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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A small shower this morning with a bit of thunder in the distance but at least its cleared the air. Looking at the Railex 2018 thread this morning there was a pic of a group of RMWebbers with probably some ER's entwined with yours truly in the background, not that my ugly mug is visible.


Some viewers whom stopped by to view Canute Road Quay apparently took longer to get to the venue than others, I can neither confirm or deny any names...


I'm the one with the stroller laden with bags of goodies hiding behind the chap with the red shirt (Bill?).

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  • RMweb Premium

I wonder if anyone's yet tried to go round a model railway show on a Segway?  :scratchhead:


Just don't do what the importer of the things in the UK did.  He lived next to the River Wharf and something went wrong with his own Segway and rode it off the cliff into the river and died.



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  • RMweb Premium

My Niece great niece wouldn't be seen dead in that and she's a great railway fan..

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Afternoon all


Overcast here today, foggy this morning; the haar was rolling in last night as we were making our way home having seen a film about the Faroe Islands. Yep, we really know how to live!


By 11pm there was a haary (not hairy) halo around the streetlamps, very autumnal.


Things are settling down here now after the weekend, thanks heavens.


Hope your days are sunnier than ours, and don't forget the factor 50 (which is a lot cheaper in Aldi btw)



Edited by Purley Oaks
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Scorchio yet again here - mark my words, we will be paying for it soon!


SWMBO decided that we need to get some manure for the garden, and she seen some bagged horse manure free the other end of the village. I was duly dispatched to collect some. It was very fresh! The car did not smell too pleasant on my return journey. The stuff has now been emptied into a dumpy bag at the top of the garden to rot down, which will take at least 12 months. After all that, I am knackered, and my back feels a bit delicate, so no more lifting today!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Baz, so you red carded two girls?  Chris, Bank Holidays are meaningless once you have retired; I hadn't realised until next door fired up the BBQ.  Dom, playing with a Crompton?


Keep well all,  Bill

Bill, they started off with 9... and ended with 9..just had a couple of late "drop outs" unfortunately.....



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There is now a leak in the office building, which means that anyone coming through the main entrance door gets a waterfall gushing on their head!


The restaurant downstairs is also complaining about a leak into their premises, which may be related to our leak......

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon Peeps 

That sodding new pressure washer turned up early this morning so I was tasked /ordered :nono: to start cleaning the patio I hadn't even had the

chance to put the thing together anyway since 11am it has been hissing down she threw lunch at me and said it stopped raining I'd like to

see some progress outside as I can't lift anything heavy with this back, Her done a token gesture and moved a few pots and chairs I've

manage to clean half of the area between the showers she :spruceup:  has buqqered off shopping at Horrosons I've come back in it's modelling time

sod the patio, Oh quick Her has returned better pretend I've just come in from the back. :resent:             


                                                                                                                                                                                    enjoy you day A. Karcher  :biggrin_mini2:

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Global warming, climate change - PAH!!!


Tell that to the inhabitants here - we broke all records for temps, yesterday highest, earliest 100F blah, blah :( :(

Earliest date in recorded history to break 100F (38C and a bit) - car thermometer showed 103F driving back from the lake, cooling off nearer home!

Second time EVER for 100F in May

Longest 90F+ streak ever in May

Overnight it "cooled off" to a balmy 26C

My considered opinion is - THIS SUCKS!!! :O  


Weekend report - HOT, plenty to do at the cabin with move plumbing repairs, failure to get outboard on pontoon boat to run, riding mover not working (dead battery) so mowed entire place with regular mower, grass almost 8 inches long as NOT been mowed yet this year, so real challenge as it stalled and clogged all the time :(

Good day Sunday with Trevor and Meagan joining us for the day, nice BBQ though hot out even then. Most everyone (not me I was BBQing) ventured out in the canoe and enjoyed it.

Managed a minor cut to one finger on mower blade cleaning carp off it, and small drill hole in another finger working on the plumbing - wise words spoken both times! :rtfm:


27 now and sunny with a light breeze, "ONLY" going to be about 34 for the high - whoopeee!!! :jester: So glad we have central air-conditioning.


Will go back and read/possibly comment all the weekends posts soon as I can, for now need to work too...


Hope everyone manages not to wilt/melt with their own personal heatwave to deal with <phew>

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No hair conditioning here. 53F now and going to 69F. However, I badly need a haircut but that will require me to get out of bed and drive to town.


The new truck has a USB socket. I loaded about 2000 tracks onto a thumb drive and they show up on the truck's radio. The sound system is the best I've heard and it's just the basic version.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've seen enough damage in supermarkets and heard of enough at MRC shows, both with 4 wheels electric powered, I dread to so the damage that could be caused by two wheels.

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Just don't do what the importer of the things in the UK did.  He lived next to the River Wharf and something went wrong with his own Segway and rode it off the cliff into the river and died.


