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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry(ish) start and may stay that way with cloud and possibly some drizzle.

The Boss has been taken to work and after today only has 6 more days to go over the next couple of weeks. 

Joe & Gemma will be here after school as usual and at their request I'm making a carrot cake.

Nothing has been sampled (yet) from the big box of wine etc. Son Steve says he has his eye on the gin it contains but so have I so I'll be keeping an eye on him.  :nono:

Nothing else to report so bye for now and have a good one,


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Morning all,


It is quite a mild morning today.  The temperature was 10°C driving to work, which is twice yesterday mornings temperature.


Work is rather busy at the moment, so I guess I had better get on!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


One important task was completed yesterday, viz the writing of the seasonal greetings cards.  I say completed but in the process I discovered that two names and addresses were missing from the list.  Festive soul that I am, I have a Word file set up to print however many address labels are required.  With the exception of the two for overseas destination, all that are to be posted have stamps affixed, the remainder to be handed over in person.  Gentle reader, you may well ask why I do all this so far in advance of the season.  It dates back to 1979 when I had my wisdom teeth out and was off work for a week and a half with not a lot to do.  It is good discipline, useful to one for whom discipline is not a strong point.


Today I will do a swift fodder run, traffic permitting.  This evening I go to St Neots Folk Club to catch Jim Moray, one of the most innovative of today's folkies who has breathed new life into a list of tired old songs as long as your arm.  In between times I have a m*d*l building to design and but a week in which to construct a mock-up.  This is definitely not in my comfort zone.


Andyram, you do not deserve all that grief.  Many of us have been on the receiving end of so called managers who could not manage a second helping.  May your e-mail turn into a lifeboat.  Warm thoughts to you and to all others in distress and recovery.



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  • RMweb Premium

It's chuckinitdarn here.


Chris, you have reminded me to print our Christmas card labels today. I can save money by handing some out at Warley.


A trip to the Building Society is on the to do list along with some more preparation for Warley.


I was informed yesterday that I don't have to put more than 150 tables out by 11am Friday. I then have to set the 1967 shop out, help with putting my layout up and putting stock on as well as helping with Chapel en le Frith...could be a busy day!


All being well c u later.



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Morning all.

Up early - Daisy and Rose slept over last night. I’m getting breakfast and I can hear Rose being mardy...

School/nursery and then a bit of a rest. Julie is at the Nonsuch Craft Guild show and I’m doing pickup and feeding.


More on all this later.


Best wishes to all for a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather damp village. Breakfast has been consumed and the level of coffee in the mug is getting lower.   The clubroom got tidied up last night and this morning I'll be back there planting some buildings.   Then some domestic duties.   Not a lot else to report.


Others above have mentioned their two wheeled transport.   I had a Honda 70 and a 90 at one point.  The real 'bikers' at work poured scorn on those of us who rode step through's.  However we kept going through wind, rain and snow, they parked their 'real' bikes up when the weather was poor.   However I never really felt safe on a motorbike and have always preferred pushbikes. I got my first decent one built for me as a 21st present from my parents.   It was built for me by Ellis Briggs in Shipley.    When many thousands of miles later it got written off in a car crash I went back to them for another one that I still ride.  I even still use my original Brooks B17 leather saddle from 1973 and have never had a saddle sore.  For some reason I feel a lot safer doing 30 mph on a pushbike than on a motorbike.


Someone else mentioned that a vehicle never felt the same after it had been stolen.  My Morris 1100 was stolen and that never felt right after I got it back.  The thieves had taken the Morris badge from the steering wheel that was the horn button.   For the last 2 months of it's life I sounded the horn by shorting out the spring and the brass stud with a screwdriver.



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  • RMweb Gold

I see we have quite a few "bikers" here. I wanted one when I was 16 but was not allowed by Dad, his reason being that he'd lost his leg on one.

My argument that it happened on a WW2 live firing exercise that went wrong cut no ice. He did however promise driving lessons when I reached 17 (and paid for them)  and set me up with my first car and paid the insurance & road tax for the first year. In 1965 /66 driving lessons student rate 23/6d. 1947 Morris 10 cost £30,  Insurance Annual Premium  £10 (they went bust after about 8/9  months) Road Tax £6-8s-0d for 4 months IIRC. I think petrol was 5/- gallon.

I learnt a fair bit about car maintenance as my old banger was always going wrong. I probably spent more time under the bonnet or on my back underneath it than I ever did in the driving seat.


