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Early Risers.


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Morning all. A crisp start to the day which will hardly effect me.


A day of getting ready for being away for the week, planning a bit more for the new year and possibly some watching of the idiot box are planned.


GDB - Fireworks have certainly been going off every night that I've been home since the start of October.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Helping Mrs NHN with a job application.  Bullsh!t turned up full but doesn't it make you realise how much experience you actually have at this age!


A cold but dry morning, not frosty but not much above that temperature.  Attendance down at the garage is a possibility, the winter hack bike really does need some attention to its power plant - as in it isn't making much!

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And Staffordshire is self-proclaimed as "The Creative County".

Creative in the amount of revenue earned by the multitude of safety cameras that litter the county.


I am sure that a job lot was done by the road sign manufacturers as our village, Horton, is according to the road sign, 'Rich in heritage'. In fact the only heritage is a brick built pigsty opposite our house.


This is so important that it is soon to be demolished to make way for another large detached residence for less porcine habitation. (Or so we hope!)


Final preparations are now in progress for our return to the heritage laden village.


The Cheese factory at Monkland having been forewarned on Friday of our return today.


Cheeses, and Quince for Christmas, being the prime objective.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Morning all,


The sun is shining but the G word has not been mentioned although an appointment with the vacuum cleaner has been ordained from on high (I forgot it yesterday, must have been the excitement of getting a copy of MRJ 259).  No doubt a trip to Tesco for the 'papers will occur at some time this a.m. as well.


Enjoy your day one and all.

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Morning all from a sunny but chilly Estuary-Land. Glad that I didn't have to rise early and go out. Looked out this morning to a heavy frost that had followed a shower of rain leaving the roads very icy indeed. I try to avoid the overflow car park at Southend as its unsurfaced and some distance from the entrance. I have discovered a 'secret' parking space for about three or four cars very close to the main entrance. Its a disused loading bay hidden by shrubery, as long as you don't obstruct the fire access alongside I've been told its OK to park there.

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After a  very nice breakfast was demolished I was told "we needed to pop to the shops."  It was a brief visit and after this The Boss declared that all the C#######s present shopping has been done. Finished. Completed. (She's been shopping since the January sales!)

I wonder how long it will be before she says "I think I better just get a little something else for so & so." (probably one  all of the grandchildren)  :scratchhead:  :whistle:

Edited by grandadbob
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Just finished the first chore of the day a new pull switch in the downstairs throne room, heavy handed SWMBO :spruceup:  broke it yesterday  :punish:  so I  :cry:  :blackeye:  made an emergency visit to B and Doo Last night for a new one.

Deep joy I'm in the front garden later to finish off putting a draught strip on the bottom of the garage doors got halfway through doing it Friday and the only drill bit I had for the job broke :ireful: , then I will put

the bunting out as SHE is off to HER aunts for 4 days  :yahoo: .

SHE will finish of @@@s shopping in Truro on the 24th Dec' which was a surprise for me  :banghead:   (bl00dy shopping is HER hobby), we are away for a break as all our family are working, a GDB style bit

of a do will kick off later in the week when everyone is off duty/work.


Bob I'm sure Chris will only drag you down the shops once or maybe twice or maybe ___ please place correct number in the space provided. :mosking:  

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Bob I'm sure Chris will only drag you down the shops once or maybe twice or maybe ___ please place correct number in the space provided. :mosking:


Put any number you like from quite a lot. Whatever it is is bound to be correct.........until the next trip.  :scratchhead:  :banghead:

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I think Christmas has been sorted if not shopped for. Those of you who have seen the Tesco ad, well it could have been us. I usually have to prepare turkey, fish and vegetarian options. Thjs year it will just be me, Aditi and Matthew. Robbie gets his kibble dinner, we get traditional turkey. Everyone else will be dining in Enfield, we will go on Christmas Eve, taking a belated birthday cake for Aditi's sister and whi knows what else. However plans made this early often fall apart and I have had to change from Christmas lunch for 3 to 13 at a few days notice. Aditi's uncle gave quite short notice that he was coming to stay over on his way from San Francisco to somewhere or other and he woukd like a traditional English Christmas meal but not turkey as he had that at Thanksgiving. Apparently Aditi thought I was doing a Basil Fawlty impersonation "what does he want, a ####ing swan?". I got a goose and stuffed it with prunes and Armagnac.


MiL has decided to organise(!) a family outing to celebrate her 90th (actual not official) birthday next April. She had this idea this morning. Nothing mentioned yesterday while we were there. She seemed surprised that Aditi said we will be away and arrive back on the morning of her planned event, which is the day before the birthday. Aditi had made sure we would be back on the actual birthday. Aditi sent a message to Matthew who then rang me while I was at the model railway exhibition concerned about how to explain he was busy then. I told him not to worry about it. He will be at a conference in Belgium and then has to fly back to Dublin in time for classes. I explained to Matthew it wasn't a "be here or else" from Aditi just a "in case his Grandmother asks, yes his Mum did tell him".

