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Agreed, but the point I was trying to make that it is not a casual glance through the windscreen any more. You have to deliberately go around with a notepad and pen to record the numbers before you can then log onto the site to find out the vehicles legal roadworthiness status.


You start doing that around some of the less salubrious parts of Telfland (I'm sure other locations are available) and you will receive a re-adjusted facial profile


I used to love looking for out of date tax discs as invariably there was no insurance or MOT so I was able to get plenty of offences in my pocketbook. No Insurance usually merited a disqualification so it was a very useful power against the villains in my village.  Once I'd got them disqualified I could arrest them every time I saw them driving (Which they usually did) I used to call it street cleaning.





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True, but a foreign-reg vehicle can only stay for a limited period of time. If it's in the UK for longer, it's in violation (it then must be registered on a UK reg) and thus be addressed by Police and/or DVLA. The only way to provide proof is to report it any time you see it to DVLA, so they know it's running around for longer then the allowed time. Being a lawyer I thought you'd knew that ;)

Yes, I knew that, but the police here don't enforce it. So we get plenty of ex-UK right-hand-drive cars suddenly appearing with RO/BG/PL/H plates - their drivers, all of whom live and work here (and therefore normally resident), appear untouchable.

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Mike, yes I know Trevor is retiring this year - I'll keep my distance!  Used to cadge a footplate ride off him when he was Rock's driver 'a while ago'. I have another contact there too....all too pally for safety, but I have made my commitment to Trackshack!


Lawrence, sorry about the timing - a friend from the garden railway forum is here too, this week.  No guided tours this time, sos.  This is a holiday I was meant to have in March (wedding anniversary & birthday) just as I mashed my foot.  The hotel in Ambleside carried over the booking - good of them as it was non refundable and paid for in full!  'Brantholme' - free plug. Not cheap, but good.

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Mike are you reporting them on the DVLA website. ? 


In the past I have reported a couple on the DVLA website but that's a long time back - and nothing happened and when I mentioned it to a passing Policeman (a once in a decade event) she said the tax was probably in the post for that particular vehicle, 6 weeks after the tax had expired :O   So oddly no action when vehicles are reported but some sort of action when no reports have been made (not by me at any rate) so I reckon there must be some sort of campaign going on or they've got bored doing the rounds of Reading and decided to have a day out.





Mike, yes I know Trevor is retiring this year - I'll keep my distance!  Used to cadge a footplate ride off him when he was Rock's driver 'a while ago'. I have another contact there too....all too pally for safety, but I have made my commitment to Trackshack!




He's been spending a bit of time recently deciding to be indecisive but I understand that he's still keen to go (he might be on the sick again at present although i'm not sure about that and some big changes are afoot organisationally although my oppo has told the owners to rethink them as they're not very sensible - lots of contracting stuff out has been in mind apparently.


And on that not so happy note - g'night all

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Good morning one and all


I have to report a minor epidemic of cockwombles in Bedford.  The first was on the wrong side of a traffic island.  He was obstructed by a car coming the other way on the correct side of the road and by the bus on which I was riding which rather carved him up.  The second was a Hovis van parked on the wrong side of the road at the bus stop.  There was barely enough room for the bus to pass between him and the cars parked in the legitimate parking zone on the other side of the road.  If the bus had been a full size one instead of a midibus I fancy that some bad language on the part of the driver would have occurred.  Soon after I got home a young man delivered a leaflet about crime prevention.  He was wearing an orange tabard lettered “Community Payback”.  Beats litter picking, I suppose.


A little under five hours, and a few quid, were spent at the beer festival last night.  Several annual reunions took place and, as foreseen, the bunch of ersatz shantymen were dreadful.  I'm back there at lunchtime but not this evening as there is a good concert [Faustus - it's a folk band] just round the corner.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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Morning all from a village that's waking up and getting lighter.   Another wagon was built last night and I got the logistics of taking my layout to France got sorted out.   Today starts with an MOT of sorts at the quacks, actually just a medication review then I turn chauffer for the day.  First job is to take FiL shopping in Batley.  As he's so frail this will be a slow process.  Then after a quick lunch it's off to take daughter and Fiancée to Doncaster as they are jetting off to Portugal for a week for Laura's 30th.   Apart from that not a lot to do.   


Mike, your comments about Ravenglass are interesting.  I know Trevor well from my volunteering days when he was River Mite's driver.   The relationship between the Society and the owners has not always been an easy one.  I hope that they get a good solution.  I will be there at the end of the month and will certainly visit the railway.


Regards to all.



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A very bad nights sleep of about there hours then dozing on the sofa but waking with joint pain many many times...


Yesterday at work the boss said i looked awful, although I didn't feel that bad, we did get company supplied flu jabs a couple of hours earlier but that normally doesn't affect me... work itself did go badly. I picked up a identical item to the one I was supposed ot be testing but couldn't get the right answers. it took some time till I realised what had hapended and that left me very short of time, so I was ten minutes late leaving work(unpaid). This brought me into the realms of a different group of Cockwombles as the primary school traffic  had cleared but the junior school just along the road was in full womble mode. Including a Mercedes that did a 360 degree turn at a road junction just it front of me?!?


This morning it was very dark and windy, where sheltered the roads were covered in leaves, where unsheltered I suspect the leaves are in the North Sea. There was a huge amount of traffic on the first part of the journey so I suspect the Acle Straight is blocked again Probably a van or lorry blown over or into a ditch. The Acle straight is an old toll road built in 1831 and dead straight across the marshes except for one bend at the Stracey Arms (which is now a Hindu meeting place). It has deep ditches either side and is very prone to either wind (today) or fog. so the road has a very high accident rate..

