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  • RMweb Gold

I wonder how the IOM gets its electricity? Obviously it is in a location where wind could provide a significant amount, as could wave power although that is as yet undeveloped to any commercial extent. Solar PV would also figure but I suspect the island cannot be solely reliant upon renewable energy. I assume that there is either a local source of power generation or the island imports electricity from nearby land. 
This remains my big concern about the UK going forward as we shut all coal plants, as nuclear plants reach the end of their lives and as we import ever more power through the four underwater connectors running to France and Holland - themselves largely dependent upon uninterrupted supplies of Siberian gas. Smart meters are simply a diversion from the reality that our demand is above our generating capacity, as it has been for years and is getting more-so. Electric and hybrid vehicles still require charging from another source, electric trains need reliable and uninterruptible power. Just where this energy is going to come from is a matter that the likes of Extinction Rebellion and the more level-headed climatically aware have yet to provide a proposed workable solution.

Anyone got those anti-grumpy pills?

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Morning, bright and cold again here, my kids and grandkids have decided I must be a Minion, I have hung around with some dodgy people, invariably in trouble and I've just eaten the biggest Banana they've ever seen...…………………………...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All

Blue sky with clouds 

Up early started to yawn and went back fell out at 10 after another two hours, seems to be a habit on Sundays, I'm still trying to get things straight around the flat 

tidy one bit and mess up a clean bit I need to start throwing stuff out if there is no home for it when I get my shed key more boxes can go down there to be stored.


Chrisf get a large  Benylin Mucus it cleared my muck and 4 boxes of balm tissues to wipe the snout you will need them.


Better get on as more bacon rolls will be done for lunch Yum Yum          

                                                                                                                             S. T. Illpigginoutt




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Forecast to be windy later, “sunny spells” now.

Aditi is off to see her Mum soon. I may go. Aditi is taking over lots of curtains (our spare sets, whatever they are). Our nephew is moving to an unfurnished flat and needs various items until he (and/or his girlfriend) choose some themselves. Their nearest (they will be in West Sussex) IKEA seems to be in Croydon so perhaps their new home won’t be full of little Allen keys.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like 81C I decided to lay in bed until 10. When I did get up I spotted a particular book I had been looking for under a pile of magazines. So I attempted to remove it from under the pile of magazines (you all know where this is going). Inevitably the pile of magazines collapsed taking another pile of magazines that was leaning on them with them. I have managed to open up a path through them but it looks as if its going to take the rest of the day to sort them out. Most of them will probably end up in the pink sacks for the bin men to collect. I did find a few other books that were on the 'missing' list however, I will have to resist the temptation to sit and read them instead of sorting the magazines.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

One or two sunny spells here but there may be some showers.

Still feeling carp so no big breakfast today. 

Just got bathroom guy's quote. I don't think he wants the job or he thinks I'm a mug. After picking myself up from the floor  I've decided to go with somebody else but he doesn't think he can fit us in for 3 or 4 months. He does come highly recommended as well and fitted a bathroom for friends and having seen his work I'm prepared to wait.


Three rugby matches watched and enjoyed yesterday, more today.

Have a good one,



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Well the rain has stopped and the sun is shining, so I'm about to set up my circular saw and cut some wood. 


Back later 

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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

We have two power stations, and a 2.5mm :lol: cable to the UK.


No doubt complete with 13Amp fuse :jester:


1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

Wind power is often discussed and is a hot potato between the greens and the other greens who see the fans as a blot on our beautiful landscape.  We can see enough of them on the horizon - Walney wind farm.  They'll come in time.  Tidal power would be better, we have terrific tidal races around each end of the rock. There's not really the space for photovoltaics in mass, as most suitable land is farmed.  Then there's the other greens who see them as a blot........etc etc.


The other man's grass is always greener!

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

. There's not really the space for photovoltaics in mass, as most suitable land is farmed. 

Putting sheep in the same fields as solar panels seems to be a thing now.  They keep the vegetation around the panels under control. 

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2 hours ago, 81C said:

Chrisf get a large  Benylin Mucus it cleared my muck and 4 boxes of balm tissues to wipe the snout you will need them.


Before going with off the shelf remedies, ask your pharmacist. I'm on blood pressure meds and also a statin. My local pharmacy wouldn't sell me any of the standard remedies as to would interfere adversely with the BP meds. I only found this out because I asked the expert - I could have gone to the supermarket. They did sell me something less costly which wouldn't affect the meds, and that's working.

So please, if you are on ANY other meds, ask before dosing yourself. We're not the experts, that's why we have GPs and qualified pharmacists.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon al,


Todays' post giving considerable food for thought.  Who'd want to go and live in Canada with a weather forecast like that (and then be responsible for clearing the pavement outside your house as applies in the city where my wife's friend lives).  Bacon - yes, interesting point as I need to decide how many rashers to have with my lunch of mushrooms and bacon; I'll probably finish off the open packet.  Electric cars - yes, my perennial question - where will the electricity come from to charge them?  As yet nobody has answered that and having bought a diesel car because politicos said they were good for reducing global warming I will definitely think several times about the same 'experts' telling me that an electric car is, hmm - 'good for reducing global warming'.


And yes, CB;s advice is spot on and I have not purchased a popular proprietary medicine in pill form which is claimed to deal with a sore throat because the pharmacist made it very clear that it should not be taken with certain prescription medications I take.  Even something as innocent sounding as Benylin should be checked out with your pharmacist just in case it contains the wrong thing.  and if, like me, you're on warfarin always check to make sure any medicine you buy does not contain aspirin.


