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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. It must be 60 years since I tasted peanut butter, then it was the latest new thing to tempt the kids, I never understood what all the fuss was about. Since the secondary school just a street away from me went back last week my internet has been dead slow before 9 o'clock then all of a sudden its back to normal speed. I got in touch with my internet provider and got a recorded message saying their experiencing heavy usage.

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Any of that going to be wine?

No. We tried that a couple of years ago, and it was a disaster - a complete waste of grapes. We select the best for eating and boil the rest to make concentrated grape juice. It's a great source of vitamins etc. through the winter.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It’s been quite dull here in the northwest, but despite that, I’ve had United a fruitful day. More preparation work for the patio has been done and I’ve also found quite a bit more coal.


After tea tonight I went for a swim in Salford Quays. The notice on the payment desk said the water temperature was 17.9C. So I chanced swimming in just my trunks, I was almost at the end of my 3rd lap when the cold started to bother me, so I gave up and got out of the water. So I only managed 1 mile (ooh, get me ONLY 1 mile) tonight, next week will see me donning my wetsuit for the first time since early June!


I won’t be doing much work in the garden tomorrow, as I’ll be doing the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix first thing, then baking a carrot cake after dinner, ready for Wednesday nights tea.


I love nuts, particularly salted cashews and peanuts, don’t like peanut butter, marmite or mustard for that matter.


Goodnight folks

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  • RMweb Premium

I love peanut butter....but it doesn't like me....

I like marmite, especially when included within a cheese and ham sandwich....but I have cut out cheese..


Night all!



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

What went wrong?

Lots,of things can go wrong!

Aditi’s Californian resident uncle has a vineyard. He used to send his grapes to a co-op. He would get back a quantity of wine produced with grapes from other small vineyards. That wine was quite good. He then decided to produce and bottle his own. That wasn’t at all good.

He has had to replace the vines so I am not sure if we will get anymore to sample.

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First green bin of the new years collection tomorrow so I spent some time loading the bin to the gunwhales this afternoon. Hopefully they will remember it tomorrow as it is an assisted collection and the 1st one. I can then start filling it again. Slowly I am getting the garden tidied despite the best efforts of bindweed.

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Good morning one and all


My affordable rail ticket from Milton Keynes to Manchester and back on 1st December is secured.  The first time I went into National Rail Enquiries I was quoted £22+ each way, which is just not on.  A couple of hours later it threw a wobbler and told me to go to the Virgin website.  There were the advance tickets at £7.25 each way.  I used an awful lot of paper printing them and the receipts and had to change the yellow cartridge part way through but hoorah, job done.  Now all that remains to be seen is what Virginontheridiculous Trains will do to me on the day.  I know what to do now when things go mammaries up – proceed by first available means. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.


I am spending today chez Poorly Pal where some m*d*ll*ng will take place.  I promised to play him “Be The Man”, the song which helped to precipitate my coming-out.  Hopefully it will not reduce me to tears this time.  There’s been a bit too much of that lately.  I’m afraid there was bad language the other day when I dug deep into the hessian bag and found another copy of that CD, still shrink-wrapped.  I must have bought it at a shop in Cambridge after a visit to the Beer Festival but I do not recall doing so.  Oh, the evils of strong drink.


Harry is either home from South America or well on his way.  I told him that I was envious of his holiday and if you had seen the photo of him standing on a frozen lake in Bolivia holding a Union Jack you would be too.  Ideally I should neither envy others nor say that I do but how else may that emotion be expressed?  That particular deadly sin gets me into an awful lot of trouble and is one of those things that needs fixing.  Another is my poor confidence level and here has arisen a rather unexpected reason for doing something.  I have been asked if I fancy doing a book on DMUs.  I do, actually, though how the hell I would go about it is a very good question.


Warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress or missing



Edited by chrisf
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

Back to just five hours sleep, I knew it wouldn't last...


I felt cold in the house this morning but when I went outside on Partol with Ben the Border Collie, the wind seemed warm. The wind is pulling a lot of dead leaves off of the trees, big patches of them on the road in to work..


I like peanut butter, had a small peanut butter sarni last night. However broad beans, or any other type of beans, will not be seen on my table..I particularly hate those white-ish beans that used to appear on school dinners, normally they were boiled to mush with the skins and occasional bullet to enliven the mix...

Marmite or vegimite are also not on my list of things to eat, never liked the taste of either of the brown sludges..


Heaven for me is a full Scottish fried breakfast with haggis, no baked beans though please..please don't tell the doctor......


