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11 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Is a 'pool match' a sort of upmarket version of a muddy hollow?

I am told that whilst there we will also be visiting some hot springs, so the mind is truly boggling.


On our return, it may very well mean that Muddy Hollow (Forward) will require a rather grand makeover.

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3 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:


Of course, I still have the gloating of Welsh friends to look forward to......



There is a slight chance it might come up at the forthcoming Templot conference, but you might just get away with it as you have a suitable avatar.

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Feeling a touch better again, went for a walk around the village while Mrs NHN is on her Institute of Advanced Motoring course.  I walked 2 miles , which got some blood flowing and some, er stuff from my sinuses that defied description.  Horrid.  Head is till solid.


The IAM are a funny bunch, there's no negotiation with them, it's 100% their way or no way.  While we both agree with the majority of what she's being taught, there's a few things we both disagree with!  Discussion of the matters results in a 'not open for negotiation' response, but they do explain their reasoning, you're just not allowed your own opinion.  She's doing very well having seen the weekly school reports, I would have been chucked out by now!

Edited by New Haven Neil
insert missiing words
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G'day all,


Hmm, sounds like NHN Neil might be having a similar sinus situation to the phase I went through with this lurgi - you have my sympathy and don't worry because it only seems to last for a couple of days.


Anyway back to the sunny Thames Valley and we have duly shopped at Tesco for a bit more than newspapers but not for Paracetamol where there seems to be a famine of the capsule version - down to the cough lurgi perhaps? Much time k has also n been spent dealing with what started as a simple query regarding light railway signalling but it seems - as so often happens - that someone is keen to use irrelevant big words and terminology so has had to be duly 'have matters put into the correct context'. (other phrases came to mind but i like to be polite if I can restrain myself).


The G word is also looming large in management speak today, aided and abetted by said sunshine so perhaps at some stage I shall have to bit the bullet and shift some scrap timber and metalwork off the veg patch.  Assuming I can force it into a tightly folded mass should rusty corrugated iron go in the recycling bin or the rubbish bin - hmm, an interesting conundrum that one.


Have a good day fol;ks

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Some gardening done here for about 90 minutes but I then had to pack up. Partly because of my back but mainly because there was no room left in our garden waste bin which we share with next door. Russ had very kindly almost filled it yesterday so once I'd rammed it down and couldn't fit any more in I called time on the exercise.

Thank you Russ, I owe you a pint. :imsohappy::drinks:

Edited by grandadbob
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Afternoon All


Two days on the trot and all posts read and rated.


Went to the table top sale at L&M college this morning, to find that it was showing as being on, according to their Facebook page, but we got there to find it cancelled but nothing anywhere to indicate this, or why.


Got home, and the G word was mentioned as was the hoovering - hey ho.


Generic greetings, and hopefully back tomorrow.


Regards to All


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I have been sitting on the drive just outside the garage. Sorting rubbish out. It would seem every time our car goes off for a service I have tidied the car by putting everything in a carrier bag and putting it into the garage. I have found a few useful items, a compass, a Swiss Army penknife, lots of unused doggy poo bags and lots of usb leads. Mainly rubbish though. This tidying is because I am led to believe a garage door person is coming to measure up tomorrow afternoon. As three of the neighbours are coming home early for this appointment they will not be amused if it doesn’t happen. 



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The G-word has been dealt with. Actively and by both of us. The Terrace now looks much the better for the attention, several new trays and pots of seeds have appeared and the May-like weather generally taken advantage of. 


Following which afternoon tea was taken outside and not admiring our work at all. 


SWMBO makes a very rare cameo appearance on RMweb. 




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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Swap meet visited, modelling tokens duly distributed and second 5p off voucher used to purchase petrol. Car has given 46 mpg, not bad as that includes shopping trips and heavy traffic. I now have another Tesco's 5p off voucher, my friend who doesn't have a car found one in a shopping trolley, and its valid until 9th March.:D

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Mrs NHN took me out for lunch, while 'consolidating' this morning's learnings from the IAM. Just in time for the dash cam to expire.  Annoying, all three vehicles have the same model, which have been good up until now.  As we get money off the insurance for having them we'll have to swap the one out of the camper for now until we get a replacement, they are of course obsolete so the compatibility of the cameras between vehicles has been lost.  Humbug.


At least she got another good school report from the IAM bloke, doing nicely.  She's determined to do a 'no fault' drive in her IAM test, doesn't happen very often apparently.  It certainly wouldn't if I was driving…..ahem.

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Afternoon Awl, 

This morning's snooze button was very successful.. 

Ben enjoyed his patrol just a little  frost on the susceptible parts of the garden. . 


So off down to the sailing club, getting the rescue boats out I carried a 30 litre full fuel tank to the rescue  boat but just before I got the rest I hit the deck.... heavily .

Part of the deck has been replaced,  and there is now a white painted wooden step.  White paint gloss + frost... Splat.. Landing on my left knee and arm.  Fuel can bounced and the cap was secure.

Several people came running as they had all heard the impact and looked round.. I laid flat for a minute or so and slowly got up being careful... There seemed to be no damage except feeling bruised.


Today is the Ramuz trophy, Mr Ramuz was a sailor and great supporter of sailing there are several trophies in his name around the broads. 


This trophy was formerly from the club to his house for lunch then race back for a different trophy . Since his death its been to different venues,  but now a club member has a House next door so we raced there. 


Please hold off the Awl... 

Many years ago imediately before I joined this club,  I read a Railway Modeller, in that was an article  about a 7 1/2 inch railway going round a bungalow.. 


