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Early Risers.


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Morning all.

Today it is "mostly cloudy" (now and forecast).

I don't seem to have much "get up and go" this morning. I think my mind and body are in different time zones.


My "get up and go", got up and went yonks ago. :no:
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Cloudy.


I'm now officially one third of the way to retirement age... Well, assuming the next governments don't increase it from 105... ;)


A whipper snapper. 105? You're being optimistic then. Happy Birthday Mike.




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  • RMweb Gold

I've got a big black SUV with a hot 4.0 litre DOHC V6 in it.......here it is:

Now go to bed you lot and leave me in peace.....

Best, Pete.

Couldn't see it all Pete - too big to fit on the monitor.

(BTW on hols up in the far north of Scotland a few years ago the hire firm were short of vehicles and instead of getting the booked Disco I was given a Hummer - now that was big but it was great on the single track roads as everybody, except the local loony boy-racers, wilted into a passing place when they saw me coming, but off-road it was rubbish!).


And morning all - sun has just broken through the fairly high cloud but it probably won't last as we're forecast another grey day (sun is now hidden again, it didn't last!). Happy birthday to Mike - I reckon it's meaningless to talk about retirement ages nowadays as the Govt changes them every 5 minutes (and as I said elsewhere it's not so much 'retirement' as when you are allowed to draw a pension - ooh, I've got two more of them coming next year (and the existing one being reduced before everybody gets all jealous).


Edit typo - and the sun's out again.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday Mike. It would seem that today is still celebrated in N Korea even if their birthday boy is deceased!

All these dates which someone can take a state pension are so complicated (though they are relatively simple compared to bus pass entitlement rules).


My car doesn't hum and isn't big enough to hold a disco in. For some reason it gets called lots of rude names on Land Rover forums though!

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Couldn't see it all Pete - too big to fit on the monitor.



I knew someone would say that. I was taking photos of the new development behind........


Happy Birthday Mike! No money for you!


Have a good day everyone....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

My car doesn't hum and isn't big enough to hold a disco in. For some reason it gets called lots of rude names on Land Rover forums though!

I think they picked up the 'disco' abbreviation when the military had some to play with out in Iraq - and I hate to tell you this but they were not at all popular as they were far from robust, especially if rolled (so the Army went in for Toyotas instead)

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  • RMweb Gold

I think they picked up the 'disco' abbreviation when the military had some to play with out in Iraq - and I hate to tell you this but they were not at all popular as they were far from robust, especially if rolled (so the Army went in for Toyotas instead)

I meant it was my Freelander that gets called rude names on the Land Rover forums! Some people don't think it is manly enough for them to be seen out in!

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I meant it was my Freelander that gets called rude names on the Land Rover forums! Some people don't think it is manly enough for them to be seen out in!


2012 version of the Triumph Stag, you mean?


Daylight increasing nicely over here, though we still get cold nights. Currently Sunrise is 6:49am, Sunset at 5:36pm. You'll soon overtake us as it is never daylight at 9:00pm, thank God, it already gets hot enough...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

2012 version of the Triumph Stag, you mean?


I used to get a lift to work in a Triumph Stag. The colleague who drove it always let everyone know he had borrowed it from his mother in law. At that time I didn't have a car so wasn't too familiar with car status remarks! Freelanders seem to attract a lot of hairdresser related comments!

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  • RMweb Gold

I meant it was my Freelander that gets called rude names on the Land Rover forums! Some people don't think it is manly enough for them to be seen out in!

Excellent machines Freelanders IMHO - comfortable, not bad off-road (far better than Hummer) and reasonably economical so I'm told; a vehicle I've long fancied but beyond my financial reach (although a pal just picked up one in good nick for £1,600 in Glasgow).

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Don, Just stepped out to take a reading (!) - we're on: 40. 39' 19"N and 74. 23' 25" W.


Compare to:


London: 51. 30' 0" N and 0. 7' 0" W


Cape Town: 33. 55' 0" S and 18. 25' 0"


If you invert Cape Town then we're closer to you in latitude than London and if you shifted us to Europe we would be just to the south of Rome, Italy.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


First off - Happy birthday Mike I remember when I was 30 and thought retirement at 60 would be just great - now I am nearing that age, and still feeling hale and hearty, I am quite pleased that the retirement age went up for me to 65, as I don't yet feel like finishing up.


It's another dreich day here!


Regards to All


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Hi BoD, I am presumably asking Google the wrong question but I haven't found a RAILWAY map of Durham to Carlisle. The trip should only take an hour or so. Besides watching trains go bye are you inspecting, examining, noting railway structures from a modeling perspective. Did you have a British Railway lunch? A green curly sandwich? Do tell us all.

My BEST EVER holiday was a 6 day, 5 night train tour, 6 continuous days/nights on the train, 3 meals a day in the dining car, smoking allowed excepting in the bar and dining saloon. It was absolute HEAVEN. Then the next year after I had already booked my place, the Railway administration banned them.

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Guest Max Stafford

Well, what'd ya know. Walking round the patch, tending my flock and who do I meet but our own BoD! Nice to meet one of the gang in person!



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  • RMweb Premium

Well, what'd ya know. Walking round the patch, tending my flock and who do I meet but our own BoD! Nice to meet one of the gang in person!




I've looked out for you when I've been in Carlisle too Dave - with no success. The only RM Webber I've met there is Mike at the model shop. Next time I'm heading that way, I'll PM you and if you're around we can hopefully have a coffee together.

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