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Aha! Some good news.  :yes:  After waiting a month my former energy supplier has at last refunded my credit balance and my model tokens have increased ...   :imsohappy:

  Just make sure you have plenty with you next Saturday just in case I need to borrow some .....  :resent:
  I thought you always carried a secret stash in a hidden compartment in your wallet to cover just such emergencies!  :jester:

I'm getting visions of some complex balance-of-payments system....

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but cold and it looks like its going to stay that way for a couple of days. The cold is still lingering but gradually being beaten into submission with various potions, some of them alcoholic. Now to make the best of the sunshine, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Talking of incoming laddo received a large parcel from Cornwall yesterday containing a 4TC, looks rather nice in Fairground South East 'livery'.  Elsewhere on the expense front the Good Doctor unfortunately collected a nasty pothole with her nearside front wheel enroute to physio, coincidentally it was the one I later swerved around on my way to Waitrose in Tilehurst.  Regrettably she can't sue the council for the £80 it cost for a new tyre and to have the damage to the alloy wheel 'skimmed' - they area right bunch or ARsoles as said pothole has been getting worse for months but has received no attention and lies there ready to trap folk who rarely use that route.


But on the brighter side multiple shopping at both Waitrose (the branch with passing trains) and Tesco (which also has a passing train, if you count a 2 car 165 unit mainly hidden by trees rumbling by 4 times an hour) was achieved although some veg might be purchased today or tomorrow.  Talking of shopping the tall vase on the right was duly acquired while in Devon and is considered a belated joint anniversary present to ourselves - guess who paid for it  :O  (and who awaits the 'joint' contribution ... )


Have a good day one and all

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....nasty pothole with her nearside front wheel enroute to physio, coincidentally it was the one I later swerved around on my way to Waitrose in Tilehurst.  Regrettably she can't sue the council for the £80 it cost for a new tyre and to have the damage to the alloy wheel 'skimmed' - they area right bunch or ARsoles as said pothole has been getting worse for months but has received no attention and lies there ready to trap folk ....

It'll only get filled in if a biker or cyclist comes a cropper. Councils invariably only act to hide the evidence.

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought you always carried a secret stash in a hidden compartment in your wallet to cover just such emergencies!  :jester:

I do but that got depleted completely at the Aldershot show I can't believe I spent so much that day but I'm slowly building it up again to have funds for Wycrail

 but unfortunately for me the relief postman :fool:  waved a loco package from Ebay through the lounge window with SWMBO  :spruceup: sitting next to me instead of 

 discreetly placing it in the outside gas cupboard like the regular chap does, it was one of those rare times that something turned 2 days early.  :dontknow:


Morning all,


T  Elsewhere on the expense front the Good Doctor unfortunately collected a nasty pothole with her nearside front wheel enroute to physio, coincidentally it was the one I later swerved around on my way to Waitrose in Tilehurst.  Regrettably she can't sue the council for the £80 it cost for a new tyre and to have the damage to the alloy wheel 'skimmed' - they area right bunch or ARsoles as said pothole has been getting worse for months but has received no attention and lies there ready to trap folk who rarely use that route.




Have a good day one and all

Mike get the good Doctor to write to the county council roads dept' and ask them for their insurance details and do get a photo of the offending pot hole a send that in as well copy in your local MP  :crazy:  for good measure.

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Have noticed that DVLA have now listed the CX as SORN'd as the previous owner had notified them that I'd bought it and taken it home. No sign of the new V5 yet; takes at least two weeks.


Came across an eBay seller offering parts from a dismantled S2 CX GTi, but he didn't have the ignition lock switch barrel or the headlights; headlight units cost about 400 quid each (!!) from the profiteering CX Basis - no way are they getting my business if I can possibly avoid it. He's gone off to see if he salvaged the chrome strip for the rear bumper as there's a small dent in mine. I think I want his tail light clusters as spares to see if I can convert them to LEDs. Fifty quid the pair sounds fair, though I'd snap his hands off if he went down to forty.

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Morning all,


Talking of incoming laddo received a large parcel from Cornwall yesterday containing a 4TC, looks rather nice in Fairground South East 'livery'.  Elsewhere on the expense front the Good Doctor unfortunately collected a nasty pothole with her nearside front wheel enroute to physio, coincidentally it was the one I later swerved around on my way to Waitrose in Tilehurst.  Regrettably she can't sue the council for the £80 it cost for a new tyre and to have the damage to the alloy wheel 'skimmed' - they area right bunch or ARsoles as said pothole has been getting worse for months but has received no attention and lies there ready to trap folk who rarely use that route.


