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At the dawning of another day, greetings


The trudge with a spring in my step duly occurred and I returned home with lots of crisp banknotes.  As they are all new there is just a fighting chance that they will still be valid in Euro-land and Switzerland respectively.  Thanks to JohnDMJ I learn that what the French have done is to withdraw the direct train from Paris Gare de Lyon to Basel and replace it with one from Paris Gare de l’Est to Strasbourg, changing there for Basel.  The last time I did that our onward train was turned back at St Louis, one stop short of Basel, because of late running.  Any bets on lightning striking twice in the same place?  Let us see what other surprises may be found in the paperwork when it comes.





Yet, the departure times from St. Pancras and Basel remain the same as if the Gare de Lyon route was used!

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Ey up!

Need to collect a parcel...possibly an Ebay purchase made by mistake (ooops!), talk to my mate ( he will get a chewing as he should have rung me about his trip.. arrange a date to see him...


Then back to repairing things, tidying things etc.


Noticed last night that most of my stock isn't weathered..oops! Something else to do.


Polly and Mike...micro mesh obtained will try thr experiment on an O gauge wagon....



Have a great day!

Lots of positive thoughts to all who ail or are grieving. And I hope we see the return of some of our missing ERs



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Good morning everyone


So far it isn’t raining today, but there is a 50% chance later on. Once Sheila has left for her Zumba class I’m of to see the dental hygienist, oh joy, but as it’s only for a clean and polish it isn’t to bad. After that I’m not sure what I’ll be doing, I’ll possibly go to the workshop and do a bit more to the loco I’m working on.


Back later

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Morning all.

The GP just wanted to see me to request a repeat of my blood tests. My glucose levels were higher than usual for me. I have made an appointment to be bled next Tuesday. My doctor seemed to think my idea of losing some weight would help.

It is rather dull here. The earlier hint of blue sky has gone and it is just overcast now, quite warm though.


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Sainsbury's successfully negotiated although it took far longer than it should. The reason? Today is the 1st anniversary of The Boss retiring so that needed to be discussed at length with various of her old colleagues and customers. The subject was actually brought up first by a customer but then it snowballed.  I eventually lost the will to live. :banghead:

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Morning all,


Thanks for the message Jamie - I do see Pete (Mike Storey's brother) occasionally at model railway exhibitions and you'll be pleased to learn that he models trains in the same scale that you use.  interesting trip Paris - Strasbourg although I have only done it in the reverse direction and of course (still?) over a bit of SNCF where right hand running is in force as a consequence of events in 1870.


Currently no precipitation but some is forecast for later.  Once the management has finished the ironing and had a rest we shall be indulging in faux Friday and while she has the attendance plan for the weekend/early part of the upcoming week to hand the menu plan has yet to develop.  This will have to take account of the Good Doctor leaving earlier today for a weekend in Riga and laddo departing on Monday for a week in Geneva, hopefully at some time I shall be departing for Alton to collect a new toy but no date as yet.


Seems from their text received subsequently that our friends who attended for curry and alcohol the other night were much cheered up by the evening which is nice to know as one goes in for a lumpectomy shortly while in the near future the husband will be off to a different hospital to have a lump removed from the side of his nose; they clearly needed some cheering up and the empties that went into yesterday's recycling suggested that they got it.


Have a good day everybody.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The usual bin wagons dawn chorus this morning was accompanied by the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. A timely reminder to check on the councils website for the collection arrangements over the festivities. I had a couple of Facebook friend requests last night from young ladys who seem to be under the impression that I'm a gynacologist. :whistle: Thats it for now, be back later.

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Morning from a now raining Surrey. I went out earlier ot photo the RHTT as they will no doubt be ending soon. However it went via the Quarry line today so I missed it. May try again tomorrow.


Booked our rental car for part of our upcoming trip to California. Picking the car up at Burbank airport then dropping it off in Oakland a few days later. Hope to see trains running at Tehachapi this time as the last few times nothing during the daylight hours. I just need to book the last few Amtrak trips we are doing particularly San Diego to Ventura and a day trip form Fresno to Martinez.


Modelling time now.

