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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


The day started out wet and miserable, but by dinner time the sun was trying to come out.


This morning, whilst Sheila was at her Zumba class, I did a bit of was click and collect shopping at the Trafford Centre. Then I called at the butchers for the weekly meat rations and a couple of pasties for dinner. I was just finishing off a cup of tea when Sheila got home, nicely timed I thought!


The afternoon was then spent gathering together the plugs and sockets that will be fitted to Max's train layout. There will be two sockets, one socket for the track controller and the second will be for the point motors. I will fit the point motors over the weekend as well as the wiring, I'd delayed fitting these until I knew I had time to get it all done before his birthday next month. However, the control panel hasn't yet been built. This will be phase 2 of the project, which will be built in the near future.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

I love local TV  If it bleeds it leads, weather and sports at eleven. (Ten Central).


From one of our satirical shows:


"Ted, do you have the sports scores?"


"And the weather?"

"Worse in the suburbs."

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  • RMweb Premium

I don't know how long our water softener takes to replenish. We are asleep when it happens! The time depends on how much water had been softened, there are microprocessors involved!

Ours goes off about 2:00 am, after processing about 800 gallons.

Interesting: our water supply is billed in cubic meters (I thought liquid was in liters).  Applying what I remember from 50+++ years ago, a cubic meter is 1000 liters ech of which defines a kilogram, so it weighs 1000 kilograms which is a generous ton.


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  • RMweb Premium

Also awake from silly hours, listening to ex politicians warffling on TV still isn't sending me to sleep..

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Good morning one and all


I made an impromptu fodder run yesterday, by bus.  The capacity of my mobile home - sorry, backpack - surprised me pleasantly for there was even room for a box of shredded wheat.  I did this because I have an appointment at 8 am today with Sister Syringe for my injection.  Being at the surgery at that hour is good discipline and normally means that I am processed quickly before delays accrue.  Today, after a week's respite, I need once again to report that the deliverer of the local rag has defaulted.  When one was delivered last week I thought that the problem had been solved but clearly it hasn't.  If the omission is not reported the paper will not know that someone is obtaining money by false pretences.  I have again to go and fetch the paper but this is no big deal for other errands await my attention in town.


Debs, the bureaucratic situation you describe is daft enough to be true.  Andyram, what you describe is a classic case of telepathy failure.  This phenomenon used to bedevil my working life.  The handwriting of one former gaffer worsened noticeably after he found that I had learned to read upside down because I discovered much more of what was going on by reading what was on his desk than he ever told me.  At one stage I proclaimed loudly that saying to me "Oh, I thought you knew" would henceforth be treated as a hanging offence.  It made no difference.


I may not post tomorrow as an early start is needed for my trip to Portsmouth and I should allow time for scraping the windscreen.  Warm thoughts, then, for all in distress and recovery.



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Morning All,


It is a reasonable morning in this part of the world.  The temperature is around 3°C.


The situation Debs finds herself in is really rather ridiculous, but common sense seems to be lacking when "the computer says no".  It reminds me of an error message from the Unix secure shell -

"You don't exist, Go away".  Hope you get it sorted as soon as possible.


Time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most!

Hope all is ok in ER land.


No comment on the weather here as it's still too dark to see.


Ivan, just to remind you Ninjas are really good at taking out targets silently and very quickly....


As it happens the spooks I have come across (luckily not many) were very well dressed and stuck out like a sore thumb.


Debs, I hope the quest for sanity within the Civil Service machine is quickly sorted.

Andyram.. hope today is a good day for you at school.


Mugatea then..the A1 beckons...




Edited due to spur chickr

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and no idea what they weather is outside yet. 


Last opportunity this week to join the commuting ebb and flow. 

Now sure ebb and flow is the best way of describing the traffic tsunami that is Guildford, but there you go. 


My planning horizon has not got as far as the weekend, but I'm hoping to continue my campaign of adding small plastic and card items to a 5'6" x 18" plank of wood. 

My planning horizon does, however, extend to beer tonight; a call to arms will be sent out shortly. 