But on the brighter side multiple shopping at both Waitrose (the branch with passing trains) and Tesco (which also has a passing train, if you count a 2 car 165 unit mainly hidden by trees rumbling by 4 times an hour) was achieved although some veg might be purchased today or tomorrow.  Talking of shopping the tall vase on the right was duly acquired while in Devon and is considered a belated joint anniversary present to ourselves - guess who paid for it  :O  (and who awaits the 'joint' contribution ... )


Have a good day one and all

There was a bit on one of our local news websites about a local council being taken to the small claims court over a damaged wheel. The claiment won not only the cost of the wheel but damages for time lost and I think something else (it was a while ago)

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Afternoon awl Inner Temple here,

Well I've been down to the sailing club, and we launched the boat for the winter season. I got there 1/2 an hour early, my compatriot with boat was 2 hours late. His car wouldn't start, and he had to borrow one of those starter pack things. He also used it to restart to leave.


While there, the cruiser class departed for their last start of the season. Shortly after this arrived with a strangely familiar name...post-15969-0-96653700-1509198499.jpg


Horsetan, i believe Converting light clusters to LED, if it is not an approved E marked LED cluster as tested for the E mark, would mean you would be driving with an illegal light fitting.


I arrived at the MRC last night but was not welcomed as usual, normally it's hello Q, tonight it was hello Ben from everyone, I think he's won them over....


Ben, this morning, after about 30 seconds charging around in the garden, ran back to the house after hearing the sea crashing on the shore... We are about to take him out for his main walk we'll sea what happens.


Time to.. go out for a walk, followed by a SSS, followed by going out for a sailing club dinner....

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Latest update on the Kate saga, that's my Morris Minor for those who missed the transportation posting. She arrived back at my lockup down the road aways and today was my first opportunity to examine more closely the welder's handiwork. 




I was unable to photo from the very same point today, as Kate was unloaded into a slightly different place. This garage has a slope in front of the doors and if I was to allow the car to roll away, I would have no chance of pushing her back into the garage alone.

Edited by Judge Dread
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I remember having to have cars welded like that, normally shortly be before the car was scrapped...


Sadly the walk with Ben was not good., The crashing of the sea against the defences, the wind roaring through the trees and electricity wires was added to by the Pheasant shoot near the lane. About half way through his normal walk he laid down and refused to go any nearer the shoot. At least after only having him only 3 months he didn't run away....

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....i believe Converting light clusters to LED, if it is not an approved E marked LED cluster as tested for the E mark, would mean you would be driving with an illegal light fitting....

Given the current "Prince of Darkness" level of illumination, LEDs are going to be an improvement. I'm looking at the ones produced by Philips and Osram.

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busy day at our show today.. lots of questions, a lot of old members coming back - mainly down to article in RM and also local TV...


now for some McGuigan Black Label Merlot  and food...



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I have finally given up.


No, not that....I have had to admit defeat in driving a manual car, my foot just hurts too much, even with the granny-friendly light clutch on my B-Max.  Spent all day touring the Rock de Fraggle looking for something vaguely suitable, without actually having a clue what to get.  Diesel is a given if at all possible, after the gutless wonder of the petrol B-Max, DCT's out after looking at disasters on the interweb, (especially Ford Powershift) CVT's OK but service charges are high due to the cost of the trans fluid....so what's left with a torque converter, that I could actually afford in the sort of 3 year old bracket. 


A surprise, really, the answer was a Hyundai i30 - 1.6 diesel, 6 speed auto and a far better car than I had given credit for previously.  They've come along way from the horrors they used to sell....but it's not very Korean!  Made in Slovakia, designed in Germany.  Oh, the name Hyundai is Korean IIRC!


Spotted in one garage was an Allegro 3, in pretty good nick.  I wasn't tempted.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have finally given up.


No, not that....I have had to admit defeat in driving a manual car, my foot just hurts too much, even with the granny-friendly light clutch on my B-Max.  Spent all day touring the Rock de Fraggle looking for something vaguely suitable, without actually having a clue what to get.  Diesel is a given if at all possible, after the gutless wonder of the petrol B-Max, DCT's out after looking at disasters on the interweb, (especially Ford Powershift) CVT's OK but service charges are high due to the cost of the trans fluid....so what's left with a torque converter, that I could actually afford in the sort of 3 year old bracket. 


A surprise, really, the answer was a Hyundai i30 - 1.6 diesel, 6 speed auto and a far better car than I had given credit for previously.  They've come along way from the horrors they used to sell....but it's not very Korean!  Made in Slovakia, designed in Germany.  Oh, the name Hyundai is Korean IIRC!


