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  • RMweb Gold

Jamie, the Craftsman/Clever comment relates to Beth.  


This sort of surprise is great and I was the benefactor of its type last year.  There we were waiting to go out for a meal with no. 2 son and family (but no.1 son of current) and I was chuffing at the bit raring to go time-wise and couldn't understand why there seemed to be a reluctance to move.  They kept me busy until I turned round to say 'Look we really must go" to find no.1 son and partner standing behind me. 

Edited by PeterBB
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Evening all


Well today's weather has stopped any thoughts of working outside due to the falling wet stuff. I was hoping that when I cut the grass the other weekend that it would be the last time this year, but with all the rain and sun that we've had I think it will need another doing, if it stays dry long enough.


Still I had plenty to do in the cellar, all the track has been laid, with the exception of 1 point, which I'm waiting delivery of. Originally the track layout had a loco shed with just 1 road, but I'm putting an extra road in, so that he can change locos in the future. I've also made a start on soldering all the drop wires to the layout bus.


As tonight was the last Saturday of the month it was Indian takeaway night and we both enjoyed chicken jalfrezie, which was rather yummy.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

Sailing club dinner had, I'm ready to explode, getting across the carpark of the hotel, which is on top of a hill was drafty in my kilt.... I think we are on the other side of NTG6 1315's hurricane. It's much windier tonight than it was during storm Brian last week.


On young lady aged about eight was embarrassed, To have happy birthday sung to her by the 70 present and surprised to get a big birthday cake with candles.

The occasion seems to be getting smarter, many more men wearing either suit and tie or blazer etc.

I was distressed to find the hotels' Scottish bar has had its whisky range reduced, so they no longer stock Highland Park..,

Ben the Border Collie we think has been hiding in his cat cage when we're out, he's been a good boy so he has been rewarded with some beef left over from SWMBO's dinner.


Time to ... Finish my coco and go to sleep


Good night..,

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We did make it to the garden centre. It was a bit of a strain loading stuff into the car. We then had to go to a M&S food store where Aditi had arranged to collect some items (Not food). I was despatched with a trolley to choose some food and drink while Aditi queued for her parcels.

We watched a film tonight, only 77 years old this time. Aditi keeps finding old films she wants to see, usually because they are mentioned in a novel or magazine.


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  • RMweb Premium

Greetings from the Around Midnight Club.


I seem again to be wide awake and likely to remain so into the small hours, one of which will be duplicated so I had better make it a good one!  


A quiet day spent with one eye on the still-not-quite-well SWMBO who took things very easily after the stress of yesterday and required only tea and toast brought to the bedside before emerging at noon.  In the just-warm-enough afternoon sun I sat outside in no more than T-shirt and jeans and managed to get some weathering done using an extemporised workbench created from a spare IKEA shelf perched on the garden furniture and taking advantage of natural lighting.  All seemed quite civilised as the working session was accompanied by coffee and some canned music produced by the mobile phone.


Very civilised conversation had with Neighbours (Upstairs) later tonight as they were met leaving as I returned from a stroll in the brisk night air.  A reminder to limit the number of hippopotamus festivals at 3 or 4 in the morning might be taken to heart; they know they can be noisy and they have asked us to let them know if it's excessive.  So I did.  Last night's hippo-dancing began at 3.53am.  Voices were quite muted but heavy footsteps suggested some transit between rooms until well after 4.30am.  


More of this mostly-sunny weather is forecast for several days ahead.  We have promised ourselves breakfast in Richmond in the morning.  Until then sleep well and for those on British shores enjoy the extra hour as best you can.  Don't get up early.  All bar the kitchen clocks here are now reset remotely by vibrating electrons.

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It'll only get filled in if a biker or cyclist comes a cropper. Councils invariably only act to hide the evidence.


 One of my learners hit a completely unavoidable pothole. Within 15 minutes I had reported thismto the relevant local authority informing them that  my wheel was damaged and further checks would be made on the  car ASAP by my local garage .

About 90 minutes later, I had the opportunity to go and photograph said pothole - it had been repaired. Photos were still acquired.

As it turns out, the tracking was misaligned on my car and I had to cancel lessons to have the wheel replaced and the the tracking sorted.

I put in a claim for the repairs and loss of earnings as my car was off the road.

 I eventually received a letter from the relevant highways department insurers saying that the claim was invalid with them as the pothole was as a result of utility company work and that I should pursue the claim with them. They also advised me that I had a good case.


More letters ensued with the utility company insurers and lots of hoops to jump through, i's to be dotted and t's to be crossed, I had to prove a dip in my income compared to six weeks before and four weeks after the incident. They eventually paid out. 


