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  • RMweb Premium

The grey 1960's building in front of it is Guys Hospital which I am told is the tallest hospital in the World

I left London about 17 years ago, so am not familiar with any of the new builds that are happening there - however, I should have recognised Guy's - from that angle it looks a bit like the Carnforth coaling plant - as I had to go there several times to see a consultant before he "decided" that as his NHS waiting list was so long, I'd be "much quicker" to go private - the choice was a three year wait for elective surgery with him at Guys or two weeks at the Lister hospital in Chelsea on private - so as I had PPP, it was a no brainer. But the picture of the hospital does give me some memories, now I know where it is.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've been spraying out some more Superman Themes as they are released from the web cast. Here is the updated version of my Daily Planet Suite. I was going for a early fifties feel and was influenced by the use of music in early BTF's. So this represents a manual typewriter/typesetting Newspaper office when things were getting exciting (in a bygone age):


It was recorded at twice CD sampling rate but this is an Mp3 file - such is life, quality goes backwards.......


If someone played this to me ten years ago and said this is what you'd be doing ten years on I would have laughed at them.



Definitely creates a busy office impression! My default music player is iTunes and your composition (alphabetically sorted by artist)appeared in the middle of the Ps. Took me by surprise as it went onto the next track and I thought you had gone back in time but it was Praetorius: Terpsichore - Passameze; Galliarde.



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  • RMweb Gold

Tony I do think you should let your wife sleep at night and not force her to open a laundry service.

If she wakes up early, she either makes a cup of tea or puts something in the washing machine. She doesn't put stuff in the washing machine at night on timer in case it wakes her up. I think when she went down she doesn't put the light on in case it disturbs the dog. When we had hamsters putting the light on in the middle of the night wasn't supposed to be a good idea.

This is a bit like a soap opera but my grandmother used to take in washing as one of her jobs. Surprisingly she enjoyed washing. My mother (while a school child) thought she would help her mum and do a load. Gran was so cross at missing out on her load of washing she chased my mother round the garden trying to hit her with the big stick thing used to bash the washing in tub. Gran slipped and banged her own face causing a black eye. Mother was embarrassed as everyone in the street was told that she had given her mother a black eye. This must be what people talk about "making their own entertainment" in the good old days of the 1930s.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mystery of the odd socks solved, only I don't have a dog.

The socks were very odd after passing through the dog. When he was a pup, Robbie jumped up onto the table and ate the set of 1/72 scale Celtic warriors I'd just painted for Matthew. Not hat I advise it but it seemed to an effective paint removal method for acrylic paints.

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  • RMweb Gold

I left London about 17 years ago, so am not familiar with any of the new builds that are happening there - however, I should have recognised Guy's - from that angle it looks a bit like the Carnforth coaling plant - as I had to go there several times to see a consultant before he "decided" that as his NHS waiting list was so long, I'd be "much quicker" to go private - the choice was a three year wait for elective surgery with him at Guys or two weeks at the Lister hospital in Chelsea on private - so as I had PPP, it was a no brainer. But the picture of the hospital does give me some memories, now I know where it is.



A few years ago we did some work in Guys hospital and as it was fairly high up I managed to get a few shots of London Bridge as I thought at some time that the trainshed would be demolished. Now that plan is to go ahead I am glad I took those shots.

I have seen the changes from when the old office block was demolished, the foundations of the Shard going and the rising structure. In the next few week the steel walkway over St Thomas Street is to be removed with new escalators going in place for May 2012.

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  • RMweb Gold

Since I last went up to London someone seems to have started rebuilding Farringdon station. This disorientated me for a moment until I remembered the name of the street that took me to Smithfield and then the hospital. A "you are here" map would have helped!

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  • RMweb Premium
When he was a pup, Robbie jumped up onto the table and ate the set of 1/72 scale Celtic warriors I'd just painted for Matthew.


