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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl, inner Temple here,


I didn't get much more sleep after this morning's missive. Due to the landrover being detained, I went to the sailing club on the motor scooter. It went very well, considering it hasn't been used since the time shift.


Buoys put out, bacon butties consumed coffee had, only one thing missing, wind. Racing delayed half an hour.


At the end of that they started racing, but ourselves and all the other experienced sailors except the commodore took one look at the tide and the lack of wind, and got another coffee. This proved correct as the boats drifted up to buoy 3 tack round to come back and.... Didn't they were being washed up river.

At this point my sailing compatriot gave up and went home.


Shortly after of course the wind err occasional puff of wind arrived and they started to make way back to the club. The wind gradually increased so they got back to the club... The commodore well in the lead, rounded buoy 2 to head back up river..this caused much amusement on shore... The course was 3P 1P 2S. Outside assistance by shouting out the course to him is not allowed. When the next boat followed the correct course the commodore realized and turned round, but by the time he was going again two other boats had Also passed him.


That was the only eventful thing in that slow race. In the dinghy race the lack of wind kept all the boats together. An inexperienced girl of 9 won the toppers race and she was very happy at that.


The second race they had a gentle wind all the time, the commodore won no mistakes this time.


After my cheese rolls I came home, just in time to experience a squall go through and heavy rain.. That made life interesting on the motor scooter.


Oh because I'm on the motor scooter my sailing compatriot remembered the boom he's giving me. Having inspected the boom it's very suitable for my purposes though some modifications will be required. While inspecting it I tipped it up on end and piles of snail shells fell out. I'll have to hose it out when I get it home.


For this week it's living on his sailing boat, I should have the landrover back to bring it back.


After a little eyelid inspection I intend to start drawing up plans for the boom modifications..

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As she, unlike me, seems to be capable of multitasking, Aditi not only tidied the garden but also produced a roast lunch. Lamb (which reminded me of 3 year old Matthew’s comment, “is this lamb, dead baby sheep?) today.

After my garden and garage tidying I thought I should try my Belgian keg again but this time in a sensible (not pint) glass. I am sure that to beer aficionados I am a lost cause as I like reasonably strong Belgian products and Guinness.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

My little brother at about the same age suddenly associated lamb meat with the furry animals outside the door. Then after refused to eat lamb so my parents came up with all sorts of alternative names. Lamb was often on the menu as we were in the Hebrides at the time.


Having already been collecting bits for the boat I researched and ordered some duralac. This is a chemical that is used to coat between Stainless Steel fittings aluminium masts and booms to stop dissimilar metal corrosion. Having looked at various marine suppliers it came from an aircraft supplier complete with a certificate of conformity. A 250ml tin for less than a 115ml tube from a marine source.

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As she, unlike me, seems to be capable of multitasking, Aditi not only tidied the garden but also produced a roast lunch. Lamb (which reminded me of 3 year old Matthew’s comment, “is this lamb, dead baby sheep?) today.

After my garden and garage tidying I thought I should try my Belgian keg again but this time in a sensible (not pint) glass. I am sure that to beer affionados I am a lost cause as I like reasonably strong Belgian products and Guinness.



I'm not an aficionado but there's nowt wrang wi' that. . . .My own preference being Leffe Blonde at 6.6%.





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I have discovered something which I found disconcerting whilst relaxing in the bath.


Minds out of gutters, please, ladies and gentlemen ;)


Just quietly relaxing my cares away I wondered why I could hear the bath-water draining away outside. The level remained the same inside and the plug was firmly in.


It then occurred to me that this was a case of “synchrosoak” and that someone upstairs had had the same idea very shortly before and had just released their bath-water!


Phew. Didn’t think I was quite that loopy. Not yet!!!


Shoulder of woollybeast is a-roasting. One has to have something to soak up the Bordeaux after all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Some decorations were put up earlier as requested instructed although there are a lot more to go.

Watched the F1 which I thought a bit boring apart from one hair raising moment. Enjoyed the rugby a lot more.

Tonight's repast was a very nice boeuf bourguignon accompanied by a passable Beaujolais. That should stave off the pangs of hunger for a couple of hours!

No wheeled things have been touched so far but there seems to be nothing on the box that I can watch as The Boss seems to have planned her viewing for the evening so I think I will venture up to the railway room.........after another glass of something red.