What was really galling is that it was the sane insurance company that backed the local authority and the utility company.


I never had a brilliant view of insurance companies and this further tainted my opinion of this particular one.

 I will never buy insurance from a particular company having a Swiss related name beginning with Z. 


Anyway, the clock says it's just gone 1.30am, but soon to be 12.30am in realtime.


Have a good Sunday folks.




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Happy GMT folks!


All relevant time pieces set (manually or by Radio); cameras and dictaphones don't matter as not time critical!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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We watched a film tonight, only 77 years old this time. Aditi keeps finding old films she wants to see, usually because they are mentioned in a novel or magazine.


77 makes it about rhe same age as the Wizard of Oz.

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Good morning one and all


I think Baz, like nearly everyone else, has a more sophisticated mobile phone than I do.  Mine is a very basic Nokia which cost me £20 and does need the clock to be reset manually, which I have just done.  To save faffing around on overseas trips I have two wrist watches, one set to GMT and the other an hour later.  An emergency trip into town was required yesterday when I found that the battery in the GMT watch had failed.  Said timepiece is now operational again and has just been put right at the sounding of the pips.


Yesterday I had about 45 minutes out in the garden digging out weeds and planting snowdrops and crocuses.  Mowing the lawn had to wait despite being a much easier job and may happen today.  For lunch the pork steak could do with an accompaniment of mushroom sauce so it's out with the Delia book to seek inspiration.  The almost constantly present pile of ironing is glaring at me and by rights I should generate some more if there is enough in the basket to be laundered.  Gentle reader, you may detect a certain reluctance and you would not be far wrong.


Other things look to make for a busy week.  I am due a blood test and overdue a haircut for starters.  There will be two trips to London, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, for concerts with Jack Carty and Trio Dhoore respectively, both a short walk from St Pancras and giving some possibility of getting home the same night.  On Saturday I plan to visit Wycrail, which is nowhere near as far as Wells where the EMGS AGM is.


It is now time to  soak away the aches and pains.  To all in distress and recovery I tender good wishes.



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Clocks reset apart from the important one..my body clock!

Another day of playing trains then packing everything up and putting it all away either at our club or at home.


Enjoy whatever you do over the next 24 hours.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull here at the moment with a few drops of rain. There may be some sunny spells later.

Watched an excellent game of rugby yesterday afternoon with Wasps beating Northampton by 38-22.   Before that I had intended to muddle but just ended up, as usual, playing for a couple of hours.

Last night's party was brilliant and we got home about 2.00am which became 1.00am. Stayed up nattering for a while then went to bed about 2.00am after altering 3 or 4  clocks and watches that aren't automatic. Woke up at much too early o'clock after only about 4 hours sleep so thought what the hell and got up.

Nicki, Steve and kids were at the party and all was well there so I expect today to be OK as well. We shall see.

I haven't got much to do until midday when they arrive...thought he! . "She" has other ideas as apparently we (I) need to tidy up.  At the moment though she still is in the Land of Nod so I will leave  her to it for a while.

Not too long though.....breakfast will soon be required and I know that when I start rattling the frying pan she'll be up like a scalded cat to take over so I that I don't make a mess of her kitchen. I'm actually quite tidy but when it comes to that particular room she's a total control freak.  :nono:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Happy Birthday Jamie.

Rather cloudy here. I think I set most of the clocks last night that don't change automatically. Some of our radio clocks require the battery to be removed and reinserted. But they were very cheap.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Gold

Seen in the Express this morning:


Prince Harry has been giving Meghan Markle (Much Markle's sister) 'Intimate Royal Training'.


The mind boggles although I am sure she knows what orbs and a sceptre are used for.


Now off to dance in the flat above Rick's!

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Morning all from West Cumberland.   Yes the proper name for the county of my birth some 65 years ago.  My father was in Liverpool that day, doing some family thing, as father's were not welcome at Maternity Hospitals in those days.  His train spotting diary mentions that he saw 72002 on Liverpool exchange with the comment "James Born" in the margin.   It's great to see that he got his priorities right.  There are several more entries over the coming months noting which Duchesses went past while he was taking me out in the pram alongside the WCML.   I was obviously trained well from an early age.


Anyway Rick I hope that you manage to quiten the dancing Hippos even if HH comes to visit. 


The morning has dawned sunny and fine so we have breakfasted and are waiting for Martin Katie and Ryan to arrive before we go for a walk.  If I'm lucky we might go alongside the railway line.


Regards to all.



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