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  • RMweb Premium

Still looking for a narrow-bore funnel. Not even the many* pound shops in Ealing seem to stock these.

your wish is my command


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  • RMweb Gold

Baz & Bob, it's not Mrs GDB's birthday, "My little girl" is our lovely daughter Nicki but thank you anyway.                  :punish: you didn't put a name so it was guess workhappy birthday Nicki


Today's first task was changed as our neighbour knocked to say the bl##dy shared manhole we have was blocked so we were out there with drain rods sorting that out. Nice. I managed to do it without falling in!               I'm surprised it was an accident waiting to happen. :laugh: 


Also had  a phone call from Shildon to say that at last my Dean Goods is now in and being despatched. Yippee!          the 47xx is better, little things please .................  :onthequiet: 

Her has finally stopped telling me how to paint after I said if you can do it better get on with it, I wouldn't mind but I use to do it for a living, now I've started calling her Madam Edith

and I've hidden the knife block.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Paid my usual lunchtime visit to Tesco's for newspapers and bread. On the way out I decided to fill up my tank in readiness for the weekend trip. As the filler on my car is on the left I usually pick a pump that is left handed. There was only one such pump vacant so I headed for that only having to brake sharply because of henwomble grabbing the pump before me. She then continued to drag the hose across the back of her car as her filler was on the right. Just as well filling the tank isn't urgent so I'll fill it tomorrow or even Saturday morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

A‘noon all, just!


Elise seems to have caught some bug yesterday and is resting a lot. And here I was thinking that the season for this sort of thing had passed...


I originally intended to get back to work this weekend but as the accident two weeks ago was registered as Category B (significant damage but without injuries), I will need to see our medical department, which on short notice wasn’t doable before Monday. Oh well, so I’ll get two additional paid days off, as my team leader arranged!


Glad to hear that Tony and Aditi are managing and that Debs continues fighting. Sending encouragement and thoughts your way, and to everyone else who needs it right now.


Got to cook me something for dinner now. Later! :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

In the North East we had/have a post funeral wake. It consisted of various sandwiches, pies, cakes and the odd beer. It was more of a celebration of a life well known and seemed to bring in my family at least a rememberance of happier times.

So I raise a glass and a sandwich to someone I never met face to face but filled all who knew him via the ERs with positive thoughts..


Good question if such traditions are a regional thing, Baz. We had similar wakes with food, drink and cake following most every funeral I attended, sometimes at home, or at a suitable restaurant or pub nearby. I certainly appreciated these gatherings invariably having been occasions for remembering happier times just like you described it. At the same time, there always were a number of friends and relatives present whom we hadn’t seen like what seemed like forever, and then seemingly invariably only at funerals...

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  • RMweb Gold

We went for a walk after breakfast. Wandered round the park that Matthew would have crossed to get to the railway station. We then ambled along the canal towpath. We didn't have boots suitable for muddy terrain so didn't go too far. The banks are being tidied up at the moment. Lots of birds swimming about today, it isn't warm but it had been sunny.

We are now in possession of Matthew's ashes. We will find a suitable site later today when it is quieter. Moving water and flower petals seem to be the thing that will make MiL content so we will do our best. The hotel has given us flowers.

I have checked in online for tomorrow's flight home.

I noted Blackrat's comment about the professionals. Everyone here has been very good. The Garda sergeant who met us at the plane even felt the need to apologise about how we got confirmation of Matthew's death. They would normally have asked a British police officer to call but as I said to him, we were all finding out at the same time.


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

Any of the DIY sheds is about a 50 mile round trip for me, hence me generally going on the way from work and the popularity of online purchases for smaller items. This would be why arriving today were a selection of items from Mr Swann, Mr Morton and their competitors, To be used on some stuff from Mr Slater which also arrived today.


Da dada da. DAAaaah


We have gas!!!!!!! it arrived at 15:00 I'm told, the man saying they were running 3 weeks behind, but I reckon we hadn't had gas for a couple of months before that.


The boiler was a little reluctant to restart, but is now getting heat into the place.