A vet friend of mine has often said that he is amazed that most puppies are lucky to survive to the age of 1 given their strange dietary requirements - my experience tells me that this often carries on to the adult dog, particularly in Spaniels! I had a Cocker bitch who was most careful about her food intake, until one day when I was putting mouse/rat bait down behind a kitchen unit - came into the kitchen, and the piece of chipboard that I had put over the gap meantime had been pushed aside, and she was sitting there with a smug look on her face, and blue powder all round her chops - she was in the car and at the vets within ten minutes - speed limits - what speed limits? With the vet's help she brought the whole lot back before any had been ingested, thank goodness. But yes, spaniels do seem to have a bit of a death wish with muching things. My second Sussex managed to get one of my diabetes pills which I dropped, and he was there and had it down himself before I could even get down to grab it. Just gave him lots of sugary stuff for a few hours.

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  • RMweb Gold

Considering that Aditi didn't really want a dog she was very thorough in removing anything from the garden that was hazardous to dogs. However as Robbie tried to eat everything in the garden when he was a pup he probably didn't realise just how dangerous Aditi could be when her plants were attacked. He was only ever verbally instructed to get off the garden fortunately. I too am surprised that dogs have managed to survive as long as they have as in human company. There can be very few creatures faster than a spaniel when something (even only slightly, remotely possibly food) heads floorwards. Robbie was once on the other side of the kitchen when I knocked a steak off the worktop. It never hit the floor, the leap involved a half twist so that he took the meat with his feet pointing towards the ceiling, and then another twist to land by which time the meat had gone. He did try a sprout once but left it. He doesn't even bother to move if he sees one fall now. Today he has just had his third meal (little and often until I'm convinced he is ok) and he continues to be fine.



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  • RMweb Premium

Just trying to imagine Gordon performing a full roll in mid-air while catching and consuming a steak....


Nope can't do it.


Also can't figure out where Don found an 8ft by 3ft artist.



Dave (confused of Winchester)

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Morning all,


Just hope all that bad weathers blown away by this time tomorrow...............please? As by then I should be in Amsterdam, waiting for my flight back to Bristol. #


Talking of dogs sensing food on the move, we had a Collie like that, could sense food dropping from table or work surface in nano seconds. She wouldn't steal from the table, well apart from one memorable time when a whole tray of farm fresh eggs vanished.......... only to reappear some hours later..................!

Enjoy the day, it's Friday after all!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Still mostly calm out here, though the storm warning remains in effect and pretty much all of southern Germany is shown to be on warning level red on the weather service's advisory map. In any case, temperatures are expected to drop by several degrees after the storm, so the chance of snow is increasing. Let's see how this turns out...


But - TGIF!


Have a good one, guys, and be safe, just in case...

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Morning All,


I hope all of you in the UK faired Ok last night - there was a report on the news this morning to say that the gales had uprooted trees and many houses were without power. They didn't say where though.


There is a certain amount of wind here, and lashing rain, but nothing to indicate a really severe storm. As Dominik said, it is mainly forecast for regions south of here, but there is still a severe weather warning out for my region.


Have a good day everyone...

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Hello all,

Today is a public holiday here. For those working it makes a nice long weekend, but shops are all open so Christmas shopping will be in full swing.

Went out to a steakhouse for supper last night with Tim's family.

Super steak but shockingly bad service. I nevertheless enjoyed the outing.

The clouds have cleared completely so a very nice day appears to be on the cards.

Good luck with your travels Trev. Enjoy your break at home.

Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold



No snow here in Surrey overnight, just heavy rain and a bit of a breeze.


Lets hope the trains are Ok this morning. Had 2 evenings this week with disruption, one was soem one hit by a train at South Croydon and the other a signal / points failure last night at Purely



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Seems that Royal Berkshire got away with everything. It must pay to have connections in high places. ;)


Hope those of you further north are not too badly affected. No doubt Don is in line for another scorcher.


Just about finished the 4' of track that needed rebuilding, so that's a relief. Still a mountain of work to do, but enjoyable just the same.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, woken early by the dog so out by 5 am back in bed and asleep by twenty past. I blame the little black cat personally. My trip to Carlisle may be delayed due to the cryptic message' Insp O' appearing on the mileometer slot, last time this resulted in hanging around Bristol street motors for three hours while they did an oil and filter change...... Still full of home made stew and dumplings ideal cold weather food.

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