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visions of Patch Adams come to mind with Josh wandering the wards playing the banjo.


Well he is on a GP placement “somewhere on the south coast” at present. I am sure with Josh the sound of banjo is not a portent of bad things happening. When he was at university in order to get to play in a band he usually played bass. When he was a teenager his parents allowed music lessons at school but for quite some time didn’t want “noise” at home. They did eventually relent. Our small nieces seem to like music but their parents are encouraging about such things. Though no one has shown interest in violin. That requires a lot of parental tolerance I have been told.
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Wow, he's a lovely lad. Schotty is half Border Collie and apart from the markings, similar to Ben's, I would assume that they share other characteristics - such as being "ball junkies"  and very vocal when bored, impatient or jealous.

Anyway this is the lad


And as we are being all Cynophile at the moment, here's one of my great love, Lucy.

attachicon.giflucy again.jpg

And, to make you splutter and choke on your afternoon tea and biscuits, here is a recent photo of me in my "laird of the manor" guise

attachicon.gifLaird of The Manor and Hunting Dogs.jpg

Have a splendid "Rest Of Day" (TM 2012 - 2018 iD)


Stay Frosty



Argyll jacket, dress sporran, ghillie shoes, and the kilt appeared to be close to Black watch / Campbell but overlaid with a white verticle and horizontal red stripe.


I hope I look as good wearing my Argyll, With a dress Stewart Kilt with red hose ( gold / red chequer cuffs) and ghillies..


Dad's just handed me Whisky...


Oh dinners about to arrive.. Bye..

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Crikey! Yes, Linwood, and I even worked in Hillington. Sheesh.

Well, Rolls-Royce did have a plant in Hillington, but I believe it only produced aero engines.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Checked out the folding table, nice and steady and a suitable height and quite strong and sturdy. The four folding stools however are ridiculous, only about a foot high and so small that I will have to use two, one for each cheek. I don't need the stools anyway and as I got the table half price I am happy to give them away. 

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Is anything worn under that kilt?

No, it's all in perfect working order!


...Damn! I just went back a few posts and saw that Newbryford beat me to the punchline. Curses.


Anyway, pop quiz: Under the tartan iD wears  ________ (fill in the blank)


a) a truss

b) nothing at all

c) cycling shorts

d) long johns

e) all of the above

f) none of the above

Edited by iL Dottore
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Argyll jacket, dress sporran, ghillie shoes, and the kilt appeared to be close to Black watch / Campbell but overlaid with a white verticle and horizontal red stripe.


I hope I look as good wearing my Argyll, With a dress Stewart Kilt with red hose ( gold / red chequer cuffs) and ghillies..


Dad's just handed me Whisky...


Oh dinners about to arrive.. Bye..

The tartan is McKenzie Modern. A very good friend of mine is a McKenzie and have adopted her tartan in homage to her.

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No, it's all in perfect working order!


...Damn! I just went back a few posts and saw that Newbryford beat me to the punchline. Curses.


Anyway, pop quiz: Under the tartan iD wears a ________ (fill in the blank)


a) truss

b) nothing at all

c) cycling shorts

d) long johns

e) all of the above

f) none of the above

..... and if you want the answer, ask Lucy.



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Good evening everyone


Well swimming in the pool is so much different to open water swimming. As soon as I get in my mind tells me to sprint, as that is what I was taught many years ago, when I was in the local swimming club. But I soon managed to slow down and get into a rhythm, but it took a few lengths because I literally kept reaching the end! Anyway, I managed to do 80 lengths in total, not bad for a 25 m pool. However, towards the end of my session and out of curiosity, I decided to time myself doing a few lengths in a sprint, with the following results;

Front crawl in 19 seconds.

Breast stroke in 27 seconds.

Back stroke in 33 seconds.

I also managed a complete length underwater in 35 seconds, without surfacing.

I did attempt butterfly but I could only manage about 3/4 of a length before having to give up, but that was always my weakest stroke anyway, so I wasn’t surprised. I’m now seriously looking at getting myself a kick board and a pull bouy so I can improve my leg work.


After dinner I spent an hour or so in the workshop, the package I picked up from the post office on Monday contained 3 Merchant Navy TTS sound chips. I’ve fitted one in the MN, the other 2 will go into a couple of BoBs. These weren’t DCC ready and have both been converted, but the speaker supplied with the chips is too big, so I’ve just ordered some sugar cube speakers. Once they arrive I’ll complete the installation of them both.


