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I found an old labelled & still corked bottle today in my late Fathers collection of "useful one day things."

I have Googled it and apart from the company name showing a connection to Bakelite in one Google whack, I can find nothing else.

If anybody has any idea for what purpose J W Sharplin Ltd, London, N8 produced their Sharplinx (trade mark) "EDGEFIN" (ink and heel ball combined) please let me know. I can only guess it is a shoe makers product.



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Good evening everyone 


For some reason I cannot get on this site using my ipad, I just keep getting a bad gateway error message! So I've had to use my phone, which as you can see, is letting me on here no problem. 


Anyway, a bit of progress has been made in the workshop today. My first task was to have a look at one of Max's engines, which he says isn't working. Put it on my test track and it worked perfectly, so I'm guessing there may be something wrong with his layout!


After that I continued work on the L class where some positive progress has been made on the bogies. I'll go into more detail tomorrow. 


This afternoon, what is the exclusive hairdressing boutique 'Vidal Baboon' s' was opened and what has been called "that mess" has been tidies up. 


Later this afternoon Mike and Sarah came round and as our favourite Indian takeaway has just reopened after a couple of months, they very kindly bought us a meal. We then chatted for a couple of hours before they set off for home.  We then a settled down with a bottle of red and watched the idiots lantern until it was time for bed. 


Goodnight all 

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48 minutes ago, tetsudofan said:

Just been sorting the pictures taken last week and pleased that the picture of the single and double Fairlies  taken on our way to Caernarfon has come out quite well:




I've never seen both the single and a double Fairlie on the same train and even more so to see the pair operating a train on the Welsh Highland Railway. Last coach on this train was one of the Pullman coaches serving cream teas:




As we were on a charter we did not stop at the regular stations (as we steamed through Beddgelert  the other half of our tour group travelling in the opposite direction were waiting for us to clear the section) but we had to wait at Rhyd Ddu for the train from Caernarfon to pass us. The guard on our train went down the train suggesting that we might like to get out of the train to see the passing train. I'm glad she did.


In passing must mention that all the onboard staff on the train were fantastic - we were not short of coffee, tea and cakes!! It was a great trip, glad I decided to go!!


Time now for bed, o yasumi nasai.







Might one enquire as to  the organisers of said charter tour?

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1 hour ago, lightengine said:

I found an old labelled & still corked bottle today in my late Fathers collection of "useful one day things."

I have Googled it and apart from the company name showing a connection to Bakelite in one Google whack, I can find nothing else.

If anybody has any idea for what purpose J W Sharplin Ltd, London, N8 produced their Sharplinx (trade mark) "EDGEFIN" (ink and heel ball combined) please let me know. I can only guess it is a shoe makers product.




Apparently "heelball" is:  A black waxy substance used by shoemakers to blacken the edges of heels and soles



EDIT: These people still sell it https://www.fiebing.com/catalogue/pro-cobbler-classics/?product=301




Edited by AndyID
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According to the song "April showers bring the flowers that bloom in May" in which case we are going to be up to our armpits in blooms next month. The current "shower" has been whizzing from a great height for the last six hours.

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Mooring Awl,  inner Temple Hare, 

A very good sleep,  5.5 hours solid in bed followed by,  3hours solid on the sofa.  I was comfortable and still didn't want to move but Ben the Border Collie insisted. 

It's dry sunny with scattered clouds out there, more importantly the wind has a little more south in it, it's not quite as cold. I'll be glad when it gets to a real southerly later in the week. 

The meandering outside shows yesterday's excess time on my feet, have left me with a slight sore back,  and stiff leg muscle nothing to bad though... 


Muggacoffee shortly , then about 3hours roughly laying out the garage base,  before heading down to the moorings for the crane meeting. I may do more garage work after, if the meeting doesn't go on too long. 


Time to..put the kettle on... 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


i spent most of yesterday thinking that I had broken the site as it appeared to shut up shop immediately after my post.  As already pointed out this was just a case of  the link not working in some browsers.  I only found this out by chance on Farcebook.  See, it does have its uses.  Sobering (and worrying?) thought though that I did wonder what would happen if the site did disappear or change.  I don't depend on the site (honestly) but do enjoy it and consider many here virtual friends.