The most that'll go wrong with a Segway at a show is that a user might overbalance, and fall forward onto someone's layout or demo table.



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  • RMweb Premium

At the show on Sunday I at first thought I had run over someones foot with the stroller but it turned out to be the cables to the layouts taped to the floor. I try to avoid running into people with the stroller but it seems to have a strange affinity for the ankles of people wearing rucksacks. :whistle:

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  • RMweb Premium

The most that'll go wrong with a Segway at a show is that a user might overbalance, and fall forward onto someone's layout or demo table.




A couple of years ago at Warley a buggy user ran into a layout, broke some legs and tried to reverse out and go on his merry way.  I believe that after that incident they had to introduce a new policy at the NEC.  Buggy's and other mobility aids perform a vital function and enable many people to enjoy the show but they need to be used with discretion and courtesy.  However I am well aware that those two things are often not shown by visitors on two legs.




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Good evening to all ER's. Thoughts, congrats and commiserations as appropriate. A busy day has meant that I have only skim read much of what has been posted so my apologies if I have missed anything.


 Bank Holiday Monday passed by in a rather tired and stressed out state. Today has been a little better however. I should have been at the dentists but opted to cancel the appointment after the last couple of days. After the online shopping delivery we headed off for a day in Matlock Bath. En-route we called at the garden centre so the girls could stock up on bath bombs. Then, having parked up at the Masson Mill outlet in Cromford, we walked into Matlock Bath. There was the usual fish and chip lunch, time on the arcades and an ice cream in one of the gardens before Amber let off some steam in one the play areas. A very enjoyable day.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


Once again apologies for life getting in the way of a good time and being AWOL.  Dragon-in-Law arrived safely this morning and has spent the day in bed but awake and has required frequent cups of tea and occasional feeding.  Thus far she has only commanded me to visit the shop three times .....


It has become wet Upon the Hill.  Last night we had a very heavy downpour with some storm activity; today has built steadily until mid-afternoon since when there has been steady and sometimes torrential rain with quite significant stormage.  There are road closures owing to trees becoming horizontal and the lack of submarines available to navigate the water levels.  All other transport modes have been affected.  We noticed about an hour's worth of quiet during which there were no outbound flights from Heathrow which must have caused major problems there.  There are news reports of major storm damage across the eastern and south-eastern suburbs.  Not, we trust, in the Boring Borough though Charlton was specifically mentioned which isn't too far away.


The vacuum cleaner and steam mop are currently on a working holiday next door as the lads do their final clean-up.  The benefit to us is that they get to empty the vacuum before returning it!  It has already become much quieter hereabouts.


I hope to find time to read back through recent posts tomorrow.  Until then the somewhat perfunctory but perfectly genuine generic greetings are offered to one and all.

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evening all,


A few hours at Mike's clearing the ground for his greenhouse, until the rain set in. Shopping, then home.


I have a ticket for the RFH tomorrow, Rattle with his Berlin ensemble playing Bruckner 9 with the fourth movement constructed from the composer's workings. I find completions an interesting topic. The Mozart mass was just the last couple of pages. Mahler wrote out a complete melodic line, then for the 10th Symphony had orchestrated the first movement and most of another; so Cooke et al had to orchestrate three movements, and have done a fine job. Elgar jotted down a few tunes for his 3rd Symphony: Payne has done a reasonable job in fleshing in out and it is officially known as "Edward Elgar: the sketches for Symphony No 3 elaborated by Anthony Payne" but I would prefer to see it billed as a "Symphony by Anthony Payne on themes by Edward Elgar".


Which leads to the Bruckner 9. He was a "messy" composer so the reconstructors had to work out what to include or exclude. Then some pages have disappeared and Bruckner hadn't started the coda before he died. But because Bruckner was a numerologist, we know the exact number of bars there should be. The missing pages were not too difficult to reconstruct and the coda has been composed following the same logic as the 8th. Strangely only a few conductors, including Rattle, play the final movement. Perhaps I will find out tomorrow , expect a report.


Another topic. We have a by election next month in East Lewisham. From the blizzard of election material, it is a three way marginal between Conservative, Lib Dem and UKIP. The general election was Labour 68%, Conservative 23%. Lib Dem 5%, rest 4%. Methinks it is a scrap for second place, which may even be nicked by the Green Party (although reviewing the post I recollect that the Greens are stronger in West Lewisham). And I know the Labour candidate through her church - lovely lass.


Keep well all, Bill

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I wonder if anyone's yet tried to go round a model railway show on a Segway?  :scratchhead:


I would love the opportunity to try a segway; Lille Tourist Board offer guided tours of the town on them.


However, they, and 'hoverboards' are not street legal in the UK, so I'm resigned to walking to and from the station!

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