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"I apologise, had I have known wheeltappers was an exclusive club (perhaps better suited to a group) I would not have bothered with my own musings."


Everybody is made welcome in one form or another.

Part of being accepted is to be ignored.

Some of my best earth shattering posts have fallen on deaf ears.

It's a custom that has grown up over many years - a post usually has nothing whatsoever to do with previous messages.


It's the nearest thing to a well-behaved lunatic asylum on the Interweb.


A few of the posters are really good blokes.

However, sensitive we are not.


Welcome Classix T - tell us more about Aeroplanes.

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Exclusive? Us? Never in a month of Sundays... :O


All are made very welcome. I've obviously missed your post re aircraft and doddery old sod that I am, still can't find it...


Morning all. Got to take the Aston back today. I'm feeling like I'm losing my first love.... :cray_mini2:


....and the sun is out.


Edit: Now found it. Apologies and welcome to the home for the mentally impaired.. ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,a sunny day! Must paint the decking :scratchhead: I had a 500cc bike that only reached 15mpg if I coaxed it along riding flat out moved it below 10mpg it was however the worlds fastest camel and exciting.


Bet its humps weren't as good as Sam's......


Some of my best earth shattering posts have fallen on deaf ears



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all!


Didn't get around to saying hi this morning as I left early, intending to get my round of class observance in first and then have some additional time for planning tomorrow's teaching practice with my coursemates, as we'll be holding a lesson together for starters. I still am very fond of the school I've been assigned to, also due to the staff being very nice people and subscribing to flat hierarchies :) . The funny thing is that I noticed how one teacher from my old school is now working at this one. I haven't talked to him yet, though, but may yet do so. I wonder if he might still recognise me - it's been about fifteen years since I had him in class, after all...

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  • RMweb Gold

... I wonder if he might still recognise me - it's been about fifteen years since I had him in class, after all...


It gets very confusing when former students tell you about their grandchildren!

I'm glad you are enjoying the teaching practice. Matthew's "helping with English" in Vietnam seems to be a bit more formal than he was initially lead to believe, he was preparing lessons late last night and going out this morning to buy pens and paper for the students to use. The other volunteer who is departing tomorrow is a qualified teacher and has been very helpful to Matthew, but I suspect Matthew won't be doing the geography education option at Leicester when he returns next term!

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Morning All,


Not a lot to report here - the weather appears cloudy and I am not convinced that it is going to do anything special.


On the agenda for today is taking the little guy to school and then heading into the office for a few hours, before returning to pick Thomas up for swimming.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


A few minutes after my previous posting I was informed that my grandpa's back in hospital as his condition does not seem to have improved in the meantime. In fact, there would appear to be a new problem with dehydration, so I guess I'll still have to be prepared for the worst. I'm feeling kind of at loss for words right now, which I hope you'll understand. I wonder if I should talk about this issue with my colleagues at school, as I guess they should be aware of it, just in case...

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Morning all.


Dominik, I'm sure all of us in the northern hemisphere (plus Trev) will be keeping fingers crossed for your grandfather, and Don will be holding thumbs instead!


Didn't get logged on yesterday for various reasons. Whoever said Forestry Commission on Wednesday was right, they are still on the go.


Off to Durham tonight as I've just heard yesterday morning that my contact has laid his hands on a pair of tickets for tomorrow's sell-out England v India ODI for me.

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Good morning all. Like Trev, it's overcast and grey and rainy here.

RIGHT Mike, I am holding ONE thumb, but only when I don't need it for something else. Am thinking of you and your GrandDad Dominick.

Enjoy swimming with Thomas, Robert. Is he a good swimmer?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dominick, I do hope your Grandfather improves once they start rehydrating him.

I've just had a text from Matthew which was a pleasant start to the day.

I think I may be doing some gardening today. The roses need dead-heading and have grown higher than Aditi can reach. The summer weather has been quite kind to our garden. We have had lots of pears, and the courgettes and climbing beans we planted rather late are doing well.



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We've had problems with Tomatoes this year which were alleviated somewhat when I discovered they needed magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salts). Various peppers picked up too.


Dom, remember what I said last time and I send your family all best wishes.


Best, Pete.

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I see that the southern border states are having a bad time with fires, Pete.

It's dangerous being an illegal there!

Imagine evading the border patrols, sleeping rough, paying a fortune to the coyotes, trudging miles to end up in an inferno.

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Enjoy swimming with Thomas, Robert. Is he a good swimmer?


Yes, Don - he is pretty good. Last week he was frustrated in his swimming lesson that he didn't manage 24 lengths in half an hour. He only managed 20! Not bad for a seven year old...

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