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  • RMweb Gold

This looks very good, Jam :blink: . Do I get it right that the desktop doubles as a backrest when folded away?


Thanks Dominik!

The desk side can double as a backrest yes, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say it folds away? It is pretty much static, although I was thinking that the 'drawer' underneath could pull out to form a bed if a mattress is placed on top. I am intrigued to know what you thought folded up - whatever it is it might be a good idea!



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Dominik!

The desk side can double as a backrest yes, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say it folds away? It is pretty much static, although I was thinking that the 'drawer' underneath could pull out to form a bed if a mattress is placed on top. I am intrigued to know what you thought folded up - whatever it is it might be a good idea!



Ah, I seem to have looked at it from a perspective rotated by about ninety degrees :yes: . I was referring to the small board extending upwards from the long side of the depressed central section, which looked like it was attached by way of some kind of swivelling arms.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, I seem to have looked at it from a perspective rotated by about ninety degrees :yes: . I was referring to the small board extending upwards from the long side of the depressed central section, which looked like it was attached by way of some kind of swivelling arms.


Ah OK. That makes sense. I did wonder what you meant.

The whole thing is actually in two separate pieces, it is split to the right of the central section.

I might take this evening just to see if there is anything that can be improved before I start cutting wood tomorrow!


A swiveling backrest has given me an idea though... paint.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah OK. That makes sense. I did wonder what you meant.

The whole thing is actually in two separate pieces, it is split to the right of the central section.

I might take this evening just to see if there is anything that can be improved before I start cutting wood tomorrow!


A swiveling backrest has given me an idea though... paint.gif



I would think that any such swivelling mechanism would have to be designed such that there is no overlap greater than that between the upper edge of what I assumed to have been the backrest and the lower one, which looks like it is set at a slight backward angle – if you want to be able to position the piece close to a wall, that is.

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  • RMweb Premium

Still enjoying your birthday Phil? I hope so. Went back to the old house today really reinforced the decision to move one neighbour has been stealing the blue engineering bricks and the other has been in our garden and cut down a tree that was slowly pushing the fence he erected behind our shed back into his garden. Sorry we moved not a bit! Back up for auction soon, when it is sold there will be a big bonfire to get rid of the tree he has left in my garden.

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Good morning all.

Yesterday remained mostly grey all day, although it didn't look like rain. I went to the Supermarket but when I came out there was a cloud burst and it bucketed down for some minutes. I wated it out and gt home largelydry.

Congratulations Gordon! That will relieve you of future DIY when next said daughter moves :laugh:


BoD. I thought you "got home safe and sound" on Thursday or was that just to your hotel? What were you doing in Edinburgh yesterday?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Interesting mood outside right now – golden sunrise in the East, dark cloud cover in the West. I wonder if that is an omen of some sorts – perhaps of a political nature? :laugh: It would appear it also rained over night, with more rain and even thunder being forecast for the day.


I believe I need to do something to our bed – I keep waking up with headaches and neck pain, so I guess it stands to reason there's something wrong with my sleeping position.


Have a good one, guys...

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Congratulations Gordon! That will relieve you of future DIY when next said daughter moves :laugh:



Thanks Don, but no chance. Sadly Matt may be a nice guy, but is one of the new generation that doesn't have a clue about DIY.......


Morning all....It's trying to be a nice day. I just wish it would try a bit harder.


Yesterday had the high of the English cricket team followed by the despair of the Rugby team. One day it will all come together at the same time...;)

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Morning all - and congratulations on gaining a future-son-in-law Gordon.


Slightly sore knees after my 12 mile walk around Edinburgh yesterday, but apart from that, all is well.


Off to Glasgow imminently. I think if it's fine weather, fruit picking may be on the agenda.

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Thanks Don, but no chance. Sadly Matt may be a nice guy, but is one of the new generation that doesn't have a clue about DIY.......


Morning all....It's trying to be a nice day. I just wish it would try a bit harder.


Yesterday had the high of the English cricket team followed by the despair of the Rugby team. One day it will all come together at the same time...;)


I'd take what we can get, Gordon - er, sportwise................



Congratulations, Pete.


PS Think of my first FiL, he was Mayor of Haringey when she brought me home..............




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Gloomy here in Lancastershire (again) and it was pretty miserable here and in Yorkshire yesterday as well. Visited Skipton and while there went to Craven Model Centre to see if any of the long awaited goodies that I'm waiting for via Mr Hornby and Mr Bachmann had turned up (I'll get them from the first of my normal retail outlets to get them in) and got the gloomy response that some had been put back to next year, and some are still as far as we know, stuck on the slow boat from China.


Gordon great news - in this day and age, a wedding is becoming a rarity, and we oldies are meant to go into rapture at the statement "We're moving in together" - somehow it doesn't have the same gravitas - however, it is a tad cheaper than having to shell out for the cost of a wedding....


Hope Phil H isn't suffering too much of a thick head after all the jollifications.


Mick - hope that you're soon able to put the experience of your old place totally beind you.


Regards to All


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We're very pleased Stewart other than the prospect of footing the bill. Is it still the norm the bride's family pick up the tab?


I'll leave the happy couple alone for a while and wait to hear what their thoughts are. Of course at one end it will be a small family do and the other every bloomin' friend and family member. I reckon they are a sensible couple and may settle somewhere in between.


I await their proposal as I don't want to pre empt any thoughts they may have. Let them have the stress of deciding where they want to pitch it...:yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Gordon I'm not certain what's what these days - when my brother's daughter got married, he picked up the majority of the tab - in that case, the couple had not been living together first. On the other hand, in the case of 30747's sister's daughter, the couple had been living together for some years, and already had a good working household, so virtually no expenses on the home set-up front, and the bride and groom paid almost everything. So in all honesty, I think that nowadays its down to the individual families and the couple to decide on the financial arrangements.


As to the invites, it doesn't matter what you decide, large or small, family or all the world, there'll be somebody who takes offence at not being invited.

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Morning All,


It is a rather cloudy morning here - certainly not Summer weather, but to be honest we don't seem to have had much of a Summer this year. Very strange weather.


I have a visit to the town hall on the cards this morning to get some paperwork. Won't that be fun - not!


In other news, we seem to have been updated. I quite like this new look.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all. I thought I was early, but Robert has beaten me to it.

A warm, clear day (20C) is promised. Although yesterday remained clear with a suny blue skythere was a cold breeze blowing so it was a two jersey day.

I noticed the new look to the forums but have not yet found the "go to first unread post" button.

Enjoy the first day of a new week. I hope it is succesful for everyone.

Are you home BoD?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I got started with my papers this weekend...that first step alone usually is the hardest one, isn't it? ^_^ Will have to run a couple of errands later and probably see to continue with at least one of the papers.


Cheers everyone!

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Morning all. Can even spot the redecoration on my phone. Will have a look at the full site shortly.


Busy day ahead - meeting on Scotland's Land Use strategy at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, followed by a lunch, then off to see Jonathan Agnew at the Edinburgh Book Festival.

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