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  • RMweb Gold

What mystifies me is the (near) faultless spelling of "Praha Hlavni to Praha Vršovice" after the earlier Les Dawsonish keyboard work.


I still couldn't pronounce either though.

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Priests get to veto names?  Reminds my why I'm an atheist.


At one time to be baptised a Catholic at least one of your Forenames had to be that of a Saint. This rule was abandoned many years ago.


It seems this priest was not familiar with Irish Saints and believe me there are many of them with names you may never have heard.



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  • RMweb Premium

Just back from walking Ben on the beach, trouble was the adventure getting back. While we were on the beach they shut the sea defence gates. We got to them just as the men had finished bolting them together, they swing out from the concrete channel ( vehicle sized) but are bolted shut. This mean we had to go up and over the dunes.


However for some years they have been discouraging the public from going over the dunes, so most of the old paths are overgrown and on the landward side with brambles. Eventually we found a private path through to a mini holiday camp and escaped the beach.


There were several fishermen with tents rods and seat / kit boxes left the wrong side of the gates too.. the men doing the gates said they are shut for the weekend.


Strangely there are no flood warnings on the government web site....

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  • RMweb Gold

What mystifies me is the (near) faultless spelling of "Praha Hlavni to Praha Vršovice" after the earlier Les Dawsonish keyboard work.

Do you know how many times that I had to alter auto incorrect on the iPad for that one post. Yet still typos slip through. I suppose that the autocorrect doesn’t know what to make of foreign names yet will later incorrectly alter correctly type words numerous times and not correct the typos. Aargh......

Already altered this sentence a few times. Some times I get so fed up that I just delete the post. Add to the human bit where we often fail to check properly by rereading what we think we have said..... hopefully you all got the mist of my post!


Having not been that busy for weeks, today someone on site just realised they needed insulation for Monday. The person who is involved in ordering for this project is away today and so the director volunteered me at 3pm to order the material. Six suppliers later no one has this material and it’s on six weeks order and so far no alternative available. Normally he is in the pub with everyone by 4pm and was planning to be but not now and I had to leave at 4pm to catch train to Gatwick. So no doubt he’s not happy with me.


Sods law isn’t it. This is the first time that we have needed to catch this flight in over a year as it’s often very late but with no more leave to take had no choice if we were to do this trip.


The train arrived late so now we are late leaving by nearly 10 minutes This is the last decent timed train that gives me just unde two hours to get from platform or plane os a few minutes late isn’t an issue but the next train would be as its much slower and it’s a change at East Croydon. If a slightly fast journey is to be achieved. With my luck with trains around here I daren't take the chance

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  • RMweb Gold

I still couldn't pronounce either though.

How did you get the hard Czech symbol over the s?


(Had to remove ‘Redcliffe way Bristol’ that this iPad decided to insert after the first word of the sentence above, where the h*** ddi it get that from).


At least our plane appears to be on time inbound to Gatwick. Fingers crossed

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Visit to Waddesden Manor completed in near perfect sunshine all day. We managed a good walk in and around the grounds before going into the house. Despite being on a timed and booked entry system, the house was heaving , so we spent less time there than we normally would. At £20 a head normal entry price, we found that disappointing, although we don’t pay as Mrs G is a Lifetime Member of the National Trust.


We didn’t manage a visit to Quainton Road as well, as time was pressing and we were all too knackered after our walk.

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Evening all. A brief check in after a few days offline. My congrats, condolences and good wishes as appropriate. I have skim read the last few pages so apologies for anything I may have missed. Naturally thoughts remain with Debs and Neil at this difficult time.


 I would like to add my wishes to NHN who, it seems, has had a very difficult time. I hope things settle down soon. I also want to pass on good wishes to GrandadBob following the news about his DD and SiL. Like many have said, at least it is amicable and no-one else seems to be involved. I have seen my brother go through a less amicable divorce over the last couple of years. It is never a nice situation. I do hope that I never have to go through it.


 Chris' post about the old £1 coins appearing in his change is not the first I have heard since they ceased to be legal tender. It is a reminder to us all to check our change more carefully over the next few weeks. Remember, if you do get caught with any, the poppy sellers will still accept them as, I believe, will the Severn Valley Railway's Bridgnorth appeal.


