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  • RMweb Gold



Finally made it to the hotel in Prague.


Flight was 40 late departing and 30 late arriving. Quite a queue for passport control then my other halfs biometric passport didn’t want to be read by the machines but after about five attempt it did work She doesn’t have much lluck with such passport or finger scanners (USA immigration).

Finally got out to the bus stop as one departed. Next bus wedged. Once on the metro we decided to get off at Museum and try a favourite bar. However the platform is closed for refurb so had to go one stop on then come back again. Bar shut at 11pm so no beer tonight.


Should be plenty of beer the next two days so not that bothered.


Good night all

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  • RMweb Gold

A quintessential sport from the Low Countries, we're good at it, but an excellent way to combat sex-discrimination and proving increasingly popular elsewhere too:





Coincidentally one of our close friend's (and next door neighbours) daughter and the daughter of another friend have both been in the England U19 squad and have played in tournaments in your fair country. And yes, you are good at it and always seem to win.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


The day started out foggy, but by 11:00 it was beautiful sunshine. This morning we once again went early to the Trafford Centre to do a bit of shopping and whilst there I called into WHS and picked up a few art supplies that I couldn't get at Hobbycraft last week. Then I called in at the butchers on the way home to pick up our weekly meat rations.


After dinner I spent a couple of hours in the cellar continuing work on Max's train layout. I've managed to fit drop wires to more track work and have fitted most of it to the board. I only have about 20% left of the track to fit. Once it's all in I can flip the board over and fit the feed wiring in and then solder it all up.


Goodnight all.

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Good morning one and all


I had a weird dream last night which had me back at school after 51 years.  I was like a fish out of water but then it always did take a while for me to become accustomed to my surroundings.  What caused the dream, I wonder?  Surely not the old episode of Waterloo Road that I watched yesterday afternoon?


Some gardening might happen today.  At the very least there are some crocuses and snowdrops to plant.  If and when the little yellow and white flowers peep above the soil it will help to herald the onset of spring.  My track record on gardening is poor and not being very good at it does rather detract from the potential enjoyment that some derive.  The lawn is looking rather shaggy and it is nearly November.  Let motivation rain down upon me from the heavens.  British Summer Time ends tonight so there will be all those clocks to alter.  This time I must remember the camera and the mobile phone.


The delivery brat is apparently on his/her last warning.  When I phoned Distribution yesterday there was a noticeable sigh from the lady at the other end but whether it was because it was me again or that brat again was not clear.  I have a mental image of a pile of postcards on her desk with a picture of Lord Sugar's finger and the words "You're fired".  Today's youngsters would probably take such things in their stride.


To all in distress and recovery, felicitations and best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!


Chris, your phone should update itself...


Up early getting more stuff ready for our show..who forgot the signs?????

Have a great 24 hours on Plant Earth.




Ps I wonder if Pete has moved home yet?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another cool start and a dry day with sunny spells is being offered by those who (claim to) know about these things.

I've been advised that "we" have lots to do today. That's par for the course. I've certainly got lots to do railway wise and rugby watching wise - can't think what else may be on someone's mind.  :scratchhead:  :whistle:

Tonight we're going next door for a 21st birthday party (Korfball girl's elder sister) so that will probably mean a late night  an early morning.

Tomorrow Nicki, Steve & kids along with son Steve are coming for the day. Be interesting to see how things are after this week's bombshell announcement.

Have a good one,




Edit: speeling mstook

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  • RMweb Gold

Aha! Some good news.  :yes:  After waiting a month my former energy supplier has at last refunded my credit balance and my model tokens have increased to the tune of at least 2 locomotives.

Couldn't have come at a better time as a couple could be arriving in the next few days.   :imsohappy:

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Moaning all from the boring borough. My p*ss is reaching the boiling point at the moment. Some sh*tgibbon attempted to defraud SWMBO's bank account yesterday by phoning in trying to order an emergency debit card replacement. They failed the security questions but the bank went into full on panic mode. Her online & phone banking have been disabled and she has to have it all recreated. Can't do that online, phone, or in branch, nooooo. She has to fill out a bunch of fecking forms and ship them off to bloody Chatham. Needless to say she has no access to her bank account for at least another week. This isn't the first time she's had problems. By the process of elimination we think it has to be her work computer that is compromised. None of the usual anti-virus or malware checks have found anything. On Monday though, she will try some heavy duty root kit tools that my employer provides. The scary thing is if that turns up a keylogger, it means the PC had to be infected directly. Either a co-worker or an infected software update from their IT outsource. We shall see. 


Time to get out the door and get the shopping done before the idiots all descend on the shops. Its amazing just how regimented it seems to be. 9:30 - roads & shops mostly empty. 10:01 - pandemonium. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Aha! Some good news.  :yes:  After waiting a month my former energy supplier have at last refunded my credit balance and my model tokens have increased to the tune of at least 2 locomotives.

Couldn't have come at a better time as a couple could be arriving in the next few days.   :imsohappy:

Just make sure you have plenty with you next Saturday just in case I need to borrow some as SWMBO has reduced my pocket money after being caught out with a flea bay purchase.  :resent:

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  • RMweb Gold

Aha! Some good news.  :yes:  After waiting a month my former energy supplier has at last refunded my credit balance and my model tokens have increased to the tune of at least 2 locomotives.

Couldn't have come at a better time as a couple could be arriving in the next few days.   :imsohappy:

The GWR streamlined railcar from Dapol looks nice, especially in blood and custard livery....
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  • RMweb Premium

Aha! Some good news.  :yes:  After waiting a month my former energy supplier has at last refunded my credit balance and my model tokens have increased to the tune of at least 2 locomotives.

Couldn't have come at a better time as a couple could be arriving in the next few days.   :imsohappy:


And I think one delivery may be timed to occur before Chris gets home from work.

Now THAT'S customer service.  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

And I think one delivery may be timed to occur before Chris gets home from work.

Now THAT'S customer service.  :jester:


Er no Andy as she's usually home by 9.15 and postie doesn't normally arrive until 1.00pm.  However she knows about that one and some of the others that are due.  More information will be drip-fed to her as and when I deem it appropriate.  :yes:  :whistle:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here.

My shoulder and ribs are hurting more this morning which probably is a sign of getting better. Well that is what used to happen in my falling off motorbikes time (long long ago!).


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the lounge at the Pennington. A good nights sleep was had with a gentle alarm call courtesy of a 37 accelerating away. Breakfast has been consumed and we've had a little walk out. That was enlivened by 2 68's coming north with a couple of flasks. They made quite a satisfying growl as they accelerated after crossing the river Mite. I must try and get nearer next time. We're off up the Ratty shortly with the aim of having lunch up the valley. Not a bad way of spending a weekend.


Regards to all.



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