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Early Risers.


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Chris......forget Tupperware etc, ask in your local takeaway (Chinese) for some takeaway containers........ I ended up with more than you can shake a stick at.


A labelling machine was also a sound investment........


I now have something like 200, not all in use of course but I'm slowly getting round to filling them with such things as cotton buds, tyre weights, pipettes and a myriad of other 'useful' modelling things.


Daughter also blagged a few.......for make up, in exchange for some rather useful makeup ( weathering) brushes!

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Good Morning All,


I have been absent as of late as I have been getting things moving (or trying to) with my business. So far one dead-end teleconference and a lot of "thank you, that's nice to know. We'll be back in touch should we need your services". Basically, a business version of "don't call us, we'll call you" (but at least the ones who wrote back to me with such statements actually had the decency to reply to my mails - unlike many others).


I still need to tweak the website (my thanks to BBishop and JohnDMJ for their comments [pm me if you'd like to have a a look at it]).


Diet proceeds apace: I am now at -33Kg with another 12.5Kg to go. If I can get to my target weight before Christmas I have decided that I will reward myself with one of these: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LPTR17SGNH2 (assuming I can find one around here). SWMBO will not be amused at yet another guitar entering the house, but I do regret having sold off my Wine Red Gibson Les Paul Standard (but I did use the money to buy the David Gilmour Stratocaster, with which I am very happy) and I really want to have something to show for spending a year on a diet....


Railway modelling is on hold. I have some buildings to finish for Jamie92208 which are awaiting some etchings (and those of you of a certain age may recognise the innuendo concealed in the innocuous word "etchings"; as in "come up and see my etchings"). Assuming the new Oxford Rail 6 wheel Toad is reasonably priced, I may acquire an extra two for some GWR 6 Wheel wagon projects I have "on hold". I find that there is something rather appealing about the GWR 6 Wheeled Wagons.


SWMBO and the Wolfpack are in the Holiday Hovel and I'm enjoying (if that's the word) the rain - having had to cycle around the place in the absence of a car. SWMBO informed me that, on their first walk in the mountains, Lucy hunted, caught and killed a field mouse (although she wasn't allowed to eat it). She's quite the Amazonian warrior is Lucy.


Well enough senile dribbling from me. I'll try and keep more up to date with ERs than I have been and - I hope - contribute meaningfully and eruditely to the conversation.


Stay Frosty Folks



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Found the bottle of PVA without having to purchase another one, needless to say when looking for something else. I can now get on with assembling the 'flat pack' baseboard. The planned layout is still flexible and I am awaiting delivery of a new publication 'Plymouths Hidden Railways' even one of the cover pics looks like a micro layout. http://www.twelveheads.com/t925.htm hopefully it will give me more ideas.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


I forgot to mention earlier, mid afternoon, whilst half way through cutting the fence panel, my circular saw packed up! So I ended up dismantling the trigger switch and found a small piece of wood inside it. How a piece of wood got inside a sealed switch is beyond me, but there you go! Once I'd cleaned it out and reassembled everything I was then able to carry on cutting the fence panel.


Goodnight all.


I guess it depends on the IP rating of not just the switch itself but the overall product. I'd have assumed with a circular saw it would need to be first digit 6 or higher

I imagine the test procedure is standardised, much like the water ingress tests, whereas you may have found a new way of defeating it!

Congratulations, you win a prize*. :danced:


* prizes are in terms of kudos alone and have no monetary value, terms and conditions apply. Please go to the end of the galaxy to see a copy of our terms and conditions. Prize winners are drawn at random by our in-house sketch artist. And he is very random. And sketchy; especially after a liquid lunch; He doesn't work mornings.   

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Good Morning All,


I have been absent as of late as I have been getting things moving (or trying to) with my business. So far one dead-end teleconference and a lot of "thank you, that's nice to know. We'll be back in touch should we need your services". Basically, a business version of "don't call us, we'll call you" (but at least the ones who wrote back to me with such statements actually had the decency to reply to my mails - unlike many others).


I still need to tweak the website (my thanks to BBishop and JohnDMJ for their comments [pm me if you'd like to have a a look at it]).


Diet proceeds apace: I am now at -33Kg with another 12.5Kg to go. If I can get to my target weight before Christmas I have decided that I will reward myself with one of these: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LPTR17SGNH2 (assuming I can find one around here). SWMBO will not be amused at yet another guitar entering the house, but I do regret having sold off my Wine Red Gibson Les Paul Standard (but I did use the money to buy the David Gilmour Stratocaster, with which I am very happy) and I really want to have something to show for spending a year on a diet....


