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Good grief, I dared look into the now infamous Oxford/Janus thread. :O

As others have stated, it's quite amazing how folks manage to throw everything out of the pram when all they're/we're doing is talking about TOY trains in the first place!


In other news, the toilet at the rental property is in need of a replacement toilet valve assembly which will solve the problems.

When buying a property things like looking INSIDE a toilet tank don't even come up on the radar, this one seems to have been installed by Thomas Crapper himself it looks that old and is leaking in unique places on the device! :jester:


On with the day, nearly dinner time here and the Mrs is making some delightful chili to ward off the cold of the day, we managed +4 which is a miracle and my body doesn't believe the thermometer after spending rather too much time on outdoor chores.


Sleep well all you folks east of me.

Edited by Ian Abel
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........it might be worse; if Mick had confessed to having spent his youth with an escort. :mosking:









My driving instructor and his trainee had one each ( I was the first pass for his trainee).

Then I drove the family Escort before owning two others.......... then the Capri, a Cortina, Fiestas, more Escorts, even more Fiestas. There were a couple of company cars in the middle - they were Sierras!


There is a Ford heritage within the family as both my elder brothers and then myself had weekend/holiday jobs at the local garage and Ford retailer. My middle brother then went to work there after leaving school and now part owns the dealership - so I get family discount.




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Evening everyone


Another dull day weather wise here today and once again I've spent it in middle earth. The multi pin socket is now wired up and I've also made 2 (of 5) single wire operated capacitor discharge units to operate the points. These CDU's have a common 18v dc supply and uses only 1 other wire for operation. This means that Max will not be able to burn out the solenoid coils, if he leaves the point operating switches in the on position. It means that only 7 wires are needed to operate 5 points. The circuit I've used for the CDU's is not one of my own design, it's one that I have adapted for use on this layout. There will be 2 single CDU's and 1 triple CDU, building the triple unit has allowed me to use a smaller amount of vero-board and fewer terminal connectors.


My first car was a Mk 1 Cortina, column change, hand brake under the dash and with a bench seat in the front, that was a great car. Then I got myself a Mk 1 Capri, that was even better, that could really shift. I had that until some drunken b*****d wrote it off!


Goodnight all.

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Good morning one and all


There are looming deadlines but at this time of the morning let 'em loom.  One task is almost halfway through, another not started.  Both must be completed in just over a week.  One requires much more concentration and inspiration than the other and it is that one which is not commenced.  Amid all this must be fitted in the usual life support things such as laundry and fodder runs.  Who knows where the time goes?


I see that we are recalling first cars.  Mine was an Austin A30.  It had had a trouble free existence until I bought it, some while in advance of my first driving test.  After I passed my second test, on Budget Day 1968, I took the car back to university with me.  One weekend I offered a lift towards Cambridge which was on my way home.  The passenger did not turn up.  I took the opportunity of a short cut across the Fens.  On the A1123 near Earith Bridge there is a sharp right hand bend which I did not quite make.  The car and I were recovered from a ditch.  I was taken to the RAF Hospital at Ely, the car to a scrapyard.   One consequence was that I missed meeting John Peel at the Rag Ball having obtained his agreement to judge the rag queen contest.  Another was a scar above my right eye which even the skilled plastic surgery of Wing Commander Brown could not erase.  The third was a conviction for driving without due care and attention and a fine of £10.


That is quite enough about my murky past.  Best wishes to all in distress and recovery.



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Boy did those floors in RAF Ely, Shine....

There were many, many, years of polish and air men / womens hard labour on those floors...

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Evening all from a cool dark village. The show has ended and most of the stuff is back at the clubrooms. A good time seems to have been had by all. I managed to provide amusement for some of our members by measuring my length in the dark over a black trolley that was betweent wo containers as we were packing. I also managed to get some muddling done and had a good chat with Mick (NB). I'll probably not look at the Oxford thread . Off to finish things off on the morning.


Good night all.



I thought, we'd finished talking about the willy waving thread :jester:

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Morning All,


It is a rather autumnal morning with a chilly wind in this part of the world.


I am slightly later on parade this morning, as we saw Thomas off to the bus before drove to work.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Hey up

Wet here this morning.


After a busy weekend today starts the run up to Warley Show.


Some locos to clean, a couple to fix, some paperwork to be finished...its all go...but I need another mugatea first.


I did look at the other thread. Thermo-nuclear war headed eddies were being chucked. Dare I suggest they just buy and build a Judith Edge kit? .


Hope that, whatever you have to do goes well for you today.




