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Early Risers.


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Now I would like to publicly thank Alan – Benachie, who has tirelessly put together a daily newsletter for Debs – and this has really helped.


Addition - Debs has read this message and has asked me to add her deep gratitude and appreciation for his dedication and generous kindness in messaging, cannot be overstated.






Thanks to John and Debs for their kind words but I really don't think I'm any different from others who message Debs.    Maybe I have more time, maybe I like the sound of my own keyboard.   In any event, it would always be good to have more contributors in the "team".   You can write about anything - your local environment, what's happening today, your life story, your other hobbies, any links you find interesting, photographs of anything and everything.  I have even written about railway modelling - only rarely, of course.   Just PM John (Coombe Barton) with your message with something like "for Debs" as the subject.

Our very special thanks to John for being such a devoted and helpful "go-between".


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Thanks to John and Debs for their kind words but I really don't think I'm any different from others who message Debs.    Maybe I have more time, maybe I like the sound of my own keyboard.   In any event, it would always be good to have more contributors in the "team".   You can write about anything - your local environment, what's happening today, your life story, your other hobbies, any links you find interesting, photographs of anything and everything.  I have even written about railway modelling - only rarely, of course.   Just PM John (Coombe Barton) with your message with something like "for Debs" as the subject.

Our very special thanks to John for being such a devoted and helpful "go-between".


Hi Alan


Great to know that you are also part of the team here working to get Debs on the road to recovery - and please don't be a stranger here on ERs in the future, it really is the more the merrier on here, in one area of RMWeb where we don't (very often) fall out, and don't denigrate each other's posts and comments. 


I have sent a few messages to Debs, and will endeavour to send a few more.



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AndyY! AndyY!


We need a groan button! Where's the ******ing groan button when you really, really, desperately, need one.


Maybe ERs should be revolting??? Oh, wait. For the modeling purists I think we are.




Calm down, dear ...



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is shining but not enough to bring out the pollen. Purchased a couple of books yesterday so there's a bit of reading to be done.


There must be a couple of Royals further down the list going - "B*gger - another queue jumper......."




My dad was a staunch republican, I can imagine his response, along the lines of "Another bl@@dy mouth for us to feed!"

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Morning everyone. Another sunny day has dawned in Derbyshire, but the wind is stronger and it carries a distinct chill. I hope that, whatever the weather, today finds you well. I hope those off on their travels have / are having an enjoyable time. Thoughts remain with those that need it. I am glad to read elsewhere that Andy.P has got through his blood test and he is off on the modelling again. Best wishes also to Debs, Simon and all others who need them. 


 Yesterday was a good day - I actually felt quite good. There was some time spent modelling (see the Gairloch thread) and I also enjoyed some fresh air whilst out helping Sarah collect the Avon books. During the morning stint, I popped into my parent's for a cup of tea and even caught up with my brother and his children. The evening Avon based stroll was taken in very pleasant conditions. The peace was interrupted by the police helicopter buzzing over the estate. It soon became apparent why. As I crossed the road en route to another collection, a police car cruised slowly past, then turned and pulled over next to me. It seemed I matched the description of the gentleman they were looking for. When they showed me a photograph I told them I was quite offended to be mistaken for him! Fortunately I was able to prove my identity!


 Positive progress on the business side of things. Although I have all but discarded the idea of buying the one I previously viewed, a friend of mine has come forward and offered to provide help with building a website. This is a huge step forward towards setting up for myself. That makes me feel a little more confident although it won't be an instant route out of the teaching profession.


 Today I actually feel pretty good again, hopefully the tablets are starting to take effect. I have been motivated enough to help Sarah around the house this morning. Recycling sorted, two loads of washing completed and put out on the line and dishwasher unloaded and reloaded. I have even found some time for a little bit of shunting on the Gairloch layout. Having said that, I feel fairly tired now and I have not taken the tablet yet. How I will feel after I have taken it remains to be seen.


Have a good day all.



