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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


NO idea what we're expecting weather wise, the forecast has changed from snow to rain to sleet to snow and back again every three hours. I guess the result really depends on where the damp air meets the cold air, and down it all comes. Looks like over the weekend, they expect the wet air to win overall. Best way to be sure is to look out the window, I guess. Just did, and it's currently raining and it was sleety hail like stuff when I was out for my paper earlier.


Phil H - before price comparison websites, we used an insurance broker who was MEANT to find us the best deal on the market - in reality some of them recommended the deal that gave them the best commission, rather than the one that gave the customer a fair price. Some longer term policies (particularly life and pensions) paid the broker over 50% of the premium.


Pete - I know where you're coming from with humidity problems with your guitars - at least with my accoustics, I can get a sound hole humidifier, but that doesn't work for a solid. A dry guitar is a nightmare, and can be expensive to rectify sometimes - Taylor charge a fixed $200 to look at a dry instrument, I think.


Gordon - not great news about the pond there, I fear.


Anyway, I'm waiting for a suppementary load of logs to arrive today as our supply is sadly depleted, so 30747 is calling that I need to get to the garage to get ready, so..


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Our log supply seems to be going at an amazing rate this year - we've had two loads since October and we're nearly out of the second one so I'll be re-ordering next week. Having problems with the central heating hasn't helped and we've often had the stove going for a longer part of the day so i suppose it's not surprising that we've been getting through them.


But at least some of the 'home cut' stuff will be usable next winter.

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Our log supply seems to be going at an amazing rate this year - we've had two loads since October and we're nearly out of the second one so I'll be re-ordering next week. Having problems with the central heating hasn't helped and we've often had the stove going for a longer part of the day so i suppose it's not surprising that we've been getting through them.


But at least some of the 'home cut' stuff will be usable next winter.


It's a constant game of 'catch up' with the fuel supply for our wood burner Mike, but I must admit working on the railway has it's perks, the odd few bits of oak and cherry I've picked up have come in very handy of late. When cherry burns it smells absolutely lovely!

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  • RMweb Gold

i wish I had a log burner - a lot of reservoirs I service are in the middle of ancient woodlands. Between natural falls and constant lopping by our grounds people around the ressies I could have a gardenful of logs. The worst bit is that when the trees are lopped the wood is cut into reasonable lengths and stacked into 'ecopiles' , the aim of which is to rot down over the years and provide homes for insects etc.


What a waste!

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I'm with you on the log front. We normally get through three truck loads in a winter which we used to order as required. The guy charges £225 per truck, which is the equivalent of 3 loads. This year we had it all up front, but it seems to be going quite quickly. Mind you my dear lady likes it warm, so it has been on every evening since around November. On the plus side we have been able to turn our CH stat down a degree or two, but haven't noticed a drop in price as the cost per kWh has been going up.


PhilH. Best thing we ever did getting a stove. Take a look at these. Great quality and very efficient....Bloomin' wonderful.



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  • RMweb Gold

When we built the house a stove was planned into the living room from Day 1 - the only 'debate' with herself was about having a brick fireplace around it and the form it should take (I won - after we saw a suitable example in a local pub and she was won over to the idea of bare brickwork).


So here's the stove - in place, with slate hearth, before the carpet layer arrived. Only problems we have suffered were poor draughting - which the chimney sweep reckoned was due to an incorrect cowl; the builders had fitted that and last year we got the fireplace folk back who instantly identified it as the likely problem so we had it replaced and now have no draughting troubles apart from a little bit when first starting a fire when the chimney is cold. Incidentally we don't have a metal liner in the chimney - it is just ordinary modern rectangular chimney internal sections laid as the brickwork progressed and quite a large, rectangular section. The stove is smashing and the heat permeates into the hall and around the house although it's not a replacement for central heating of course. (The mantelpiece is naturally seasoned oak from a local chap who keeps stocks of seasoning timber).



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Afternoon All, I fear I have lost my sanity. Twas -9C on the golf course when I teed off at 8.30 this morning. Absolutely barking!


