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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Best of luck with the op Stewart - sounds slightly less inviting than my starting Jury Service the day before, a 'civic duty' I don't really relish to be honest.


Thanks - been there, done that with the jnury service - not a bundle of laughs, I have to say.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello. Now back home after a day of extreme model railway clubbing! It got colder as I got to the lands beyond Colchester. Our farmer landlord said it was -15C at 5am but it was a manageable -2 by the time we set off home in the afternoon.

I did jury service in Southend about 30 years ago and was selected again about 10 years ago but got an exemption at the time due to health reasons.

It isn't like it looks on television drama!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Close to -11° again and I'll be of to the bakery around eight. Girlfriend was struck by a migraine around noon yesterday, and thus spent most of the afternoon resting...not really the sort of thing you'd wish for on a birthday, I'm rather sure! However, once she was feeling better I prepared dinner and we're planning to eat out at a Korean restaurant tonight.


Weather forecast predicts snow by tonight, so commuting to work tomorrow may get interesting!


Cheers everyone - enjoy your day :) .

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Morning all. Cold and crisp. Mrs S says may thanks for all your good wishes. A good day was had by all, although the curry and red wine combination is paying its toll this morning.


Good day for London v the NE yesterday. :D


Just heard another of my pop icons from the 70's has gone. RIP Whitney. Loads of fond memories from my Hadleigh days.

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Good morning all,


Bit late on parade today (well tis Sunday!). Remembering the cold from school days, does any one else ever remember those 1/3 pint (?) bottles of school milk? Our used to freeze, milk would be standing up like an ice cream, and then would be brought into the class room to have the crate stood on the radiator to thaw out by break time........but the milk then tasted disgusting.........I still dont like it!


OK, well enjoy your day



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I remember school milk and all its disgusting variations. We stopped having "doorstep" milk when Matthew was little as the local dairy seemed incapable of delivering milk that was drinkable or couldn't cope with not delivering while we were on holiday.

It is below zero here at the moment. I really would like to get all the mud and salt off my car but it will have to wait for another day.

I'll drive to Basildon today as I want a couple of XLR connectors. Andrew (Andrew C) very kindly allowed me to purchase the modules he had made for our club layout. They were incorporated into the main part of the layout yesterday but now I've got them at home I need the connectors to make a lead up for my DCC system.



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  • RMweb Gold

Belated morning all - but the shopping's done and, having taken the lad to work at 05.00 this morning, I have seen the temperature rise from -5 to +3C in a space of about 5 hours. So now everything is damp instead of being dry and crisply frozen.


And as for that appalling school milk - ugh! I refused it from the age of 5 onwards as it often made me sick; I wonder why we couldn't had orange juice instead as it did appear from time to time?

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Guest Max Stafford

We used to receive our milk in little triangular cartons. I quite liked it but I was a bit of a wee porker anyway. Just a big one now!



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Yep used to pop the tops up! Conversely in Summer they were hot = I still like slightly "off" milk.......but then I liked custard on my potatoes.


Best, Pete.

Oddly that was mentioned on Radio4 on The Food Program at lunchtime - My comment then was the same as now "EEUUCCCH!"

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  • RMweb Gold

Oddly that was mentioned on Radio4 on The Food Program at lunchtime - My comment then was the same as now "EEUUCCCH!"


I think Frites avec Crème Anglaise may be preferable to some of the recipes discussed on the radio and television for instance "snail porridge".

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Temperature just into positive figures now - and we are back to dreichness again here with a promise of winds to come on the week.


Thanks for your early good wishes for my forthcoming surgery - TBH I can't wait, as the hip screw has been causing me gyp now for months, and it'll be better out than in - oddly one of the health workers at my GP's surgery had the same op about ten years ago, and still has the metalwork in situ, and she also walks without a limp. So clearly I am one of the less fortunate in that regard - the consultant did say that just under half the people who have a hip screw fitted do suffer some sort of pain or irritation.


I am old enough to remember school milk - it was stored outside the janitor's hut (ie outside) where the little bottles suffered the vagaries of the Scottish weather - freezing and thawed out in a warm classroom, going partly turned in summer, whatever, the condition, you had to drink it - made me throw up on the classroom floor, and thereafter I was excused boots - but since then I have only taken milk with cereal - I take tea and coffee black even now.


Regards to All - I'm off for my dinner.


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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie has just had his walk. I've come back more bruised than before I went out. One of his mildly irritating habits is that he likes to deposit that which I have to pick up in "challenging" locations, in the summer he favours nettle beds. Today it was half way down the slope on the flood protection that is a footpath in the park. Unlike Robbie I fell over. I'm not sure why my left hip hurts when I fell on my right side!

I've spent the rest of the day helping Aditi with some word processing problems. I can get all the software to work with new documents but for documents that have evolved over many versions it is playing up. I've given up and found an inelegant solution that works and retains sanity at home.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, have returned from celebrating DD1's 21st birthday, patchy fog was the only problem, no back seat driving from the inlaws and only a Fiat with the strangest headlamp pattern I have ever seen slowed us down over the hills.

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Gold

A week off.

Exam papers marked. Data entry completed.

Medium term plans done for next half term.


Now what shall I do .........

Some light housework?

Fill the freezer with exotic dinners for the next half term?

Play with trains?

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