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Early Risers.


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Morning all. Inexplicably awake 30 minutes before the alarm. I didn't leave the hearing on low overnight so it's Baltic this morning in here. Hoping it heats up soon!


Last night's climbing was pretty sore, we all missed a week last week so felt a bit rubbish and lacking in strength.


It looks reasonably dry outside but still pitch black.


Have a good day all!

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Morning All,


It is a rather crisp, clear morning here with a temperature of around -3°C. Scraping the car was quite hard this morning - there seemed to be a double layer of frost!


Nice to see some modelling in ERs - I do so little of it that most of my attempts end up being posted here!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Raining and not quite double figure temperature here,

I have a hospital appointment tomorrow and today's breakfast was the last solid food I can have until after the "procedure". I can have a liquid lunch today as long as it is clear liquid.

Like Don I too have an appointment at the opticians. I had the eye test a few weeks ago and decided I was changing from one type of glass to another too often so I went and looked at getting a pair of varifocals. The optician sent me home with some frames so that Aditi could express an opinion. That has been made so today I'll be returning so he can sort out exactly what lens features (thinness, coatings, etc) I want

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Morning all. Good grief, miss one day and you have three pages to catch up with. Good luck with your hospital visit tomorrow Tony. I'll be trying not to think about it.... ;)


Before Christmas, some oik creamed £140 out of Amazon.de on my Visa card. I thought they had dealt with it as my account opened again, but it's closed again this morning. Just hoping it's not another attack. Of course I appreciate they are on the ball, but just a pain having to set up a new card and bring your accounts back in line.


Must be the season for new glasses as I'm just waiting for a call to collect mine.

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  • RMweb Premium


I have a hospital appointment tomorrow and today's breakfast was the last solid food I can have until after the "procedure". I can have a liquid lunch today as long as it is clear liquid.



So does ' beer ' count as clear liquid ?


Best of luck for tomorrow .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning folks - bright and sunny in our bit of the Thames Valley at the moment but we have hail promised for later (which means we'll probably have sunshine all day, the Met Office have been distinctly off the beam over the past couple of weeks).


Fingers crossed for you Tony - always a worrying time when they start this sort of process but hopefully you'll get some good results which clear things out of mind. And no doubt I'll be called onto the eye-test bandwagon soon although the present ones are quite ok apart from the inability of one pair to stay screwed together.

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Tony, If you're having what I think you're having then clear Chicken Broth is your friend. I've had the procedure over here at least three times and had things zapped for the first two. Everyone should have it at least once after turning 50. Drink plenty of water too if you're taking "Fleet" first.

I've been diagnosed with Cancer twice, so far, one 20 years ago was very serious. I AM STILL HERE!!!


All the best everyone. Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's turning out to be rather sunny right now, which sure is nicer than the dreich last night. My appointment is at 4 pm, so I'll still have time for some lunch and some pieces of work before I go.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, I am an early riser honest. In fact today I was up at 2.30 to take daughter to A&E with kidney pains. Didn't get back to bed till 6.30 and have only just got round to things computer. Daughter is now back at hospital having scans looking for suspected kidney stones. Not the most restfull of nights sleep. Hey ho. Kids, who'd have 'em?


Always tough when the subject of cancer rears its head. The folks I know who have been there seem to appreciate the opportunity to be open about it with someone or everyone. Seems to be more difficult for the non-sufferer to ask than for the suffer to talk about it. It's a big part of modern life so I guess we should get used to it and try and master our fears.




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  • RMweb Gold

The liquid lunch suggested on the list was either chicken consomme or strained noodle soup. I filtered the chicken noodle soup I bought in Sainsbury!

This time the pre treatment is a lot shorter, it used to be two days of diet and "purging". The new consultant said techniques are improving and the latest one requires less biopsies and doesn't have to be repeated for 3 years. The good thing about the modern techniques is that if you want the doctor can give you a live report on what he or she (and the patient) can see.

The old London Hospital in Whitechapel is apparently being rebuilt but I get to go to one of newly opened buildings tomorrow. It is still just opposite the Underground Station.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, the GP referred me to an orthopaedist as he's suspecting some spinal matter to be the cause of everything, so to speak, but does not expect it to be a major issue. I'll be due there next Thursday, which I guess I'll yet be able to bear.

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  • RMweb Gold

The liquid lunch suggested on the list was either chicken consomme or strained noodle soup. I filtered the chicken noodle soup I bought in Sainsbury!

This time the pre treatment is a lot shorter, it used to be two days of diet and "purging". The new consultant said techniques are improving and the latest one requires less biopsies and doesn't have to be repeated for 3 years. The good thing about the modern techniques is that if you want the doctor can give you a live report on what he or she (and the patient) can see.

The old London Hospital in Whitechapel is apparently being rebuilt but I get to go to one of newly opened buildings tomorrow. It is still just opposite the Underground Station.


Could be interesting to watch if you can Tony - and get an explanation as they go perhaps? When I had lung scans I didn't get much of a view the first time but was given a grandstand seat (or monitor placement) the second time I had one watching all the bits the isotope had hit whistling around, just like a screensaver. Only worrying bit was when the isotope was injected - using a lead lined syringe, more than enough to weight a trio of 4mm diesels I reckoned :O Anyway best of luck with it and fingers crossed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Could be interesting to watch if you can Tony - and get an explanation as they go perhaps? When I had lung scans I didn't get much of a view the first time but was given a grandstand seat (or monitor placement) the second time I had one watching all the bits the isotope had hit whistling around, just like a screensaver. Only worrying bit was when the isotope was injected - using a lead lined syringe, more than enough to weight a trio of 4mm diesels I reckoned :O Anyway best of luck with it and fingers crossed.

The first one I had done was in the early days of such technology and only the doctor could see. Also then the anaesthetic was the nurse holding your hand and offering gas and air if it got too uncomfortable! On the more recent ones I always look at the monitor, the doctor keeps up a running commentary as well.

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Good morning all, it's Friday again!


Nothing to report on the weather front, the populace seem to have resigned themselves to the fuel price hike. Off to meeting shortly which I hope doesn't drag on for hours. Hope all goes well for those with medical issues,


Have a good un,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looks like the outside world is wearing a thin veil of snow, but the roads would appear to be mostly clear. It's almost 1°C, too, so I guess the snow won't be lasting very long. Thankfully, I slept a lot better than the previous few nights, to which end a vigorous shaking-up and realignment of the pillow and realignment may also have contributed. Aches aren't s bad as before either.


One of the two 189s arrived yesterday, with the shop expecting the second one to be delivered to them within a few days. Model's looking good in any case and I don't think modifying those knuckle coupler imitations will be very difficult. However, I'm surprised that the running numbers are, in fact, quite a bit smaller than I expected, so the template for the custom-made transfers I'll require for one of the two will need to be modified.


TGIF...cheers, everyone...

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