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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. NHN pointing out that the 30 metre contour line passes through his garden reminded me that the 40 metre contour line passes through both my front and back gardens as it does my 3 neighbours.

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  • RMweb Gold



Richard, I can barely speak English (by Tony Wright's standards anyway) so Latin is a non-starter.   All know is to watch out for Debses, as they are in charge as a rule - like having crowns on your epaulettes. 



It was just the thought of you being 'Surrounded by Debris'.....................

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I took today as a purely relaxing day and did none of the small jobs that were planned. Instead I spent most of the day deciding which loco I'm going to get sound fitted and catching up on all the threads that I've neglected over the last few weeks.


Tomorrow I'd better deal with the mountain of washing.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've a couple of bottles of Timothy Taylor's Landlord ready for this evening's rugby match.

......... and the Falcons won with a last gasp try and conversion. Might treat myself to another bottle in celebration.

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  • RMweb Gold

Marstons IPA here. Not from an advent calendar though, I prefer pints.

I really didn't like Marstons BB when I was at Keele. Never tempted to try any other of their products.

Is Timothy Taylor landlord similar?

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

I really didn't like Marstons BB when I was at Keele. Never tempted to try any other of their products.

Is Timothy Taylor landlord similar?

No its a good beer.. I prefer RamTam as that is a dark version of Landlord but not normally available in bottles.


Night All!



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


A dodgy WiFi signal at the B&B we were staying at, has meant that I was unable to get online at all whilst we were away. So, with 9 pages or so of postings, general congratulations and commiserations will have to suffice I’m afraid.


We had a good run with only a few hold ups when going through the centre of Leeds on Wednesday, but a clear run on the way home today. Whilst we were there, as we have done now for the last few years or so, we attended the country living fair and also, as I have for the last few years, I not only picked up Sheila’s Christmas present, but also her birthday present too! We had quite a bit of snow there and it was the coldest that we have ever experienced whilst at Harrogate.


This afternoon as we were about to have our mid-afternoon drink, we heard a very strange noise so I looked out of the dining room window and managed to spot the Antonov AN22 that landed at Manchester airport this morning as it flew over our house, unfortunately I was unable to get a photo!


This evening we went round to Vickie and Ian’s to give the twins there birthday presents, Max was absolutely delighted with his train set and layout, stating that it was the best present ever!


An early start tomorrow as I head out to catch the 9:19 train to Manchester to attend the Manchester model railway show. On the way home from the show, I’ll call at the post office sorting office, to collect the parcel that they tried to deliver this morning. I’m hoping it’s the LSWR gated stock that I’ve been waiting for from Kernow model shop.


Goodnight all.

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Talking of contour lines the 200ft one (some of us use old maps ;) ) runs along our fence line at the bottom end of the garden - or maybe its the top end of the garden as the fence is something over 20 feet higher  than the garden the same distance away from it, yes we have a steep bank there.


The 'Christmas Festival' seemed to be somewhat less this year and the organisers have this year put all the food stalls in one street which seems a bit daft plus they've cut back on the number of stalls although the fairground part hasn't shrunk.  And the economy is obviously taking a nosedive as none of the estate agents were giving away anything this year, not even half a mince pie.  The foodstall variety was considerable and despite the tempting aroma of some excellent looking goat curry on the West Indian stall and various delights from Asia on other stalls there's nowhere to sit and eat so we went into our usual Colombian/Polish café for an Italian meal.


The film was quite a good story with some occasional laughs plus quite a lot of good lines (most of them were written by Dickens a long time ago) but it was rather slow moving at times.  When herself booked yesterday she was told there were 87 seats left unsold - sitting in there this afternoon they would seem to have sold some more as there were only 81 unsold, and six people in the audience - but it was the afternoon showing.

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  • RMweb Premium

On with they typing. I'm trying to make correlation and regression interesting for the average non-mathematical student.

Don't forget the bit about Baptist ministers' salaries and the consumption of rum in Cuba.  :drinks:  :angel:

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  • RMweb Premium

We started our sat nav on the British voice, but changed as translating phrases like "slip road" was less than efficient.

The current one still has foibles. She says Pinebush with 3 syllables, calls the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) "queue" and how she said "Shuh's Appliances" yesterday ...


Our main newspaper has changed its image today. The last few comics have been dropped. Everything we read has been stuffed into one section (out of four) so that SWMBO and I are both trying to read it at the same time. This has been the family paper for some time. When we cleared my grandfather's house, they found two old papers. The Mail and Empire from January 1936 announcing the death of George V and the coming of Edward VIII and the Globe and Mail for December 1936, announcing the abdication. We'll give it another couple of tries.

