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And a picture of national trust Horsey dyke and windpump


Horsey Windpump usually makes it into lists of peculiar British place names.  Along with Crapstone, Peover Superior, P1ddlehinton, Old Wives Lees, Wyre P1ddle, Muffworthy and Twatt.  Schoolboy minds, eh?   


A quick flick back to personal registrations reminds me of YAP 41T (Yap for it) which was parked opposite my late parents' home for many a year, and the pair of his 'n' hers motorcycles from some years back now which rested their wheels overnight on a driveway near our then home.  IAM 1 and RU 12   The City of Portsmouth LVLO was however determined not to offend public decency and declined to issue STR 1P.  Neil might have known a university friend of mine who hailed then from Fraggle Rock but is now a long-term resident of Sussex.  Her car at the time (strictly her father's car but she was the only regular driver of it) was MAN 700M.  MAN ZOOM.


Edited to oblige our profanity filter :(


And for the record my favourite layout at Ally Pally?  Hambleden Valley.  Proving you don't need cohorts of Gresley Pacifics nor the entire world's supply of 3-rail tinplate to attract attention.  Just a single live-steam loco and a handful of wagons and coaches chuffing - actually chuffing - up and down a thoroughly well-made and well-presented layout.

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Still having mind-boggles over the rediscovered artwork. Your thoughts and comments are very much appreciated, thank you.

Evening all

I think the correct terminology for that artwork is stonking. Really is wonderful, Rick.

Thanks for the Ally pic. Glad you all had such a good time.

Another sunny spring day here today which included a walk to the upper loch on Arthur's Seat. The views across a very blue Forth with a wide blue sky were superb.

Hope tomorrow is good for everyone


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Continuing the number plate theme one other that I saw in Walsall a few years ago was a pink open top car with the registration K1NKY!


Nottingham had to be careful as they had the letters BRA to issue, 38D etc were possible.



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Mr The Stationmaster restored to his rightful position! :)




Nottingham had to be careful as they had the letters BRA to issue, 38D etc were possible

From memory that would be about right for the average Nottingham lass ;)

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Nottingham had to be careful as they had the letters BRA to issue, 38D etc were possible.



West Mercia police weren't.


Some years back, all their cars were registered xx xx TWP.


Which brought large grins from the visiting Welsh.

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Evening all. Best wishes to you all. I hope those who went to Ally Pally had an enjoyable time.


Today has been a busy day. It started with another five a side football game. My troublesome Achilles is still protesting! Later we visited the inlaws where I spent much of the time valuing father in law’s model railway collection. He has decided to sell much of it because their retirement bungalow does not have space for a layout. He has always been keen on fish and wants another pond in the garden. I have therefore been asked to help dispose of the collection.


Best wishes



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My troublesome Achilles is still protesting! 


Andy, do not fool around with a 'troublesome' Achilles. I tore one, partly by ignoring warning signs, though I didn't know that they were signs at the time. I would advise seeing a sports physio, if you're not already doing so. Believe me, 8 weeks in a cast with the foot flexed down and no possibility of putting it on the ground, plus months of rehab is not fun. The physio I saw in rehab (he had previously worked with the Canadian Olympic team) told me that what I had felt the week before it tore were warning signs and if I had stopped at that point and gone for physio, they would probably have been able to save it.

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Thanks for that! However it is now mirrored left  to right!


I could tell that from the part in Chris's hair.


You had me going for a minute though. I was trying to understand the inside joke about "Mr Stationmaster Unraveled". Was this something like "Clapton Unplugged" I wondered, or perhaps it was because the cat had been having a go at his jumper?


The penny did eventually drop.

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I have a meeting tomorrow in my old Southern Californian stomping grounds from about 30 years ago.


The old building where I worked for five years has been razed. (This was not a surprise, having noticed it on Google Maps some time back.) Yet all the area homes where I lived are not only quite recognizable, but (apart from a little paint on some) look exactly the same.


They say you can never go home again, and that is true to a point, but I was surprised by just how much is the same in an area that has experienced immense growth over the last 30 years.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Good morning one and all.  Andyram, heed the words of the wise.