Time to.... take the next measurement, or well, 20 of them at 4 second intervals.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a still sunny corner of our department.   Much soldering got done yesterday but I failed miserably at the Mairie.   It wasn't open even though Madame Le Mayor had assured me last week that the secretary would be there.  I will try again this morning.   A lot of yesterday was spent glued to the computer listening to Test Match Special.  What a fabulous day of cricket.  Today I will pay regular visits to the BBC website to watch progress.   I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to and following this series.


Chrisf I think we really need to have a picture of the hessian bag.  I strongly suspect that it has Tardis like properties, in that it contains far more than it appears to be capable of doing.  I hope that your day goes well.


Apart from that there is not a lot to report.   Beth is due to go shopping soon and I believe that I am to go to the chemist to try and sort her prescription out.   Hopefully later on I will return to do battle with the 2F kit though this comment might have made me into a target for the dreaded awl.


Regards to all.



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Greetings from the boring borough. Chilly but sunny. Latte consumed and time to get to work. Not a lot happening apart from trying to get the house into some sort of order. All the railings, newel posts, spindles, etc for the stairs are due to arrive tomorrow. I've managed to get power restored to the shed on a temporary basis. Another couple of weeks months and things should be semi-normal again. Last night we started the process of retrieving all our crap from the storage lockup. Rather than waste money anymore we've now got enough space in the dining room to store what is currently costing us £71/week. Builder has received his formal letter of his sacking and our intent to recover costs if he doesn't refund the money he was paid in advance for materials and some of the work. T - 13 days. I really don't expect him to respond. That will just make the small claims process a bit easier as he is then less likely to file a defence. The locksmith should be around later this week to replace the locks. That's another £180 to add to the builder's bill. At least the front and back will be keyed the same so one less thing on the keychain to faff about with. 


Time to run. Early meeting today. <joy unbound>


Enjoy the day. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


I had a surprisingly good nights sleep last night, usually one of us wakes the other a stupid o’clock, but we both woke at about the same time, 7:40 ish! almost unheard of here!


Like Baz, the weather here is a bit wet today. Breakfast has been consumed and once I’ve finished my muggertea and glass of orange juice I’m off to Sainsbury’s to complete the Grand Prix.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

All this talk about Marmite - I wish to announce that I loathe the stuff and consider it an invention of the devil!


It is drizzling in the Capital of the Principality,



I thought it was the stuff the devil rejected...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I went back to sleep after the alarm (clock radio set to Radio 4) sounded. I will have a late breakfast.

Some grass seed is arriving today so I may start patching the bald areas of the front and back lawns. I ordered some hi tech seed that is coated to deter birdies and is gel coated to absorb water. We shall see. There are enough cats wandering around to deter birds in the front garden. The back garden is still a refuge for birds. Squirrels seem to have worked out that there isn’t a resident dog but cats still tend to avoid our garden.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Grey skies predominate with rain promised later and tomorrow morning which means care in requesting a delivery time from Jewsons for either tomorrow or Thursday  - Friday is of course committed to a certain location in London ;)


At our previous house we had quite a good grape vine which would offer several bucketfuls of grapes in a good year but the wine making process simply looked too complex to take on so the management went for grape jelly - alas it never properly set but was quite tasty.   As far as I'm concerned Marmite is best kept in an adjacent county however the Good Doctor is very partial to it so it is, alas, allowed house room.  But I am very fond of original Oxo made as a drink.


Today will consist of various 'shopping' (for things like sand and ballast and salt for the water softener) then watching the rain.  Having recently read an excellent book about the various Eddystone Rock lighthouses (recommended by a fellow passenger on one of this year's voyages and duly acquired off Amazon by the management) I am back into reading books and have accordingly started C.S. Forrester's Hornblower series from the beginning but in chronological order of his career rather than in the order in which the books were written.   I can then round the series out with Forrester's 'Hornblower Companion' to conclude the story and then go on to C. Northcote Parkinson's book although I disagree strongly with one of his conclusions (which suggests he missed something in the volume I'm currently reading).  Yes, I've read them all before!!


Have a good day everybody, time for muggatea no.3 and a boiled egg.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Definately autumnal outside this morning and rain predicted for this evening/overnight. GDB, if you already have a photo licence it should not be difficult to renew your licence. If as in my case you have the old paper licence make sure that you know someone who is qualified to countersign your photograph. When I renewed mine a few months ago they required not only the countersigned photo but my birth certificate and proof that I am resident in the UK.


I thought it was the stuff the devil rejected...

Well it looks and smells like it.

Thats it for now, be back later.

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