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  • RMweb Gold

We had a good trip up to Manchester and we’re unlaoded into the venue by 1.15pm


However our long term helper Mike had a call from the Ambulance who had arrived at his mums where she had fallen. So he had to get the train back to our place to collect his car and drive home to Sussex. Looks like she is ok but they are keeping her in hospital for a few days. As hvbought a return ticket for a pound more then a single he may well come all the way back up if he can face it after all the delays on his train journey yesterday. Our Northern helper has found replacement help so at least we will have a full crew if he doesn’t.


The hotel was a 40 minute drive from the venue so it’s further than many shows we do nearer home and as breakfast doesn’t start till 08.30 we can’t hang around till then otherwise we will not be at the show in time to be ready for a possible 09.30 opening so catching an early tram and will hav3 breakfastin Manchester.


At least we had a good evening in various pubs in Altrincham which is a fifteen minute walk to the tram stop then three stops away.


Beers in Manchester tonight.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

The MRC went well for me i spent the evening painting mountains on the backscene. I'm not happy with it yet, I think it's a bit too busy, next week I think some quarrying will take place and a mountain will disappear.

We had a poor attendance I don't know why, our peak was just 5 , but that was for just half an hour. Then another left after an hour...


Round here the contour line is zero, as the area is surrounded by land that is below 0 ft or meters. The peak is 24ft ASL which is near the church. Looking at old maps there was a height marker / spot height in the corner of the garden 150 years ago. But the position indicates it was on the end of an old barn knocked down in around 1980. So anyway we are on a Norfolk mountain at 19 ft.


A lot of banks closing at the moment, we've already lost our two on bank street. If the one left in the next town goes, it will be a 50 mile round trip to a bank. Also lost yesterday were another 8 branches of Norwich and Peterborough building society in Norfolk.


An executive decision has been made, SWMBO doesn't want Ben the Border Collie getting soaked, in the forecast heavy rain. Therefore he's staying at home, so a list of shops and a route planned so shopping will be at a minimum...


Time to have some breakfast before making SWMBO's tea and giving Ben his morning stroll.

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I'm sure many people have software on their computers which can recognise faces in photographs and group pictures in which the same person appears. That software on an android tablet has just recognised me in a photograph taken when I was a young teenager, at least 54 years ago! That is impressive and, at the same time, pretty disturbing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Generic greetings is the best I can offer - sorry.


Just been a very hectic week, and I've even had to stop lurking for a while.  Sorry.  Many things have just got in the way, not least having to use the laptop to compose and save my attempts at creative writing, which has been very time consuming indeed.  Got the car back a couple of days ago, and for some reason the mender had isolated the SatNav/radio/cd unit, and it was all back at the default settings.  I had to spend a long time with the manual in my hand getting it back, and then I thought I had it, drove to pick up 30747 from work, got to 32mph and a sharp voice called out "speed limit exceeded" - where did she come from?  Back to the manual, and another area that I didn't know existed where the default setting was a telling off!  Technology -pah.

Back another time.

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

2C here, I didn't notice any frost during my walk round the garden with Robbie. I think he is less wobbly today.

I have a parcel to pack to send to California. It will soon be Aditi's uncle's 70th birthday. The final bit of his present arrived here after Aditi set off for Enfield yesterday.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up! Sun shine here at the moment.

Her indoors says I can use the weekend as "recovery" time after my busy railway weekends. This means more tidying of the workshop and railway room.

Mugatea is brewing, and once drunk, breakfast will follow.


Now behave yourselves and just enjoy life today everyone


C u later


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Morning all,


Hoping that today will be an improvement on yesterday. First the iPad froze and wouldn’t switch off, then when I did get it off, it wouldn’t turn on again. Fortunately I have the manual on the PC and found a Reset which worked. Still don’t know what went wrong! Next the consultant has not called as he had promised after my CT scan last week. I called the department secretary who confirmed that the results were back and the consultant had viewed them, but suspected that they had not been discussed by the multi-discipline team yet. As we think he is away next week, I don’t expect any results for some time, which completely scuppers my plan to visit my very poorly brother in Texas before Christmas.


Finally, I managed to tip a nearly empty teapot off the table in the living room, which resulted in a slightly broken teapot and a tea stain in the carpet. SWMBO was most certainly not amused! The chip off the teapot should glue back OK, and I have attacked the tea stain with carpet cleaning solution and our carpet shampoo machine. The stain was still slightly visible this morning, so the treatment has been repeated.


So far this morning, basic tasks like cleaning and refuelling the woodburner have been done, SWMBO is out for the morning, so I am catching up on a BBC session of Deep Purple in concert, which was broadcast a couple of weeks ago. Over 40 years on for the remaining original members of the band, and they have still got it!

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