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Early Risers.


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Afternoon all. I hope the start of the weekend finds you well. For me things have taken a little bit of a downward turn. After starting the term with a bug, it seems I am ending it with one too. The heavy cold, that has affected me all week, has given way to an unpleasant stomach bug. Amber was off school with it on Thursday and I started with it early on Friday. Of course, at first, I put it down to the after effects of the curry the night before. But the high temperature and head ache that set in yesterday evening proved otherwise. I had hoped I would shake it by today, but sadly not. So a much anticipated night out with Sarah has been cancelled. Very disappointing.


Best wishes



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Afternoon awl, Inner Temple Here,


I had 49 standard blocks and 4 foundation blocks, available this morning, at 09:00. Now at 17:00 there is one standard block and 3 foundation blocks left.


A large amount of wall and a bit of post box built, I calculate need about another 40 blocks.

Ben the Border Collie did not supervise, the local shoot has been massacring pheasants all day and Ben hates the noise of gunfire. Then as I was setting up a huge potato picking machine rumbled past followed by tractor and trailers all day, upsetting Ben even more, so he hid in his cat cage most of the time.


The wall completion not happen next weekend, as Saturday I have a full formal dinner to attend in the evening and I suspect I will be launching a Yeoman Keelboat in the morning. Then on Sunday is the Tri-icicle race, a long distance dinghy, Keelboat, yacht race, normal start time 10:00 and expected finish by 16:00, today's weather would be wonderful.


Having done all the walling I can this weekend, tomorrow I intend to mow the jungle, and then do some modifications to the Landrover electrics. Time permitting, some work may start on a new set of supports for Tiree. After much thought, I've decided on a cross between trestles and clothes horse.


Time to...? go press a button on the microwave, where my dinner has been waiting, SWMBO has eaten differently today due to her sore throat.

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Evening all,


A very pleasant exhibition duly attended at Aldershot where - as already noted - the Good Doctor and I came across the two bobs of this parish plus Andy B (well actually he came across us) plus a couple of other RMweb folk who do not grace this particular corner of the forum.  Excellent little show with some top notch layouts, quite a lot of 2mm/N gauge examples this year and some were really very good but Andy made a good point about the small diorama type 'layouts' exhibits where three front row viewers ensures nobody else can see a thing.  Catering up to its usual high standard but I'm convinced the bread rolls and baps have gradually shrunk over the years - quality is very good but if the rate of shrinkage continues I reckon in a few years from now you'd be able to stand one of the baps on a 50p coin and see metal below it round the edges.  Worst problem was the queue to get in the site to a parking space with - somewhat cloth-headedly on the venue's part - several sporting events (I believe it is called 'football') taking place at the same time as the show.


I see Bob also mentioned my acquisition of a Kernow 1361 - it was an even better bargain than the loco purchased by GDB ;) although what came at the same time from Mr Kernow certainly pounded the output of my printing press, well that stuff has been 'on one side' for me for several months.


Best(??) motor vehicle driving cockwomble of the day was the pea-brain driving a BMW round a roundabout immediately in front of me and stopping to let someone else onto the roundabout when they had been waiting at the broken white line - they were as surprised by this approach as I was, further along the road the Beemer driver also appeared to be having handbrake problems as I'm sure he could have reached the permitted speed if he'd taken it off.


Off for an eyetalian nosh this evening - Mrs Stationmaster's idea of 'a day out'.  Enjoy the rest of the evening (or day if you happen to be behind the times our time zone).

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Right then, back from cabin already - only 12:45 here.


We managed to entire event in 3 hours exactly from start to finish - a WORLD RECORD of 30 minutes from the time we entered the cabin, till we departed having winterized all water lines and facilities, removed pump and DONE!



Have 15 minute to "recover" before we have a showing to prospective renter for our other house.

Mrs frantically baking a cake for the 6PM "Cousins Party".


Maybe I'll get a few minutes to model mid-afternoon <sigh>


8 leaving for the cabin, only 14 now and that's the high for the day!