 On the subject of the SVR - I had a very enjoyable visit yesterday. Whilst Sarah and Amber enjoyed a shopping trip with MiL, I had a very relaxing day on the trains. The Pannier tank 1501 was on my train for the two complete return trips. A nice pint was consumed on the final trip. The day was just what I needed - an the calmest I have felt for sometime. Some of the old "dark" moods have been resurfacing this week. Worryingly it is not making me an easy person to live with at the moment.


 On Monday - an old friend of mine appeared on the television programme - First Dates (ask the ladies in your life!!). He came across well, even talking about his own fight with depression. I knew about his experiences, but did not realise how bad he had got. It is amazing how people hide things at times. No-one truly knows what goes on inside people's heads. We are due to catch up for a pint in a few weeks when he is next in Derby. It will be good to see him again.


Take care all.



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Do you know how many times that I had to alter auto incorrect on the iPad for that one post. Yet still typos slip through. I suppose that the autocorrect doesn’t know what to make of foreign names yet will later incorrectly alter correctly type words numerous times and not correct the typos. Aargh......

Already altered this sentence a few times. Some times I get so fed up that I just delete the post. Add to the human bit where we often fail to check properly by rereading what we think we have said..... hopefully you all got the mist of my post!


I must admit that I don't get on at all well with touch screens. Something to do with my skin conductivity, perhaps. My British Gas "smart meter" is very unresponsive, no matter how much I attack it with a stylus pen.

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The WAH day today wasn't quite to plan, the W bit was all right - got quite a bit done, but the H bit was punctuated by having to take Sandy to work after her car wouldn't start - turned out to be a totally flat (and knackered flat) battery. (Cue "what shape should it be" joke) So I had to collect her as well. (isn't she lucky)


Quick trip to Sainsbury's and now she's poring over her Mac. Tomorrow it's a Fabric Show at Leicester Race Course. It was payday today - so how much is going to remain in the bank after tomorrow is open to question.

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  • RMweb Premium

We didn’t manage a visit to Quainton Road as well, as time was pressing and we were all too knackered after our walk.

If you did go there today you would have found it closed. The only steam running day left this year is this coming Sunday (closed tomorrow as well).

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  • RMweb Gold

How did you get the hard Czech symbol over the s?



On an Android device just press and hold the s. A box will appear with lots of diacritical mark s characters. Tap the one you want. Perhaps iPads are similar. I don't have one.

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Priests get to veto names? Reminds my why I'm an atheist.


Not the only people who can. Registrars in some Canadian provinces can refuse to register a name. Here's an extract from the relevant BC law:


if the registrar general considers that a name that a person applying for registration of a birth or an amendment to a registration of birth seeks to give to a child


(a) might reasonably be expected to cause


(i) mistake or confusion, or


(ii) embarrassment to the child or another person,


(b) is sought for an improper purpose, or


( c ) is, on any other ground, objectionable,


the registrar general must


(d) register the birth without the name applied for or refuse to amend the existing name on a birth registration, as the case may be, and


(e) notify the applicant promptly of the decision.


(Apologies for the formatting. I can't correct it on this tablet).

Edited by pH
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  • RMweb Gold

Day not wasted today = breakfast, bath room, then garden, under strict orders from SWMBO to repair the wire I damaged to one of the garden lights yesterday and

 finally got the back of the garden tidy where the new fence went in then I was allowed to clean the car, one smart-arse neighbour said had I bought a new one

 after I had finished cleaning it  :sungum:  ,  I only clean it  it get cleaned about 4 times a year at the car wash but decided to do it myself, It was GuardX treated which coats 

 the paint with a protective film when I bought it and a good rain fall normally cleans the dirty off but it was a nice shade of grey this time, it's normally maroon if it stays clean

 long enough to see it. :senile:


 keep safe all.

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Exhibition coming together nicely..... now worn to a frazz ready for tomorrow...



I hope you have a good weekend. Try not to over do it, you're not the "spring chicken" you used to be. Then again who is?

I'm holding myself in readiness for the Hull show.

Bring it on!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.

Barely changed gear driving in this morning. 

Likewise on the return. 

Pub thereafter. 

Tally for the week was 8 miles brisk walked to purchase 4 sandwiches. BP down again this a.m.

Half-term nearly over and upsets that it was partly filled with less than exciting chores.

A bowling trip has been promised over the weekend to compensate. 

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  • RMweb Premium

 I have been promised a trip on the Ratty tomorrow. 




Coincidentally a school friend of mine is planning the same trip tomorrow, too. 

i assumed it was a RAT if she was turning up. lol

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