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Happy Birthday To You



Have a good one - I get that particular milestone next year.....


Also hoping we're not Don free for too long - well, he bounced back the last time, so let's just hope.


Afternoon All


Stuck at work on a Saturday, and it's warm(ish) and sunny out there, so I'm a bit miffed, particularly as 30747 is out enjoying herself somewhere. No steam activity, no new reilway titles at my tame second hand book dealer - in fact for me today is just a bit of an "ordinary" day.


Regards to All


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Today has gone to plan..... leaves gathered sunflowers deleted and Daffs planted as well as cleaning out the rabbits. Then I get dragged off to the local RSPCA to look at a young female akita 10 months old and cat friendly............... Tomorrow will involve building a 6ft gate to close the back garden off but it does depend on the landlord's approval.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday, Pete. I've just got back from a day in Southend watching people play trains (and spending some money on things for my US locos to pull). Nothing happened that would have put you off being back here! All very polite. I found myself apologising to one of those floor cable covers as I thought I'd stood on someone's toe.

I may have mentioned this before. When we stayed with our friends in Connecticut they took us to a War of Independence re-enactment event, Lots of American, French and British re-enactors marching with musketry and cannons. At the end (after the Redcoats ran away) a girl of about eight was asking her father about something. He answered her query and told her "not to worry, the British are our friends now". She then asked about the French. Her Dad replied, "Well, that's more complicated".

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday Pete - new CS Strat?


Well, Saints won 3-0 in front of 31,812 people, not bad for the Championship. Referee was awful (Peter Walton, is/was a Premiership ref), if I was as bad at my job as he was today I'd get the push. Really good to have a shout and a cheer, even more special when its with one's son.

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Then I get dragged off to the local RSPCA to look at a young female akita 10 months old and cat friendly...............


Dogs and cats exhibit strange behaviour. Robbie won't tolerate a cat in our garden, no barking or growling just run straight at it! If he sees a cat out when we are walking he shows no hostility at all. I was a bit concerned when he was to spend his summer holiday with a friend as she has a cat but apparently they were fine.

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Happy Birthday Pete - new CS Strat?



No, not this year Phil - I'm kind of Stratted Out! Meaning I've covered all the bases I need, soundwise from Knopfler to Clapton. The guitars I'm reaching for the most, right now, are the modded SRV, the 52 Tele (wonderful, wonderful sound from Miller Anderson to Jimmy Page) and the '67 SG Special.


My wife bought me a new camera, the Canon PS SX 40 HS - which is a kind of inbetweeny - I'm grappling with the complexity..............


Best, Pete.

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Happy Birthday Pete - For the 40 years ago bit try - The Highlands of Scotland, or South Island, New Zealand - my Sis (no longer with us) reckoned that it was an exact description!


The West Highland Free Press recently reported on Kennedy's assassination...


Oh... and Happy Birthday Pete!

Edited by sixoh8sixoh
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Dominik, my iPhone 4S arrived yesterday. I've been using it today and it's superb. A real step up from the 3GS I've been using. The difference in the screen and camera in particular is night and day.


Thanks, Mike :) . I've been checking one out again in a store earlier this week, and very much liked what I saw, too.


Morning all - first traces of daylight appearing outside as I write this. I believe I'll be working on my report once again later today.


Have a good one...

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Went out with some friends to London to see 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert'. Music was fine and it was a bit of a fun show. Only thing was it was packed to the rafters with girlies on their weekend away/night out. Felt we were in the middle of a hen night. Thankfully we didn't get 'dragged' up on the stage..

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Dom, have you checked out the Samsung Galaxy S2? I've got one on an extremely good tariff (around half the cost of the 4s for the same minutes etc.) , all the reviews are extremely favourable. Cracking camera, 1080p video, really fast processor, oh, and it's not a bad phone too.


Mind you, I'm not into the Apple hype especially after daughter's experience with her I phone 4, when they go wrong, boy do they go wrong.


Have a good one.

Edited by PhilH
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Very atmospheric picture.


On way home yesterday, arrived at a road junction to see immediate aftermath of horrific crash - motorbike and Range Rover - both smashed to bits.

No 'services' had arrived at that point and the motorcyclist looked in a bad way.

As he was being attended to by two people, I parked on the bend and used my headlights to flash down oncoming drivers to prevent the situation getting worse.

Impossible to see what had happened before the investigation but we do have a lot of motorbike deaths on the rural roads through excessive speed and lack of control.

Some unhappy families just before Christmas as usual.


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We'll have to start calling you 'Mystic Mick'....


Edit: Our posts crossed DD. Awful thing to happen and whilst you may feel so helpless in that situation, I guess we all do whatever we can to comfort the injured. Let's hope they make a full recovery.

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Agree, Gordon, but it looked pretty bad unfortunately.


Only twenty minutes before we had been passed by a motorbike in a 40 mph limit (houses and parked cars both sides) at a speed I estimate at over a ton.

It's something that happens frequently in addition to the usual boy racers in their Micros.

I don't want to start a debate about 'not all motorcyclists are bad riders' but my observations lead me to believe that many are willing to gamble by sticking their helmets into my lane as they encounter bends.

It may well be that yesterdays accident was caused by the other driver so I can't apportion blame there but I do hope that relating this experience will give all pause for thought.

Take care out there!

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For some reason I keep getting page 636 on ERs every time I try to go to first unread post. On the bright side it has some lovely pictures of Whitrope from Dave...


Morning all! No mist here but some broken cloud.


I have to admit to having bought into the Apple hype... However I've been lucky and have learnt the secret to buying Apple phones. Never buy the brand new one, always buy the "speed bump" one. That way they've sorted out the mess they made with the first! :) I had such a bad experience with Windows Vista that I went to Mac. I got so fed up that Vista wouldn't allow me to do anything. I couldn't even burn a DVD disc as I didn't have Administrator rights on my own computer. Our work's going over to Windows 7 shortly. I've never used it so hope it's as good as people say.


Had a fun and busy day yesterday. My parets came up to Glasgow from Durham to see Jamie, so we had lunch with them and then went to the shops. Jamie was completely spoiled and ended up with loads of presents from her grandparents.


Dd - sounds awful and I hope the rider will make it too. I've never ridden a motorbike, I've always been a bit too cautious to do it. Seeing Simoncelli's accident hasn't helped that either. Sadly with so little protection no matter what speed you're doing on a bike if you encounter a ton (or two) of metal coming the opposite direction there's only ever going to be one result.

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For some reason I keep getting page 636 on ERs every time I try to go to first unread post. On the bright side it has some lovely pictures of Whitrope from Dave...


I've been observing the same thing, Mike, though it's a different page number for me.


Phil - yes, I'm aware of the S2 having received good reviews as well. On the other hand, as my computing equipment on here's all Mac as well (for which reason I'm now most used to handling Mac OS style systems), I was thinking that an iPhone might fit in most seamlessly. Besides, I admit I am skeptical about the availability of future Android upgrades across different brands, which was further fueled by a report I read a couple of weeks ago, which claimed that Google appear to have at least considered preferred treatment for Motorola phones following their takeover of the latter.

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