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Late on parade been busy today haircut etc etc, last night I thought I was being strangled (bad dream) so my reflexes kick in and I tried to elbow the person behind 

trying to throttle me it turned out my first swipe caught SWMBO in the back I missed with the 2nd & 3rd but the 4th landed in the side of her head she relised what

was going on and rolled out of bed then bellowed at me to wake up I thought I would be in the mire for the rest of the day but she was very understanding as the past

few days have been a bit stressful with this swollen neck and not being able to drive because of it much to my surprise and I should be thankful I didn't cause her any

heavy injuries, I did manage to drive to Sweeny Todd's as the swelling had gone down and without pain, the cheeky so and so presented me with her new mobile phone

to sort out when I got back.


O2's data network is down so sorting her phone went by the wayside I've an O2 alert when the system comes back on-line I will have to reconnect my phone to the car as

well as that fail on the way out this morning I think I will invest in some semaphore flags for next time or maybe get a cheap P.A.Y.Go. phone with another provider as a back up. 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                    C.H. Essedoff

edit forum still dicky.

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Parcel collected this morning..another one posted.


Her indoors has decided we need a hall stand...been to see one but they were not at home so back off out again in a few minutes. Minor logistical problem..how do I get it in the car to get it home if she buys it...



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Evening all,

Today's evening snarl up was caused by a Mini blocking one carriageway of the A3. Not the driver's fault, but thousands of drivers had an extra hour added to their journey home. 


My lunchtime read of the newspaper was not possible as the internet seemed to be broken. I tried turning my phone off then back on again but this didn't fix the internet.

I concluded that as the content of the news was most likely depressing that, on balance, a broken internet should be considered a good thing. I understand someone called Erik, or his son, broke it. 


Meanwhile in Educationland, swmbo has had to leave the air conditioning running to reduce the ambient air temperature at her workplace below 25oC. The heating is stuck on "full steam ahead", but to save money the HVAC maintenance contract was cancelled. I'd suggest if you're about to do that its best to ask the HVAC contractor to show you how it works before you sack them. 


Hey-ho, a glass or two of Californian Malbec beckons. :)

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Another reet busy day, full on now for the C word.  The wonderful team at work are rising to the occasion, we really are lucky with the guys and gal we have. Packing it fast as it arrives, drowning in cardboard boxes.


My day off tomorrow thankfully, with the first 'normal' (ha!) OF bike club morning at the newly refurbished and owned café. Dodgy looking weather guess so likely not a bike ride down there, shame. 

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Morning all,


interesting trip Paris - Strasbourg although I have only done it in the reverse direction and of course (still?) over a bit of SNCF where right hand running is in force as a consequence of events in 1870.



At both the eastern ends of the LGVEst1 and the LGVEst2, the Paris-bound line crosses the Strasbourg line by bridge to achieve the Alsation right-running protocol!

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Have the modelling tokens ready for the toy fair this weekend, hopefully a couple of traders I want to see will be there. They stock items that most other traders do not. I've penciled in the Stevenage show on the 12/13th of Jan, just have to keep an eye on the weather. Now its muggatee time, be back later.

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I was aware of the right hand running in Alsace.   I did read somewhere that the efficient Prussians converted all the lines in the provinces that they occupied in 1870 to right hand running but that when they were regained by France in 1918 the French couldn't see the point of altering everything back so just built flyovers at the former border crossing points.



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To the quiz night (at a local golf club) we have been having been invited to join a team.  This time I ignored a suggested answer from the lad and carried on with the one we'd all (except him) agreed - and it was right (last time I listened to him we changed a correct answer to an incorrect one, I wasn't falling for that twice).  Anyway despite some poor rounds we triumphed with a score of 101.5 and were the only team to get above 100, our closest rivals managed about 98 so not a bad win overall.  Some sort of 'C*******s Hamper'. (i.e, a cardboard box of various edible goodies) was awarded to each member of the winning team, definitely a cut a bit above the tin of Quality Street for the team we got as winners at the last quiz we attended.

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Evening all


Andrew C that is awful and very distressing to have to endure.  My thoughts are with you and those close to parties involved.  