Ps we are still missing a few ERs. I will pm one or two...

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Mornin all from a damp village south of Baz. Off to finish off moving stuff from the stadium so no time for much banter. So generic greetings to all. I must remember to pick up an international parcel on my way home.




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Morning all. A wet start to the week but at least I'm not having to leave too early.


My final full week away which is good but things might get a bit trying.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning all,

Wet and windy here and the weather's not too good either. It may brighten up a bit later.

Yesterday's rugby was a good game and as I expected Quins couldn't overturn the Chiefs but they gave quite a good account of themselves.

The Boss brought me tea in bed earlier which is in itself ominous. However no requests, instructions or orders have been posted. Yet.

Aha - Hark! I hear muttering from the direction of the kitchen........... it appears that the oven needs a clean. "Do you think that you could posssibly.....etc ?"    "Oh and I need to go to........you've guessed it....


Sainsbury's here I come!


Have a good one,


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My first car was a Tundra coloured 850 Mini. Tundra was a great match to Highland Railway green.


Bessie did a lot of miles but did suffer from a fuel gauge which was always one quarter full.

We then had a Metro, a Maestro, a Montego, a Rover 214 then a Rover 216GTi (first company car), a Peugeot 405 estate, Passat Estate, Mondeo estate then Honda Civics.


Rolled the Maestro, Head on accident in the Montego (It was dark and he had no lights), ....


Happy but interesting times were had!



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Morning chaps,


I hope all is well with one and all?  (and should that not be the case, then I hope that it becomes so)....


My inbuilt 6 a.m. alarm has been playing up lately - 8.15 on Saturday, where did that come from?  (missed the Pershore auction as a result - but then again saved some £££s)....will need to be more organised at the weekend - steam tour on Saturday and NEC on Sunday...;-)


In the meantime, a quiet week beckons....


Whatever you do, do it good and well....



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GDB's cars through the ages.


1947 Morris Ten.1953 Austin Somerset. 1966 Hillman Minx series 6. 1966 Austin 1100. Then company cars from 1973? Mark 1 Escort. Hillman Avenger. Vauxhall "Shove it." Mark 5 Cortina. Sierras x 2.

Vauxhall Cavalier. Ford Escort Diesel (only diesel I've had, company on economy drive) Mondeo (last company car)

Rover 600 manual. Rover 600 Auto. Lexus IS200SE Auto  and finally Focus Zetec Auto.


I think that covers it. My favourites were the Rover 600 Auto and the Lexus.

Edited by grandadbob
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Mooring Awl, Innner Temple here,

 Coming home from the sailing club yesterday afternoon, there were large lines of Porche 4X4, BMW 4X4, Ranger Rovers and other expensive cars going the otherway as the  second homers bailed out early back to London . As this Morning It's awful out there we've had a lot of rain overnight.. It was very dark this morning due to heavy cloud and rain...

We've had very high water, due to northerly winds over the last few days, now we have a series of high winds and low pressures forecast for the next week, I wouldn't be surprised to see minor flooding in low lying parts...


We occasionally get fracas in the various Norfolk Broads Forums, often between sailors/ motorboaters/ liveaboards/ fishermen and almost everyone has a bone to pick with the Broads Authority... There are now 5 Forums i know of, as another group broke away recently. This indirectly led to death threats online and the purportrator saying that you can't trace me... Shortly after came the arrest and conviction of him....


The Broads forums, Fora, Fori? are

The Norfolk Broads Network (NBN)  http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com a moderated forum and my favourite.

The "Official" Norfolk Broads Forum http://the-norfolk-broads.co.uk/ the second best Moderated forum, the "official" was started as a joke during the London olympics companies were calling themselves "Official"

A Norfolk Broads Forum http://www.norfolkbroadsforum.co.uk/, a new forum who are made up of disaffected  former members of above two, they claim to be uncensored, which is why it all got very nasty when someone thrown out of NBN, started making the death threats on this forum as well.. 

http://www.thenorfolkbroads.org/Forum/viewforum.php?f=15&start=100 dating back from 2009, this forum has never really taken off. and is rarely used.

Broadly Speaking,    http://www.broadly-speaking.co.uk/forum/ another rarely used forum


There are other specialist forums to do with sailing , fishing, Birdwatching, E.T.C.

Should you ever wish to visit the broads I'd recommend visiting the NBN forum and asking questions there, there are some Very Knowledgable and helpful people on there. or failing that ask me...


Time to.... make the next voltage measurement...