Apart from taking time out to cook and eat a slab of rump steak, I spent most of yesterday trying to make sense of a piece of research and conclude that there is little if any sense to be made.  As with m*d*ll*ng, the right course of action is to lay it aside and turn to something else.  The bedside clock radio relieved the tedium when the buttons designed to correct the time shown first went hyperfast and then refused to respond at all.  Given that it must be 40 years old I should not complain but I'm not that easily deterred and may stroll into Argos when in town this morning - just to look, you understand.


Looking at the week ahead, in addition to the matters of routine there is a meeting of the HMRS chapter in Bletchley on Wednesday and a day with Poorly Pal on Thursday.  Friday is of course Good Friday, on which by tradition I have taken to visiting Pendon and a garden centre.  I shall see if there is enough in the mileage budget to permit this indulgence, given that I will be at the York show on Sunday which consumes a week and a half's allowance on its own.  On Saturday night there is a worthwhile gig at one of Bedford's premier nightclubs, not that I would know what a premier nightclub is or indeed whether Bedford has more than one.  The prominent roots band Stick In The Wheel are appearing.  Dead cultural!


This morning, I recall, I must collect the next helping of chemical warfare.  This entails a purposeful stride towards town which those who care for my health proclaim is good for me.  Now I must stop for all the letters seem to be in the wrong place on my keyboard.  Best wishes, then, to the ailing, recovering and missing, with special thoughts today for Mal and Simon and the hope that their chemical warfare does what it should.



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I have a meeting tomorrow in my old Southern Californian stomping grounds from about 30 years ago.


The old building where I worked for five years has been razed. (This was not a surprise, having noticed it on Google Maps some time back.) Yet all the area homes where I lived are not only quite recognizable, but (apart from a little paint on some) look exactly the same.


They say you can never go home again, and that is true to a point, but I was surprised by just how much is the same in an area that has experienced immense growth over the last 30 years.


Housing does tend to survive for a long time. I wonder how long this place will survive? https://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/sales/detail/180-l-479-j4nwzc/rockford-bay-at-its-finest-coeur-d-alene-id-83814


It's in our little community. Unfortunately, the gent who owned it died a year ago and his widow has it on the market. It's a bit bigger than our place, and a lot more up to date inside, but it's not that much bigger. The main difference is it's a waterfront property, and that jacks up the price by a factor of at least three! It also jacks up the property taxes, a lot.


The sad thing about many of these properties is they sit empty for most of the year although I'm not complaining. I like it when it's quiet.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris mentioning the age of his clock radio made me realise that mine is now 10 years old. It was a retirement gift from my colleagues which means that it is (almost) 10 years since I retired, in fact it is 10 years on Saturday. Where did those 10 years go? they seem to have flown by. I still occasionally hear from or about those colleagues but two thirds of them have also retired and regretably a couple have passed away and one of my female ex colleagues who was heavily pregnant at my retirement do her daughter is nearly 10 years old. Thats it for now as a hot bath awaits, be back later.

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A great weekend at Ally Pally. A superb apres show in London with John DMJ, Cumbrian friends and our

layout crew finishing off in what used to be The Flying Scotsman strip bar but now the Scottish Stores which is now a good real ale bar. Was much nicer strolling back to a hotel near Euston than constantly checking if there is problems on the trains to get home.


Sunday morning I was on autopilot as went to Euston and down to the Southbound Victoria line platform then have to go back up the escalators etc to reach the northbound side.


I did very little operating on the layout as spent a good part of the weekend chatting to rmwebbers and other visitors. We even had a small kid operating and whilst he wanted to drive he liked being sat at the touch screen switching the turnouts for us. His father had to drag him away.


No more shows till middle of April for us.

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Housing does tend to survive for a long time. I wonder how long this place will survive? https://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/sales/detail/180-l-479-j4nwzc/rockford-bay-at-its-finest-coeur-d-alene-id-83814



Being a waterfront property is not good for survival, but that one will survive beyond the life time of this lot.



Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A poor nights sleep, going to bed with a headache is never good, I've awoken with sore shoulders and arms from wielding, a chainsaw on a stick,  a long set of loppers... and a big rake.


 I see the group of five have all got pints, they are either Wealthy or Desperate at Ally Pally prices.


Ben the Border Collie did not approve of the time shift, he was reluctant to go out on patrol an hour early,


The car was iced up wew were not forecast scraping weather this morning..


Time to... see what I can do in my three working day of this week

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