May those who are sufgfering from ailments various improve, and certainly not worsen in ChrisF's case, and everybody enjoy the remainder of the day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Stevie Nidge has been visited, generally ok and not as cramped as Peterborough was. It was moderately busy but nothing in the form of rainbows was spotted and there was a general lack of people obviously discharging mucous. Little was purchased, a few wheels and bearings to see if I can improve the running of some 1960’s designed PC Models GWR Toplights on Code 75 and something to separate the wooden bits thereof to a more prototypical spacing. I do hope that avoids the wrath of awl! Back home, I found The Boss smiling! It wasn’t from beans, peas or cabbage but from her trying on her salopettes and having to tighten the webbing belt. No doubt normal service will be resumed soon. Muggertea is being consumed with the last of the festive fromage.


Thanks to the Fraggle Rock correspondent, his post adds to my knowledge and concerns too. As for mixing OTC meds with prescribed ones, I’m in the same camp as John and Mike. Don’t without an honest discussion with your pharmacist.


As to sheep removing vegetation around solar panels, we as a country have a huge distance of hedges and walls enclosing fields. If solar panels were installed on those that faced in a generally southern quadrant, one would have thought a not inconsequential amount of power could be generated without turning over good land for solar fields, or is it something to do with harvesting subsidies???

Edited by Kingzance
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1 hour ago, Kingzance said:

As to sheep removing vegetation around solar panels, we as a country have a huge distance of hedges and walls enclosing fields. If solar panels were installed on those that faced in a generally southern quadrant, one would have thought a not inconsequential amount of power could be generated without turning over good land for solar fields, or is it something to do with harvesting subsidies???

Doing as you suggest, whilst very logical energy wise, may severely affect the wildlife corridors. A non-sunlit hedge would be unlikely to sprout as many berries or flowers, and hence the insect life would be limited. A lack of insolation through shading would also make them damper. This would, I believe, change the local environment so much that their corridor usefulness would be affected. 


And there's also infrastructure, that of collecting the power. Extra and longer cables would reduce the cost effectiveness of the installation. You need a lot of area to make it effective.

This is the insolation map UK. Combine this with rainfall maps and you'll see that extra shading may be problematic.


Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening.  Managed not to weather my hand today.  Progress was made, but to things that don't make good photographs so I am not in danger this evening from Awlness.


As for our power generation, despite my little jokes, we are actually rather efficient, and we do sell power to the UK national grid quite often as we can make it cheaper.  The wind turbines are the future but as other greenies really are vociferous in not wanting them on aesthetic grounds it will be a battle.  It can be windy here, but also it can be incredibly still and quiet, usually in evenings so they aren't a 100% answer.  Locals consider the weather here cold, windy and wet, but from someone who grew up on the coast in Tyneside, they don't know the meaning of it! Our problem will always be paying for infrastructure, with a population only of around 85,000.  The fancy power station won't be paid for even when it is obsolete, thanks to an out of control CEO who built it on money he borrowed from banks without approval from (our) government Treasury.  He buqqered off shortly afterwards!


Oh yeah - the cable:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isle_of_Man_to_England_Interconnector

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium
11 minutes ago, TheSignalEngineer said:


Plenty of open space above water in the north-west. This is Godley Reservoir at Hyde



The array covers an area of 45,500 square metres, and United Utilities say it will generate 2.7 GWh per year of power, which is used in part to feed the local water treatment plant. This was the first commercial water-borne installation in the country and lessons learned are being used to put in further arrays at other treatment plants.



That was on our local TV recently, interesting.


The real issue I see is of storage - of power made by wind and photovoltaics, for the night and in quiet periods - we need a big battery.  Pumped storage?

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

The real issue I see is of storage - of power made by wind and photovoltaics, for the night and in quiet periods - we need a big battery.  Pumped storage?

Hydro pumped storage could be a possibility, but expensive to build. The Dinorwig 'Electric Mountain' near Llanberis is an example, with reversible turbines to pump water back up to the storage lake at night.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

The national trust has announced they will plant  20million trees over the next 10 years.  A lot of this will be on farm land.   Where will they plant the trees to compensate for the extra air / ground / shipping transport required to bring in the displaced food growing?... 


Landrover unloaded,  into mobile home,  I went into the railway Shed to measure up for fitting the rack of drawers we've gained and noticed we've been getting rain driven in through the back door.  So I went round the outside to look... And couldn't get there. 

I hadn't done this year's overgrown  hedge trimming. Once the loppers were collected I set off down the back clearing the way.  Once at the back door it was obvious a porch will be needed,  I have some ideas sketches to be done later. 

I then carried on hedge trimming to notice 5 branches had broken off and fallen onto the shed roof. They were around 3 inches in diameter at the breaks. By cutting the smaller branches off, I was able to remove them.   Further work, is required,  I will cut down all branches above eaves height,  this will reduce the possibility of it happening again and thicken the hedge lower down. 


The toolbox is still very sticky so it will have to stay out there for a bit longer. 


Ben the muddy collie took us the long way round down by the marshes , very soggy and very muddy.  Extra mud has been caused by some prat taking a road tyred 4x4 down a grass lane leaving trenches a foot deep.  Part way along a all terrain tyred 4x4 joined it, looking at the tracks possibly to tow the first one out. 


In interupption caused by dinner and eyelid inspection.. 


Just done my BP, on Friday it was 165/97.

Just now 133/85, it's been dropping all weekend,  it will be interesting tomorrow night after the stress of work... 

Bye for now.. 

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