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Good morning one and all, with thanks to John Coombe Barton for the bulletin on Debs.


I bought a new toolbox yesterday for my soldering stuff.  The same item was priced at £20 and £19.94 on different parts of the same shelf.  Yes, I paid the correct price.  Fitting everything in was a tad problematic and was not helped by an interruption on the phone.  I am always pleased to hear from the person in question but his timing often leaves much to be desired.  Last night's concert was very good but I was not expecting the support act, who was OK but no more.  The latest CD by Kathryn and Sean is in the car and may be played on my way back from Nottingham on Sunday.  The back catalogue is on decision.  Postie brought three comics yesterday so that's the insomnia pile topped up for a few days.


If I can stir my stumps there is a fodder run to be done at an early hour.  For once the car is only partially obstructing Mrs Electric-Chair's gate and the vehicle standing at quite a rakish angle outside the house may well have cleared off by the time I return.  There are rumours that the bus timetable is to be put through the mincer again "to improve reliability".  Tell that to the driver of the bus which rolled up five minutes early yesterday morning.  What makes them run late is the inevitable passenger who suddenly realises that there is a pass to be shown or a fare paid.  The resultant rummage vindicates Chris's First Law of Handbags, which states: "Whatever you want is at the bottom".  The other factor is the complete absence of bus priority measures in the town centre which has buses backing up at the market square while naff all proceeds in a southerly direction on the High Street.  Oh yes, and the colour blind drivers of white vans who do not recognise that those lines on the road are yellow.


That's enough from Citizen Chris for one morning.  Warm thoughts and best wishes to the ailing, recovering and missing.



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50's......! Used to get to the stage when I wouldn't even give them a second glass as we drove over the bridge.......


Now there would be a gathering crowd to see one rumble over.


What one day is ordinary, in a decade or so becomes extraordinary.


Funny old world innit?

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

Having escaped the sea of mud to work, after around 5 hours sleep.


Not only do we have the sea of mud, the beet gently mouldering along the road, when the wind is in the right Direction you can smell Cantley, the nearest Sugar beet processing plant about 20 miles away.

We now have heavy precipitaion, it's hammering to the factory tin roof.


Where the A47 passes the road down to Cantly is a dangerous junction. quite often by impatient Artic drivers going across the dual carriageway in front of cars.


Actually the smelliest crop I think is peas, once they've been picked they leave the remains rotting on the surface of the fields for some time.


Sadly I didn't have a Chieftain tank dozer to play with, just a landrover with  a hand pumped up and down snow plough on my military licence. At least it meant I wasn't out there with a shovel. I saw a snow plough with fittings to go on a Landrover a couple of days ago in a magazine. That toy I can't justify...


I did visit Army Catterick once but more often RAF Catterick, which now has been taken over by the Army. The last trip was for annual rifle range training as our range was being rebuilt. I got lumbered with marching a large squad of Men and the odd WRAF across the airfield to the range. Baby officers appeared from all over the place, so I kept having to get to the correct side of the troop and give the eyes right or left and salute. Just why would baby Officers be wandering across a airfield in the middle of nowhere to nowhere in particular?


Hopefully they have "Fixed" Debs Now and she can escape soon. a more boring place than lying in bed in Hospital I don't know of..


Time to... go measure some resistors...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Lovely start to the day here, the sun is shining and the sky is blue but there may be some heavy showers later.

No major plans for today apart from popping in to see Nicki who has just about recovered from her illness and has lifted the embargo on visitors.

Have a good one,


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Morning, dry externally, internally much in need of coffee.


A rather looming looking cloud out to east, causing odd lighting this morning.  Talking of which, we have a light in the lounge which has 4 G9 halogen bulbs, which have all decided it is end of life time.  These were IKEA cheapies, and have lasted a long time, many years, this lamp is on every night.  Bought some replacements at the orange store (no IKEA here, that's a holiday stock-up job) which have lasted....two weeks.  Despite scrupulous cleaning on installation etc...rubbish.  The one remaining IKEA lamp is the only one of the 4 still working!

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Here's what the Met Office's seaweed is currently suggesting (guessing?) might happen on Saturday -




PS Friday's current yellow warning is clear of your route and Derby but I'd steer clear of Leeds and Norfolk if I were you.


Thanks Mike, that pretty much covers my whole route! Hopefully, East Midland Trains won't be too upset by a snowflake on the line! My return route is Derby - London - Bognor Regis

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, dry externally, internally much in need of coffee.


A rather looming looking cloud out to east, causing odd lighting this morning.  Talking of which, we have a light in the lounge which has 4 G9 halogen bulbs, which have all decided it is end of life time.  These were IKEA cheapies, and have lasted a long time, many years, this lamp is on every night.  Bought some replacements at the orange store (no IKEA here, that's a holiday stock-up job) which have lasted....two weeks.  Despite scrupulous cleaning on installation etc...rubbish.  The one remaining IKEA lamp is the only one of the 4 still working!

Time to change to G9 LEDs I think... plenty around and not too expensive..

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,



I did visit Army Catterick once but more often RAF Catterick, which now has been taken over by the Army. The last trip was for annual rifle range training as our range was being rebuilt. I got lumbered with marching a large squad of Men and the odd WRAF across the airfield to the range. Baby officers appeared from all over the place, so I kept having to get to the correct side of the troop and give the eyes right or left and salute. Just why would baby Officers be wandering across a airfield in the middle of nowhere to nowhere in particular?