Those were the days. Not.

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  • RMweb Gold

Someone else mentioned that a vehicle never felt the same after it had been stolen.  My Morris 1100 was stolen and that never felt right after I got it back.  The thieves had taken the Morris badge from the steering wheel that was the horn button.   For the last 2 months of it's life I sounded the horn by shorting out the spring and the brass stud with a screwdriver.



That's true and very similar to me as I had an Austin 1100 that was nicked. It was found by the police near The Oval and taken back to Clapham nick where I was greeted by a burly sergeant who said I might want to clean it out before trying to drive it home. The b####rds had thrown up all over the back seat. However the very nice sgt. did supply cleaning materials and disinfectant to help me out. The car never ran the same afterwards as they must have thrashed the life out of it and I got rid of it a couple of months later.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here,

A reasonable nights sleep only Broken by Ben the Border Collie deciding that he would sleep at the bottom of the stairs. This involves lots of scraping with his feet as he tries to make the short pile carpet softer,....


Most of the places I've lived have been out in the countryside, without private transport, it's expensive taxis or you are confined to barracks.


A review,....

Those observant of you, will have noticed I'm partial to a dram of Highland Park or two. Highland Park has just under gone some changes....


The 12 year old Highland Park is now known as Highland Park, Viking Honour normally around £30 a bottle (my normal tipple)

The 18 year old Highland Park is now Known as Highland Park Viking Pride     normally around £110 a bottle

There are many more Highland Parks but most are way beyond my pocket. (up to £2400 a bottle!!!)

 They have however brought out a new Highland Park called Highland Park Dragon Legend which I believe will retail in Tesco at about £40 (RRP £47)


HP Viking Honour and HP Dragon Legend are ON SALE at the moment in Tesco for £25 and £30 respectively.

So last night I HAD to compare the two....


Packaging Gone is the old oval(when looked at from above) card board tube with tinplate ends, Now its almost an oval with the tips cut off all cardboard box.

HP VH has a bright orange internal lining, and the outside is black with a silver over print of a interlaced viking /celtic design very pretty it is too.

HP DL has a bright red lining and the external is black  with an over print of blue-grey, white and red and Dragon Legend spelt with three letter per line, a much more modern design which I'm not so fond of..


The Bottle, the overal shape ans size is the same as the old HP bottle.

HP VH has the external interlaced patteren repeated moulded into the glass very expensive it looks.

HP DL is a plain black glass bottle with just the HP logo moulded into the centre of the glass.


Now the important stuff,

HP VH, the "Official review" from " Whisky Notes" is,

Nose: nicely comforting. Candied orange peel and light fruit cake, heather honey, rather delicate grassy smoke. Tart citrus, maybe a hint of pineapple. Subtle floral touches. Really friendly, but not without character. Mouth: slightly bigger now, with a bit more peat smoke which mixes nicely with the oranges. Light vanilla. Then a dry, fairly oaky side (green tea). Warm spiciness, with cinnamon and clove. Toasted nuts. Finish: medium long, with wood spices and a hint of cocoa powder. :drag:


From me the review is, slight smokey flavour which finishes very smoothly


HP DL sadly hasn't been reviewed yet by "Whisky Notes" :beee:



My own review is the back ground flavour is the same as HP VH, however as you hold the whisky in the mouth a heavy smokey flavour arrives, but then ends with a harsher finish...


My choice...

I will stick to Highland Park Viking Honour, one of the reasons is that having tested many :sungum: whiskys, the smooth finish, is a main reason for loving HP VL whisky.

Would I turn down a HP DL, no,  but offered the choice it would be  HP VL.


So there you are, probably the first Whisky review on  ER.. :no:




Time to... take the results of the next one of the  half dozen 1 G ohm resistors I'm measuring...

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  • RMweb Gold

As a fan of Highland Park I feel a visit to Tesco is called for....urgently!



Edit. Now put on hold as it seems Sainsbury's are doing the same offer. I'll report back when I've collected The Boss.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Further to previous posts about stolen 1100s I think they were easy to nick because there weren't many different keys. I remember parking in Sutton once and when returning to "my" car it wasn't until I started it up I discovered I had gained a seat back support thingy which I didn't remember fitting.  There were also other things in the car that weren't mine. Further investigation revealed my car parked in front of the identical one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Further to previous posts about stolen 1100s I think they were easy to nick because there weren't many different keys. I remember parking in Sutton once and when returning to "my" car it wasn't until I started it up I discovered I had gained a seat back support thingy which I didn't remember fitting.  There were also other things in the car that weren't mine. Further investigation revealed my car parked in front of the identical one!