Hope your Saturday proceeds as expected...

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As reported above a very pleasant time spent at Aldershot and saw some friendly faces. Also spent some money after saying earlier I wouldn't. No willpower, me! However I am pleased with my purchases.

Got home a bit late for the rugby but luckily I'd recorded it only to watch an English side get beaten by a French side. Diabolical!

Never mind, a couple of beers and an enjoyable meal accompanied by some red plonk has improved things somewhat. The Boss is now watching the dancing programme which leaves me free to witter on here for a bit. I may go and test the new purchase shortly.

I've not been to Barrow in Furness although I've stayed in Kirksanton and Cartmel. No, I didn't visit "that" shop even though I walked past it.

I think a bit more plonk is now called for.

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It has been warm here in Leeds today (21C apparently)... definitely almost warmer than "Summer"


Thank to the ER support on here and Farcebook with regards to Chapel en le Frith.. watch for more photos.


Cooked tea (steak, mushrooms and saute potatoes) and eaten it so now drinking a very nice Cab Sauvignon....Hic!


Watching some soccer on TV - How MUCH do we pay these muppets????


I also watched a bit of rugby.. no wonder they have so many injuries.. no basic tackling skills...


Enjoy the rest of the day!




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Evenin awl. Just about getting organised after my trip to Fraggle Rock. First time but not, I hope the last. Railways, tramways, industrial history and friendly natives whats not to like? Congrats & comiserations where needed. Neil, if you think Fraggle's drivers are bad dont come to Burton! Our bunch are a lot worse!

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You didn't go near "Hospital Gates" did you? It's part of the group I'm with. Sunday would be a better day for anyone to see it as ChrisH will be coming up from Eastleigh to act as an interpreter. :no:  

I did look at the layout it's not my cup of tea that Gauge but did give it the once over and very nice it is, Addison Road would have been my choice best layout followed by Brixham operated by a young lady belting train up and down the line at 100mph  :O

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Its been a beautiful warm and sunny day down in the southeast corner.


I'm a regular shopper at our local Sainsbury's between 8:00am and 9:00am on a Thursday morning and within the last couple of years have made friends with another regular shopper at the same time who has, for some time, been saying that he would like to pop round to see my garden railway. Today he finally made it and an enjoyable couple of hours were spent watching trains....


Late afternoon it was still warm and sunny so decided there was time to trim the lawn edges in readiness for what I hope will be the last cut for this year. As I finished the sun was starting to disappear behind the house and the last train of the day was seen disappearing into the distance:




..... the end of an enjoyable day in the garden. Bliss!!





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Been home alone today - SWMBPO's in the land of Kernow. 


So today, Matthew:

  • Up at 6 to get her off
  • Sat down for a minute and managed to fall asleep
  • Woke up and went to Sainsbury's
  • Had some lunch
  • Cut the lawns
  • Cooked - senior dog wanted steak - although she would only eat it if it came from my plate - don't mind, bought enough for her
  • Now sitting and listening to Bach - Christmas Oratorio - yes, I know. (The Sixteen, if you want to know)
  • And the said senior dog is using my feet as a pillow.
  • At least I haven't had to listen to something called Strictly.
Edited by Coombe Barton
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We have had a quiet evening. I think Robbie's medication must be helping with pain relief but he is rather sedated. He isn't panting as much whuch is a good sign apparently.

We watched a film. Being up to date sort of people we watched something made in the 1930s. At least now it isn't necessary to go out to rent a film.

Edited by Tony_S
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We went shopping at the Darnall ASDA on Friday, and bought a flamenco dress for Emily to wear at a party next week. She's quite delighted with it and, after the most basic of instruction (spin round and round and clap your hands), she put on a show. Quite promising for a 22-month old, I thought.



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Good Night to most, have a great evening to others..G'Day to some!


C u later



Good night and maybe good morning again.


I still think that the Duke is more interesting on Fridays these days.


No loco hauled today due to engineering works between Maryport and Carlisle. A broken down train nearly scuppered tonight's apres show evening g but in the end it worked out well.


