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  • RMweb Gold



Bright and sunny here and it was 8?°C an hour ago when I went out with Robbie. It is supposed to get warmer according to the forecast as well.


I'm off to the opticians, my wife is going to the hairdressers and Matthew is doing homework. I need to make some bread otherwise lunch will be subject to a freezer search.



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Morning all,


Chilly 7C here, light grey sky, not leaking!


I need to make some bread ...


Don't you mean Kneed, Tony? Doh! Enjoy - can be very therapeutic - and good luck at the optician's.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright with few oktas in evidence. Dog walked, breakfast eaten, coffee brewed, wife dispatched off on errands and now all I have to deal with is the list. :(




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Chilly 7C here, light grey sky, not leaking!




Don't you mean Kneed, Tony? Doh! Enjoy - can be very therapeutic - and good luck at the optician's.



I don't need to knead, just measure accurately. I have a very clever bread machine.

I know I'll need some new reading/pc distance glasses. However these are no longer good enough for the distance I like to hold things for soldering or painting so I'll enquire about a set for close work. My distance vision has been perfect until recently but the left eye isn't now as good as the right eye. Whatever I need I bet the total will still come out less than my wife paid for her last set of spectacles though. She likes going to the opticians as they think she has the perfect nose to sit spectacles on. I'm sure they mean it as a compliment!



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Guest Max Stafford

I suppose it becomes a sort of 'compo auction' now, with him 'bidding' until you get an acceptable figure! Hope you get a reasonable figure eventually.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All


Going on here during work time in my break just to see what's about - and see all the usual puns abounding - I think that for once, I'll try to rise above them (actually it's more that I can't be bothered - oops nearly got the wrath of the mods there - to try to think of any). Stuck in work all day from 8 til half four.


Yesterday, I finally managed to solve my TV problem - the answer is, apparently, that I really need a new TV, but as I'm also waiting for a call from Richard to let me know that Tornado's arrived and is going to set me back about the same amount, the TV will need to wait, and I'll need to do some fiddling to get the digibox/DVD/VHS all to talk to one another. Also, the toaster died this morning - it doesn't seem to matter how much I pay, they last about a year and a couple of weeks - so this time, I'm off to Wilkos, as they've got some for under a fiver!


Tomorrow Mrs 45156 has had this idea about my entering the forbidden realms of the loft (which is too low to be a layout room anyway - only about five feet high) to find all the boxes marked up as containing Christmas. No doubt that will be followed by a two hour session with the multimeter trying to get the three sets of lights to work - why I don't put them away neatly I'll never know - actually I do put them away neatly, and they manage to tangle themselves up without any human intervention.


My home PC has almost got to the stage now where it's unusable due to various unfathomable problems, and I am likely to be online here a bit less over the next few weeks, as my tame PC "expert" is not due back from uni for a while yet, and if I start to do things myself, it is probable that I'll never get online again. So my only chance to check RMweb will be from work in my breaks.




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  • RMweb Gold

Mick, hopefully this is the beginning of the end of the building problems.

I've just got back from the opticians. I've ordered myself a pair of glasses to equalize my eyes for distance. Really they are for driving so they can live in the car. My reading/ pc glasses are OK but I decided to get a pair for the railway modelling. I can't cope with working with one of those magnifying lamps. I've got to go back for a photograph of the back of my eye just before Christmas Eve so apparently I won't be driving that day! I hope to have done all the shopping then. I don't actually know what holiday my wife has planned to take. I shall ask when she returns from the hairdresser (after pretending not to notice what has been done. I think it is the opposite technique to weathering having the grey bits disguised).



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  • RMweb Premium

I've got to go back for a photograph of the back of my eye just before Christmas Eve so apparently I won't be driving that day!



The reason for that is that to get a good image of the back of your eye, you need to have the photo taken through as much of the lens as possible, so they put drops in to dilate the pupils - they sting a bit but nothing serious. They then give them about 10 minutes to act, and do the business, and the drops wear off after about 4/5 hours. You can't drive because when you're fully dilated, you can't really focus correctly. My advice is to take a pair of sunspecs with you as that can make things a bit better when you come out - I've found them helpful even on quite dull days.


I've been having this procedure now for about 15 years, as I have my eyes screened every year for possible damage from diabetes, and it's harmless, but it makes you look a bit mad eyed until the pupils start to react again.


Good luck with the tests



BTW - you ignore the Mrs' new hair do (costing who knows how much) at your peril.


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  • RMweb Gold

Stewart, thanks for the eye advice. My wife has diabetes and gets her eyeballs photographed every year so she is quite happy to drive me up to the opticians on this occasion as she apparently will be on holiday then. My eye problem will be down to something other than diabetes. Whenever I have blood tests (frequently unfortunately) I think the only reason they test my glucose levels is so they can tell me "the good news is you don't have diabetes, however ..."

I did notice my wife's haircut. I didn't ask her if she had changed her name to Shaun or any other jokes this time.


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  • RMweb Premium

Stewart, thanks for the eye advice. My wife has diabetes and gets her eyeballs photographed every year so she is quite happy to drive me up to the opticians on this occasion as she apparently will be on holiday then. My eye problem will be down to something other than diabetes. Whenever I have blood tests (frequently unfortunately) I think the only reason they test my glucose levels is so they can tell me "the good news is you don't have diabetes, however ..."

I did notice my wife's haircut. I didn't ask her if she had changed her name to Shaun or any other jokes this time.



That's good - at least you're going into the test with some knowledge of what is going to happen.


Great to know you don't have diabetes - it's not the greatest condition under the sun, as I'm sure your wife can verify - at least with modern drugs, insulins, and dietary advice it's way far better than it used to be. Regards to your wife from one diabetic to another.


Wise man indeed not to make jokes about the "new" hair. I did once - and never did again! LOL

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  • RMweb Premium



As Robert said, it does look gloomy outside, but it's above 6?° - supposed to be rainy and windy later on, as well as over the next few days.


Note to self - need to order some contact lens care fluids on Monday.

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  • RMweb Gold



I think we are having the same weather here. I don't think it will change much for a few days here according to the 5 day forecast.

At some stage when everyone else wakes up I have a batch of waffles to make.



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Just to interrupt the weather forecasts for a tip I have found useful for Railway Modelling (if you'll pardon the expression).


I like to see a 'lip' on the gutters rather than the flat type usually supplied in kits, hence this scratch built version from plasticard:



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