Prior to that sitting down and watching an episode of Dr Who has been promised, featuring John Pertwee and "The Sea Devils". I seem to remember they had ray guns that looked very much like the infra-red massage aid used to by Derek Trotter in an OF&H episode where he effected a miraculous "cure" on uncle Albert.  


Have a nice day, everyone. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a freezing Surrey.


Usual train delays and cancellations this morning so on a horrible great white worm, aka Thameslink. Our train is quite late due to ‘shortage of station staff’. That’s a new one for us.th following train is cancelled and ours is now due in after that one hence a Thameslink.


Last night trans were up creek due to the new platfom works at Redhill damaging the adjacent track thus causing numerous trains to either run fast through the station or be cancelled.


Hopefully POETs later which will give me more time this evening to load the layout into the car for tomorrow’s trip to Royston show.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Frosty start here and people are scraping windscreens. Not me though, I'm staying in the warm for a couple of hours and anyway the screen is heated... so there!  Should be a dry but chilly day with some sunshine in places.

Got to take The Boss out for a couple of hours today then I will be waiting for a parcel again, which may or may not come. If it doesn't no big deal and I will not be rude or abusive to the senders because they are very nice people and it's not their fault.  :no:

"We" have to have a discussion today about my forthcoming birthday bash in a couple of weeks. Not quite sure why because I thought Mrs. Efficiency aka The Boss had everything covered, in fact I know she has but she likes to make sure of things so I expect more lists to be written.  She does like a list.

It seems that Ian Abel is now amongst our missing members. He was hoping to get to Tolworth last Sunday but didn't appear and I don't think he's posted since he mentioned packing for his flight last week. 

Hope he and the others MIA are all OK.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple,

I've been awake since 02:30 so sleep total has been a bit short.

Went to a big orange shed yesterday to pick up some paint.


On leaving I got to the car to find an MRC member sat in a car nose to nose to mine, and another getting in. They had been on a fruitless search for MDF of the right thickness, the big orange shed is still having problems supplying timber .....


Actually the MRC member in the car had sent me a threatening email, time to send him the choices for the Christmas meal and then give him the money tonight.


Ben the Border Collie has had a charge around the garden, there is heavy frost on the upper area, and the car tops are frosted.

I'm just giving the sun another half hour before getting insulated and setting out.


Time to... Have another coffee...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Really sunny here. There was a frost earlier but all the evidence has now disappeared.

I am off to Canvey later with Robbie for his hydrotherapy session. Aditi is off to Brentwood for a haircut.

I need to sort out a set of maroon coaches to go with my new loco. It could even get to go round the layout.

I went shopping yesterday for a new iron (for clothes not solder). I won't be food shopping today, Aditi will do it after her hairdressing appointment.

Have a good day.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all. As mentioned by GDB a fairly heavy frost especially on the vehicles. It doesn't bother me as I'm working from home again.


Another admin day which means that POETS will happen for a change.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

MOrning, a rather non descript one here.  Off to the old farts bike club soon, on the winter hack which has been resurrected once more.


No parcel hassle today for me, the rest of the crew can take the strain!  All appears well now with IoM post, any hassles now are with Royal Mail's attempts to deal with the slightly out of course landing of the earlier lots - so anything could happen!

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Debs's obstacle course can be likened to folk operating like sandpaper.

When it's over, Debs will still be smooth but they will be even more useless.


Resultant of not being able to avail myself of the well regarded "Tell us once" service, I`ve had to make individual calls to the {many} bodies, agencies, incorporations and organisations, individually advising them of John`s death and often with a concomitant change in the arrangements going forward. Several have been very helpful, sensitive and responsive; others have been a polar opposite; one utility company agent just kept repeating whilst becoming increasingly stentorian: "we have to speak to the account holder......we can only speak with the named account holder".......after 10 minutes of that intransigence; I crumbled into tears; and cried out: "You can`t; he`s dead.....he`s left me alone and I`m lost!"


The DWP staff are clearly trying to help me, but at the moment; I.T systems, permissions and protocols are in the way.

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