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A hectic day chasing that old steam engine around, I was nearly puffing as much lol, what an absolute thrill to hear that A4 whistle(several times), made my day and possibly my year, took me right back almost sixty years. G'night all.

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Good evening everyone 


As predicted this morning, I spent most of the day pottering in the workshop, mainly cleaning up the main castings of an old Wills SR mogul kit, which I intend to build as a U1. I also sorted out some bits from my spares to add to it. I also added an etched SEF U1 chassis kit that arrived the other day. I haven’t yet decided which motor/gearbox I’ll use, I’ll probably see what I have in stock and use the best of what is there. I need to get wheels for it too, I have added them to my ever growing exhibition shopping list and I’ll pick them up at the next one I attend where they are available. 


Goodnight all 

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6 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Well I have been thinking about it for long enough.


That Beeching chap's been along.....


...and then a 'quake...


...and then it was gone.



With all due respect, Dr. Beeching only wrote the report. It is the members of the then government who actioned bits of it as they saw fit.

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Mooring Awl, 

To early,  can't sleep but trying for more. 

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday did not go entirely to plan.  It started OK because I crossed two small tasks off my very long list.  The trouble started when I rang a friend and arranged to meet her one day next month.  I have a present for her – an autographed Young’Uns CD, the one with “Be The Man” on it – and as I hung up I realised that I did not know where I had put it.  It took upwards of four hours to find it but it is now in a safe place.  Yeah, right.  I did see most of “War Horse” on TV and, yes, there were tears because there always are as I am an unashamed soppy date.  Inevitably I found some missing items and realised that others which I had thought safe were not where they should have been.


In the week ahead there is a meeting of the LCGB Bedford branch on Tuesday on which I must report diligently and a bag to pack ahead of my weekend visit to Exeter.  On Thursday Jim Causley plays The Stables - always a good night.  As well as enjoyment there will be laundry and I fear that some gardening will occur.


Best wishes to all



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35 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I fear that some gardening will occur.


I wouldn't mind if gardening just 'occurred'.

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Mooring Awl,  

A couple more hours sleep achieved, would have been more but for a doggy standing 6inches from me giving me the big stare.. 

Ben the Border Collie did however go charging down the garden to do his stuff.. 

Walking down their after him undiscovered my right knee giving some pain,  I don't remember doing anything to it.  

Pink pills have been taken with breakfast,  coffee will be taken shortly, but I'm not intending to go out for another hour.

Carol is on now forecasting rain later,  so I'd better do the concreting and wall seat building first and then cover it up to prevent it being washed away. 


Time to hobble to make some coffee.. 

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I hope all is going to plan Jamie. Have you seen the Honolulu rail transit construction  on your stay on the island? It was only in planning when we were there justunder 11 years ago.


Good morning from a sunny Surrey.


Builder coming round this morning to let me have a look at a new UPVC window that he ordered the wrong size but it may be suitable for the shed and at £50 I hope it is. Then its off ot buy the 2nd window form a place nearby that is open on BH Monday although this window will be somewhat dearer.


After food shoppping I will head to Screwfix to buy a decent drill as my other ones are really only for light duty DIY but they will have their batteries charged up ready for use.


The french doors are due tomorrow along with the timber and construction should commence Wednesday although rain is forecast but the gazebo will be erected near to the work area to help keep us dry. Hoping to have the roof membrane on by Friday morning in time to head off to the smoke for lunchtime.

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Morning All,


It is quite a nice bright morning here, but ever so cold!  It was down to 4°C in the forest on the way to work.


The weekend was fairly quiet.  I spent a bit of time working on ideas for a new layout, but the weather was too cold for much else!


Have a good day everyone...

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Ey up!

Mugatea made.

Cloudy but reasonably bright skies here. Apparently the rain will arrive at 1pm. This is the start time for my match to be umpired as well.


Throat still croaky. I shall take some sugar free mints to keep it working during the game.


Watched the England v Pakistan T20 yesterday.  Fascinating stuff.


Have a great Monday!


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Summer seems to have arrived early. The weekend weather was stunning. 


We have our first 80°F (27°C) forecast this week. Not only that but forecasters are suggesting that we might even see 90°F (32°C) in the same week, though they do not have that milestone in the forecast just yet. No rain is forecast for at least a week. Normal highs for us at this time of year are still in the 60s°F  (>15°C). Temperatures like those forecast will precipitate me switching the HVAC from heating to cooling. 


There are already a couple of brown patches in what passes as my lawn, so I turned the irrigation system on today.

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Morning all, nice and bright at the moment, but light rain forecast for later and little sign of any warmer weather on the horizon, I think I will leave the fleece on the potato plants just in case. Will probably make a start on clearing out the summer house of it's bits of that stuff, you know the "I'll keep that I might need it one day" sort of stuff, there's a railway to be built in there.

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8 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Not a bad day. Sitting on Waikiki Beach having a burger and watching a video of the Big Boy on test in Cheyenne.  Thanks to John(CB)for letting Debs know.  Daughter and granddaughter are doing well.






Whether it is your bag or not, I have visited the USS Arizona memorial twice over a period of almost half a century and would recommend it if you have time and the inclination.

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Morning everyone from a somewhat chilly but fairly bright North Hippoland. I'm having a kick starting Mug O'Coffee before doing a few odd domestic things then later this morning setting off for............. I still don't know. SWMBO has told me that we are night stopping on the way to wherever we are going and it's 'a fair old drive' but that on Friday we'll be coming back in one go. Intriguing or what? It's a bit like when I was a kid and we went on holiday every year to NHN's Fraggle Rock where a very nice coach driver called Mr. Lamb would take us on mystery tours starting in Douglas. I was one of his favourites and would be granted the front seat next to him (probably a no-no today) whereas today I'll probably be doing at least some of the driving.


Whether I'll be in internet contact remains to be seen so, to (possibly mis-) quote Captain Oates, "I'm just going out and may be some time."


Have a good Monday with special thoughts for Rick and others who are suffering.




PS for GDB - careful with those blinds Bob, the edges can be sharp.

Edited by Dave Hunt
Adding PS
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9 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Whether I'll be in internet contact remains to be seen so, to (possibly mis-) quote Captain Oates, "I'm just going out and may be some time."


Whenever I hear about Captain Oates, it reminds me of Red Dwarf:



History, Lister, is written by the winners. How do we know that Oates went out for this legendary walk? From the only surviving document: Scott's diary. And he's hardly likely to have written down, "February the First, bludgeoned Oates to death while he slept, then scoffed him along with the last packet of instant mash." How's that going to look when he gets rescued, eh? No, much better to say, "Oates made the supreme sacrifice," while you're dabbing up his gravy with the last piece of crusty bread.


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. It was bright and sunny earlier but now its clouding over. I was considering going to the big orange emporium for a few bits but I might put it off until tomorrow, after the bank holiday crush. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.

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