Railway modelling is on hold. I have some buildings to finish for Jamie92208 which are awaiting some etchings (and those of you of a certain age may recognise the innuendo concealed in the innocuous word "etchings"; as in "come up and see my etchings"). Assuming the new Oxford Rail 6 wheel Toad is reasonably priced, I may acquire an extra two for some GWR 6 Wheel wagon projects I have "on hold". I find that there is something rather appealing about the GWR 6 Wheeled Wagons.


SWMBO and the Wolfpack are in the Holiday Hovel and I'm enjoying (if that's the word) the rain - having had to cycle around the place in the absence of a car. SWMBO informed me that, on their first walk in the mountains, Lucy hunted, caught and killed a field mouse (although she wasn't allowed to eat it). She's quite the Amazonian warrior is Lucy.


Well enough senile dribbling from me. I'll try and keep more up to date with ERs than I have been and - I hope - contribute meaningfully and eruditely to the conversation.


Stay Frosty Folks



Nice Axe, :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum: 


I wish I'd never sold ANY of my Guitars.

















But I still have my Acoustic.


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  • RMweb Premium

Nice Axe, :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:


I wish I'd never sold ANY of my Guitars.



attachicon.gifStrat 8.jpg


attachicon.gifStrat 6.JPG


attachicon.gifAlden 001.JPG


attachicon.giffareham f 19 03 05.JPG


attachicon.gifred nose day 2005 c.JPG


attachicon.gifvospers8 25 sep 04.JPG


attachicon.gifStratergy with Chris on Drums.jpg


But I still have my Acoustic.

attachicon.gifJasmine 1.jpg


I just wish I could play a guitar.



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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,


Very sunny but a bit nippy.  Herself has been out on the community gardening lick with, apparently, some success if you measure it by 'rubbish bags filled' .  I meanwhile have been in discourse with Mactech or whatever they abbreviate themselves too over some operating problems with the iMac - various test/restoration (allegedly) procedures will commence shortly so you might not not hear from me for some time should I, or the 'puter, fail dismally and I have to send it in to the eggspurts for more expensive attention.


Anyway the lack of a 'puter might give me a chance to join the latest fashion and assess my unmade/part made kit pile - I know there are about at least 50 Airfix wagon kits for a start plus, I think, 4 or 5 turntable kits from the same concern and as many, or more, engine shed kits.  On the heavyweight side there is at least one loco kit in a Cotswold Models box such is its age and several from Mr Wills when they were still made by Mr Wills - I believe this is called 'planning for the future' (or sheer laziness, or lack of a round tuit).


Enjoy the rest of your day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Chris......forget Tupperware etc, ask in your local takeaway (Chinese) for some takeaway containers........ I ended up with more than you can shake a stick at.


A labelling machine was also a sound investment........


I now have something like 200, not all in use of course but I'm slowly getting round to filling them with such things as cotton buds, tyre weights, pipettes and a myriad of other 'useful' modelling things.


Daughter also blagged a few.......for make up, in exchange for some rather useful makeup ( weathering) brushes!

A dab of Blusher would look OK with those shirts you wear.  :whistle:

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I put an Nem coupling from Bachman iircon the front of my Q1. It was slimmer than Kadee's and a bit longer. Haven't seen them since. It fit between some of the buffer beam details.

Interesting, be nice if those were available. Due to the lovely front buffer details I run all my Q1's (three and holding!) without front coupling, no tender first for these locos...





Wet here and we've had serious amounts of rain and thunderstorms all last evening and throughout the night. Ark not started YET, but at this rate may be moved up the to-do list! :O


Mrs appears to have a recurrence of a sore throat/cold that she thought she'd got over last week :(

Nowt else to report on any other fronts.


16 overcast and light rain retrieving the newspaper, expected to rain all day, high approaching 19.


Carry on.

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  • RMweb Premium

Staples often do BOGOF offers on 64 litre boxes which would suit many modellers unmade kit collections.


I had some MTK kits - a skip would have been more suitable than a box.




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  • RMweb Gold

An NVRAM reset has, I think, eventually been carried out although whether or not it has achieved anything won't be know until Mrs Stationmaster tries to bring the machine back into life tomorrow morning.  For now I'll keep it turned on and trust it will continue to work - the biggest problem is persuading it to come to life when first turned on and I suspect (in my general ignorance of such matters) that the noises it does make indicates that it gets bored searching for its start up programme so simply gives up until it's been given a bit of a rest and a few more spins of the disc.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

I forgot a cockwomble yesterday a garishly orange attired motorcyclist was about 5 cars ahead in the middle of the right hand lane which is right turn only. When the lights turned green he went straight ahead and out dragged the car in the correct left hand lane.


Today the orange cockwomble tried the same again, he opened the throttle and....


The bike died, he was left there fiddling with switches ( and not a lot happened) as we in the left hand lane gently drove past. I suppose the good thing is he wasn't blocking our lane...