I wasn't here though, the womble on the radio said that the effin clown town river bridge was totally blocked by a broken down car, which would be why I was stuck in a huge jam.. Quite how a two way bridge is totally blocked by one car I don't know.


When the womble spoke, cue synchronised cars turning round, drove most of the way back to Norwich, round a section of the NDR, then the Coltishall road. Then after crossing that bridge, while most cars headed back to effin clown town and the other side of the jams. I took to country single track lanes to come out on the main road, well clear of any traffic.

Total extra mileage about 20...


Talking about twenty that's what the room has just reached 20C


Time too.... lie back and luxuriate in the warmth..

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.....We are now in possession of Matthew's ashes. We will find a suitable site later today when it is quieter. Moving water and flower petals seem to be the thing that will make MiL content so we will do our best. ...


Japanese Gardens at the Irish National Stud in Kildare would certainly meet the moving water and flower petals bit.

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We have gas!!!!!!! it arrived at 15:00 I'm told, the man saying they were running 3 weeks behind, but I reckon we hadn't had gas for a couple of months before that.





Strangely enough had a conversation regarding gas at the barbers last Saturday. People were complaining about Calor and how they were getting carp.


Then someone mentioned that they had much better service from Countrywide. However they've gone bust but have sold on their gas service. To whom I don't know but could ask if you want.


This is only hearsay, but several of the people getting pruned said the same thing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well as the weather has been so nice, I’ve spent most of the day in the garden cutting wood! I’m making the radiator covers from 18mm MDF which my local diy shop doesn’t sell. So I purchased mine from the big orange DIY emporium, but they couldn’t do all the cuts I wanted, so I had to do the last few myself, it was mainly just cutting to length. This afternoon I was adding a few decorative cuts to the front pieces, such as radius’s where the top and bottom cross pieces join the front. One set has been completed, tomorrow I will cut the second set and then I can make a start on assembling the first them. Overall I’ve had a good day and I’m very pleased with what I’ve got done.


Tony and Aditi. I’m so glad things are continuing to go well.


Thoughts fingers crossed also for Deb’s and hoping her recovery continues to progress.


Oh goody it’s beer o’clock.

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  • RMweb Premium

Still looking for a narrow-bore funnel. Not even the many* pound shops in Ealing seem to stock these.


I'm trying to work out if that means shops that sell stuff for many pounds or many shops that sell stuff for a pound.....?




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We are now in possession of Matthew's ashes. We will find a suitable site later today when it is quieter. Moving water and flower petals seem to be the thing that will make MiL content so we will do our best. The hotel has given us flowers.



From what I recall of posts on here, Dublin University or even his haunt in Cork might be considered?


I echo the thoughts of previous posts and, although silent, have been 'rating' posts accordingly.


I, too, am pleased that the arrangements for yesterday occurred smoothly and, as mentioned elsewhere, the professionals achieved the task seamlessly and without hassle.


Tony and Alditi, I can but hope that 2018 will only improve from here after what can only be described as an unfortunate start.


My thoughts continue to be with you and I offer my Very Best Wishes for the future.

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At the dawning of another day, greetings


Yesterday was a 'nearly' day.  I nearly went into the garden to attack the triffids and nearly did some m*d*ll*ng but courage deserted me in both cases.  I did manage to generate some ironing which is to be one of today's pleasures once the fodder run is done, which it must as I am down to two slices of bread.   I have few engagements over the weekend but one could be interesting. It is the final of the 2018 New Roots competition, held on Sunday in the suburbs of St Albans.  Hands up those who did not know that St Albans has suburbs.  What is New Roots, you ask?  It is an opportunity for young people who are good at and like folk-ish music to perform, receive critical appraisal and be rewarded with offers of gigs.  From St Albans station to the venue is a long and winding road but I'm sure I can manage it.  The train fare is cheap and the car mileage saved will come in handy for another possible trip later in the month.


Warm thoughts this morning to Debs, for whom fingers continue to be crossed, to Simon and Mal, to anyone feeling low for whatever reason and there are plenty of those, and to Tony and Aditi.



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