I am having trouble planning for the next day for myself at the moment and I am totally incapable of multi tasking. I can cope with for this week, Thursday, go to hospital!


Edited by Tony_S
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Good Dafter Noon All.  Catching up.  


Took some advantage of SWMBO being Stateside to have a bit of a run out on Friday into Saturday.  Kings Cross - Bradford on the Grand Central thing (not the best train trip ever by a long way) and covering some previously "rare" L&Y links which have all regained a regular service in recent times having had none for many years.  Watched things at Uddersfield and Leeds later on in freezing temperatures before taking the last up London (a rare ride for me on a class 91-pushed Mk4 set - and oh boy could you tell it was being pushed) before a couple of runs aboard London's night buses covering roads no day bus serves.  N91 at Arnos Grove and N205 through the Stratford former Olympic site to be precise.  Home at 4.30am which is a good time to make an ER post if only I hadn't been rather tired and barely warm enough to work the fingers.  Can't get away with such things very often.  Tonight's nocturnal jaunt to Camborne, Hayle and Penzance has been cancelled.  All of those people I was hoping to see are otherwise occupied and the gated thing which I was planning to collect is already in the mail.  Tomorrow's return in the Pullman diner is therefore also cancelled which is a shame. 


Had a surprise visit yesterday evening from Neighbours (Upstairs) (female variety) who were on their way out to a night club and (just about) dressed accordingly.  It seems there has been a falling-out with the male member of their number over small-but-important sums of money and he has absented himself of late.  That aside we enjoyed drinks (rum and shrub flavour) and a good chat before they went on their way.  They have now learned to come home at some pre-dawn hour without disturbing us which fact I passed onto them with thanks.  


Nothing else happening here.  Please move along.  

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Back from a day out at Wakefield Ex. Had a pleasant chat with Jamie -  He was the one behind bars for a change,


The M62 was remarkably CW free.


After a day looking at some m*delling, I may go and do some..... whilst keeping up to date with the Hawks updates online.


Catch up later folks.




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Morning all, barely...


NEVER underestimate the powers of the universe to change a weekend with nothing significant planned into something where you are starting to hope for Monday and a return to simple WORK!!


Saturday, quiet start followed by the need to actually SHOP for dinner materials - I was making fondue and found we needed to source far more than originally expected, some blaggard had used most of the ingredients over the past week or so for random meals <sigh>

Shopped at various locales and added a quick trip to Jemmas to install a mug rack - I'm the SOLE member of the family that owns any serious tools, especially of the power variety.

Lovely evening with the family for dinner, recounting the UK trip, and a board game - Trevor, Jemma and Meagan all seem to enjoy that and actually REQUESTED that be included in the evening events.

Also got a text from our renters regarding a problematic toilet, not major but needs to be looked at today <yawn>, I remember now there was a REASON I didn't want to be a landlord again :O


Today I've already started on the to-do list that appeared in the dead of night somehow - I swear the Mrs has a stealth mode she activates!

Attempting to thaw out garden hoses before they are stored, drain external hose lines, cover A/C unit, fight with outdoor "seasonal" lights for the front deck and various other locations.


Taking a quick breather whilst the Mrs is out, and to prevent getting too cold from the outdoor activities.

Off to investigate toilet issue shortly - who said the weekend was a good time to do some modeling?!?!?!?!


Definitely nippy here at -6 this morning, threatened with a high of +4 but I doubt that will occur as it's still -2 at 11:30.


Hope you are enjoying your peaceful Sunday/day off... :jester:

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Afternoon All


Eight days AWOL - guilty as charged.   Hope that events here have been as good as can be expected, but I'm pretty sure that some kindly soul will update me as necessary.  Great to see some posts from the First Lady of ERs, whose wit and humour seem to be shining through, despite events.  Keep it up Debs, we're all behind you.


Well, we had a short break up and down the A49 - we pounded that highway, every mile of it, from Ross On Wye to Warrington, and many bits twice.  The stretch from Leominster to Ludlow got six repeates, and from Ludlow to Shrewsbury got four visits.  The route planning was very reminiscent of the way that the cretinotestants on "The Apprentice crossed London on the buying task, but due to our commitments, and the availability of Travelodge rooms at sensible prices, this was the only way to achieve anything.


Thursday morning saw a minus 3 start, and luckily we had the de-icer and scrapers to hand, but my thoughts turned to Geoff who, when I last saw him, said he was heading for the same area on the same days in the camper.  Didn't bump into him and Kath, though.  Ah Geoff I see you lurking as I type.


Must get on now, as I have a mass of e-mails to deal with, and the fire needs some attention.


Regards to All


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Just got back to the place with an enriched in heritage pig sty, to find that the PH had done a little bit of work!


That little bit of work was the painting and hanging of a number of the new doors I was going to install next week.


I am sure that this is all down to the influence of his girlfriend, who was busy painting a door (up on trestles and flat like wot it should be done proper) when we walked into the conservatory.


What can I do with all the extra time that has now freed itself up this week?