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting, be nice if those were available. Due to the lovely front buffer details I run all my Q1's (three and holding!) without front coupling, no tender first for these locos...




If you need another one sans a sand pipe, please let me know.

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  • RMweb Gold

An NVRAM reset has, I think, eventually been carried out although whether or not it has achieved anything won't be know until Mrs Stationmaster tries to bring the machine back into life tomorrow morning. For now I'll keep it turned on and trust it will continue to work - the biggest problem is persuading it to come to life when first turned on and I suspect (in my general ignorance of such matters) that the noises it does make indicates that it gets bored searching for its start up programme so simply gives up until it's been given a bit of a rest and a few more spins of the disc.

A strong contender for such a fault is an imminent hard disk failure assuming your Mac has a disc hard drive and not some solid state device. Back up anything precious. My Mac had a total failure after an update to iTunes. It wouldn't even restore from a time machine backup. However all the data was elsewhere so just lots of time required to reinstate. By the way High Sierra installed nicely though slowly on my Mac.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

A strong contender for such a fault is an imminent hard disk failure assuming your Mac has a disc hard drive and not some solid state device. Back up anything precious. My Mac had a total failure after an update to iTunes. It wouldn't even restore from a time machine backup. However all the data was elsewhere so just lots of time required to reinstate. By the way High Sierra installed nicely though slowly on my Mac.


Very true Tony although when the previous hard disc failed (there had been a duff batch of them) there was no warning at all, one minute all was hunky dory and the next second it wasn't.  In the meanwhile the standalone hard drive has everything copied onto it, including the various 'dross' of old photos, drawings, letter outlines/headings and whatever else that litters my desktop as part of my bid to make it look just like a real desk.


If the NVRAM reset hasn't done the trick and the thing won't boot up tomorrow it will be off to the Mac shop for attention although, with fingers firmly crossed, the screen 'flickering' (actually just going a bit darker then coming back to normal brightness does seem to have reduced in frequency (which is one of the things the reset should have achieved. And when it returns it will no doubt have High Sierra onboard.

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  • RMweb Premium

Reading about all these kit surpluses I'm reminded that Mr Coleman made his money from the mustard left on the side of plates, not what they ate. 


Meanwhile back at the form-face I've finished scanning documents and filling out paperwork. 

A glass of wine is now in my hand. 

Well, it WAS a glass of wine. It's not just a glass.

I'm going to cure that problem very shortly. 


Progress on the autumn / winter shunting plank has come along nicely and there may not be enough left to do on it to see the winter out. 

Ha! Who am I trying to kid. The Aldershot show will give me a chance to purchase some extra kits to fill in gaps, add detail, put in a draw.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Got a surprise this morning, the postie knocked and delivered a package from Atlas. The surprise was it was an item from the 'World of Stobart' series which as far as I am concerned was completed a couple of months ago. On opening the packet I found it was a duplicate model of one I had received. So I went to my account and I saw that the model that I had received was listed in place of another model (that I had received). The statement enclosed stated zero to pay so I have another model free of charge. I'm not going to tempt fate by sending it back as Atlas couldn't organise a p!ss up in a brewery. I've had a visitor in the back garden the last few days, a young fox, he(she?) was sunning itself on the patio. It looks pretty healthy, probably one of this years cubs. It wasn't in a suitable position for photographing from inside the house and needless to say if I went out to photograph it it would be gone in an instant.

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  • RMweb Gold

Very true Tony although when the previous hard disc failed (there had been a duff batch of them) there was no warning at all, one minute all was hunky dory and the next second it wasn't.  In the meanwhile the standalone hard drive has everything copied onto it, including the various 'dross' of old photos, drawings, letter outlines/headings and whatever else that litters my desktop as part of my bid to make it look just like a real desk.


If the NVRAM reset hasn't done the trick and the thing won't boot up tomorrow it will be off to the Mac shop for attention although, with fingers firmly crossed, the screen 'flickering' (actually just going a bit darker then coming back to normal brightness does seem to have reduced in frequency (which is one of the things the reset should have achieved. And when it returns it will no doubt have High Sierra onboard.

The High Sierra wallpaper is quite autumnal! One has to be careful with any Mac criticism, being carted off at 2am for reeducation isn't a lot of fun

A rather hysterical young man once "banned me for life" from Apple demonstrations. He thought I had deliberately crashed his program. This was way before Apple had their own stores.

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No, the power tools are missing.


Thought he was just as effective without them :)

The High Sierra wallpaper is quite autumnal! One has to be careful with any Mac criticism, being carted off at 2am for reeducation isn't a lot of fun

A rather hysterical young man once "banned me for life" from Apple demonstrations. He thought I had deliberately crashed his program. This was way before Apple had their own stores.

When you installed High Sierra, did you get rid of all the carp first?

Edited by Coombe Barton
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