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My little brother at about the same age suddenly associated lamb meat with the furry animals outside the door. Then after refused to eat lamb so my parents came up with all sorts of alternative names. Lamb was often on the menu as we were in the Hebrides at the time.


Apparently when I was very young I used to love eating peas but no other vegetables - so my mum hit on the ruse of calling any vegetables peas - yep, I ate anything called peas.

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Here it has been a day of eating or so it seems. 2 hours were spent productively in the shed, then a light lunch including cheese and cheery tomato sandwich with the tomatoes from a neighbours garden then a fig jam sandwich made from locally grown figs by the same neighbour. Then down to the truffle farmer's for afternoon nibbles which included Tarte au pommes and an egg custard pudding with alcoholic accompaniment and some very good conversation and instruction of how to use truffles in cooking.   Home for some eyelid inspection then stew and dumplings accompanied by a nice red.    Family phone calls are due soon then we will be watching Dynasties.  Not a lot else after that.



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Forgot to mention that when I weighed myself this morning I discovered that I had shed 5 kilos but I can see that coming back over C*******s with more beside. I too like Belgian beer, my preference is Chimay blonde but one has to take care as its 8% ABV and you have to take care decanting it from the bottle as each bottle contains live yeast, the result of consuming said yeast can be explosive! On the subject of alcoholic drinks apparently spiced rum is all the rage. Time now for dinner, a nice salmon fillet and green veg. Be back later.

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So, here I am on my break, then!


Yesterday was, shall we say, interesting. Firstly, a pedestrian having got themselves run down by a tram led to about an hour of diversions. Then, inbound from Schkeuditz, somebody shattered a window on the rear end of my tram. I suspect a bunch of teenagers I saw walking along the outbound track near Modelwitz, but as I was notified of the damage only at Central Station, I have no way of telling.


After the break, I had to do a hot swap with the 11 turn behind me as my unit‘s ITCS equipment had gone balls-up. This was interesting insofar as my line mate was stood on the far end of the Connewitz Kreuz intersection, while I was at the front end of the stop proper with a 70 bus and a 9 tram behind me at the platform!


Finally, there was this pair of guys of whom one was quite obviously drunk, stoned or indeed both, and as his mate wasn’t able to wake him from his slumber (but I was), he effectively stranded them both at Dölitz for about an hour as the last inbound 11 tram had long departed and the first night bus was yet a while away!

To be honest, I cannot quite bring myself to pitying anyone intentionally wasting themselves like that...


Certainly isn’t a boring place here...

Edited by NGT6 1315
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MrsID is partial to the occasional vodka and ginger beer, preferably Fever Tree ginger beer.

Please note - I am not implying ANYTHING with this post, merely providing information.


In my youth, among my acquaintances, when consumption of alcohol was often more for effect than taste, vodka and ginger beer was a favoured tipple. The ginger beer completely masked any sting from the vodka.

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Lunch was had, most satisfying, grub down there is good at the moment.  Went to the Orange DIY store on the way home, Jayne actually made some decisions about décor and bought some stuff.  She's very indecisive these days.  We got exactly want we went for, we're the opposite!  The Q of that store was a Manxman - useless fact of the day.


A nice Sunday dinner has also been consumed, as I'm trying to reduce my diameter currently that means I need to be careful for the rest of the week.


I don't like those strong Continental beers, but a nice IPA such as Sharps Atlantic suits currently.  I only have one or two bottles a week nowadays - see 'diameter' above.


I thought there were a few decent fights and overtakes in the F1 for a change, but the front of the grid was pretty boring and predictable.

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Absolutely worn to a frazzle after 4 days at the NEC.


Nice to meet a number of Ers but I didn't spot Chris F with his tie today.


Now need sleep....lots of it but a bit of parcel packing and posting to do tomorrow and a bit of crust earning.


Thoughts are with our missing ERs and all who ail



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Good evening everyone


I’ve had quite a productive day in the workshop. One of the items I purchased yesterday was an extension for my chassis jig, to allow me to make chassis with upto 5 axles. This came with a bracket for fine adjustment, which my original jig (a basic model) didn’t have. So I delved into my stash of brass sheet, threaded rods, nuts, washers etc and set about making another one. It’s almost complete and will now enable me to fine tune the axle spacing on the next loco chassis.


Goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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