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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Hello, I believe it is still morning.

Aditi is on holiday today, her college doesn't have "school" holidays but she has taken a days leave. This was originally to give herself time to do the corrections to her dissertation but as they were technical rather than intellectual it didn't take long. Excellent customer support from the people she spent about £80 for some software nearly four years ago.

We started the day with a visit to the doctors as Aditi needed to have her diabetes treatment reviewed. All was OK (in fact much improved).

I didn't go in, I parked the car and waited outside. Being somewhat immuno-suppressed I don't want to sit with a lot of ill people. This at least enabled me to observe what passes for parking. It was very cruel but one person's attempts to park a Toyota Avensis alongside me (I wasn't taking up lots of space in a 4x4, I was in the Clio) could have been on one of those You Tube videos.



I had the amusement a local car park today of trying to watch a woman trying to un-park a Peugeot 207, at one stage my major interest was whether she would hit my car or another one first but she finally escaped unscathed. The chap who subsequently put his Range Rover into the space she had vacated appeared to have no problems so I can but conclude he actually understood not only the size of his vehicle but which way a car will turn when the wheels which are doing the steering are at the rear end in the direction of travel.


And it's 'afternoon all' today I'm afraid as shopping in supermarket and garden centre took part of the morning with the rest consumed by trying to arrange the car's MoT, checking a further chapter of dissertation, and discussing with my oppo how we are going to return one heritage railway to a legal operating state and beyond and how we are going to try to get another into a 'legal' state with its planned up coming changes. Oh and the weather is distinctly grey but hopefully a trip to Risex tomorrow with provide a bright spot.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi celebrated her new found freedom (from dissertation) instead of spending her holiday on the computer, spent the morning booking a holiday via the computer. We will be going to the Lake District for a week in June. Robbie can go as well and if he wants to, Matthew can join us for the first weekend plus two bank holidays, though university teaching sometimes didn't seem to recognise bank holidays when I was a student, perhaps it is different now.


As for the person parking poorly this morning I almost offered to vacate my space and go and park in the nearby road but the driver looked a bit too cross to talk to.

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Morning all,

No model shows here either, though hopefully some kind souls will post some photos on line later of Narrow Gauge South West? Weather here predicted to be in the mid thirties today, though reflected heat off concrete can ad another 10c! As to shipping containers they get pretty warm too!

So glad my outside work will be over by mid morning, then I can return to my "home" office to complete the weeks paperwork.


Enjoy your day folks,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


My fingers are crossed as well, Mike!


Things are looking dreich outside, far as I can tell. I'll be heading for the bakery in a while and will probably see to tidying up some later today while SWMBO will be on an overnight double shift. We're planning to head to Leipzig for a few days around Thursday next week, which I'm looking forward to.


Yesterday, a technician from the cable company stopped by, as he told us the company had found we were receiving too little in the way of upstream. I eventually assisted his efforts by cross-checking various connection parameters in the router's user interface, which led to him replacing the house take-off amplifier with one which he said had much more punch.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


First on this morning Tony? I can remember when there used to be kudos attached to claiming to be first on ERs each morning. Then we realised Dom and Don had an unfair advantage.


Dom and Don? Sounds like they should be on TV introducing one of those reality shows or quizzes.


Have a good weekend all.

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When this forum was founded Gordon was an international air traveler who was perforce an Early Rises to catch early flights to some far flung clients. Dom, Robert and I are Geographically placed to be (currently) two and Trev one hour ahead of the UK. Pete is so placed as to be hours later than the UK, but we have formed long lasting friendships which defy the vagaries of time regions.

I nowadays actually wait two hours before logging on to see if there is any activity.

Gordon had better have a darn good reason for his absenteeism. :wink_mini:

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Oh gawd, in trouble again... :D


It's certainly getting harder to get up in the mornings.


Funny I hadn't realised I was missing yesterday and I'm racking my brains to think why. Got it! Another modeller very kindly offered to fit pick ups to that Comet B1 chassis I built, so went over to his place to pick it up. He's done a beautiful job on it. Although I managed to build the chassis, the pick ups were just one step too far for me, so I was glad of his offer. Eventually it took six hours as various bits had to be dismantled, but he got there in the end.


Other than that, all quiet on the western front.


Amazed that BoD and Dave met up as virtual total strangers. Small world, as they say.

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I'm still an early riser, Don! (Or is it that I haven't been received into my pit yet?)

I am of the opinion that life is too short for too much sleep frankly......


Anyway, Good Morning to you and all our fellow early risers!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, I switched off the alarm and had a nap for 45 mins. Windy outside with some rain but not cold. Gordon are we going to see this loco running soon? I am hoping to have my US diorama in a fit state for some pictures soon.

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Guest dilbert

After a day of being poked and prodded by doctors on Monday, Jamie turned round to me when we got home and said "I've had a really nice day today Daddy"... How to make a Dad's heart melt!!


It isn't much fun as a parent seeing your toddler suffering, but young kids are more resilient than we (parents) sometimes realise. I remember my youngest daughter despite nine months of various treatments which didn't have much effect was very happy when she met the doctor who was going to remove her tonsils. I'm not sure as a three year old what she understood, but she thought the doctor was really handsome and insisted that she put on her own make-up prior to the intervention. The doc was very good about this and played to her whim.


Twenty years on, she has not had any painful chronic ear infections that plagued her as a tot... dilbert

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


FIrst and foremost, Mike - hope all is well next week - these scans are just as useful for elimination as for finding - and I do trust that this will be an elimination job.


Started off very wet and windy this morning, so pulled the duvet higher and listened to Sounds of the Sixties then out to the garage to do some logging - they're going down a bit now despite the recent delivery, but we tend to stop using the stove mid to late March. Need a haircut, so off there soon, then planning to visit Settle - having seen the C4 documentary about the conversion of the old railway water tower to a dwelling, I'm going to mooch on to the station for a look.


Regards to All


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Morning All,


I'm far from being first on this morning! I took advantage of Saturday morning to have a lay in.


As Dominik said, the weather is somewhat grey and it has been raining. Still, it is a lot warmer than of late - so mustn't grumble!


Have a good day everyone...

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Gordon are we going to see this loco running soon? I am hoping to have my US diorama in a fit state for some pictures soon.


I shall look forward to seeing that Mick. It will be some time until the B1 can run on ET. I have had it running on a rolling road and it runs very well. Here's the installation of the pic ups, which is slightly unusual as they had to avoid all the brake rigging etc. It's given me loads of ideas, so perhaps I won't shy away from it next time.



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  • RMweb Premium

Took the dog and cat to the vets last night, (two trips not together). I was amazed at the distance some people had travelled, there is a turn up and queue system so you can hear addresses as cards are put in a box to be seen by the vets, they had travelled from Sheffield, Nottinghamshire, and South Derbyshire. For us it is 5 miles and a relatively cheap vet bill but other people are travelling up to an hour before paying a bill. How far does anyone have to travel to see their vet?




Looks a very neat and tidy job Gordon well laid out and easy to maintain. Personally I might have tried to have them rubbing on the back of the tyres rather than the flange but that is all.

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If I needed one ( my wife refers to me as "an old dog who won't learn new tricks!") about ¼ mile in one direction, or 3 miles the other way - but the Health Centre is even closer, and the Dentist about 100 yards beyond the first vet - we picked our house very carefully!

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When we had "small exotics" back in the 80s and early 90s (we had a pair of chipmunks), one of them developed a blue misty film over both eyes (possibly cataracts, but we never knew for certain), and our local vet in Durham was stumped, so we ended up having to the him to the vet that deals with the animals for Flamingo Land near Malton.

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