No woodburner and no fish in the pond in these parts. Have just removed a dead rat from one of the bird feeders where Annie Oakley (SWMBO) gave it a serious dose of lead poisoning earlier.


Have a good one all.




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Guest Max Stafford

i wish I had a log burner - a lot of reservoirs I service are in the middle of ancient woodlands. Between natural falls and constant lopping by our grounds people around the ressies I could have a gardenful of logs. The worst bit is that when the trees are lopped the wood is cut into reasonable lengths and stacked into 'ecopiles' , the aim of which is to rot down over the years and provide homes for insects etc.


What a waste!



Not such a waste if all the insects in the pile become a draw for a variety of woodland birds, Phil. I believe that's the thinking behind 'eco piles'.


Horrible rain and a strengthening wind here. If I win the lotto I'm moving over to the eastern half of the island!


Oh, why the bl00dy hell can't I be positive for once? :banghead:



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Guest Max Stafford

I don't mind snow, Pete. Makes the place look pretty too. :) Having been blasted with storm force winds whilst knee deep in mud and standing water for three months has somewhat tempered my views on the subject. :derisive:



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  • RMweb Gold

You know that freezing rain that we don't get here......

....... well i think we've just had some.


We had a little flurry of snow a couple of hours ago and it stopped. I thought we had escaped then just before I was due to go out to pick Mrs. S. up it started a mixture of hail and rain. It just froze where it fell. De-icer wouldn't touch the windscreen, it had to be scraped off everything. Braking and turning was challenging but at leat I'm back, no damage done. I'm staying in front of the fire.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

I have got to go out to pick up DD2 and the rock salt I threw on the end of the drive has disappeared under the snow so entertaining times ahead. It never used to bother me too much in the Volvo at the worst it was worth less than £200 but the Zafira isn't ours and is worth a lot more.

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  • RMweb Gold

We now have a thin covering of snow but it seems pretty wet although the temperature is just about on 0C and we're still getting very fine stuff coming down. Could go either way I think although whatever remains in the morning will no doubt be like a skating rink I expect.


Not sure what it's like for walking up the hill from the station but daughter should be back from Kew shortly and will no doubt report the state of the local paths.

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Guest Max Stafford

Rain seems to have stopped but I reckon it'll freeze. I'm going to go and stick some salt down on the road round the corner or everybody will be skidding all over the shop! I'll get some on the pavement too!



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  • RMweb Premium

Rain seems to have stopped but I reckon it'll freeze. I'm going to go and stick some salt down on the road round the corner or everybody will be skidding all over the shop! I'll get some on the pavement too!


No such conditions in sight over here, thankfully. However, I was just wondering if it might be feasible to dispense salt or grit over the fence from the safety of our front garden if freezing rain should occur again. That way, I might largely avoid getting onto slippery ground myself. It just would not do hurting myself while attempting to keep others from doing so.


On the other hand, just burning everything off with that gas burning weedkiller might be more fun... :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Rather warmer here tonight in Droitwich than it was this afternoon. I think the couple of inches of snow isn't going to last long. I did volunteer to drive to the restaurant but my brother took us all in the VW Polo. He learned his safe snow driving technique from his years in Nigeria.


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Oi! It's a cold day in hell when snow falls in Nigeria. Ask Trev.

It's not a never, but it's right on the equator so snow it pretty much a once in a century occurrence.


Good morning all. 34 C here today. No snow LOL.

Good modeling weather.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah, the German technical approach...




Yeah, winter's not a time for half measures! :D


Morning all - close to -12° right now and I'll be heading for the bakery in an hour. Thankfully, I slept fairly well, which I often did not in recent weeks due to the neck aches.


I also feel like I'm slowly getting the jitters over the exams I'll be having from tomorrow till Wednesday... :mellow: As usual, I'm wondering whether, even though I've been reading up on a lot of stuff, I'll be able to remember all of it when the time comes...

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