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6 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

A relatively warm (59°F) good night to awl from the Piedmont.


Not too cold here either. It's 30F but it hasn't stopped snowing all day. Looks like 5 inches now and it's still coming.

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Looks like the snow is easing off for now. The electric snow-chucker was deployed on the deck. It worked quite well but the snow was more than six inches deep. It would probably do a lot better at four inches or less.

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Tonight the new posts stretched over 6 pages.

We had a crowd out at the Opera Group to watch a video of Die Fledermaus. And I think we were all still there at 10:00.


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Mooring Awl,  inner Temple Hare, 

6.5 hours of sleep,  reasonably solid.  But I've woken with a sore throat and headache hopefully it's just temporary. 


Ben's the desperate Collie is wanting out.... 


Ben,  found a the scent of something by the house, and spent sometime wandering around following it,  before heading down the garden,  for the normal purpose.   Now we are back in he doesn't seem settled,  but I don't know why.  Very breezy out there,  dry overcast,  but the clouds brightened by the wolf moon,  I was glad Ben's route kept us sheltered from the wind. 


I'm now supping a Muggacoffee,  while settling for my first solo BP test, after which an attempt at more sleep may occur. 

I will then have bacon and eggs for breakfast,  as its now an approved meal,  for diabetics,  whereas 12years ago it was highly discouraged. ( too much fat and cholesterol) 


Later,  sand and repaint the tool box,  sand and repaint the bulges of the boat. 


Time to,  press a button. 





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9 hours ago, Debs. said:

Two of my favourite Welsh words:

Elliw (The arrival of Spring) 

Hiraeth (Longing - particularly for home) 


.....and a four-line Englyn, about the Sheepdog:


Y Ci Defaid
(Thomas Richards) 
"Rhwydd gamwr hawdd ei gymell–i'r mynydd,
A'r mannau anghysbell;
Hel a didol diadell
Yw camp hwn yn y cwm pell"

.....and a rough transl. which can't do justice to the beauty of the sentiment, or strict poetic metre. 


"The Sheep Dog
A fast strider, his coercion easy -- to the mountain
And the remote places;
To gather a scattered flock
Is an achievement in the far Valley" 


Oi! Watch it. There's no peomtry here at all (or at all, at all in Ireland). Just for that here's a bit of McGoonagall (topical seeing as its January.


Immortal Robert Burns of Ayr,
There’s but few poets can with you compare;
Some of your poems and songs are very fine:
To “Mary in Heaven” is most sublime;
And then again in your “Cottar’s Saturday Night,”
Your genius there does shine most bright,
As pure as the dewdrops of night.

Your “Tam o’ Shanter’ is very fine,
Both funny, racy, and divine,
From John o’ Groats to Dumfries
All critics consider it to be a masterpiece,
And, also, you have said the same,
Therefore they are not to blame.

And in my own opinion both you and they are right,
For your genius there does sparkle bright,
Which I most solemnly declare
To thee, Immortal Bard of Ayr!

Your “Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon”
Is sweet and melodious in its tune,
And the poetry is moral and sublime,
And in my opinion nothing can be more fine.

Your “Scots wha hae wi’ Wallace bled”
Is most beautiful to hear sung or read;
For your genius there does shine as bright,
Like unto the stars of night….

Immortal Bard of Ayr! I must conclude my muse
To speak in praise of thee does not refuse,
For you were a mighty poet, few could with you compare,
And also an honour to Scotland, for your genius it is rare.



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12 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Evening all,


Incidentally I suspect in having separate mains drainage for rain/surface water apart from the mains draining for less pleasant household output.



We had separate drains in our last house near Leeds that had been built in 72.

10 hours ago, pH said:


From Ogden Nash:


The ant has made himself illustrious
Through constant industry industrious.
So what?
Would you be calm and placid
If you were full of formic acid?

I have a vague memory  from a chemistry lesson that formic acid was produced by distilling red ants.  No doubt there is a more modern way now.


Anyway good morning to all.  Beth got home safely yesterday though numerous sins of omission and commission are being pointed out to me. We watched a film, The 2 Popes, last night which we enjoyed.  Today will be more shutter painting and sundry other tasks.  No rain today so less mud around.


All this talk of 9F's and 4F's reminded me that I have partially built examples of each.



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all.


No dog sitting for the next few days so it was straight to the paper shop and back earlier on.  There is a strong wind a’ blowing but fortunately it is from a Southerly-ish direction rather than a Northerly or Nor’easterner.  I fear I will have to force myself to go for a walk.  I love it once I’m out there but on these darker, windy days getting out in the first place becomes less and less attractive, especially with no muzzle nudging me in encouragement.

On the other hand I could  just stay in,  ‘muddle’  through the day and watch a bit sport  later.

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Morning, grey and windy outside, not looking forward to my duties at daughter’s chateau as quite a bit will be external! Muggertea made and downed, breakfast going down. Wish you all positive vibes...

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12 hours ago, 81C said:

I could see Zeus rounding up sheep he would leave them in a pile to snack on later.  :-)


With the correct  acclimatisation and training regime, you might be pleasantly surprised:  He is after all a Malinois, which is one of the four Belgian sheep dog varieties.

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12 hours ago, brianusa said:

Latest update of the weather forecast for the PNW.  The promised snow is due to arrive here on Sunday in great quantities. 


7 hours ago, AndyID said:

Not too cold here either. It's 30F but it hasn't stopped snowing all day. Looks like 5 inches now and it's still coming

Much rain here. Much snow in the mountains.


Driving home on Interstate 5 my windscreen was suddenly and completely blinded by water thrown up by vehicles ahead twice on my way home from the airport. My wipers are in good order and were on. This is quite terrifying at highway speeds.


The forecast for next week suggests a set up for possible sea-level snow mid-week. We shall see.

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Morning, lots to catch up on as yesterday was spent tackling a long list of jobs  some of which where outside. The weather was good yesterday dry and blue sky however not the  case today!


So after a browse through the papers etc its off to the shed, all shopping etc has been done so no need to go anywhere. M6 is closed between two junctions for the weekend to facilitate  the removal of a bridge south of Lancaster.The A road which will have to take the traffic will be a nightmare.


Enjoy your day



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Blowing a hoolie here, an imperial hoolie (the units are larger than metric), the UK was cut off overnight but I see the Ben has sailed this morning, it did not look 'comfortable'.


Didn't go out for my walk first thing whilst Mrs NHN is being Pilated, it really is nasty out.  No plans yet made for later, the chance of mudelling is tempered by the inability to heat the garage adequately when it is this windy.


Baz, there are hundreds of those Llath places - they even give them a number as well as a name.  100 Llath, 200 Llath..... :rolleyes:

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Well, so far at work I've done about an hours worth, despite being here for the last 4.
But at least that's just the way this job is!


Only have 3 hours left, and have a 2 hour film to watch in that time!


But can't wait to get home and get on the model railway.  Spent some time cleaning it with the CMX cleaner a few days back so now I need to test the "other" line to see what locos can haul what up my stupidly steep (it's not that bad!) hill.

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