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. My first car was a 100E Popular, I can even remember the registration, 760 BUC. I traded it in for a newer car after a couple of years. Two years after I'd traded it in I had a letter from a London borough asking to whom I'd sold it, apparently it had been abandoned. I passed on to them the name of the trader who took it in part exchange and heard no more. I've managed to keep a clean driving licence for nigh on 50 years, not even a parking ticket. In fact its in next January, I can't remember the exact date but about the 17th or 18th.

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IIRC my Vehicle list,

Bicycles two from 1963 to 1975....



Morris 1300,....the next size up from the mini with bouncy hydrolastic suspension.

Ford Anglia van,  used almost as much oil as petrol....

Ford Zodiac, the big square one, you took the spare wheel out and got in the engine compartment to work on it...(and it needed work)

Bicycle, just for the short ride to work, now hanging in the garage where it has been for 20 years...

Wolsley 1885, a dressed up land crab I liked that one, crashed into by a drunk driver who pulled out of a side road on me...

Mini van, I needed a car in a hurry and didn't have much money, still it went well...

Laser dinghy

Triumph 1500 FWD, looked a bit like a dolomite again A car i liked.



Lysander 17ft sailing cruiser,

Chrysler Alpine hatch back, did thousands of miles in that...good tow car for a 1300...

Triumph 2000,

Triumph 2000, cracked the body shell above the rear axle, great car, but not for towing...



Bedford ambulance, partly converted to motorcaravan, carried sailing dinghies inside!!

Yugo, given by SWMBOs brother to her, as she was too small to drive the Bedford...

Ford Sierra estate, great space and drive when it worked, but would occasionally die on me...




Kia Pride NEW!!! bought by me for SWMBO when I went to Saudi..very reliable..

out in Saudi I had an old Mazda 121 mechanically the same as the Kia Pride...



Baitioan 125 Motor scooter, what a load of Carp that was...

Elysian 27ccp motor cruiser, still got this it is a work in progress and there is a lot of work needed still.

Land Rover 110, still in use, no it's not a Defender.



 Yamaha X-max 125 still in use in the summer, now thats a good scooter...70MPH easily which surprises people when they see see L plates and expect 28mph...



Kia Rio, SWMBOs current car, very reliable..

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My cars Zephyr Mk 3, Consul Mk 2, Zephyr Mk 3, Zodiac Mk 3, Corsair GT, Cortina GXL Mk 3, Fiesta GL Mk 1, Fiesta sport Mk 3, Escort Ghia Mk 3,  Escort estate, Fiesta Mk 5, Focus Mk 1 estate,

Fiesta ST, Focus Mk 2, Fiesta ST, Focus ST, Fiesta Titanium X.

Company cars Montego, Escort Mk 3 Sierra Mk 2, 

Worst car Montego,  best car Focus ST.

M/Cs death trap Honda 250 twin.

BTW I don't like Fords  :mosking:

A new book to the collection this morning from Fleebay Maurice Darts Images of Plymouth & South Devon Railways. :read:


I'm off to continue my refurbishments on the GWR brake van fleet. :senile:


And SWMBO has left for her aunts so peace for 4 days. :boast:

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post-2818-0-82905300-1488959739.jpg Greetings and salutations from the boring borough. 


Since we are sharing car histories. 


72 Datsun 510  probably would have exploded if someone had waved an MoT form at it. Total crap but for under £100 it got me to and from school for the year. 

73 Cortina mkIII. One of the left hookers built in Germany for the Canadian market, with their 2l engine. For some reason it had a BMW gearbox and when the clutch went, the garage had to order one from the BMW dealer as the Mercury dealer (Ford) couldn't supply one. 

72 Ford Pinto (not one of the exploding ones. A college transport vehicle. Again stupid cheap and I ended up replacing the engine after some debris pierced the oil pan. No warning light and it ran dry)

77 Dodge Duster (bought from a friend to help them out financially. Total PoS but a bit of fun)


That was it for junk. Afterwards I vowed no more car diy. Apart from the Landrover and the Voyager all cars were new off the lot. 

81 Mercury Capri. (Basically the 6cyl rebadged Mustang.) 

84 Mercury Topaz. (utter shite and the last Ford)

85 Mitsubishi Mirage (rocket propelled roller skate)

91 Toyota Previa (family time, great for hauling layouts as well)

96 Toyota Tercel

97 Plymouth Grand Voyager (more layout haulage)

52 reg Landrover Freelander (coming up on 13 years of loyal service)


There you have it. 40 years of driving. Over 2m km driven. 


Enough dribble from me. Enjoy your day.

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