Ford Escorts and Vauxhall Viva's were similar.  I once used a Viva key to get into an Escort Panda car when someone had locked their keys in it.   That was easier than the usual wire coathanger.   Someone once told me that Ford's of that era (1970's) only had 8 different locks.



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Greetings from a grey Somerset,


I hope that everyone slept well...What a good way to wake up the grey matter, a list of cars owned.......


Blue Mk 1 Ford Escort - FOL 270 L


White Mk 2 Ford Escort - LOV 835 P


White Ford Capri - UOF 853 S  (lovely car but poor handling)


Vauxhall Astra - JUW 591 W  - awful


Red Ford Escort 1.6 Ghia - A 950 XWB - the engine blew up on the way home from a job interview....


Silver Ford Orion 1.6 Ghia - the reg of which escapes me....E something....


Blue - Peugeot 405 diesel - L 705 ONN - a bit of a plodder.....


Blue - Toyota Celica - MW 54 VHZ


Red - Seat Leon 1.6 - BD 57 VHR


and the current one Yellow Seat Leon Cupra (aka the Yellow Peril) - a super car....


Off to Exmouth today, by Yellow Peril ?    Nah, GWR HST and then unit thing......


Keep well everyone..;-)



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Welcome to Cheeseday


Neighbours (Upstairs) returned at 4am from somewhere and woke me; hippo-dancing was followed with a floorboard-creaking session. Must find a way to have a delicate word about that.


SWMBO returned safely from Washington DC an hour ago. The rest of today may involve laundry, looking at photos and catching up on some sleep. See you later. The kettle is hot if you want to help yourselves to a cuppa.

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  • RMweb Premium

Very impressed with how some of you remember all your reg. nos. I always know the current one and can remember some but not many.

I can't remember my current registration numbers let alone my old ones... 


I can remember  K8130XXX SIR!!!

Edited by TheQ
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Further to previous posts about stolen 1100s I think they were easy to nick because there weren't many different keys. I remember parking in Sutton once and when returning to "my" car it wasn't until I started it up I discovered I had gained a seat back support thingy which I didn't remember fitting.  There were also other things in the car that weren't mine. Further investigation revealed my car parked in front of the identical one!

I had a very similar issue with a Vauxhall Chevette many years ago. I unlocked ‘my’ car in the works car park, and my first thought was that the seat must have moved since I had left it that morning, as I couldn’t get in properly. Mine was about 10yards away.


Stomach still slightly upset even after 2 days, but it is slowly improving. I had a phone call yesterday telling me that a CT scan has been arranged for this Thursday. This scan will be used to determine if my lymphoma has increased sufficiently to warrant a start to chemotherapy. I can feel and see that a couple of lumps are steadily increasing in size, but the scan will look at the bits of the body that the consultant can’t see or feel. If I continue on “watch and wait”,we will look into visiting my cancer suffering brother in Texas.


Weather looks carp this morning, so it will be spent investigating non-running locos from the loft batch last week, and also continuing to wire up the underside of my own layout.

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  • RMweb Gold

Further to previous posts about stolen 1100s I think they were easy to nick because there weren't many different keys. I remember parking in Sutton once and when returning to "my" car it wasn't until I started it up I discovered I had gained a seat back support thingy which I didn't remember fitting.  There were also other things in the car that weren't mine. Further investigation revealed my car parked in front of the identical one!

SWMBO  :aggressive: went to lump a chap who she thought was breaking into our car as he was trying different keys to open it, it turned out his car same model & colour was in the next row

up lucky for him he noticed the imminent attack and jumped back.


I forgot about my second pride and joy car, I had a 1600E Mk 2 Cortina which was the dogs rolloxs in the 60's Ben Sherman shirts, Levi Stay Press strides and Ivy shop brogues those were the days.


I was lucky with my cars in the early day we use to have car maintenance classes at school and was taught regular servicing would stop break downs, one good thing stemmed from that I could spend more time in the back seats.  :wub:  :maninlove:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I don't think I have anything planned todsy, other than a trip to the park so Robbie can have a gentle run.

Aditi will be off to a pub for lunch today to meet with a friend.

I still haven't got round to sorting out some maroon coaches. I now know where they are not stored. I need to label my boxes.

Chris F's "couldn't manage a second helping" amused me this morning.

Have a good day


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