I had a most enjoyable day yesterday with my team winning the league.  They were top at the start of the game and only a set of unlikely results would see them overtaken.  They were playing a team already relegated and won 137 - 10.  A freak result.  Other games, especially against other top teams, have been enjoyable and close run things.  Some champagne was harmed in the making of the celebrations.

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Good morning one and all.  I apologise for my late arrival this morning but, like others, I have been obstructed by the 502 Bad Gateway.  Unlike some others, I am not clever enough to figure out workarounds all by myself and proffer thanks to those who have helped me today.


I listened to the Radio 3 programme about folk dance yesterday and enjoyed it until a long piece by Vaughan Williams was played which appeared to my uncultured ears to have little relevance to the subject in hand.  Hey, what do I know?


There are some matters arising from Friday.  Lightengine, thank you for your thoughts on the Imperial and the model shop in Exeter.  I’ve now downloaded the map of the Exeter bus network. It is one of those maps which aims to clarify matters by having multiple lines to show that lots of different routes use particular streets.  This is not as helpful as it might be as regards the city centre!  It will make sense, therefore, if I aim to reach Exeter in time to do some exploring on the Friday evening so that I will have a fair idea of what’s what and where’s where on the Saturday.  If I do any shopping on the Saturday it is much more likely to be from traders at Pride, particularly if Stonewall have a stand.  Their range of merchandise came up in conversation at LGBT Group on Friday – which, by the way, was encouragingly well attended.


At this point it is only right that I should apologise once more to the members of the Brains Trust for not being able to join them in London on 10th May.  When I accepted the invitation in early March I had not completely figured out the logistics of being in Central London on Friday and in the middle of Exeter the next day.  It doesn’t compute and I am ashamed of myself for getting it so wrong.  It is a poor excuse that when I returned from Down Under I was barely functional for three weeks.  Despite my optimism yesterday the cough, or rather the phlegm that makes me cough, is still making its presence felt and I am a bit closer to total despair than I would wish!


Best wishes to all



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Good morning all, 

A greyish start to the day but it may brighten up with some sunny intervals along with a few showers.

I didn't finish emptying the shed yesterday so will do that today. The reason being that son Steve and Nicki came round to sign some legal paperwork and ended up staying for lunch. After they went it was time for Rugby, another really enjoyable game with Gloucester eventually seeing off Bath.

I'm expecting breakfast to be  offered shortly as The Boss is on the move, she even brought me tea in bed earlier.

After that I will get a round tuit.



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Evening all from a warm PD. Morning an afternoon as apprpriate to all and sundry. Fabulous day on the reef and you will all be pleased to know that I won't subject you to a photo of me in a lycra suit. Rough trip 90 minutes both ways but we obviously have gained our sea legs after all the winter channel crossings we've done. The trip was well worth it but spoilt by one group chatting at high volume in their own language throughout all announcements. One lady didn't draw breath for at least 30 minutes despite both of her companions being fast asleep. An expedition to an eatery is planned in an hour. Tomorrow we entrust ourselves to Quanas again and a Boeing 717 to take us to Brisbane for 3 nights. The main attraction there is a washi g machine in the apartment.


Regards to all.



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40 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Good morning one and all.



There are some matters arising from Friday.  Lightengine, thank you for your thoughts on the Imperial and the model shop in Exeter.  I’ve now downloaded the map of the Exeter bus network. It is one of those maps which aims to clarify matters by having multiple lines to show that lots of different routes use particular streets.  This is not as helpful as it might be as regards the city centre!  It will make sense, therefore, if I aim to reach Exeter in time to do some exploring on the Friday evening so that I will have a fair idea of what’s what and where’s where on the Saturday.  If I do any shopping on the Saturday it is much more likely to be from traders at Pride, particularly if Stonewall have a stand.  Their range of merchandise came up in conversation at LGBT Group on Friday – which, by the way, was encouragingly well attended.