 Later on there was also increased traffic I suspect this is people trying out alternative routes as the A1151 will be closed from tomorrow for 10 days.


Time to... read  delete the company spam, and then go back into battle with yesterdays major equipment...

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Good morning all, 
Dry and breezy at the moment but some rain forecast. Should brighten up later with some sunny spells this afternoon.

A splendid lunch hour (x 3) was spent with Steve yesterday. The speed of his recovery is quite amazing. He is a member of a local health club and has been slowly increasing exercise (under careful supervision). He is now capable of a 2 mile gentle walk which would have been unthinkable even a couple of weeks ago. Puts me to shame as my back is still playing up and walking even a couple of hundred yards is a bit of an effort.

Talking of effort the weekly tussle at Sainsbury's is due this morning. She will say "You don't need that" and I of course will put it in the trolley. I will probably get "words of advice" about my conduct :threaten: but I don't care. If I want cake, wine or beer then I will jolly well have it and hang the consequences .    :punish:  :blackeye:  So there! :whistle:

There may be some muddling done later.

Have a good one,


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The gas man cometh! They are installing nice yellow plastic pipes to replace the leaky cast iron ones.


Gas turned off this morning due to be switched on later this afternoon.


Meanwhile I am off to the Honda dealer as, when they serviced it, they found a fault on one of the window mechanisms. Free replacement so...time to go...


Have a great 24 hours on Planet Earth.




PS positive thoughts to all of our "missing" ERs.

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The results of yesterdays work, I have now processed and tore my hair out for a couple of hours trying to work out what I did wrong....


To be told they have changed a procedure :O  and I have to enter a value in a certain box... I now have to wait another 5 hours for the rerun to complete....


I've not got much hair left.....

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Morning all and it's been a rainy one so far this morning. 

I got marooned in the garage whilst there was a downpour. 

The only thing I could think to do whilst in there was play with my toy trains.  :sungum: 


Yesterday's paperwork filling was completed but I couldn't help but notice that the variety of fonts, font sizes, font colours, left, right, centre justification used in their form must have been a test. 

I spent some time tidying up the form before submitting it.  :rtfm:

I then tidied my pens and made sure my rule was parallel with the edge of the table. 


After that I went out to the garage and spotted that under the heap of power tools, bottles of random glue, wood off cuts, short pieces of wire that will never be used for anything, bits of scrunched up paper there was a layout.  :jester:

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a bit of hail here about an hour ago followed by bright sunshine thats now turned a bit hazy, wind is still blowing though. The fox is still around, it shot out from undeneath a neighbours car when I went out yesterday, and it was fast. I don't mind foxes, they keep things like rats and mice away. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a bit of hail here about an hour ago followed by bright sunshine thats now turned a bit hazy, wind is still blowing though. The fox is still around, it shot out from undeneath a neighbours car when I went out yesterday, and it was fast. I don't mind foxes, they keep things like rats and mice away. Thats it for now, be back later.

Yes, but the mess that they are prone to make is very hard to clean - as I found one morning on our front doorstep. it ate into the PVC....


As for the time one has overindulged on the mushrooms growing in the lawn.....



Morning all!. Good to read good news about Steve. Hope all is well for everyone else. Must dash now

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Morning all.

Everything seemed to take a long time this morning. However I can start a little job. The lock on the back door to the garage is a 5 lever sash lock but doesn't appear to have any certification. So I have bought a better one. According to the insurers my policy doesnt require it(nice postcode!) but I suspect they will one day. Though I watched an episode of "Ambulance" and it showed a police officer forcibly entering a door so the paramedics could access a flat. I don't think my new lock would have slowed him down at all. I was watching the series as a couple of cousins work for the West Midlands Ambulance Service. Cousin Andy is allegedly on tonight's episode!


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Classic car insurance can sometimes throw up some wildly differing quotes. In relation to the CX GTi, I've been obtaining quotes from Footman James, Hagerty, and Lancaster - all of whom are specialists in this field. I'm also toying with asking for a callback quote from Adrian Flux.


On exactly the same facts (including a proposed 5000 miles/year), I've had the following:


Footman James: £395 p.a.

Hagerty: £287 p.a

Lancaster: £285.76 p.a. (monthly direct debit) or £253.31 p.a. (up front)


I'm just trying to work out why Footman James is over £100 more than the others......  :scratchhead:


Have any of you dealt with classic car insurance and received a bizarre spread of quotes?

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1984,  modified Landrover 110, quotes ranged from over £600 to £180 which was with Adrian Flux, that was some years ago So the Landy is now £280 still with AF.


Note, I'm in a very low crime area and Saga gives me quotes for everything else...


Oh the Kia Rio The broker I was with started increasing quotes every year till they wanted over £400, Saga gave me a quote of £160....


Oh I meant to say i visit a couple of land rover forums and the spread of quotes can be huge, some companies just don't want your business and give silly quotes.

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Have any of you dealt with classic car insurance and received a bizarre spread of quotes?


Try Peter James - I believe he is the same Mr James who was a partner in Footman James and then sold the business to one of the large conglomerates and set up another business. About 7 years ago I was trying to arrange insurance for my son's 1978 Mini. At the time both FJ and PJ had similar quotes but we left the car insured in my name until he was 21 and had a year NCD on his daily car. Went back to both and FJ had gone up by a couple of hundred and PJ had gone down by a similar amount - so guess where the business went . . . . .





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