Goodnight all

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I am out of sorts, feeling marooned in a hotel room in suburban Detroit, having retired after an early teetotaling dinner with my boss. There are many professional tasks to which I could apply myself but despite the opportunity presented, there's no enthusiasm there.


Nor have I found anything on the vast wasteland that appeals so I have a playoff baseball game droning on in the background while I caught up with the last couple of days of ERs. If it's a better description, a cricket test match between, let's say, Sri Lanka and Pakistan on a slow track would suit my ennui even better.  It's 9:30pm EDT and it's only in the bottom of the fourth! Time seems to have slowed down. I don't suppose anyone gives a fig but the Yankees are ahead. The commentators made note of an Australian pitching in the post-season for the first time. He was promptly hit for a home run. Interest in baseball here has declined to the point that the post season games are only on cable channels that are far down the dial. American football is king of all broadcast sports in the US. At this time of year, the only evenings where live football games are not presented are Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


I don't like travelling to the eastern time zone. It seems to have an unpleasant impact on my metabolism and I'm not feeling particularly well. I don't believe for a moment that I am ill, but seem to be having a minor bout of hypochondria and am imagining minor aches and pains, (likely attributable to a combination of poor posture and unsuitable furniture) to be augurs of things more serious. The news doesn't help much either. I think "dreich" is the word I'm looking for and in this case it is not for the weather. We did see the sun today - I drove back to the hotel from dinner directly into its bright orange glare as it set in a profusion of long wavelengths.


After a long day tomorrow I head home on an evening flight. I am ready for my own bed and my accustomed routine. I find flying west to be so much more manageable. Not having IanA of this parish's status on this particular airline, my prospects include spending five hours in the back, back of a 737-900 but I do have an aisle seat assigned. So, whilst avoiding being hit by the drinks cart and the flight attendants' backsides, I can read a little. I'm actually looking forward to it since it means the familiarity of hearth and home is near.


Best wishes too all, it's a passing phase.


EDIT: Now 10:00pm EDT and top of the sixth. No change in the score.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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My first kilt was McKenzie (dress). It was passed on to my nephew who is still skinny enough to get into it; my current one is McGregor. The vest for my formal jacket no longer closes in front.


No calls from the insurance today.

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What I was going to say today will have to wait.


My friend Andy Weymes was an inveterate aircraft spotter.  He was on his way to South Africa but never made it.  Instead he died suddenly in a hotel room at Gatwick Airport.  This news reached me last night at Bedford beer festival, where we would have had an annual reunion had he been spared.  It is unlikely that any of you would have known him but he was a good bloke nonetheless.  I raised a glass to him last night and will do so again today.   Feel free to do likewise.



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Morning All,


Traffic was light on the autobahn this morning.  I guess many people are having today and tomorrow off, after the bank holiday yesterday.


It is quite chilly (in fact, we lit the fire for the first time last night) but I think it will be quite bright once the sun comes up.  We seem to have quite clear skies.


What terrible news Chris.  I suppose he died on his way to something he enjoyed, but nevertheless that's not a nice way to go.


Have a good day everyone...

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I am out of sorts, feeling marooned in a hotel room in suburban Detroit,


I worked for a division of ITT in Arizona in the 80's and for some reason or other I had to go Connecticut for a meeting with another part of the organization. ITT was a conglomerate that owned all sorts of companies including Sheraton Hotels, so naturally I had to stay at a Sheraton. This one was in Hartford.


The hotel was surrounded by an eight foot chain-link fence. It may have had barbed wire at the top but I can't remember.


(ITT also owned Twinkies for a few years.)

Edited by AndyID
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Mooring awl, inner Temple here,


A good night see sleep helped by a further whisky..

Ah McKenzie tartan, having looked it up, the Seaforth Highlanders were raised by McKenzie Earl of Seaforth in 1729, in support of the government so they took the government / Black watch / Campbell tartan and added black red and white lines to make the Seaforth regimental tartan which became the Mackenzie tartan. It's one of the older tartans.

There are over 5000registered tartans now, even Walmart has one..


Well it's time for that 402 mile drive again, and a lorry has turned over on the A66/A1M junction. That was 04:30ish it's another 5 hours before I get there so hopefully it will have cleared.


Ben the Border collie is asleep at the moment but unusually I'm going to wake him up. As I need to take him for his morning constitutional, before makeing SWMBOs tea, and then loading the car.

Time too... Put my shoes on..

Edited by TheQ
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