Perhaps they were bumbling.


Morning awl from a village where we are beset by fist and mog.  We had the same last night and may have some white stuff tonight.    Traffic is flowing past the house but as they have suddenly closed the main access to the M62 with roadworks that may well not last but won't affect me.


Beth and I had a very good meal out last night and shared a well prepared Chateaubriand along with the usual bottle of red and other comestibles.  Not sue what is on the agenda today but there is at least one parcel to post.  then weather permitting there will be an evening at the club.


Regards to all and thoughts towards Debs.



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 'Just why would baby Officers be wandering across a airfield in the middle of nowhere to nowhere in particular?'


1.  They have been let out of the kindergarten to stretch their little legs and annoy good persons going about their important business.


2.  They were sent to the Tech QM to draw a map and compass, but got lost en route.


3.   After all they are all called Rupert so what did you expect?





Edited by Happy Hippo
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Yo All

I sat last night trawling the dog shelter websites again as SWMBO has admitted to some of the family we are getting a dog, as I would prefer a GSD (not allowed) to a poodle

 I found a lovely 2-5 y.o.bitch called Alessia she is a Malinios (Belgian Shepherd Dog) hopefully house trained she some what smaller than a GSD all I need to do is get SWMBO

 off her butt and go and see if the she would be suitable for us my police daughter says her force has some used for tracking and they are a very intelligent, I'm not holding out with

 this one but it's a breed I prefer to some of the woosey mutts the neighbours round here own.


Enjoy your day. :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' awl. A bright start in the Sunny South is turning to grey. We are warned of yellow snow for the weekend.


Remembering Network days, I think the furthest you could get from here was Kings Lynn, so I duly went. For another I went to Dover to visit the castle and got utterly soaked in heavy rain. I was still soggy when I got back to Southampton on a full to standing train. Yes, I was standing, which in retrospect may have been more comfortable than sitting in wet jeans. I thought you couldn't do Exeter as IIRC NSE finished one station short, but maybe I was wrong.


Healing thoughts to Debs.


Have a good POETS day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sun is still shining here in Estuary-Land with the odd cloud getting in the way now and then. A rather busy weekend to come, Tomorrow is Southern Expo 2018, not a model railway show but more for the plastic kits of aircraft/military/boats. There is some items of railway interest but there is an awful lot of stuff that can cross the line between both genres as well as things such as tools and paint. Biggest problem is parking, there's very little of it and some of it is deliberately cut off by a junior football team that play there on Saturdays. Hopefully the predicted snow will lead to cancellation of the football. Sunday there is the toy fair at Rayliegh in the morning followed by the Canvey Museum AGM in the afternoon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from slightly grey, but sunny Newport.


I've also trawled through the dog rehoming websites recently. I shouldn't do it really, it brings on a bout of depression. I specifically look at Staffies. A much-maligned breed, and by and large misunderstood and poorly trained.


Some dog walking beckons, and in this weather, I'll try to get some photos of the deep lock on he Monmouthshire canal. Afterwards, it's back to decorating.


Have a great Friday everyone, and enjoy.





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Morning all


Overcast with a chill wind here this morning.


Thanks for the update on Debs and sending positive thoughts to her.


No collies here, but a bit of the black dog yesterday - saw my oncologist who, Basingstoke told me, would set me up with some follow-on chemo. I have a CT scan sometime soon where she will see just now much cancer has been left behind following my op. Then she'll decide whether I need chemo or not. The Basingstoke team had called my op pretty successful but my oncologist thinks it leaves us in the same place I was before the op which isn't true.


Basically, she is far too negative when what I need is positivity, which I'm sure is key to recovery and beyond. I think I'll have to change my oncologist; know someone who has done that and will ask for advice how to go about it without causing any offence or trouble. Any thoughts here always welcome.


Am looking forward to watching the England-Ireland match in a pub tomorrow with a pal; England should win, imho, but Ireland are looking for a rare grand slam so will be up for it. Course, England have to give away far fewer penalties - give Ireland an inch and they'll take a Euro, or something... In a partisan way, though, would like to see Scotland finish 3rd in the table behind Ireland and Wales (sorry, England!) but want to see good matches above all.


Hope you have a warm day



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from slightly grey, but sunny Newport.I've also trawled through the dog rehoming websites recently. I shouldn't do it really, it brings on a bout of depression. I specifically look at Staffies. A much-maligned breed, and by and large misunderstood and poorly trained.Some dog walking beckons, and in this weather, I'll try to get some photos of the deep lock on he Monmouthshire canal. Afterwards, it's back to decorating.Have a great Friday everyone, and enjoy.Cheers,Ian.

When Staffies were considered to be a fashion accessory for people trying to look "hard" lots ended up in rehoming centres. They had been abandoned for not being nasty usually. Most of the ones we used to meet when walking Robbie were from that time. Some people used to get frantic about seeing a Staffie. Certainly not true of the ones we knew.


Edited by Tony_S
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A‘noon all. Anyone want some snow? Cuz we got plenty of it right now! :jester:


John, many thanks for updating us about Debs. I would certainly like to provide her with some imagery to break the hospital monotony, too. Let me see whether I can manage something over the weekend...


Cheers, folks.

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