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They would appear to be, according to the timetabling app. Sure looks nicer than if everything were drenched in rain, too.


Absolutely! There was almost no snow at home, but quite a bit in Mainz when I took the little guy to school.


Here at work there is a light sprinkling - but the forest looked very nice this morning. All the trees were covered in snow.

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  • RMweb Premium

Unbelievable! Lunkheads jamming doors at two stations and passengers still complain about the train running late. I felt like piping a certain Smashing Pumpkins song with a rather profane alternate title into the carriage...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - a touch of frost here in our bit of the Thames Valley but now cleared from all but the shady areas by a clear blue sky and bright sunshine - had to draw the curtain so that I could see the monitor! It's forecast to turn showery this evening but that 'guesstimate' from Exeter will probably be about as accurate as the hailstorm they forecast for yesterday.

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  • RMweb Premium

When I avoided the cloudburst earlier I hadn't realised it had turned to ice on the car windscreen so I was a little slow getting DD2 to school.Our bad weather is forecast to turn up on Monday Mrs B's birthday so that will be me back in the doghouse. Hope we hear some good news from Tony soon.

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Sat and watched the tennis since 08.30 this morning. Fascinating to see the ebb and flow of confidence from one player to the other. Wouldn't necessarily agree that Murray derailed himself. Thought at 5-2 down he was dead and buried, but then he fought back to 5-5 and it could have been anyones. These guys must have staggering reserves of energy and the way they handle the mental pressures of winning or losing never cease to amaze me.


It should be one hell of a final if Djokovic can recover after such a gruelling match.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Turning a bit wintery here at present. Sort of sleety wet snow could go either way.


Trust all with health issues today get the news that they want.


What a waste of an afternoon off - had to pick up 30747 from Sainsbugs, then a trip to the coal merchant, got home, switched on the laptop, and a voice from the other end of the house called back "can you help me with these curtains please?" . How hard can it be to put in about eight curtain eyes and cut a bit of curtain wire - well with the low quality stuff that seems to be about nowadays - well yes...it can be.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

Back from Whitechapel. The inspection went well. The doctors and nurses at the new hospital did an excellent job (and I got tea and biscuits afterwards!) I'm a little bit sore and hungry so I'm glad to be home now.


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Good to hear it and hope any further analysis will be ok.


I'm glad too, Tony - but I will not be using Mike's choice of words.....

My Doctor gives me the "highlights" on a DVD which is all well and good until my Wife put one on by mistake...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good to hear it and hope any further analysis will be ok.

The feedback from the visual evidence was encouraging, and no need for an urgent appointment, just keep my routine one in June.

The new (to me) technique of spraying the intestine with blue dye to highlight pre cancerous lesions reduces the number of biopsies taken considerably.


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  • RMweb Gold

I My Doctor gives me the "highlights" on a DVD which is all well and good until my Wife put one on by mistake...

Best, Pete.

I got a print out with some colour pictures to bring home!

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  • RMweb Gold

Tony - just so long as your "Whitechapel" doesn't get intermingled with the one on TV next week - the result could be rather gruesome

The old Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel looked as if parts could be used in a Victorian crime series. The endoscopy unit was accessed along some basement corridors that looked quite grim, although the unit itself was very nice. The new hospital is very smart. Someone seems to have tidied up Whitechapel since my last visit, perhaps it is for the Olympics.

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