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Ibanez is a good starter - if he gets on with it I bet he ends up with a Fender Precision, though (a real one, that is).

See. It shows I'm not just a pretty face.......


I guess we can only wait and see with regard to Don....


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Good to have you back guys. We had Christmas here too and a week of the foulest most cheerless weather available at this time of year in these parts. Nevertheless a good time was had and the downtime has enabled me to get a host of little jobs done on and off the modelling bench. I've used the two-stage BR mixed traffic lining from Fox transfers on a couple of locos and I'm pretty impressed with the results. Not been running due to the appalling weather but tomorrow looks hopeful with now howling south westerlies and little rain in the Whitrope area until late afternoon.

Hoping Don's OK also.



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Hi Folks,

Got back the day before yesterday! after 10 days in a hospital bed. It's GREAT to be home. The staff were mostly friendly and very helpful. but 10 days with a drip feed in one's are is not my choice of situation.

Left femoral artery was mostly blocked but opened without a stent. Diseased/infected foot required some major cutting away of diseased tissue which resulted in a bird's egg size hole in the ball of my foot. Hence the long stay in hospital. My char is an ex nurses aid so she is coming daily to dress the wound.

No turkey for Christmas dinner! Roast





O.K I'm back. Was busy posting a major update when I entered some mystery key which wiped everything I had typed!

Bad luck. I am not going to retype that lot! Sufficient to say I have a bird's egg size open hole in the ball of my foot which requires daily dressing and minimum movement.

Whilst I was away, Tim totally demolished and removed the train table. I now have an empty bedroom.

My brother is visiting family in Australia and Tim was home in Villiersdorp so only had hospital staff for company on Christmas day. I was the only patient in my ward in hospital.

Had I been home I would have gone mad with frustration at the absence of RMweb. Very glad it's back up today; Happy New Year Andy and staff.

I'll log in again later after foot dressing.

Good luck Jam with Mom and Dad's hospital operations. How did your Christmas dinner go? I really want to know.

Till later! :P

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  • RMweb Gold

Don, glad you are home. Perhaps the RMweb server was lonely without you and wasn't coming back until you did.

Are there any sporting events on at the moment you can watch on TV? South Africa v Sri Lanka?


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Good to see you guys again, and I'm particularly glad you're improving, Don :) . Hope you were all having a good Christmas - while our weather wasn't exactly good, I still enjoyed the holidays and the company of people close to me, especially after all that happened this year. I am currently in Leipzig once again, from where we'll return on January 2. I shall be posting some railway photos on my Bw Frankfurt blog in a few.


Today will most likely see us making food purchases for the New Year weekend.


Cheers everyone!

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Glad that you are still around, Don and only sorry that I could not wish you a Merry Christmas actually on the day.


I had cancer in my foot back in the nineties - that's when I discovered that they cannot stitch up the sole of your foot. It took over four months before raw flesh disappeared despite having skin grafts. Towards the end I was flying backwards and forwards between NYC and London and had to change the dressings myself which was a real b@#er when you cannot directly see the wound.


All the best, Pete.

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Hi, I said I'd be back and I am.

Thanks for all the good wishes guys, both when I left, which I only saw yesterday and on my return.

I really appreciate my friends on this forum and missed you all.

Timothy posted my "absent" notice.

I went to the Doc for a routine follow up but he said "Hospital NOW" I didn't even get home. Timothy came home to get my things and bring them to me.

Pete, I remembered our assignation for Christmas morning but it was not to be. Thanks for remembering.

DD, Me legless on Christmas morning? Ha Ha. Never in the alcoholic sense.

I am minimally mobile, no pain but very difficult to walk.

I have also found my taste for brandy (or any alcohol) has diminished drastically. Damn!


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Morning all! It's good to be back, and good to see Don back. Just think, Don, you were in very good company being hospitalised over Christmas...


The cook at the Cambridgeshire hospital where Prince Philip spent Christmas must have had kittens. Imagine you suddenly discover you have to prepare Christmas dinner for the Duke of Edinburgh...

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Morning all & a bleated happy Christmas. (I was looking forward to the banter) Don, glad to see you back.


