interesting to see what the mask count is..


Brain is going round and round the steering gear design  loop , I think I have to commit to two, 1 inch  holes in the cockpit combing for the support bracketry this weekend. I don't want to make more..


2 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

You forgot people talking about their sex lives.

What are they?


Ah first 15 minute warm up complete


Time to start measuring.

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1 hour ago, 81C said:

Morning All

Back in an overcast Farnborough 

The stupid Edge page shows RMweb off line it sums Microsoft up for what it is a bad start to the day.

I spoke to GDB he's alive and kicking but has lost his mojo with Wheel Tappers an easy thing to do lately the quality of the postings are lacking thought, I won't post every day now unless 

I've something worthwhile to talk about there are better things to do than to read the illness moaning's of other people sorry to be blunt I think a sick note sub-page would be useful a to

keep it off the main pages.

I'm off for a dump enjoy your day and mind the gap.:superman:I.M.Ightbebach:biggrin_mini2:



That's good news.......



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5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

... I think the only thing that has not been discussed with any degree of detail or professional insight on this thread is the law. I would’ve thought, given the broad spectrum of humanity that ends up doing railway modelling, that we would’ve had at least one “legal eagle“ in our midst. The absence of representatives of said profession on ER could mean, possibly, one of two things: firstly, practitioners of the law have no interest in model railways or, secondly, they are here amongst us but keeping a low profile (although I don’t know why they would want to keep a low profile, any legal type that does do railway modelling and also follows ER is obviously a good egg and a top notch chap/chappess unlike many of their fellow professionals)...

'Horsetan' occasionally contributes on the LNER Forum.


I would imagine that the 'skidmarks ahead of the skunk' joke explains much of  why anyone working in law might be reluctant to reveal that aspect of their life. Declared politicians, merchant bankers, journalists are in short supply too.

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watching and listening to a live stream of the Yorkshire v Lancashire "friendly". Visuals are fine, the commentary does have interesting moments.. as in words are not as clear as they could be.. seems like they have a microphone which picks up creaks and groans not much in the way of real commentary. BUT it is good to see cricket other than Test Matches.



Warning.... Their is panic buying of 2" by 1" planed  softwood going on.. tried 3 wood yards this morning.. none available.. PAH!!


Nice clean air day here.. mugadecaf ready.. lunch time beckons!



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12 minutes ago, roundhouse said:

Afternoon. On our long walk of the week.

I think it's the first time that we have walked over the M25.


I love this humourous thread on FB



I have Newsthump delivered by e-mail, very funny satire.

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