Initial thoughts are a  set of 3D CAD tutorials which I can work through, and then learn how to generate .stl files.


This would then allow me to invest in a 3D printer, although the output would likely not be much in the way of 7 mm stuff but more of a craft nature. (Might put the laser cutter onto the back burner for a while).


However, perhaps the spare time might be better employed, cataloguing and sorting out all my 4mm stuff.  I am reliably informed that my granddaughter is looking for a model railway as she is really into trains.


Girls and train sets?  Debs would most certainly approve!

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Evening Awl, Inner Temple here,

A solid eight hours sleep was spoiled by waking up to find myself screwed up into a ball. When I straightened up, boy did it hurt, it took 15 minutes before I could move further.

A couple of pain killers were taken before letting Ben the Border Collie out for his morning patrol of the garden. The cars and high ground were extensively frosted.


Breakfast was then had, and an hours rest. Then two more painkillers before setting out to the sailing club. By which time the frost had gone.


On arrival one of the rescue boats had already left to go up river to the Wroxham club and tow back three boats.

I finished getting one more out and loaded up with buoys and put them out..


After bacon butties and coffee....


Race one, wind north Westerly occasionally Westerly, up to 15 mph very sunny. Course 5P, 2P,1P. 5 being a mile and a half up river at Dydlers mill.

During the pre race manoeuvres we up set two fishermen who were camped on Swan green, we swept past their rods 3 feet away, not seeing any lines but there obviously were, as all the alarms went off and lots of swearing came out of the tents.


We started in 5th the wind meaning it was fairly easy to sail straight along the left hand bank. Fairly soon we overtook one boat but they are beginners. Then we overtook Bernard fairly easily to windward, which was a surprise. This put us in third, ahead Toby a good sailor but with an inexperienced crew today.


We had just reached the 60 degree bend to the right and started to have to tack rapidly from side to side of the river we soon overtook Toby, but he came right back and overtook us. A couple of tacks later and we were tacking alongside each other for several tack. This slowing us down while the leader was getting away. Eventually we broke away and started gaining on the leader.


Meanwhile John, who was late for the start, had been gaining. We rounded buoy 5 in Genoa up spinnaker. Now as the tide was coming in and we were heading down river I kept us close to the bank. But the leader Gary sailed down the middle of the river, so we slowly gained as we rounded the left hand 60 degree bend I cut across the river shortening the corner but also keeping out of the tide which is at it fastest round the outside of a bend.


Cutting inside Gary we then we're between the wind and him so blocking his wind, so we swept past him into the lead. As we then went across the river to the right hand bank again we dropped the spinnaker and pulled out the Genoa, we held the lead, until a gust from behind brought him alongside just as we reached the 90 right at the club house.. holding inside bank was a huge advantage as we turned, Gary hit the highest tide against him as the river narrows.so he slowed and we turned round buoy 1 clear in the lead which we held for the next two laps...



Race 2, wind slightly less, and occasionally more Westerly. Course 4P, 2P, 1P..


Just as we attempted to turn for the line the beginners were in our way heading parallel to the start line, then they turned for the line, but it was too late. Two boats Gary and John were gone. We had to pass the beginner then try to catch up. The catching up took most of the time getting to buoy 4, but we didn't pass them.


Rounding buoy 4 up spinnakers again and with the big bird flying we kept to the bank again and slowly passed Gary before cutting across the river. John blocked our way at the corner so we went below, as we all moved back across the river to the right Gary went above John. As a final insult to John the beginners followed us. John went down to 4th...


With John and Gary fighting each other, we got away a bit. And got an easy run to buoy 1.

Rounding that we were struggling up the bank and had to put in a tack. The others did also then we tracked again and we're slowly forced across to the right hand bank. We were glad to hear the shortened course signal, we really had to keep to the bank .


Then.... We reached the fishermen again and as we turned for buoy 2 we.... Hit two of their rods oops...

We just made the buoy and then finished. John just behind us got a shift in the wind and tacked early avoiding the angry fishermen, but was able to reach the buoy And finished second...


After a couple of cheese rolls and a coffee


Race 3, or for us there wasn't one, we again had won the trophy and everyone especially packed up.


The following dinghy race went on but struggled to finish as the wind died...


A note, on the Norfolk Broads, boats have right of way over fishermen, with us approaching they should have withdrawn their rods..We do try to avoid them where possible , but few fishermen understand the whys and wherefores of sailing..

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Evening all,


Had a good couple of days at the Workington Show, where our new O gauge layout, Derwent Sidings, won a prize for best Cumbrian themed layout. It might have been the only Cumbrian themed one, but I didn’t check! We had a sales stand with some of the stock from the friend’s loft, and we made a good start on selling that. I also managed to sell some of my stock that I have decided that I no longer need. The proceeds from the latter may result in the purchase of a Bachmann 9F from the loft stock - I was drooling the moment that I saw it!


The only problem with the weekend was that I woke during the night feeling like throwing up, a feeling which has persisted through much of today, and accompanied by a headache. I am starting to feel better, but may head off for an early night after the Strictly results show.

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