Best wishes



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 Afternoon Peeps 


Thanks goes to Baz he reminded me it was St Georges day 41st wedding adversary this year, we don't waste money on cards which was a let off

  instead I descreetly booked a table at the local restrauant she can be easily pleased I was going to pick a flower from the garden and put it in a

  vase but thought better of it so there was no excuse for her to moan. :tender:  :punish:  :crazy:


Decorating commenced today with the first coat on the newly pastered ceiling, to play safe I will leave it till tomorrow to re-coat it other work was carried

 out sanding and filling the usual bumps and dinks in the walls and a large storage heater to be remove the last one got damaged but luckily the repair

 was good and it was working for a while till I switched it off. :heat:


I wonder if my mate Cap't GDB got away OK I bet he's got a drink in his hands as I type.  :drinks:   :whistle:          


                                                                                                           Enjoy your day  I.M Warnout   

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Weekend went by in a flash... do I get another one, please?

What with doggy-care/walking, various chores, an attempt at passive relaxation with a jigsaw puzzle (turned out to be rather frustrating/aggressive in the end :O ) and a significant amount of time flight simming along with some muddling, I'm not sure how I managed to use up the entire weekend and still not truly see what I accomplished <sigh>


Yesterday, Jemma got back from her trip and came over to pick up Whitney, with her new beau, very nice chap (fortunately for him <har har>). We all walked around one of the local lakes as the weather was lovely, then went for brunch.

Mrs. got in late evening from Florida, had a good trip but happy to be home - she was "OK" with me meeting the new beau before her - to the amazement of both Jemma and myself!


Weather on the uptick here - nowhere near as beastly as I've heard it's been in the UK - and barely any snow left except the traditional piles from plowing - they'll be around for a week or more at least!

Today already 6 first thing and sunny, expected to reach 20 later - will be the first time it's been that "warm" here since October 21st :jester: six months ago!!!


Headed to the airport for the LATE flight to JFK, leaves here 8PM gets there a couple of hours after I should be asleep :(

Hope the week starts out well for everyone.

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Trying to sort stuff out today. One insurance company being very stupid. Can't seem to cope with how Irish death certificates work. I feel like telling them to forget it as their stupidity is upsetting Aditi. However she says she will persevere as she wants to put the money in a fund for students at his university to help with travel expenses for research or conferences. Apparently our case will be "escalated " to a supervisor.

We have been sorting out clothes. Matthew never seemed to throw clothes out when he was at home. He did before leaving a country to avoid excess baggage. Off to the Sue Ryder charity shop soon. Then perhaps a stroll in the park.

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Yesterday, Jemma got back from her trip and came over to pick up Whitney, with her new beau, very nice chap (fortunately for him <har har>).

Just tell him he better look after her......




...... and that you don't mind going back to prison.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. So theres another royal baby (yawn), not that I'm anti-royal its just the media circus that surrounds such an event. (A knighthood for me please for services to syncopathy.) As I said I am not a republican but what with the upcoming royal nuptials and the inevitable media frenzy I might seriously consider becoming one.

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Just tell him he better look after her......




...... and that you don't mind going back to prison.



I never did become a parent but I always schemed that if it happened when was she was of courting age, I was going to make sure that the night she brought her boyfriend home he was going to see 'dad' sat at the coffee table in his boxers, sharpening a large knife on a whetstone, interrupting his 'thousand yard stare' briefly to smile to the lad and say; "Hello, son. Nice to meet you; take care of my daughter, won't you?" before resuming the sharpening... :devil: :mosking:

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Headlines running the Duchess of Cambridge goes into labour:


And I thought the royal family were supposed to be politically neutral!


Not sure; the Duke certainly seems very liberal! (Lost count the current score, is this #3 or #4?)

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So, I’m now on a month of parental leave (starting on the 27th actually, but with planned days off and holiday booked ahead of it),....


Blimus - Prince William is on ER! 

Ok, I'll  re-phrase that as the Beefeaters qrf are sprinting done my garden path as I type!


Blimus - Prince William is an Early Riser! 


Ok, I'll try again. 


Blimus - Prince William has been disguising himself as Dom. 

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