When I raced to Mr Ramuz's house for the first time...  it was that bungalow... 


The Race,  due to the light winds we were towed down to Horning water works for the start. 

Very light southerly winds very sunny,  and as it turned out the tide changed late.  There was a quite noticeable change from an out going tide to an incoming  one after about an hours race time. 


The start,  we arrived slightly  early at the line  so we spun round,  and tried again.  We arrived line abreast with many others.  Shortly after the start is a right hand turn as we went round it we popped out into third place . A few Tacks later we moved up into second.  More tacks and there was a left bend,  we gradually  caught up with the first place boat.  Another left bend and we three boats went round together. 

Up spinnaker,  and we managed it first,  pulled out a gap and got away. Shortly after a National 12 dinghy passed us,  these are very good in light winds. 

 Many tacks, bends, spinnaker ups and downs later as we approached south walsham broad there are tall trees on the right and moored boats and houses on the left. We had great difficulty tacking through as the boats behind caught us up.  

Finally we popped out into the broad,  and headed for the finish.. One laser dinghy got passed us feet from the line,. So we finished  3rd over the line but first in our class 


Where that's is on handicap we have no idea.. The handicapper /results guru is In Huddersfield. 


After a very good bowl of soup,  sausage rolls,  cake and coffee.  There was a group photo on the Ramuz's former homes lawn to match a couple of previous photos from the last 40years..


Then the Race home.

We started badly because another boat was in our way..  We were second to last.  When we got to the broad entrance the other boats were fighting it out on the right hand side,  so I steered down the left.  Better wind that side too... We swept down and were almost past before the others noticed.  We got in front then pulled up to the right for the next right hand bend.  

We held the lead for most of the rest of the race, then the second to last Bend the other yeoman  got a better puff of wind and eased past.  So we just followed them to the finish.. 


We then got a tow to the club,  packing most of it away enroute. The last thing down is the jib,  kneeling on the fordeck I released the shackle and tried to stand by pushing up with my left hand... 

That didn't work..  Great pain and no push.  The fall this morning was having it's revenge.  I got up by pushing with my right arm.. 


Driving back my left knee and arm complained at every gear change .


A soak in the bath has eased things off.. We'll see if pink pills are needed in the morning.. It was however a wonderful days sailing,  I'll be imitating a panda tomorrow..



Edited by TheQ
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Cracking day here in sunny Teignmouth.  Spent time in tee shirt in garden, pruning, filling green bin, tidying, putting driftwood to dry and enjoying the weather.

Just about to have sea bass fillets for dinner and enjoy a glass of Mr Lindemans finest red.


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I am quite pleased with the bit of tidying in the garage. The stuff that probably needs to be removed temporarily for door removal access doesn’t look so daunting now.

Then I had an indoor geeky job. Aditi wanted to watch the news and weather and BBC news channel in HD had dissapeared. This used to happen most weekends but hasn’t recently. Aditi of course said she would just watch via the Sky box but I wanted to sort it out. The big aerial in the loft almost certainly isn’t a wide band model , it is quite old, we bought it from our previous house. Some BBC HD channels here are in quite a different frequency group. There is a much smaller wideband aerial in the loft we use for a bedroom TV. I just connected that up to the distribution amp and everything works properly.

Sorry for being geeky, just pleased to have solved something. 



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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

The G-word has been dealt with. Actively and by both of us. The Terrace now looks much the better for the attention, several new trays and pots of seeds have appeared and the May-like weather generally taken advantage of. 


Following which afternoon tea was taken outside and not admiring our work at all. 


SWMBO makes a very rare cameo appearance on RMweb. 




Looks a bit stoney faced to me.  In this household, usually caused by the discovery of 0 Gauge purchases

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Burglar-all G word stuff here. Over 18" of snow on the ground and it just started snowing, again. We employed some of the local yoot yesterday to remove snow from the deck, outside stairs and paths. It took three of them working hard for an hour to do the work. Had I been able to do it myself it would have taken me the best part of a day.

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11 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

There is a slight chance it might come up at the forthcoming Templot conference, but you might just get away with it as you have a suitable avatar.




I'm afraid that my avatar isn't a Welsh dragon, it's actually a wyvern (if you look closely you'll see that it hasn't got any legs) and was copied from the Midland house flag used on its ships; so I'll be sure to practice my 'not bovvered'  face before we meet.





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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorting through my various purchases over the weekend. This morning I purchased a brace of vintage plastic kits from an American company called Roundhouse. Both are H0 scale, the first is of a Shay locomotive and the second contains a San Francisco cable car complete with a winding house structure. There is what also appears to be a couple of other models squeezed into the box as well.

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Good evening everyone 


More progress has been made on the new test plank. Today I’ve fitted and wired up all four switches and the point operating rods. I have also tested all the wiring with a multi meter. Once happy that all was working as it should I made a start on fitting the 6 roads that lead to the point work, 2 are in and wired up and a further 2 are cut ready to fit, hopefully I’ll have it all done and ready for road testing tomorrow. Given that the plank is only 4’ x 1’, I’ve squeezed 4 points and approximately 3 yards of flexi-track into the space. 


I definitely think spring is in the air, whilst looking out of the workshop window this morning I spotted a ‘brimstone’ butterfly and also a wren too.


This evening I spent an hour or so chatting to my brother in Canada. As usual we didn’t change the world, we merely chatted about the weather and such, he couldn’t believe the temperatures that we’ve had this week, they had snow a few days ago and are expecting temperatures below 0C by the end of the week.


Goodnight all 

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