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  • RMweb Premium

(...) it's never easy when a loved one goes, regardless of whether it's expected or not, and also it doesn't help much for those left that on some occasions it is for the best as it ends a period of suffering.


I hope I am not offending anyone by picking up on your remark here, Stewart, but there's one thing I feel I need to get off my chest while we are at it.


For me, this knowledge indeed did not help terribly much, following the two losses in my surroundings last year...and seeing how my parents in particular were dealing with Grandpa's passing back in October in what looked like a very rational manner externally did not exactly do me good either.

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  • RMweb Gold

My thoughts are with you and the family BoD. I'm glad to see your sense of humour is not yet waivering, I think it may well help it be that tiny bit easier although I know how hard it must be.





I've not had much to say recently because I thought I could do some modelling whilst I still can before I go back to uni, hence my intermittent appearances recently! I've just been so glad to be able to sit down and be able to build some structures for the forthcoming layout. However, today, like Dom, I am back to uni. My timetable is just as awkward as last term but I expect they'll keep changing it anyway. I've got 3-7pm today where one hour out of the 4 will be my new brief (more on that in a sec), two will be commuting and one will be another lecture.


The new brief has been put up on the uni 'portal' website and I was completely shocked to see what it was - to design and make a mousetrap with a simple mechanism. I'm sure you are all thinking 'What?!'. Well you're not the only one! Needless to say I'm very confused, I just hope the lecture will explain it a little better!

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  • RMweb Premium


I hope I am not offending anyone by picking up on your remark here, Stewart, but there's one thing I feel I need to get off my chest while we are at it.


For me, this knowledge indeed did not help terribly much, following the two losses in my surroundings last year...and seeing how my parents in particular were dealing with Grandpa's passing back in October in what looked like a very rational manner externally did not exactly do me good either.


And that was actually the point that I was trying to make, though perhaps my wording as a tad clumsy - sorry if anybody picked up what I said the wrong way - it's never that easy to express sentiments online, and to be sure that what you are trying to say gets onto the page.

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  • RMweb Gold


The new brief has been put up on the uni 'portal' website and I was completely shocked to see what it was - to design and make a mousetrap with a simple mechanism. I'm sure you are all thinking 'What?!'. Well you're not the only one! Needless to say I'm very confused, I just hope the lecture will explain it a little better!

I wonder how they got past the "Ethics Panel".

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  • RMweb Gold

...it's never that easy to express sentiments online, and to be sure that what you are trying to say gets onto the page.

I know exactly what you mean. I always find that kind of message difficult, I don't express myself well in writing. Aditi is so good, she always seems to do, say or write things so well.

People handle grief in so many ways. I've known people who have coped well with the loss of a suffering relative but have found it difficult to cope with the loss of a pet (and vice versa). I've been accused of being unemotional about such events in the past, it doesn't mean I don't care.

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  • RMweb Gold

We should be able to come up with something on here, building better mousetraps happens all the time.

Isn't there some quote about the world beating a way to your doorstep if you do?



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  • RMweb Premium

I've known people who have coped well with the loss of a suffering relative but have found it difficult to cope with the loss of a pet (and vice versa).


Indeed Tony, I know where you're coming from there - I have mourned more over the loss of my Sussex Spaniel than I did over my mum - I did all the suffering with my mum a lot earlier, while she had dementia, and seeing the person I knew being taken from me gradually. The spaniel was totally unexpected, and really did hit me hard. As you say, emotions are very very strange indeed....

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  • RMweb Premium

As you say, emotions are very very strange indeed....


I think that's the entire issue in a nutshell, is it not? :unsure: Unspecific as this way of putting it may be, it may yet be the best way all the same...


Also, I don't think you were expressing yourself poorly at all in your earlier posting which I then expanded upon, Stewart. In fact, I was merely describing what I believed you were referring to.

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Morning all,

Looks like another day stuck indoors, there's no movement on the roads nearby, and this morning nobody's left the "village", a few of the more intrepid (though I would use other words than that!) ones did yesterday. So it's keep our heads down day cause I aint going anywhere!


Otherwise have a good un guys!



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Morning All,


It is another rather gloomy and damp morning - but at least it isn't raining. It is still unseasonably warm (8°C) and the birds were twittering yesterday. The poor things must think Spring is coming!


That doesn't sound much fun Trev. It makes one realise how dependent we are on oil, and how lucky we are that it is available (even if much more expensive than it should be!) I wonder what the solution will be for Nigeria?


Oh well - time to get on with things. Have a good day everyone...

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Jam, it's not impossible,

When I was programming I was sometimes accused of attempting to reinvent the wheel!


Good morning everyone. BoD I hope you are coping with your current stress and the 'lists'. You are in all our thoughts.

Weatherwise it's fine and a bit windy, good because it's cooling..

Have a good one everybody.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather dull here.

I'll be going to Leicester later today with Matthew. Term (and exams) start next week but he wants to use the university library for a few days.

We'll set off after my visit to the optician for a visual fields test.


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Morning all....


Thinking of you BoD. It's a strange time between the passing of a loved one and their funeral. You're deep in grief, but have to handle all the practical issues. I found it quite hard dealing with others whose lives were just carrying on as normal whilst yours had been turned upside down. Of course it comes to all of us at some time in our lives, but you're never prepared for it, no matter what you may think.

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  • RMweb Premium

I found it quite hard dealing with others whose lives were just carrying on as normal whilst yours had been turned upside down. Of course it comes to all of us at some time in our lives, but you're never prepared for it, no matter what you may think.


This was definitely the case for me after my Grandma's passing. Even years later, I can well remember how I had been only physically present at uni for a long time after her passing, though in a way of which I am not sure whether it can be even roughly described.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think the thing that saved us when my Mum died suddenly was the fact that she had given thought to her passing and wanted it to be as painless as possible for us to clear up after her; specifying minister,church, funeral director and the division of her money and personal effects so clearly that we only had to sort out certificates and insurance claims.

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Guest Max Stafford

Been away for a while BoD, so I'd like to extend my own thoughts and condolences. There's not much of use I can really add here that hasn't been expressed already but my thoughts are with you buddy.

There appears to be a slight improvement in weather conditions this week. Yesterday started very wet but by 9.30 the sky had cleared and a beautiful day resulted. Today though there's cloud cover, it's thin and the overlying brightness can be discerned.

After six weeks of unremitting gloom and wet, it feels like getting up onto the deck of a nuclear submarine after a long underwater voyage.



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Morning all,


Grey and a little dull in Edinburgh today, and a bit chilly with it. Not a lot to report here.


My Dad's definitely not preparing for eventualities like Mick's Mum did. He's working on the basis that he's going to live until he's 100 (he's 69 in a week) so hasn't made any plans for anything funereal.


Have a good day, everyone who can.

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