Spotted in one garage was an Allegro 3, in pretty good nick.  I wasn't tempted.

I have owned 2 Hyundai's over the last 12 years, the second one is now over 9 years old and still giving good service.

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Today was different.  Took GD to the Planet Circus in town.  It seemed a bit pricey to get in and like all circuses these days had the extras that people could buy ... and with young children around the cost increased.  I was not sure what to expect in quality terms but have to report that it was noisy but well worth the visit with a number of truly excellent displays and some real dare-devil acrobats.  Did the GD enjoy it?  Well Grandma could not go but was really brought up to date by the great feedback - it was obviously enjoyed.  GD doesn't want a wash because she loves her face-painting and wants to keep it.  For the adults, apart from the quality of the display, the 'dresses' on some of the lady performers ...

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An era has ended today. Almost 100 years after the first flight by a Fokker aircraft for KLM, today saw the last KLM Fokker to touch ground. For a while Fokker was the leading aircraft manufacturer in the world, with a market share of 70%. But when competitors started constructing their products with metal frames and bodies, Fokker kept using wood and lost their advantage, never to recover. In the end, it went bankrupt in 1996, as the Board miscalculated political intentions and failed to get the Gov't bail-out they'd anticipated.


That first KLM flight was a service to London. The final Fokker 70 flight in KLM service will be that same London service as a fitting tribute to 97 years of partnership with the only Dutch successful aircraft manufacturer. Other flights coming in with a Fokker 70 tonight will be from Düsseldorf, Norwich, Hanover, Brussels en Luxembourg, but the London flight will be the last one to touch down at 20.30h local. KLM replaced the Fokkers with more economical Embrears, like the it did in the past with the Fokker 50 and Fokker 100. The Fokker 70 aircraft wll be sold on though, so you'll be able to fly one, be it at quite a distance as one of the buyers is Air Niugini. Interestingly, as carrier from Papua New Guinea, it was once part of the Dutch East Indies colony, and thus part of the KLM network from Amsterdam to Batavia (present day Jakarta) with a local network as well ;)


Today, Fokker lives on as both part of the Airbus Space division as well as a company developing aircraft parts, Fokker Technologies. (IIRC most of the Fokker IP went there)

flown a lot of miles in F27s, F50s, F70s and F100s....sad to see them go but tempis fugit..

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First train of the week that has been on time is the tour we have been on today. Now in a great bar in Liberec and the first beer of the day we have had to get cash out for.


Superb organisation of the person who does these trips.


High winds with structural damage forecast for here aswell so we shall see how tomorrows trip goes. Let's hope it's all OK.

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The twin air horns have stopped working, so that's going to have to be looked at. Fortunately, this popped up and I discovered that there are any number of generic 12v compressor motors which can drive a couple of horn trumpets. I'm still wondering if I can shoehorn a third trumpet in there.


Another late discovery is the dipstick detector gauge. As a sort of backup to the traditional eyeball inspection of engine oil level, Citroen installed an electric sender unit in the sump. When you switch on, a gauge activates for 15 seconds on the dashboard, showing how much oil there is, and then goes off when the engine starts. This is the only car I've had so far with this kind of gadget. Not even the BMW (twice the price when new) had this function. Clever.


I need to find out more about the electric door mirror motors, as the offside one seems to have packed up since I first test-drove the car, and the nearside one doesn't sound too hot either.


Half-a-litre of FE-123 anti-rust fluid costs £27.


........so what's left with a torque converter, that I could actually afford in the sort of 3 year old bracket. ...

My automatic was more in the 30-year-old bracket  :declare:

Edited by Horsetan
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I do but that got depleted completely at the Aldershot show I can't believe I spent so much that day but I'm slowly building it up again to have funds for Wycrail

 but unfortunately for me the relief postman :fool:  waved a loco package from Ebay through the lounge window with SWMBO  :spruceup: sitting next to me instead of 

 discreetly placing it in the outside gas cupboard like the regular chap does, it was one of those rare times that something turned 2 days early.  :dontknow:


Mike get the good Doctor to write to the county council roads dept' and ask them for their insurance details and do get a photo of the offending pot hole a send that in as well copy in your local MP  :crazy:  for good measure.


Strange you should mention the local MP - a member of the same political party called today really conducting a survey about the council but made the regrettable step of asking my opinion of our MP.  He got both verbal barrels for a good 5 minutes - said MP is utterly useless and has made an even bigger pr*tt of himself in recent days with more nonsense about our local not quite hospital plus a slur on the over 60s.


The big problem will as ever be finding out which council level is responsible for that bit of road because no doubt, as usual, they'll say it's dow to the next level up or down.

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