Good job we aren't driving tomorrow.


Good night and maybe good morning!

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Golf yesterday was good.

Golf today was something else other than good. At least it didn't rain.


When Mrs NB was going out to a Guide event, I said I would move my new car so she could get out from the drive.


Her reply was "Since when was it your car...?"


They have returned home safely.


Some modelling has been done. There may be some more at work tomorrow.


No ice hockey to report on and tomorrow's game is an away match that we won't get to, but I'm just off to check on other games in the league that were played tonight.

Have a good Sunday folks.




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Evening all


The weather here has been unseasonably warm, but it made this morning's work very pleasant. I managed to cut up all the old fencing and the old gate, but I decided to leave putting it all in the car until the day I do my tip run as it was crawling with insects and I didn't fancy the thought of them living in the back of the car for a few days, so I've stored it all behind the shed for now.


Once I'd packed up all my tools etc, I returned to the cellar and continued working on Max's train layout, I'm currently half way through constructing two tunnel portals so that they can be positioned ready for the scenery to be put in place.


After tea it was time to open a bottle of red and put on the idiots lantern and do a bit of catching up on some recorded TV.


AndyS. I hope Robbie feels better soon.


Andyram. I hope you feel better soon.


Goodnight all

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How often in mid-October can one comfortably set forth on the evening constitutional in just T-shirt and shorts? Tonight was that night. Tomorrow is forecast to be warmer still and to feature the sun.


SWMBO has intermittently slept, snuffled and sneezed her way through the day. She is now wide awake tidying the room as I am about to turn in. C'est la vie. Wish me luck


G'night all.

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Good morning one and all


I sampled Ed’s Diner at Peterborough Services yesterday.  The food was good but £2.65 for a cuppa is too much.  Music was playing and it took me back to my extreme youth – Roy Orbison, Del Shannon, Conway Twitty, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and so many more.  I can only presume that I was day-dreaming when I left the restaurant as I was horrified to be chased by the server who reminded me oh so politely that I had forgotten to pay!


At the show it was good to see Happy Hippo and to have a cuppa [less than £2.65!] with Poorly Pal.  Later I lost my rag and ended up in the doghouse.  There will be no further comment from me on that particular matter so don’t even think about asking.  Later a friend kindly gave me a tub of butternut squash soup which I will enjoy in the near future.


I have still not made up my mind about Apple Day.  If I do go I must stay away from the cider for, as we all know, alcohol is a depressant and will not have the effect desired by many of improving my demeanour.  There will be no further comment on that either.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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Morning all from the village east of Tong. I did manage some work in the chicken shed yesterday but will have to reconsider whether or not to go up on a Saturday morning. Apparently it's the day when all the young lady horse owners walk past up to the farm. Anyway a good day doing not a lot was had.


Church duties this morning and then other tasks will be allocated as Paul (No 2 son) and his wife Hollie are coming for dinner. As usual I will be banished from the kitchen but am sure that other things will have to be done.


Regards to al.



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Good morning all,

Started out with blue sky, sunshine and it's warm. Terrible news because this means I may have to Venture to the Interior Exterior and cut grass and other stuff. 

My plan for today was unboxing, testing and fitting a decoder to my new Terrier. Didn't do it last night as I'd been drinking and we know all know that drinking & muddling don't mix. Especially if surgery to the loco is needed along with the soldering iron to hardwire the chip. It's even more risky if your name is GDB.

I did watch more rugby last night and after a rocky start Exeter came from behind to defeat Glasgow. An enjoyable but rather scrappy game. 

I believe that breakfast will be offered shortly but I will be needed to poach the eggs as apparently I can do it better. Now there's an admission from The Boss. Not often that happens in "her" kitchen.

There will of course be even more rugby to watch later with Northampton hosting Saracens. That could be a belter.

I am being summoned so bye for now and have a good one,



STOP PRESS: In the few minutes I've been typing the sun has disappeared and it's clouding over, there is hope for me yet!  :yes:

Edited by grandadbob
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