Nothing modelling wise from Santa, and my modelling mojo seems to be lost. Although I did by an APA box.........(well known in the sub - 2 foot gauge modelling circles)


Have a good un.



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Hi Mike. Is the Duke a known fussy eater ? We had an overdone roast beef, roast potatoes, butternut, cauliflower and broccoli in a white sauce, can't remember the dessert but nothing Christmassy. We did get a cracker to pull! Was alone in ward, so pulled it with the catering staff member who delivered it.

Edited by DonBradley
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Guest Max Stafford

I imagine the Duke would be a bit of a character. Has a very 'forces' type of humour and was probably chatting up the nurses too! :mosking:

The man's a national treasure!



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Didn't manage to get checked in last night, but have been following progress on Facebook/Twitter and left a few messages of encouragement there - not sure who some of the other posters were, as they were under their real names. Belated thanks to Andy and the team here and in the USA for their efforts in making sure we got our daily fix - I had no idea RMWeb had become so habit forming over the last few years.


Great to see Don back among us - here's hoping for a speedy and complete recovery.


Regrettably, no train shaped parcels under the tree this year, but a visit to York, and the model shop at Monks Bar actually had some sale items, and 30747 had promised that I could buy "a truck" - she came in with me, and immediately pointed out an EWS steel carrier - "it's a nice colour". "Yes but it's about 50 years too late". Then a similar conversation over a Hornby Seacow. They had, however, a few items in the sale box that suited my modelling era, so all ended well!


Tony - hope Matthew sticks with it and practices hard and often on the bass - he's likely to drive everybody mad as he does, but the end result could work out well - I was looking at some nice guitars myself today from the Taylor stable, but in the current financial climate, I think that they are a bit too rich for me - but it is nice to dream - the one I really fancied was well over three grand.


Weather here is like a baby's backside - wet and windy.


I did wonder about the Duke's stay in hospital, and when I was in, the dinners were chosen a couple of days in advance, and if somebody took the same bed, they inherited your dinner choices - I wonder whether that meant that somebody got an unexpected meal of venison or grounse - LOL.


Regards to All and great to be back


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  • RMweb Gold


Great to see Don back among us -


Tony - hope Matthew sticks with it and practices hard and often on the bass - he's likely to drive everybody mad as he does, but the end result could work out well - I was looking at some nice guitars myself today from the Taylor stable, but in the current financial climate, I think that they are a bit too rich for me - but it is nice to dream - the one I really fancied was well over three grand.



I think Matthew will persevere. He found using a pick very difficult so he is following the using fingers to play bass method. Fortunately the practice doesn't sound too bad so far, it didn't drown out the sound of my shredder, I've been doing masses of tidying up.


I was pleased that Don was home but I've been a bit concerned how big bird's eggs are in South Africa, I do hope the foot hole wound wasn't as big as some of the larger species eggs.

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Hi Mike. Is the Duke a known fussy eater ? We had an overdone roast beef, roast potatoes, butternut, cauliflower and broccoli in a white sauce, can't remember the dessert but nothing Christmassy. We did get a cracker to pull! Was alone in ward, so pulled it with the catering staff member who delivered it.


I don't know if he's a fussy eater, but I'm sure he's used to the very best in food, and I wouldn't want to be the chef having to cook for him at short notice!

Didn't manage to get checked in last night, but have been following progress on Facebook/Twitter and left a few messages of encouragement there - not sure who some of the other posters were, as they were under their real names. Belated thanks to Andy and the team here and in the USA for their efforts in making sure we got our daily fix - I had no idea RMWeb had become so habit forming over the last few years.


Stewart, I'm @mikeliddle on Twitter, in case you spotted a reply to Andy or Tony...

Edited by sixoh8sixoh
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  • RMweb Gold

Me too... though it's the same face...

Are your guides how to use Garfield to service an iMac still on Twitter?. It looks as if that could well be useful knowledge for Gordon in the near future!

In between shredding old documents/bills today I was also determined to sort out an irritating problem with my PC. Word wouldn't open email attachments. None of the "Google is your friend" solutions got close so as re-installation didn't work, replacement with the 64 bit versions of office did. I suspect this is the sort of thing that drives people to Macs!

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