Best wishes to all




You might also check out https://www.collettsmodelshop.co.uk/contact/ Say Hi to Leigh for me if you do!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I have been checking various appliances against the smart meter. Needless to say the kettle takes a lot of power. Interestingly the dry fryer uses about the same power as the microwave but I have to bear in mind that it needs twice as long to cook anything. I've yet to try my 30+ year old washing machine or the old vacuum cleaner that I use for collecting the dust  from drilling brick walls and other 'dirty' jobs. Weather is looking good, sun is shining so off to the swapmeet at Rayleigh soon, be back later.

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1 hour ago, chrisf said:


I listened to the Radio 3 programme about folk dance yesterday and enjoyed it until a long piece by Vaughan Williams was played which appeared to my uncultured ears to have little relevance to the subject in hand.  Hey, what do I know?



See https://imslp.org/wiki/Old_King_Cole_(Vaughan_Williams%2C_Ralph)

As far as I know it's the result of RVW collecting folk melodies. Movements/Sections6 sections

Introduction. Allegro moderato (C major)

Entrance of the King. Maestoso (G major)

Pipe Dance. ♩= 176 (B minor)

Bowl Dance. Allegro molto (C minor)

Morris Jig. Allegro (F major)

A bold young farmer. Presto (G minor)

The Jolly Thresherman. Allegro vivace (G phrygian)

An explanation of the piece here



Edited by Coombe Barton
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ChrisF, the model shop is marginally closer to Central but isn't too far from either station.  The ironbridge in another country would cross a tempestuous swollen river but in Exeter it crosses ..... well .... hardly anything apart from a valley ..... it is just surrounded by buildings.

George's Meeting House is a Wetherspoons more central in Exeter but it isn't the most inspired conversion of a church that I have seen.  The White Hart, an old coaching inn, in the same street is much nicer.  Just 10 mins walk away the old quays provide some good places to eat, drink and have pleasant scenery.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The editor obviously likes Kev the Kite because every time I decide to make a post the one with Kev's picture appears and has to be cleared - ah well, just one clock an' all that.


Another sunny but chilly day so I don't know if the G word will spring forth and maybe we should be thinking about getting the spuds in?  And Chrisf no need to apologise about the. Brains Trust absence.  As we went through the various options when chatting at Ally Pally it was becoming increasingly clear that you'd need a flying car, or an expensive train trip, to get anywhere near fitting in the two.  Fortunately on the previous day I shall be 'chauffeured' on an expedition to  a 'Little' place adjacent to, and on, the ECML so should have no problems stirring my stumps to get to the big city on the 10th.


So today will bring what today brings but there will be a Tesco visit to acquire the newspapers.


Have a good day one and all.

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And there's at least one relatively decent second hand bookshop with cafe on the Quay near the Warfinger's house and Customs House. Small-medium transport section, some music scores, some maps. I've picked up things from there in the past.


Dave and Shirley Rowe used Exeter Quay as the basis for one of their harbours about 40 years ago.

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Morning all. Yesterday's fence painting got me as far as the olive tree in my garden. Eagle eyed as ever I noticed that part of last year's crop was still awaiting picking. That's lunch sorted then. Albeit I may need to supplement this single olive with a lettuce leaf. :D

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Good morning everyone 


I'm still getting the 502 bad gateway error on my ipad, so I'm again using my phone. 


A slightly dull start to the day, but the workshop beckons. 


Back later 

Edited by BSW01
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17 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

Good morning everyone 


I'm still getting the 592 bad gateway error on my ipad, so I'm again using my phone. 


A slightly dull start to the day, but the workshop beckons. 


Back later 

Brian based on my experience yesterday it might help if you just ask google or whoever to take you to the site, get rid of any old bookmark or whatever and use the new one (if it worked).  All I did was put 'RMweb community' into the address field in the browser and it took me to the site's basic information on the web from which I got in.  Then I saved that as my favourite/bookmark after deleting the old one. 

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