A day of two halves here with a damp but reasonably mild interval at the House of Fun in between sleep and doing battle with Southern to reach sister's house for the afternoon.  Family mattes are currently on the smooth end of the roller coaster though there is no guarantee offered that this will stay the case.  


More of the family photos and papers were gone through.  More were saved but many many more (being of no interest, of unknown persons or places or duplicates of what we already have) were consigned to the recycling plant.  Among items saved was a hitherto unknown photo of my late aunt at work sketching; we have a large number of her sketches and paintings but this is the only known image of her actually at work.  My paternal grandparents birth, marriage and death certificates all turned up - again we had no idea they still existed - as did an album of early 1920s images showing them, their own parents and my father as a young boy.  Such pictures would be very very rare as we know that his mother turned out everything the day he left to join the RAF for his National Service.  Dad returned on leave to find everything of his childhood and past had been disposed of.  We never knew why.


Returned to the Hill to be advised that SWMBO had been visited by a suspicious male earlier in the evening.  This person apparently knocked the back door then tried the handle before she asked  - through the window - what he was about.  Her description of him to me suggests he is from a traveller community and the modus operandum (asking for scrap iron and chancing his luck) is famialir to me as one which some of those people employ.  A report has been lodged with the Blue Uniform Brigade and all neighbours alerted.


It is time for bed.  Friday tomorrow.  Domestic Engineering is required after work.  And later in the evening, hopefully, a visit to a House of Falling Down Waters.  


Night all.  

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Good evening everyone


Within about 5 minutes of my post this morning it started to rain and just as on Monday morning, Sheila declined a lift. Mind you, I’d have cut it fine getting to the dentist if I’d taken. My check up with the hygienist went very well and I was back home for 10:00.


Once home, I changed into some older cloths and then made myself a muggertea, then it was off to the workshop, where I made a start on altering the 8F chassis that I bought a couple of weeks ago. This will eventually become the chassis for a G16 kit that I also bought a couple of weeks ago. So far I’ve stripped the chassis down to its component parts and then removed 6mm from back end. I then altered the wheels (swapping coupling screw mount) as per instructions and then put it everything in my ultrasonic cleaner to ensure that all traces of metal shavings were removed. Whilst that was on the go I altered the pick ups, so that both are directly wired to the DCC socket, instead of one pick up relying on physical contact with a small stud on the chassis. I then fitted the two chassis extensions, one at each end and cleaned up the front bogie frame. Hopefully over the weekend I’ll get it all rebuilt and give it a bit of a run before any further work is done. I also started cleaning up the body of the kit, removing bits of flash etc. The ne t stage will be to fill in the few air holes and give the body a coat of primer.


Goodnight all

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Good evening fellow ER’s. Generic greetings are offered once again. Another busy day has passed in a whirl and I have only just had chance to skim read the posts. My apologies for anything major I have missed.


The shop has been quiet in terms of visitors, but those that came in spent so the day was productive. In the slack spells I soldiered on with the marking. Each day I set myself a specific target for earnings. If I hit the total from the marking I ensure that my monthly marking covers all my bills and living costs, allowing the business to take care of itself at present. So far I have managed to hit the target each day, but today was a slog because so many assignments failed. There is no payment for a failed assignment until the student passes on a resubmission. I finally reached my daily target at 10pm. It does not leave a lot of time for other stuff.


Things could change in the future though. The college is looking to make assessors full time which means we will be earning a flat wage instead of working self employed with payment by pass. Unfortunately the quoted wage is significantly less than I used to earn and the monthly net pay would probably only just cover our bills. I am not sure that is a route I wish to go down, it will certainly mean a lot of thought.


The black dog reappeared tonight. This week my old school colleagues were arranging our regular curry night catch up. The group text informed us “THE TABLE IS BOOKED FIR 6PM”. I read that as a poorly spelt Friday at 6pm. It actually meant tonight as Thursday’s is our regular meet up night. I only found out when I picked up a message from one of the group at 6.30pm asking where I was. I had missed the last catch up due to illness, so to miss out again left me feeling very low indeed. It certainly tempted the dark canine back out of his kennel.


Time to sleep.


Best wishes



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